Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 443: :con man?

Now the core part of the real virtual 3D image does not need to be refined by Lin Dong himself.

The emptiness inside the Moyu Gourd.

Lin Dong came in.

He called out the spiritual sisters of the "Heaven, Earth, Universe, Yin and Yang, phantom and imaginary soul mirror", facing Lin Dong, was the sleeping beauty puppet sister with a broken face, but it was the puppet beauty sister who turned her back to Lin Dong: "We The main body is seriously damaged. Didn’t I tell you to sleep for a long time? The vulgar things in the world, please don’t disturb us!"

"Hey, I'm the master, OK!" Lin Dong emphasized this point in particular.

&nb\\Pig\\Pig\\Island\\Fiction www.(zhu)(zhu)().omsp; "If you weren't the master, I would slap you into meat sauce early." The temper of the puppet beauty sister Very bad, I don't know the strength, but Tsundere Jin can compete with Ling Xiao beauty.

"This seems to be a nihility space that has just been opened up... Do you want us to help you continue to expand this nihility world?" The sleeping beauty puppet sister thought that Lin Dong called her two sisters out to build this nihility world. Not only she, but the puppet beauty sister also thinks so. After all, their sisters have unparalleled abilities and experience in constructing the world.

"No, you don't need to bother here at all." Lin Dong shook his head: "I call you out to help you repair the body!"

"You are very suspicious!" The puppet beauty sister felt that Lin Dong, the ‘master’, must be uneasy and kind.

"Occasionally I will do a good deed." Lin Dong replied solemnly.

"I don't believe it!" The puppet beauty sister snorted.

"Look!" Lin Dong turned into an illusion gem, and pure energy bloomed in his hands, like a little sun. In an instant, the entire world of nothingness was stained with a golden glow.

"Impossible, are you willing to give us such a good thing to repair the body?" The puppet beauty sister felt extremely incredible.

"Please call me a generous master!" Lin Dong has nothing else. I really don’t want too many phantom gems.

"Just one phantom gem is not enough to repair my sister's face! As for the wounds of our body, we must fully recover. A hundred such energy gems are almost the same!" The puppet beauty sister said so, but her hand Stretched out, no matter how arrogant he was in his heart, he still couldn't refuse such treasures as Illusory God Gems.

"I just have a lot of phantom gems." Lin Dong conjured another one and threw it a few times like marbles in his palm: "With me, you have to work to get a reward. The greater the credit, the greater the credit. The more rewards. I can give you the first phantom gem as a meeting gift for you to follow my new master. But when the next phantom gem starts, you have to work for me. Although I don’t want to brag, I still want to Please have a clear understanding of your master, that is, me in front of you, how rich and generous, as long as I leak a little bit between your fingers, you will not only heal your wounds, but you can also climb to the top, and even become extraordinary. !"

"Extraordinary and holy. You said so lightly!" The puppet beauty sister retorted, but her voice gradually lowered.

Any tool in the world.

We all hope that there will be transcendental sanctification and the human body will enter the realm of immortality.

If it weren't for Lin Dong to be a deceased with the power of stars, and the potential is endless, then the puppet sisters would not follow him servilely. Now he made such a promise from his mouth. Sister Puppets listened, if you don't like it, it's fake!

The puppet beauty sister groaned: "It depends on what the work is. We don't do coolies! One gem is not enough to repair my sister's face. Two of them are necessary, otherwise no discussion!"

The broken-faced sleeping beauty puppet sister waved her hand: "Let's talk about work first! Maybe our sisters can't finish it!"

My sister's attitude is very correct.

In accordance with the requirements of Lin Dong.

Work first.

Get paid again.

Why did Lin Dong bring out two magical gems? Of course, it is to entice the two sisters: "That’s right, I’m going to make a mirror image of all the things I have experienced in the world of purgatory. Just like the black and white world you built when you were sleeping, people can see where I am through this mirror image. Through some means, they can even take part in the process through all the processes they have gone through. Of course, unlike the black-and-white world constructed during your sleep, this mirror image cannot be disturbed by external forces, or it’s All processes and all occurrences must be under our supervision. Without my consent, no consciousness intrusion is allowed."

"Why do you ask us to do such a simple thing!" As soon as the puppet beauty sister heard it, she turned her head around and snatched the two magic gems from Lin Dong with her arm. Leave: "Give me a moment, no, half a moment is enough!"

"Then I can do something too!" The sleeping beauty puppet sister has a gentler temperament. After receiving the magic gemstone, she bowed her hands to Lin Dong to show her gratitude.

"No, sister, you just need to sleep to repair the wounds on your face." The puppet beauty sister disdains the new job assigned by Lin Dong: "It's just a wave of hands, why bother two people!"

"I still have a place where I have been adventurous. You shouldn't have seen it before. If possible, make that as a preface! Because purgatory is more dangerous. If it is taken out at once, ordinary people may not be able to accept it. But that new one. The area named'Death Canyon' is different, and it has become a reality there. If you first show it out to let people know about it, and they have the psychological preparation, and then take out the things in Purgatory, then it won't be abrupt!" Lin Dong hopes to make the expedition in Death Canyon a mirror image first. In Purgatory, there are alien humans and vampires. As for the flying dragons, they are flying all over the sky. It is a bit too exciting to take it out all at once!

"I resonate with your memory first, but in order to ensure the clarity of the mirrored world, we also get the place to go around." The sleeping beauty puppet sister tapped her finger.

There is a group of colorful light.

Since her finger flew out, it sank into Lin Dong's forehead.

When the little light spot flew out and returned to the eyebrows of the sleeping beauty puppet sister, a strange feeling rose in Lin Dong's heart, like a trip to Latin America. The underground expedition carried out by the Mayflower group seemed to be repeated. And that memory is exceptionally clear.

"I already know something about that expedition, but to be safe. My sister and I have to go to the location and film the entire space." As soon as the sleeping beauty puppet sister said, the puppet beauty sister immediately hummed: "It's really troublesome. , Sister, you just like to make simple things very complicated! You can do it with a wave of your hand, so why go in person? I hate going out!"

However, she complained to complain.

When the sleeping beauty puppet sister raised her hand, she immediately raised her hand to cooperate, and her four palms were printed.

It instantly turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the world of nothingness. They didn't even need Lin Dong's mental guidance. You can leave directly, and you can also teleport to Death Canyon for thousands of miles.

Lin Dong sweats profusely.

What level of existence were these puppet sisters before?

Is it really a holy spirit? According to their performance, even if it is not a holy level, I am afraid it is very close!

There is no concept of time in the void world. Lin Dong felt that the puppet sisters had just disappeared one second before, and the next second they came back, and the four hands were still in the same graceful posture. As soon as the puppet beauty sister came back, she snorted: "There are so many filthy bugs, and a group of even filthy humans. Sometimes I don't understand why these lives live so ridiculously but unconsciously! "

Lin Dong doesn't want to discuss such issues with it. If people can live like gods, will they still be humans?

People are confused!

Live a mystery, and then all kinds of suspicions.

Both men and women. People are born to be troubled by love, drawn by fame and fortune, and worry about money and beauty!

If you don't like to see anything and don't be tempted to see anything, it's not a person, it's a stone sculpture! There are even such people in the world. That's not an ordinary person, that's an old monk whose heart is like still water and shaped like a dead tree! And this monk has to be not the kind of wine and meat monk who goes in and out of Mercedes-Benz with a watch and goes to the forefront of the times, and often enlightens the women who have lost their feet! The former and the latter are not the same kind of life at all!

"We were outside for a quarter of an hour or so. But here, almost nothing has passed." The sleeping beauty puppet sister was suddenly advising Lin Dong: "As your contractor spirit. We have the responsibility to admonish you, master, of this emptiness. The world cannot stay longer, otherwise it will have a lot of influence on the mind."

"I know, I'm just looking for a quieter place to talk to you!" Of course, Lin Dong dare not say that this place is used to practice the exercises, otherwise he will definitely give the puppet sisters a bad meal. My sister is okay, but I just persuade, sister. Maybe it just started spraying directly.

"Since you know you can't stay longer, don't you hurry out?" Sure enough, the puppet beauty sister raised her voice.

"Remember to give me the two mirror images tomorrow." Lin Dong felt in no hurry.

Have time.

Slowly subdue these two sisters.

Ling Xiao beauty can win them with such arrogant beauty, there is no reason not to win them!

Leaving the emptiness of Moyu Gourd, Lin Dong returned to the third basement level. He wanted to have a good chat with Yun Youyou. This Wu Xiu sister practiced the exercises every day. Although she met face to face, she hadn't said a few words yet!

However, when I returned to the underground floor hall, I scanned the badge of the Star of Hope at random, and found that there was not only no power of gratitude, but also full of malice and ridicule on it, I was furious. Nima lied to Lao Tzu's money, and even such a malicious mockery, I really can't stand you scumbags, if you don't fix your meal properly, you don't know how to write death words!

He picked up this badge and immediately went up to find Cheng Mingge.

"No. 3721, this is for the Hope Star Poverty Alleviation Program in the impoverished mountainous area. I remember it seems to be Sun Ya's project." When Cheng Mingge heard Lin Dong said that the badge was wrong, he thought it was a fake badge at first, and listened later. Lin Dong said that the above was all malicious, and then he realized that he was cheated of money. She didn't know how Lin Dong felt it, but since he said so, the matter must have not gone away! Cheng Mingge took the badge, checked it carefully, and found the person in charge of the Sky Knights, and then checked the other party’s poverty alleviation and education project fund: "53.2 million, after six accounts, this The money is not too small. Who is so bold that dare to fool us?"

"Call her to ask for clarity!" Lin Dong decided to teach this group of crooks a lesson that will never be remembered. He used to like to hand things over to the locals. Now, I am afraid that things are not that simple. He decided to do it himself and kill a chicken. Look at the monkey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to let them know what it means to not die if you don’t die!

"The money was cheated?" The girl who answered the phone started crying. The money cheated was not ten thousand twenty thousand, more than fifty million. She cried for a while, and immediately reacted: "No, the local leader will accompany you. I went to the elementary school in a poor mountainous area to inspect, and reporters followed behind to shoot videos. The local news was all on the news. How could this be a fake? Could it be that those people are all liars..."

"Just say you donate another sum of money to them, and donate another 20 million! Too much will easily cause them to doubt, you let them accompany you again!" Cheng Mingge immediately decided.

"Yes, I'll call right away!" The **** the other end of the phone was upset, and she should be right now.

"You are not in a good state now, adjust it. Wait, you come to the big house, we will discuss it again, this plan to lead the snake out of the hole, we must be foolproof, don't let the swindlers suspicious and run away! Okay, come here first! "Cheng Mingge hurriedly stopped, crying and still calling, isn't that equivalent to telling the liar that something has leaked?

"Fang Yize, you and Yang Jingxin, each bring a team." Lin Dong moved faster and had already called Fang Yize and them. The genetic warriors do not need to be dispatched, but I am afraid that one team will not be enough. God knows how many will be caught by then. people! (To be continued...)

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