Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 410: : Cryptography

Lin Dong's side.

He took everyone to start a new exploration.

The Griffin followed all the way, retreating from the spacious underground space, and back to the edge of the stone arch bridge. However, he found that the Lord God he admired did not walk towards the stone arch bridge, but made a big circle and stupidly walked towards the bottomless abyss. His heart almost exploded on the spot, and he rushed forward and opened his arms to stop him. Stopped loudly: "Stop, this is the abyss, there is no road ahead at all!"

He thought that Lin Dong was bewildered by something like ghosts and illusions.

Desperately stop.

&%Pig%Pig%Island%Novel ww.nbsp;I hope to awaken the consciousness of Lord Celestial.

"This is actually a road of trials. Both courage and wisdom are indispensable. If you have the confidence to challenge yourself, you can come up and have a try." Lin Dong smiled.

He slowly raised his right foot and gently stepped on the void.

Obviously nothing.

But Lin Dong's feet seemed to be firm. Under the unbelievable gaze of Griffins and theirs, he slowly raised his left foot, stepped forward inconceivably, and stepped onto the void before the cliff.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, then Griffin can't believe this is true. Moreover, even if he kept staring intently, he still suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes. How is this possible, it is obviously void, how can it be suspended above it? Is this a dream? From the beginning, I have to fall asleep, and I have not been awake until now!

The Griffin looked back.

Looking at the expressions of Jonathan and Remiga, they also looked shocked.

"I understand, this is a completely transparent crystal bridge!" Fox leaned down and stretched out his hand to stroke it for a while. I found that although the eyes could not see anything, the palms could touch the existence of the ‘bridge’.

"It's definitely not made of crystal. But there is indeed a transparent bridge." Kazama Zhizi also leaned down and carefully observed the bridge that Lin Dong walked.

She was suddenly in her baggage.

Take out an exquisite ceramic bottle.

As if the bottle was filled with an extremely precious treasure in the world, Kazama Hesitated again and again. She was reluctant to use it, and finally saw Lin Dong's back go further and further in the void, and she couldn't keep up if she didn't move, she gritted her teeth and made up her mind. Kazamaeko opened the cork and poured out some sparkling powder like phosphorous powder.

Kazama Keiko gently sprinkled the powder on the transparent bridge in front of him.

I saw the void.

Little flashes of light, set off a small but two-fingered ‘transparent bridge’ that stretches forward and does not know where the end is.

What makes Griffins feel the most hairy in their hearts is that this transparent bridge is a soft bridge. It trembles constantly in the void, and sometimes it is even blown high and low by the whirling airflow on both sides of the cliff. The feeling of shaky feeling, let alone walking up, will feel sour at the bottom of its feet.

"Courage? I have! Wisdom is not lacking!" Kazama Zhizi gritted his teeth, drew a string from his waist, beware of accidents, and then walked up cautiously.

"If you don't dare to leave, stay!" Fox sneaked up while the shining powder hadn't disappeared.

Lin Dong has drifted away.

The back figure is getting smaller and smaller.

Keiko Kazama and Fox slowly followed behind him.

With the shining powder scattered all the way from Kazama Branch, Griffon could see the transparent bridge in front of him rising and falling. It was twisted like a long snake walking in the void. In the vortex of the air current, the transparent bridge was constantly undulating, and the two daughters Kazama Keiko and Fox walked on it, extremely thrilling. It seems that there is a possibility of falling into the abyss at any time, falling to pieces. The problem now is that they are agile warriors. The balance of the body is excellent, complemented by glitter powder. It's still so difficult to walk on, and most of the remaining big masters are power-type. How can you compare with them?

What if there is no glitter powder in the middle of the road?

Can't move forward.


I am afraid it will be more difficult by then!

It is indeed safe to stay and be a tortoise with a shrunken head and not put yourself in danger, but will you be willing to do that?

Come on an expedition to purgatory, for what? Just to explore the unknown and challenge ourselves, now that a mere transparent bridge is stumped, how can we enter the legendary rainbow paradise?

"Let’s go, let’s all follow! As a man, I think it’s necessary to prove that I am a qualified adventurer. Go ahead, Gods will lead the way, not to mention a transparent bridge, which is heaven and hell, too. Fearless and brave! Even if I am gone, I have proved my courage. In order to challenge the limit, in order to be among the strong, I will never stand still! Brave, my name is brave! "Gryphon took a deep breath, adjusted its state, and then took the first step bravely.

The first step is very brave.

The figure standing up is quite stalwart.

However, the next second he made Jonathan, who showed admiration, almost fainted.

The reason is that after a step, the Griffin immediately leaned down cautiously, landed on all fours like a coward, crawling on the small transparent bridge, crawling forward slowly along the glittering powder...

Jonathan bet that the current image of a griffon is not much better than a caterpillar wriggling on a branch.

"Griffin, you disappointed us too much!" Don Quixote felt like making friends carelessly.

"What about the good image of the boss?" Pan Sha felt the same way.

"Go!" Griffin was angry.

Compared to saving lives, is the brilliance of the image more important? After the image collapses, you can slowly make up. How can you make up for the loss of life? This **** transparent bridge is so thin and it keeps shaking. What if you walk up and look bright? As long as you accidentally make a mistake, your life will be over. Compared to falling under the cliff in a crushed state, the Griffon feels that it is more suitable for the caterpillar crawling now! What if it's a little bit crappy? After crossing the bridge, I can stand up and immediately restore my stalwart image!

This is a manifestation of wisdom, great wisdom, you know what a shit!

The griffin is like a reptile.

However, his approach gave everyone a revelation.

Behind him, Don Quixote, Pan Sha and others all crawled all the way with their **** pouted. It doesn't matter if the image is ugly, anyway, the boss of Griffin is in front!

Jonathan and Remiga couldn't be as faceless and skinless as they were. They half leaned down and moved their legs slowly forward.

Anyway, they are agile samurai. As long as you don't die, you shouldn't slip and fall.

Philip he left behind several shadow warriors.

Discussed in a low voice.

The two stayed behind to prepare for Lin Dongshi's response. Of course, it is also possible that Philip and his army returned from an expedition, and they could give the above one prompt in time. This transparent bridge, without Lin Dong, would be impossible for anyone to discover. For example, in Tepez, they had lived here for so many years without realizing its existence.

Lin Dong kept walking in the void. Sometimes I walked to half the sky, sometimes I walked under the deep valley.

I don't know how long it has been.

Anyway, the Griffins turned their heads dizzy.

Just when they were exhausted and couldn't hold it, Lin Dong stopped and looked back at the embarrassed Griffins: "Very well, it seems that you are all courageous and intelligent people!"

"Of course, haha, I am an adventurer by nature!" Griffin triumphed.

"Do you dare to stand up and say this?" Fox despised the man infinitely.

"I'm a strength type, and I can't compare with you." Griffon wasn't fooled, he didn't want to be competitive. It’s the final result of the exploration: "Lord God, did we arrive at the Rainbow Paradise? How do we go next? What secret door do you want to open? You send me some tasks. I am born to be a little expert in opening the secret door, such as pulling The handle of the mechanism or something, I will pull it exactly!"

"There is no mechanism handle." Lin Dong laughed as soon as he heard it: "However. There are two holes in front of us, one with black light in it, and the other with white light. Which hole do you think should be entered?"

"But I didn't see anything!" Griffin found that there was only a tall and solid stone wall in front of him. Where was the hole? Let alone black light and white light?

"Shut up!" Jonathan couldn't help it suddenly.

Shut up if you can't see you.

The one who listened to Mr. Muko. Where is so much nonsense!

Lin Dong opened his arms: "On my left hand is a cave shining with white light. On the right hand side, there is a cave with a dark glow. Choose for yourself! I don’t know if it’s a rainbow paradise, given the legend. All kinds of magical introductions, such as transforming into fruit or transforming spring water, I think that after we enter, it is necessary to create a code that outsiders can't imagine in order to prove our identity and distinguish the enemy. I will give you a code here, and we will meet in the future. At the time, the person who can ask or give the secret code is the real one!"

"So, what's the secret sign?" Jonathan and the others looked at Lin Dong intently.

"The code is..."

Lin Dong said a secret code that everyone is familiar with.

After setting up the codes for each other, Lin Dong said again: "This code is limited to the group of people we have heard so far. If you meet Philip or other companions in it, be careful not to leak the code~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise, all of us will be in danger due to leaks. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that before confirming your identity, you had better not trust anyone, or even what you saw! "

Lin Dong looked serious.

On the surface, it seemed that this was not important, but everyone nodded silently.

What will happen next? If Rainbow Paradise really exists, then everyone's adventure journey may be taken to a new level! Dangers and opportunities coexist, the gains and losses depend on how you grasp it!

"I decided to walk to the white light cave on the left. You can choose by yourself. You can walk with me or the other side." Lin Dong finished speaking and walked towards the stone wall. What made Griffins unbelievable was that the hard rock wall was like bubbles. When Lin Dong encountered it, there was a wave of ripples like water ripples, and then he was half-submerged in it.

Lin Dong half body leaned into the stone wall.

One right hand.

You turned back, waved to the people behind him, made a special gesture, and slowly submerged in it. (To be continued...)

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