Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 449: : Invitation and rejection, proud Fox

If the US$100 million customs clearance reward makes ordinary people enthusiastic, then Lin Dong’s new movie with holographic virtual images will excite the major consortia, especially the entertainment giants.

It turns out that it is really possible to film holographic virtual images.

And it's not just movies.

It seems that entertainment projects such as TV, games, and holographic virtual images are completely feasible.

"A new era of entertainment is coming!" On the talk show of a TV station in the country of'Dear Amei You Watch', a gold medal host joked at the audience humorously: "Dear viewers, I know you are reluctant to bear it. I, but, regrettably, an old antique like me, despite being particularly unwilling in my heart, has reached the brink of being eliminated. Under the torrent of the times, we old guys will soon become too scumbags to be left. Yes, maybe you can use the way of reminiscence, like the feeling of watching black-and-white photographs or silent film era movies, to miss our shows today. One day, you will be in a corner of the city, curiously pointing A depressed beggar introduced to his companion: Look, isn’t that the old friend John that we used to see every night?"

"Haha!" The audience laughed together.

"I'm discussing my work and future with you very seriously!" The gold medal host's face was serious, but it caused more audiences to burst into laughter.

The host’s assistant intervened: "John, my old friend, maybe we can change jobs!"

Upon hearing this, the host frowned: "Are you talking about changing careers? My dearest Mr. Charlie? Do you think it is too late for a 65-year-old man to change careers? I wanted to change careers a long time ago! But I have been lacking courage, come on, my friend, what can you recommend?"

The assistant brought up the topic together: "Mr. Wood set up 100 million US dollars for his new game clearance! Maybe we can team up and get the 100 million bonus!"

The host immediately yelled exaggeratedly: "You speak lightly, my God! You spare my old arms and legs! One hundred million dollars is a lot, but I don't want to be alive by monsters that come out from nowhere. Scared to death! You know, I have a heart attack, not to mention that Death Canyon is full of monsters, even if there are no monsters, walking in such a dark place for ten and a half months is enough! My dear Charlie, I know your kindness, but Please forgive me, this is really not a good idea. If I am 30 years younger, I will try it, but now, I will not consider it 100%!"

The assistant laughed: "My old friend, that's 100 million!"

"I know there are 100 million prizes! Damn, don't seduce me anymore!" The host was very mad, and the audience was so happy that they couldn't sit still, and they all laughed crazily.

Amused for a while.

The host returned to the previous topic: "Seriously, I really never thought that the era of holographic virtuality would come so soon. Some of my friends, who are directors in Hollywood, I dare say that even the most agile of them are also I'm not ready to make a holographic virtual image movie. Why is Mr. Wood going so fast? It's incredible! I'm like a classic car, climbing slowly on the highway, he's like an F1 Formula One car , I heard the sound and thought it would be a long time before he could catch up, but in the blink of an eye, he not only surpassed me, but also gave me a beautiful back! Okay, okay! I know I can’t compare Mr. Wood, but I still want to say that he is so good, so good that we can’t accept it! You must be like me, you all think he is actually an alien! The person who agreed to dissect him raise his hand, let's kill him together!"

The audience burst into tears with laughter.

However, some weird people really raised their hands at the encouragement of the host to show their support.

The assistant yelled: "John, my dear old friend, you are done! You are completely done!"

When the host heard this, his face pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Charlie, I don’t think so. Look at me, I haven’t done anything here. The conscience of heaven and earth, I’ve never done bad things as a person, and I often participate in charity evenings. For a gentleman like me, God should take care of his luck. How can he be finished if he is good?"

The assistant immediately led to the next topic in cooperation: "You said you want to dissect Mr. Wood, it's not over? Don't look at me, I guess the next guest will definitely not agree, because he is a big fan of Mr. Wood!"

"Who?" The host took out the funny defensive movements with both hands and asked: "Didn't I tell you? I was a boxer when I was young, and I'm not afraid of anyone!"

"Tell him this yourself!" The assistant shrugged.

"I stand in front of the president and dare to speak loudly." The host said that he was not afraid of being afraid. At the same time, he clenched his fists with both hands, imitating the movements of boxing and screamed forward: "If anyone dares to challenge me, I will just punch him. You can take him!"

"Very well, I'm here." Behind him, a tall man said like this.

The host turned his head.

I found that the person standing behind me was the special guest Griffin, and I immediately made a funny face that I was scared of.

The audience knew that this was a rehearsal, but when they saw this scene, they still laughed on the spot. Some audience members even booed the host and asked him to throw the griffon off with a punch.

The host waved his hand: "My dearest friends, for the sake of our long-standing friendship, stop adding fuel to the fire! Do you know who this person is? This guy is a monster! Unless I own it. The power of Superman or Spider-Man, otherwise I would never stand up against him. Give him a punch. It’s easy to say, who of you dare to come up and give him a try? It’s not a question of courage, it’s a question of intelligence, after all No matter how courage a person is, it is impossible to face a humanoid dinosaur!"


The audience was so happy, and seeing the host's slumped expression, everyone felt extremely happy.

In fact, talk shows are like this. One is to show humor, the other is current affairs news or celebrity gossip, and the third is to watch the host make fun of things.

The host calmed the audience, immediately put on a smiling face, and reached out to shake the Griffin: "It's so nice to see you, dear Mr. Griffin!"

Griffin sternly said: "Isn't it Mr. Humanoid Dinosaur Monster?"

The host shook his head like a rattle: "No, no, you must have heard it wrong, I keep calling you Mr. Griffin! By the way, brother, I forgot to tell you, I am actually a big fan of Mr. Wood, and you are the same. kind."

Griffin doesn't believe it: "I don't think there will be **** fans in the world who will send his idol to the operating table for dissection!"

The host covered his mouth: "Have you heard it all?"

The Griffin nodded.

The host had an expression of death on the host’s face, but his reaction was super fast, and he immediately changed his words: "Actually, I am a diehard fan of you! Yes, that's right. Come on, my most admired idol. Sign your old fan! Dear Mr. Griffin, think about it, if I were not your fan, how could I persuade the boss to spend three million to invite you as a guest?"

Griffin's face finally eased a little bit: "That's not bad to say!"

The host turned around and made a proud gesture to the audience.

The audience applauded desperately.

"You used to call me the witty John!" The host triumphed triumphantly at the sparse and precious hair on top of his head.

"Wise Mr. John, can you take the time to explain why your boss is willing to take three million to invite me as a guest, but I only got two million?" Griffon asked this question abruptly.

"..." The host immediately opened his mouth and murmured to himself: "Why should I say three million? Damn, I made an unforgivable mistake who never told the truth! Mr. Griffin, I can explain...Wait, I am going to form a team to participate in the adventure game. Think about it, the clearance is 100 million dollars! Let’s form a team. After the team clearance, you can walk 60% alone, I And Charlie is divided into 40%. Don’t look at me like that. I am your most sincere friend and a super **** fan. It is very reasonable to be generous to idols... I say dear Mr. Griffin, you never even beat your fans, do you?"

"Of course not, I never act on my fans." Griffon shook his head solemnly.

"I like you with such a character!" The host breathed a sigh of relief in fright.

"However, it is my true fan who can make me happily jump up and hug me with a punch!" Griffon raised its big sandpot fist and lit up in front of the host.

"John is really a fan of yours. If you don't believe me, you can ask him to prove it." The assistant next to him also felt that the host didn't die fast enough.

"I'm fainted!" The host fainted on the spot.

After some funny opening.

The audience clapped their hands to welcome the arrival of the Griffin.

To be honest, it is not easy to invite Griffins to participate in the talk show.

Fortunately, the griffon has been poorer than the sacked silk recently. He can't even get the small amount of money that makes his image shine. After the little prince Hussein showed off in front of him for a hundred times, he suffered. Make up my mind and agree to a huge invitation to a talk show on a TV station called'Big Amei, You Watch'. In fact, inviting him to do a show is not three million as mentioned before, let alone two million, but five million. At the same time, there is an agreement. If the ratings are extremely high, a certain percentage of bonuses can be divided into future.

Of course, the TV station also has additional conditions that can give priority to Griffin before appearing on the talk show.

The TV station you watch is not short of money.

They lack the hot spots that detonate the audience and the freshness of the topic characters.

When Lin Dong was not invited, they decided to invite Griffin to open a small gap first, and then invite Lin Dong or Cheng Mingge, the squad leader, when the opportunity was ripe.

"Welcome, welcome, let's welcome Mr. Griffin!" The host resumed his dignity, shook hands with Griffin warmly, jokingly said: "I was really afraid of you punching my face just now, you know, I am a boxer. Thirty years ago, it was no longer at its peak."

"You are the John of thirty years ago, and you are not enough for Mr. Griffin to punch." The assistant laughed and made up the knife.

"Surely something like that won't happen, okay?" The host confidently introduced the audience: "If I were you, I would also choose 35-year-old John instead of a few-year-old Griffin! "

"Hello, John, is it really okay for you to be so shameless?" The assistant was speechless.

"I really had a heavyweight boxer when I was nine years old." Griffin sneered back at the host.

"Is it you John?" the assistant asked.

"No, it's definitely not me!" The host shook his head with a guilty conscience.

"How do you feel that it is you?" The assistant's question represented part of the audience's aspirations.

"It can’t be mine! Because I’m not a heavyweight boxer at all. When I was young, I was just a middleweight boxer, and I was not a professional. After graduating from a prestigious school and entering a TV station as a host?" The host boasted humblely, and the audience booed together, but the host shrugged his shoulders to show that he could be invincible in the world with a thick-skinned face.

The effect of this talk show is very good.

In addition to the host’s style audience, the more reason is that the Griffin was invited to tell some unknown details of the expedition in Death Canyon.

In the interview with Griffon, people who are eager to understand the mysteries of Lin Dong's body have chosen this show one after another. The TV station’s five million is worth it, but if Griffon hadn’t refused it, they would still like to have another issue.

Griffon tells some interesting things about Lin Dong, such as the truth about the incident that Professor Jeffrey named the monster during the expedition, or the various interactions between Lin Dong and the monster. Although he did not tell the truth, it just pulled some Things related to Lin Dong, but even so, it is firmly enough to attract the curiosity of the audience.

"Look at the big sister," what the citizens desire most is the freshest gossip. Like Lin Dong, he does not accept interviews for ten thousand years. Even if he interviews occasionally, he only promotes his scientific research achievements and never mentions life. People are curious. My heart is almost bursting.

In the program, every time Griffin talks about Lin Dong, everyone rests and holds their breath.

It seemed as if the griffon would change the topic as soon as he opened his mouth.

Even the host is very careful and has been working hard to draw the topic of Lin Dong. They also know that any news about'Mr. Wood' is a golden rooster that will lay golden eggs. Otherwise, how could a profit-only TV station spend 5 million? Would the Griffin fly over and sit for an hour? It is just that Griffin is a **** fan of Lin Dong. There is a lot of Lin Dong's intelligence. If you just miss a point or two, it can cause a boom in ratings and news! But to their regret, the Griffin is very short of money, but after the five million has been paid in, they left, and no amount of money can be kept afterwards.

"Yes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, as long as you agree to the invitation, we can give out 10 million." The TV station couldn't keep the Griffin, and hit Fox again.

"I'm not Griffin's poor man who opened his eyes to money!" Fox felt that the other party was thinking too much.

"How about fifteen million?" They said that the price could be negotiated.

"No." Fox still refused.

"Twenty million, we can pay 20 million!" The TV station knows that Fox is more newsworthy. One is that she is a beautiful woman, and the other is that she has an extraordinary relationship with Mr. Muko. People are expecting something to happen between her and Mr. Muko! If she can be invited, this news is absolutely explosive.

"What I want to say is that I am not short of money, and 20 million will not let me expose my news for you to speculate! I will not have a relationship with Mr. Muko because of money issues. I know your bargaining chips. It can be added in the past, but what I want to tell you is that not everything can be bought with money, at least what happened to me will not work!" Fox unceremoniously refused, even if there is nothing on his back. The support of the gorse dynasty, but she is still proud of Fox! r1152


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