Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 454: : Based on the starting point, looking up to the peak

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   In the evening, Qian Jun and Ye Qianru returned with exhausted female soldiers.

   Continuous ultra-high-intensity **** training.

   makes them exhausted physically and mentally.

   Fortunately, the next period of time will be a rest period. They need to spend a few days to watch the movie of Death Canyon Tour, understand the various details inside, and prepare for entering the holographic virtual game. In the game, their training intensity is not lower than outside. The only good thing is that there is no life-threatening danger in the game. Even if you are killed by a monster, you will just quit the game, instead of being irreparable once you die.

   In order to let the female soldiers relax as soon as possible, Lin Dong decided to have a small barbecue party.

  All kinds of meat, fruits and wine are all ready.

  Everything is free to play.

   "Chief, are the vampires I met in purgatory, really that powerful?" The captain wanted to know Lin Dong's journey to purgatory most, but Lin Dong felt that talking to them now would easily cause confusion, so he rarely mentioned it. What she knows about the captain is what Fox and Eeko Kazama said.

"For ordinary people, vampires are a very powerful and terrifying creature, but for you, they are not invincible opponents! They control the blood in the body and use blood to fight. Because the body can be deformed, can fly, and has very weak points. Few, only the head and heart, so these monsters are very scary in the eyes of ordinary warriors. In fact, it is very easy for the real strong to kill them, especially if they have mastered the powerful'qi' warriors, they can be killed in an instant. It can cause very serious damage to them! Or a warrior whose blood can control over them can easily do this!" Lin Dong briefly explained the existence of vampires.

   "Why do vampires exist? Isn't vampires unique to mythology?" Costin had this question.

"The creatures in purgatory! We don’t have them here. I don’t know how they were born. However, they must be humanoid or humanoid warriors that use blood energy. They are not as magical as in the legend, but they are not. There is an absurdity that will disappear in the sun." Lin Dong smiled.

   "Can't the sun kill the vampire?" Yu Tongtong was dumbfounded, the legend is not like this!

   "At least the vampires I saw couldn't be killed by the sun!" Lin Dong shook his head.

   "That must be a very high-class vampire!" Yu Tongtong made a judgment.

"Actually, it has nothing to do with resisting sunlight. They are creatures, they are flesh and blood, not the legendary undead, not the vampires in games or movies! It is possible that they are afraid of the sun, because they are The eyes are very sensitive, and I am used to staying in the gray world of purgatory. If I see the strong sunlight, I will lose my sight for a short time, and my heart will be afraid. This is possible! But the world of purgatory does not have sunlight. This possibility can be said to be no!" Before Lin Dong had time to eat the grilled wings that Ming Ge had handed over, Chu Linger came over and wanted to take a bite. She took a bite. Menghuo would take a bite if she was unwilling to suffer a loss, and took a big bite, but half of it. The wings disappeared.

   "Will vampires come to our side?" The scalper asked about this topic that many people have always wanted to confirm.

   "No!" Lin Dong was very sure.

   "Brother Chief, didn't you say that we are only separated from Purgatory by one door?" Xiaoyuan's face was a little bit incredulous.

"Yes, it looks like it's just separated by a door, but it's actually a different world. I don't understand it to you now. In the future, when you are promoted, you can tell you the truth. I will talk about the reason. Now, As long as you know the creatures of other worlds, if you want to enter our blue planet, you must abide by the laws of our world, so they can't get through." Lin Dong nodded affirmatively.

   "Is there no exception?" Xiao Yuan asked curiously, tilting her head.

"If I brought back silver feather griffins to Ling'er and Menghuo, it would be possible to bring them in. It is almost impossible to enter actively. The creatures brought in, they live in our world, and they must obey us. The laws of this world are all the same, and they are no exception. Foreign countries have discovered the world of purgatory so early, which is what they call the "Holy Land", why not bring flying dragons back here and use their power to dominate the world? For example, in the Middle Ages or earlier, they could do this, but organizations such as the Dark Palace and the Gorse Dynasty only used the blood of the monsters inside to improve the blood energy of their warriors, rather than manipulating the monsters. Why? The main reason, I guess, is that after monsters enter our world, they may not have a great advantage! In the Middle Ages, they may have done so, so there will be legends such as vampires and witches, but it must be a failure. Therefore, for thousands of years, they have been hunting blood cores to improve, instead of manipulating monsters!" Lin Dong could not tell them that the blue planet is actually sealed, and the east and west worlds are still different.

   The Eastern world has the laws of the Eastern world.

   For example, some Eastern cultivation methods and some Feng Shui fortune-telling are completely ineffective in the Western world.

  Similarly, the Western world also has a set of things on their side. They are invisible and intangible on the surface, but they really exist. Western Tarot cards, astrological divination, etc., will have no effect in the East.

   This is the difference between the Eastern and Western worlds. Ordinary people can't see or sense these things. Only cultivators know something vaguely.

   The vampire looks amazing, but when he comes to the surface world of the blue planet, he may become a scum with five combat power.

   What is truly terrifying are the various monsters that can easily manipulate people in the Eastern world between their palms.

   But they were all sealed, and none of them were released.

   There are actually many secrets in the world.

   can be said to be countless.

   Lin Dong didn't want to explain these things to them, so he could only give them an affirmative answer.

  Furthermore, even if someone frantically attracts purgatory monsters to this world, and try to achieve any purpose with this, Lin Dong will unceremoniously clear it out, and will not give them any chance!

   "If you have a chance, you must go to purgatory to take a look!" The captain hopes that he can have a death challenge like Fox to improve himself in the future.

"After completing the journey of Death Canyon, my next step is to make the entire journey of purgatory, then you will know what's going on inside. Of course, there are some hidden things that can't be released to outsiders. You use them to challenge yourself. There is no problem! What's more, the real horror is not the purgatory that you know, there are more terrifying places, and you will know how weak you are when you see those!" Lin Dong smiled.

   "What?" The female soldiers were both excited and terrified.

   There is something more terrifying than purgatory. Could it be that the chief is talking about the underground palace in the underground river?

   After Lin Dong finished speaking, not only the female soldiers, but Qian Jun and Ye Qianru, also felt heart-stricken. The underground palace is powerful, they have seen it before, but they know that there must be more terrifying places, because the strength was weak at the beginning, he didn't take it to see it!

   To their reaction, Lin Dong shook his head, knowing that they had completely misunderstood.

   But I don’t correct it.

   Now let them know that the monsters in the demon refining pagoda are too early, even the first-tier monsters, they can't beat it.

   As for the seal formations on the third floor of the underground palace, don't even think about it, some Lin Dong dare not challenge it rashly now! What Lin Dong wants to take them to challenge is the monster in the dark river. Wait for them to grow further, and then challenge the real dark river monsters on the way to open the secret door with Yun Youyou before. As for the super giant monsters that are dozens of nearly a hundred meters long, they are all monsters. Based on their current level, they will work hard for ten or eight years.

"Let me make an assessment of the degree of difficulty!" Lin Dong decided to explain to them, otherwise they would still be at a loss: "Monsters in Death Canyon, because the real monsters are sealed, you treat them as if they were all eliminated. Come on! So the adventure in it is hardly difficult at all. If I evaluate it, Death Canyon is a level of difficulty of'very easy'!"

   "Ah!" Lin Dong said, the female soldiers were stupid.

   Death Canyon turned out to be very easy?

There are so many monsters in   , it is said that the real monster has been wiped out?

  If the monster is still there, can those who enter Death Canyon survive? It's incredible!

Lin Dong ignored the horrified reaction on their faces and gave another example: "Purgatory, you seem to be a terrifying purgatory. In my assessment, its difficulty is just'simple'. To be honest, it is even'normal' difficulty. It's not even considered, the monster inside is so weak!"

   "Simple?" Even Qian Jun and Ye Qianru's face changed.

   There are vampires and flying dragons in Purgatory. I heard that there are so many monsters in the mountains and all over the mountains, and they have formed a wave of demons or beasts. Is this just simple?

Lin Dong waved his hand and motioned them to calm down: "Of course, the monsters in purgatory are very powerful for you now, especially some. But where is the real scary place? It is the dark river under our feet, this The monsters below are really terrible! However, my assessment is only'normal', not'difficult', let alone'difficult'!"

   Small round face swallowed in fear, and tremblingly asked: "Brother Chief, where are the ‘difficult’ and ‘difficult’ levels?"

Lin Dong stroked the top of her head, trying to calm her down: "I have been with Yoyo in difficult places. The food for monsters there are dark river monitor lizards. It is very common for monsters to grow up to several tens of meters. What's amazing is that some monsters have a certain degree of wisdom. They are similar to the monsters in our ancient legends. They are currently incapable of being defeated by you. Qianjun and Ye Qianru, I have always wanted to take them there, but it makes no sense to go too early , If you and I don’t do our best to protect, then it is very likely that they will die instantly, so I think they must have a certain degree of self-protection ability, and then they can really get Lilian!"

   Qianjun was shocked: "If we go now, will we be second in an instant?"

   Yun Youyou patted her shoulder: "Don't talk about you now, when I walked with Lin Dong, my life was in danger. Fortunately, I ran all the way to escape."

   The female soldiers frightened such a terrifying monster, and they didn't know how to speak.

  The legendary monster?

   Is that really manpower able to contend?

   "This is still a more difficult level. Isn't the difficult thing going to die in an instant?" Ye Qianru couldn't imagine what level of existence it would be.

"There are really difficult levels, and it's not a single place. As far as I know, there are three places. One is that I have been to, challenged a monster, almost died, and returned in a narrow victory. I haven't gone to one place yet, but I know where it is. The situation. I haven’t entered the last place yet, but I’m sure that this place is probably more dangerous than the first two places!” Lin Dong said, only Yun Youyou knows the first place and the last place he mentioned. As for the one in the middle, she didn't know what was going on.

   The first place must be the third floor of the underground palace where she can't go.

   As for the last place, she should have given him the ‘Unending Mountains and Sea Map’ drawn by Lazy Fairy, the legacy of Shimen’s legacy.

   Cheng Mingge wanted to give him a spit, she was angry that his life was in danger, and she kept saying nothing, didn't he know how uncomfortable he felt after hearing it?

   Fortunately, there are so many people.

   She let it go for a while.

   But I will go back to the room to ask clearly, otherwise I can't sleep at night!

Lin Dong didn't want to hit the female soldiers too much, so he said so, just to tell them that there is no end to cultivation, don't lose your mind because of small progress, indulge in strength, and think that the world is invincible. In fact, they are all ants.

  He clapped his hands.

Wake everyone up from the shock with applause: "Just know this. The improvement is step by step. You should not be satisfied with the status quo, nor be afraid of the future. You have to make so much progress compared to the past. You should be proud of your efforts and gains. However, you have to expand your minds, stand on one, and look up to a very high peak. As long as you work hard and give more, I will take you step by step. Go, keep walking from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain! As long as you don’t fall behind, I guarantee that each of you will have the day when you stand on the top and bow your head in the world!"

   After hearing what Lin Dong said, everyone was deeply encouraged.

   It’s just that Yu Tongtong, a young lady, said bitterly: "They can practice, we are not martial artists, what should we do in the future?"

Lin Dong was very sweaty, and immediately waved his hand: "You have your cultivation methods, and I have methods. As long as you are obedient and cooperate carefully, you may not be able to fight like them in the future, but the realm is the same. If you work harder, say Maybe you are taller than them!"

   A word made Yu Tongtong relieved, and he smiled openly.

   She doesn't expect herself to be better than others.

   as long as it doesn’t fall.

   "Brother Chief, we haven't even cleared the very easy Death Canyon. When can we challenge the more difficult and difficult with you?" Xiao Yuan's face was very anxious.

"So you have to double your exercises!" Lin Dong understands her mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, the female soldiers are very anxious, he knows, but this will become the driving force for them to move forward, so he can't let them all relax Coming down, just a little bit of comfort: "It’s just starting now, don’t worry! Hurry is not enough, you should know this sentence! And your progress is actually very big, you should have not tested your battle for a long time. Is your strength worth it? Let's test it all tonight. Although this value does not represent your full strength, it is also a very close value!"

   "Let me test it too!" Qianjun also wanted to know how much he had improved during this period.

   "Who is going to test? Don't you want to be the first to test? Then I will come first!" Little round face flew into the room and took out the measurement bracelet. She swayed for a while and no one answered it. As a result, the numbers above shocked her: "Ah, this, my combat effectiveness is actually..."


   Today is going out of Guangzhou again, this chapter is updated in advance!

   I hope this time will continue smoothly! In terms of updates, Xiafei will try to ensure that everyone does not worry. A book friend said, why do you always go to Guangzhou? Always running there, do you go to meet friends or something? Of course not, I went to see a doctor!

   Some people may be worried again, but fortunately, it is not a big problem. It should be OK to spend some money. I hope everything goes well!

*********(To be continued. "This text is provided by the Breaking Dawn Update Team@ch8296929 (典典汉纸 If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for a recommendation, a monthly pass, and your support Is my biggest motivation.)

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