Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 408: : Rainbow Paradise?

Tepes saw the front line stopped and hurried up to inquire about the situation.

At the first sound, blood can boil.

He laughed with the strangers and humanoid guards: "Don't worry, blood boiling is a good thing! Out of control? No, blood boiling is just a benign gain and will never get out of control! We have gone through this channel dozens of times. , There has never been an accident, please rest assured, I will never lead my friends to a path of no return!"

"Why are there such radiation fluctuations in the secret passage?" Philip was puzzled.

"I told you before that in the Stone Forest, a super wizard named Timothy once studied an array {Pig}Pig Island{小} and said 3.zhu, but it exploded. The mysterious array. The secret has only sunk into the ground and is not known to the outside world. Although Timothy’s research has failed, the radiation energy he left has not been completely dissipated. This is why the radiation energy in the secret tunnel fluctuates so strongly! There is another one! Secret, I don’t know if it’s true. Before the Lord of Ozzi, a long time ago, there was a wonderful legend that there was a gap in time and space created by the Big Bang under the rocky forest. Through that gap, people You can enter another beautiful garden-like rainbow paradise.” Tepes specially introduced the secret of the chaotic stone forest.

"Rainbow Paradise?" Leonard and the others really became interested.

"Yes, this rainbow paradise is said to be a beautiful paradise created by Timothy in an unknown space. Because he disappeared in the big bang, this beautiful rainbow paradise was also lost in a certain space under the rocky forest. It is only very special. Time and vacancy will be revealed. It will be discovered by the outside world. Of course, this is only a legend. We have entered the bottom of the rocky woods dozens of times. We have never found any time and vacancy, nor have we discovered the Rainbow Paradise!" Everyone tell a story.

"The second secret path goes straight to the bottom of the rocky forest?" Thomas frowned and asked.

"Speak as you walk!" Tepes motioned to continue on. At the same time, he nodded affirmatively to Thomas' inquiry: "To be precise, both the first secret passage and the second secret passage are cracks in the ground exploded by the big explosion. We will repair it a little bit and transform it into a tunnel."

"This tunnel seems to have been built for a long time?" Arius thought the tunnel might be hundreds of years old.

The camp can last for more than ten years.

The two are not the same thing at all.

He suspected that before the construction of the camp in Tepes, someone had already opened up this tunnel, and it lasted for a long time, but in the end he didn’t know what to do, and Tepes took advantage of it. A camp was built at the exit as a cover.

"The predecessor of City Lord Özie has come in, but several powerful City Lords in succession have been inexplicably lost under this rocky forest. Therefore, since the predecessor of City Lord Özzi, he has given up on the rocky forest. The exploration of the ruins, including the current Lord Özi, spread out, and did not focus on the dangerous rocky forest bottom.” Tepesh explained in detail.

"Is there a monster here?" Philip asked.

"No, there are no creatures in the secret passage. It is very safe here. We have come in so many times and we have not encountered a monster. I don't understand what the disappearance of the city master is, if it is not true. Fact. I still can't believe it!" Tepes shook his head.

"Did the missing City Lord enter the Rainbow Paradise?" Leonard asked suspiciously.

"It's just suspicion, but there is no evidence." Tepes shook his head again.

"Have anyone come back to Rainbow Paradise?" Bloody Mary asked this crucial question.

"A long time ago, someone claimed to have entered Rainbow Paradise. They also described what they saw in it, according to the description. Rainbow Paradise is a beautiful garden full of beauty. It can be called the Paradise of Eden, but in fact, claiming to have entered Those who have passed by are almost all insane lunatics, no one dares to believe what they are saying." Tepesh paused, rummaged in his backpack for a long time, and finally turned out a hand-drawn but beautiful and unusual book, handing it over. To Archbishop Nero: "This is the "Rainbow Paradise" circulated in our purgatory. It contains all the interesting secrets. Generally speaking, we look at it as a fairy tale, because what it says in it, That's incredible."

This book circulated slowly in the hands of the leaders.

Everyone took advantage of the time on the road.

Watch the content and illustrations above in a hurry.

In the end, when no one could get the answer, this "Rainbow Paradise" was transferred to Lin Dong.

Lin Dong couldn't understand, Fox and Kazama Keiko came to him to translate the Latin above: "In the deepest part of the stone forest, at the end of the **** maze, exhausted, we finally walked to the Rainbow Gate. At this moment. , I believe that the legend is true. The rainbow garden that Timothy spent half his life building is really left here."

"Passing through the gap of time makes people want to die, maybe because of the instability after the big bang, every minute and every second here may swallow life..."

"Test, I really can’t think of it. Entering Timothy’s garden, I have to go through an extremely maddening test! Fortunately, I am a very smart and strong man, and a small test cannot stump me. , It’s just that my closest companion, my most trusted friend, stayed there forever. In addition to him, there are twenty-eight companions, with so many people accompanied, I hope my Chris will not feel lonely! "

"The passage to the garden is very complicated. The countless guide cards are densely packed and even more confusing than a maze. I firmly believe that as long as you always walk in one direction, you will definitely be able to reach the end. Yes, I chose to always keep to the right. , So I succeeded!"

"No words can describe the scenery I see, beautiful? No, the word beauty cannot describe one ten thousandth of it. If I use this word to describe it, it would be a crime! A kind of inexcusable profanity My God, it is so spectacular, I never thought that in my life, I could see such a perfect and wonderful existence! I am afraid that the legendary Garden of Eden is nothing more than that, if I can live here forever , I am willing to pay all the price!"

"I leaned over the stream. I drank a sip of water. The sweet and wonderful taste made me tremble with happiness!"

"The previous exhaustion was gone. This is not an illusion, but a real physical response. My injury is getting better quickly, and my physical strength and spirit are fully relieved. This is just a sip of water, and I already have this. Energy, if I live here, maybe within a year, I will be able to rise to a higher level, and the bottleneck that I could not break through for more than a decade will disappear and disappear!"

"The flowers are smiling at me... the bird is singing for me, and the beautiful flying horse. And the lovely flower fairy wearing a flower crown is dancing around me!"

"What did I see? Dragon, it is so friendly!"

"A ruby ​​bigger than a human head? Haha, of course I like this gift, but I don't know how to take it out of this garden! Oh, how could I think of leaving here, no, I will never leave!"

"Castle, I have seen dozens of castles. Each one is magnificent and magnificent. Some are suspended in the sky, among the white clouds, and some are floating on the other side of the water. The white towers hang down hundreds of waterfalls. There are people in the castle, yes, maybe the seekers before me. Maybe the inhabitants of the garden, kind and hospitable. They rushed to send out a carriage and invite me to be a guest! Beautiful girl like a fairy. I saw it by myself. You, my heart will let you be a prisoner, how can I refuse your invitation, if you frown, that would be the greatest sin in my life!"

"After living here for a few days, I have been a student of griffins. I like this kind of creatures, especially when diving down at a high altitude. It is really exciting! Of course, this is based on a beautiful teacher behind the scenes. Holding me firmly, I like this kind of flying together!"

"It's a totally sweet, happy and joyful day. I can't stop for a second here and enjoy every moment to the full. I don't want to miss any wonderful life. Ah, my heart is full of joy! The most What makes me satisfied is that someone shares everything about me. Yes, there is nothing more perfect in the world than this! Beautiful girl, God knows how much I love you!"

"Going back, I have never thought about this problem, but she thought of my relatives and friends for me, yes, the kind-hearted she even asked me to go back and bring relatives and friends to enjoy the beauty together. My God, pure and innocent, she, I thought the outside world would be the same as here. No, if I go back, I might get countless people to be arrested, tortured and tortured to ask everything here..."

"For her, to protect the secrets here, I can't go back! Never let the dirt outside pollute this place!"

"Life flies quickly. Ten years have passed. I have lived here for ten years. If she hadn’t reminded me, I would have only lived here for ten days. Yes, happy days are always in a hurry. Fortunately, There is an infinitely bright future here! Today, she once again mentioned the topic of letting me go back and bringing relatives and friends to enjoyment. She is so selfless. I felt ashamed in my heart when I saw her holy face. I can’t just think about myself, I have to let more people share the happiness here... And with absolute strength, I don’t have to be afraid of onlookers anymore, I have enough self-protection ability, I can completely lead me quietly His relatives and friends leave without disturbing the dust in the world."

"I decided to go on the road and looked at her. I wanted to stay countless times, and my heart felt painful. I'm really afraid that this is a beautiful dream. I'm really afraid that once I leave, everything here will cease to exist. But, Under her smile, my self-confidence and strength have increased thousands of times. For a more perfect life and greater life challenges, I chose to leave! Of course, I chose to leave for a better return...waiting I, beautiful girl, your loyal knight, will return soon, and once he returns, he will always guard your smile until death!"

Finished reading this beautiful book.

Fox and Kazako were sweaty.

In their view.

This "Rainbow Paradise" is really a fantasy book.

In the form of notes, it introduces in detail what you have seen and heard in Rainbow Paradise, including all kinds of peculiar buildings that are almost impossible to exist or establish, all kinds of impossible existence are limited to legendary creatures, all kinds of incredible flowers and plants, and A variety of miraculous stone minerals.

Even the water in the Rainbow Paradise has dozens of different effects. Some drink one sip to be ten years younger, and some drink one sip to heal the injury.

Some can even turn people into different animals with one sip.


The author of this book also depicted dozens of nearly a hundred characters, of which his lover Grace is the most and the most beautiful.

This kind of beauty has almost reached the limit of aesthetics, and it is almost impossible to exist. However, the author who is particularly admired for her painting skills repeatedly depicts her various images, including front, side, bust and full-length portraits, and various flying lives. picture of.

In his writing, this girl Grace is a flawless existence.

But because it is too perfect, it seems very unreal.

Is there such a woman in the world?

Fox and Kazamaeko don’t think it’s true. They both think this Grace is the author’s ultimate fantasy. At the same time, the entire book is an illusory work that he spent a lot of time writing to satisfy his own YY, not Real notes and travel notes.

"What do you think of Mr. Muju?" Tepesh seemed to be very concerned about Lin Dong's views, and asked specifically, "Does Mr. Muzu think it is a fantasy?"

"What happened to the author who told the secret of Rainbow Paradise?" Lin Dong asked back.

"You mean that lunatic?" Captain Babu next to Tepesh laughed. He raised his steel arm and waved vigorously: "That lunatic wandered around in purgatory, telling everyone about his experience, so that everyone could follow. He went to Rainbow Paradise, and at first he tricked some people into believing it ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, those who followed him soon discovered that he was actually a mentally lunatic. He sang and danced every day, wandering around, and others gave horse dung. The lunatic who ate, pissed, and drank was the author of this book. As for later, he seemed to fall into the water and let the hungry snakehead crocodile tore it to pieces and eat it!"

"Thank you, I already have the answer." After listening, Lin Dong nodded slightly, and then returned the book to Tepes. As for Tepes' previous question, he smiled without answering.

Tepes didn't get the answer, with a little regret.


He did not continue to question, instead he talked cordially with Leonard and the others.

Fox and Kazama Zhizi followed Lin Dong and walked for a while. Fox suddenly said with suspicion: "This ending seems a bit suspicious, right? A lunatic shouldn’t be locked up slowly. Is the research right? Does the Rainbow Paradise exist? Let’s leave it alone, how can a lunatic know that Rainbow Paradise is under a forest of rocks? And there are many weird patterns painted in this book. If no one has touched this book, then This madman should know the secret of the stone forest before he goes crazy! His death may also be related to this! At the same time, the spread of this book is also a deliberate game by some people!" (To be continued... )

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