Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 422: :You are too weak!

Lin Dong stretched out his hand.

Gently print the palm of your hand on the surface of the mirror.

A strange light shining through the mirror, Lin Dong felt an unstoppable repulsion, and intended to shake himself away.

"Broken!" Lin Dong insisted, pressing his other hand heavily, and thousands of stars turned into countless beautiful and unspeakable patterns out of thin air, a star formation that Timothy had never seen before, from the surface of the mirror, Keep going deep into the world in the mirror. Under the action of the star array, everything is stagnant, and even the sealed time and space, the entire ruins, are also affected by the vast star power, and the gray sky is instantly replaced by the bright starry sky.

Such a terrifying power? Star Force? Emperor *Pig*Pig*Island*The pupils of the novel w.zuzd Moss expanded rapidly.

But he found out immediately.

I can't even move a finger.

The whole body is like being forcibly cast into one body by 10,000 tons of steel.

Lin Dong singled his palm against the repulsive force of the mirror, but with his other hand, using the power of the star array, he forcibly penetrated into the world of the mirror. Put your fingers and wrists into it inch by inch.

Perhaps it was less than half a second, when Lin Dong sensed the existence of Timothy.

Immediately pull hands.

Timothy only saw a hand sticking out from the outside in front of him, and he felt that the sky was spinning, an indescribable horror force grabbed his body forcibly, and then pulled out unreasonably. In the world of the mirror, Timothy’s body moved half a millimeter to respond, hundreds of beams of light, octopus touch|hands wrapped around his body.

"Come out for me!" Lin Dong let out a violent shout.

His hands pulled hard.

The star array rotates, and the vast power temporarily overwhelms those sealed beams.

At last. Under Lin Dong's dual explosion of star power and mind, Timothy's body forced him out. Although those tactile beams were chased out and dragged on Timothy, Lin Dong once again increased his star power. Power is like a volcanic eruption, forcibly tearing off the beam of Timothy.

Timothy was strangled to death.

Covered with blood.

The scars are as numerous as the markings on a zebra.

If he was not Timothy, with great power and a near-immortal body, then let the sealing beam be twisted into a pile of minced meat!

"Thank you!" Timothy was extremely weak at this time, but he did not forget to thank Lin Dong for the first time. Lin Dong ignored him, just like throwing garbage, just throwing it on the ground.

Lin Dong pressed his hands on the mirror surface.

It was not his goal to unblock Timothy. What he really wants is this mirror.

This is a one-of-a-kind "yin and yang poles soul-staying mirror", not to mention on the blue planet, it is also very rare in the world of comprehension. There is also a name for the yin and yang polarized soul mirror. That is the ‘world, universe, yin and yang, phantom, imaginary, soul, mirror’, to be precise, the latter is its real name. The "Yin and Yang Polarized Soul Mirror" is just its name facing Lin Dong. If you add the broken side of the ‘world universe phantom virtual mirror’, then this phantom mirror treasure can be considered complete.

Magic mirror treasures.

Let alone its sealing effect. For the time being, I won't mention that there is an illusion in it. Just because it has the ability to transform the owner and the image into two different worlds at will, it is enough to make Lin Dong fascinated.

Because of the different time and space switching between the inner world and the outer world, magic mirror treasures generally have the ability to store the owner's image in a certain location, and then carry out infinite distance transmission. Teleporting the master to the same place or different space is the biggest feature of fantasy treasures, and it is also the most lacking ability in Lin Dong's current practice.

The time and space transmission that Lin Dong wants most is not to avoid taking a plane to directly transmit to a corner of the earth that has already stored images early.

But hope to use it. Return the body to the world of comprehension.

With Lin Dong's current skill.

To do this.

very difficult.

However, if in the world of comprehension, Tianshui Waterfall in the Jiu Prison Forbidden Land. If a white-clothed sect master responds, or she helps refine this mirror and directly pull herself out of the mirror world, then it is very possible to realize the return of the whole person...

"Come out, Jingling, I will be your new master from now on!" Lin Dong came to purgatory and came to the bottom of the rocky woods. What he did was this mirror.

I couldn't believe I would have such an adventure before.

Until confirmed again and again.

Only surprise and inexplicably stepped into the sealed space.

What Emperor Moss, vampires, conspiracies, in Lin Dong's heart, all disappeared.

No one can stop oneself from contracting this mirror. This is the fastest way for oneself to return to the world of comprehension. It can even be said that this is the only return path that is currently feasible!

"Who, so rude, disturbed our sister's dormancy?"

A dreamy voice rang from the mirror.

This voice.

Not to mention Lin Dong, it was Timothy who had been sealed for a thousand years, and it was the first time I heard it.

Then, there seemed to be gears turning, clicking, clicking, and humming, I don't know what made it.

An arm that looked like a puppet protruded from the world in the mirror, and then another. When a slender puppet's foot stepped out, the third arm protruded out and grabbed the edge of the mirror, as if it was a good borrowing force. Timothy had never thought about being in the mirror, and there was such a puppet dormant. He always thought that there was only himself in the world in the mirror.

A puppet with the same height as an ordinary person walked out of the mirror world with a little mechanical.

Its body is feminine.

There is also wooden skirt armor below the waist.

The body is very meticulous, no different from ordinary girls.

However, this puppet strangely has two heads and four arms.

The head facing Lin Dong is very delicate. Its original owner sculpted the small face above it almost perfectly, but for some unknown reason, there were many cracks on this face, and it was in a broken state.

If you ignore the blemishes, you can see that this delicate little face is actually the expression of a sleeping beauty, and between the eyebrows, there is a tranquility of big dreams and good sleep. Lin Dong had an illusion and saw its face. I always feel that this is a human face, not a puppet. The head of the broken Sleeping Beauty puppet, its lips quivered slightly: "Are you the one who disturbed our sister's dormancy? A strangely young but incredibly powerful little monk?"

"I don't know which magic weapon you are left here. But I need your help urgently, please make a contract with me! Perhaps, I can lead you to find your original master!" Lin Dong amicably extended to the puppet sisters A hand was out.

"Because of unknown reasons, we no longer remember who the original owner was!" The Sleeping Beauty puppet spit out dreamily.

"Even if you remember, we can't make a contract with you!" The head that was temporarily invisible behind him suddenly snorted in a vicious voice.

"Why?" Lin Dong thought that as a master, his attitude towards treasures was very correct. At least not like some monks, once trapped, use treasures instead of themselves to get out of trouble. Sometimes in order to be able to retreat smoothly, the treasure is even directly abandoned. For example, Ling Xiao beauty was abandoned by the fairy fairy listening to the dream is the best example.

"You are too weak!" The invisible head refused directly.


After Lin Dong heard this, he almost didn't vomit a mouthful of old blood.

Nimei! If you are like this, it is too weak. Then who would dare to stand in front of him and presuppose the word ‘strong’?

Compared to those great powers in the world of cultivation. Of course he is not as good. After all, he is just a rookie who has just started on the road.

Lin Dong was silent for a while, and then explained: "You can't take the power of the era before you dormant as an example, because that era. It's already gone! You have been dormant for too long and too long, and now the situation in the outside world has been. It's totally different! Besides, my potential is definitely not worse than your master. As long as we work together to climb the peak, it will be just around the corner!"

"No matter, for us, since you are not a strong one, then you can't make a contract with you." The invisible head was completely unmoved.

"Ah, this monk is as powerful as a **** to us, he shouldn't be considered weak!" Di Moss kindly helped.

"Little bug, shut up, there is no place for you to speak here!" The invisible head suddenly turned, the head of Sleeping Beauty's puppet turned back, and a sighing perfect face turned. Come here, there is no flaw on it, even if it is a puppet face, but it is equally shockingly beautiful, so that Timothy, who is extremely concentrated, almost does not lose his mind.

It turned out to be a beautiful puppet with closed eyes.

When its head turned around.

Open your eyes immediately.

As soon as that beautiful eye appeared, there was an irresistible divine power between heaven and earth, like a hurricane passing by, swept towards Lin Dong and Timothy.

Lin Dong sensed the power of this divine power, so he didn't dare to take it carelessly, spreading his palms in front of him to resist, and resisting the danger, shaking under his feet, he almost didn't let the opponent's stare power push his steps. In contrast, Timothy on the other side, like a fallen leaf in a strong wind, could not resist at all. His body was swept away by the storm 10,000 meters away, and then like a cannonball, he smashed into the ruins of the ruins. On the wall. With a ‘bang’, the drop point aroused nearly a hundred meters of dust and smoke, which remained for a long time.

"..." Lin Dong is very sweaty. He has seen a lot of fierce spirits in the cultivation world, but such fierceness is really rare~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a word.

Almost gave Timothy a second.

Even if the weak have no human rights, they can't bully people like this, right?

Lin Dong knew it was time to show some real skills, otherwise he would continue to make the opponent despise his combat effectiveness. Holding a piece of grass, I am no longer the scum that I just traversed with a combat power of about 5, okay? Don't think that you had a good master before. Don't talk about your puppet sisters. It's the arrogant beauty of Ling Xiao. Didn't you take it yourself?

Treasures such as the horned dragon guardian battle armor, the boots of the plume, the fury of the bull, etc., are put on the upper body.

The beautiful puppet beauty looked dismissively.

Just missed a word of scum.

Lin Dong was angry.

Don’t think I’m just a casual repairman who collects ragged pieces. The real treasures are just not taken out. There are big, thick and hard ones. Are you afraid? (To be continued...)

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