Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 540: : Is it a joke when the praying man arm is a car? Is it courage?

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   Opposite Xu Donghai's desk, a middle-aged man sat.

   His hair is neatly combed, his skin is fair and well maintained, and his face has almost no flaws in his eyebrows, nose or mouth. In addition to the light in the eyes, which is a little darker, the smile on his face can even give others an unsuspecting intimacy. Perhaps it is because of a noble birth and a good education. The middle-aged man sits in a chair with a very standard and natural posture. Even Xu Donghai, who is the number one figure in Dongshan City, has to admit that if one talks about the temperament of the uppermost person. , The other party wants to beat himself by more than one chip. Although Xu Donghai knew that the middle-aged man in front of him was just a red businessman with real power in leading state-owned enterprises.

   "Old Xu, this is what happened, how would you tell me to go back and talk to your second brother?" The middle-aged man's voice was full of regret, but Chen Xi next to him heard a deeply hidden threat.

"This matter is due to me. If the second elder brother asks, you will tell the fourth elder brother for me, and I have no face to meet him! Next time I meet, he will be blamed or punished at his disposal! And the old man, I really don’t know how to report to his old man... In fact, I have always wanted to find time to go to Beijing and personally plead guilty to the old man, but I am afraid that it will disturb the old man’s rest!” Xu Donghai’s voice is also full of guilt. People who knew him might still misunderstand that Xu Donghai would jump off the balcony of the building to apologize because he was too guilty!

   Chen Xi listened to Xu Donghai's remarks, she didn't dare to move on the surface, but secretly gave a thumbs up in her heart.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Old Xu Yan is serious. There is nothing wrong with you here, but our family's affairs are exhausting you. I also know that it is very difficult for you to be caught in the middle! Actually, the Cheng family has an idea. Very normal, but we are not their enemies. For a long time before, our two families were allies. Our father and their father were still comrades-in-arms in the trenches!"

   Xu Donghai nodded: "That is, I don't know if the two old men are still playing chess together. We used to watch them fighting chess, and no one would admit defeat!"

The middle-aged man sighed lightly: "It's less now. The two old men are getting older and not in good health. I wanted to find time to get together this year, but an illness struck. Almost did not make it through. Because of this, the old man thought of his great-grandson. After all, they are connected by blood! We used to have a lot of relatives who broke bones and tendons, but whether it depends on the old man’s face and will be related. Slowly? Lao Xu, you should understand that sometimes marriage is a mess, and people like us really can’t be free. Like you and Sister Deng, it’s not the parents who arranged a blind date. It’s just that you see it right. Free love. It’s hard to tell what happened in the past. We were right and wrong. Anyway, it’s okay. After all, we are a family!"

   Chen Xi knew that this person was very eloquent, but he did not expect that he would play the family card.

   Take blood thicker than water, blood is connected and so on.

   screamed terribly.

   But I was a little bit contemptuous while admiring.

   Really connected by blood. Why did you come here to recognize your relatives until now? When Lin Dong was not famous, didn't you come long ago? At that time, he was a poor student and lost his grandmother. Apart from a Cheng Mingge, he had no support at all. He was forced to work everywhere to make a living... Why don't you want to have blood-connected relatives at this time?

   The illegitimate child still has some care!

   I don’t have a name, but if I give money or something secretly, my life can be guaranteed at least!

   You are not even treated as illegitimate children! In order to satisfy the marriage partner, it is totally inappropriate to have such a son. Now that the poor outcast has grown up and turned into a world-class mad scientist, the old man finally remembered that he has a great-grandson? Why doesn't his old man want to get up early?

   So it's no wonder that Cheng Mingge was angry. Even if there are a hundred mouths, you can't make any sense!

   Tucao return to Tucao, Chen Xi did not dare to say such a thing.

   is not qualified to speak at his level.

   When Xu Donghai saw Chen Xi wandering, he glared at him secretly. The elite class hasn't left yet, how can't you deal with it?

   Chen Xi made the boss's eyes stare and immediately wake up, and restore the respectful and well-behaved appearance. However, he didn't intend to get involved with the matter. If he was a little secretary, if he really dared to open his mouth and say that our boss Xu was ill and had a sudden intermittent mental disorder, it is estimated that the other party will slap him right away!

   It depends on people to say such things.

   If the target is a grassroots civilian, he can fool around, but he dare not deal with a middle-aged man like a predator.

"Now it’s a bit of a easing momentum, but I can’t be anxious. As you know, people sometimes get a puff of breath and hold on hard. This breath is uncomfortable. If you wait for a part of it, then use a tactful method. There may be good results." Of course, Xu Donghai will not put Lin Dong's attitude straight. What he has to do now is to send the middle-aged man away, regardless of this awful thing. Regarding Lin Dong’s identity, how he did it would be wrong. If he helped Cheng Mingge, he would be angry, and Lin Dong would not be happy. The old man recognized his great-grandson back. Several great-grandchildren in the family would certainly not be happy when they have competitors. As for the old lady who gave birth to a great-grandson waiting for her son to take over, she might be the most angry.

   So, whether this matter can be done or not is a thankless task.

   First of all, I am afraid that it will not be possible.

  If it's done, one hundred percent of it will cause something worse.

   Xu Donghai felt that he had better be blind now, and that he couldn't see anything in his eyes. That would be the wisest move.

"As for the acknowledgment of relatives, you have to help Old Xu, your relationship with him, and the relationship with the Cheng family are not ordinary. We have thought about it, and this matter must be handled by you!" the middle-aged man Tighten Xu Donghai and not let go.

   "Mayor Zhong and I will do our best to make this a good thing." Xu Donghai pulled Zhong Zhihui into the water. If Zhong Zhihui knew that Xu Donghai was so shameless, he might throw a cup and scold his mother in the office. But as a parent official, things are related to them, and there is no way to evade them, and they can only delay one step.

   What will happen in the future, Xu Donghai is unwilling to think about it.

but now.

   He will do everything he can to keep himself busy and have no time to participate... Even if he must go to Lin Dong's Kezi House, he should not be too positive, so as not to make people feel hatred.

   Xu Donghai promised to pat his chest again, and finally sent the middle-aged man out of the door.

   As soon as the middle-aged man left, Xu Donghai almost collapsed in a chair.

   Chen Xi wiped the cold sweat from her forehead: "It's dangerous. I thought he was going to turn his face on the spot, but I didn't expect him to leave!"

Xu Donghai frowned: "It's definitely not going to turn my face. How can I say that he is a person from the chalk clan, and he has a sense of measure. Moreover, the fourth child is a city man, even if he is angry, his face will be Keep smiling. But just because of such a horrible person, dogs that can bark do not bite people, and snakes that bite people silently are the real rivals! This will not be so simple, Lin Donghe The genetic medicine controlled by Cheng Ming singer is so tempting. Those who have reached out to profit harvesters from all walks of life have no reason to let go of this golden mountain with endless resources!"

"I think they may not have such a good mouth. I want to take a bite on Lin Dong and Cheng Mingge? Humph, I think they are looking for death! This world is not all grassroots people, not all of them are made at will. Order reaps the objects of interest at will." Chen Xi sneered.

   "So they are also very cautious, now it's just a little test!" Xu Donghai stood up, opened the window, and looked at the sky: "The real storm is far from coming!"

   "Dongshan did this with great difficulty. Whoever destroys it, I will definitely kill him!" Chen Xi's voice was low, but her attitude was firm.

   "Yes, this is our homeland. Although it's overwhelming to say it, I'm still willing to fight to the death." Xu Donghai nodded.

   "Boss, do you think we are a little stupid? We are actually a car!" Chen Xi sighed long.

   "It's courage to be a car with a praying man's arm!" Xu Donghai disagreed.

"Then let's try to be a hero, even if it only takes a few seconds!" Chen Xi suddenly laughed: "Maybe you will be crushed, but as long as you think about it, you have done a big deal in your life, too. Not a loss!"

"Sacrifice is a must. There are some rules and some order. There is no exchange of sacrifice without bloodshed. Even our predecessors have exchanged blood and sacrifice for this great mountain and river. Now many benefits have been stolen, and we are unable to do something. I am ashamed of the predecessors who shed their blood for future generations. When a hope needs blood to protect, some of us must stand up and shed blood and sacrifice, otherwise we may miss the best or even the last opportunity !" Xu Donghai looked at the sun rising from the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and stretched out his hand, letting the warm sun shine on the palm of his hand.

   "What I fear most is that when we fall, there will be a group of villains stealing the fruits of our blood and sacrifice!" This is what Chen Xi is most worried about.

"It's okay, this world will never lack fools, especially in our country, the last thing we lack is fools like us. We are not alone, haha, no matter what the result is, as long as we feel worth it, that's enough. "Xu Donghai laughed.

   "It's really unlucky to follow a boss like you, if you don't get promoted or get rich, you may die!" Chen Xi walked to the table, picked up the teapot, and poured herself a cup.

   "You can't get promoted with me, but the life is very exciting, it's still very interesting!" Xu Donghai smiled happily.

   "I would rather live a little time more comfortably!" Chen Xi replied angrily.

"It's too late to regret now, you've got on my ship!" Xu Donghai walked over and patted Chen Xi on the shoulder: "Be optimistic, maybe you can win, although there is no one in a million possibility, but That kid Lin Dong often performs miracles, and the future is really bad. If we win, then your kid will make it!"

   "It's not surprising that Lin Dong can beat me, but I... I hope I can live to that time!" Chen Xi is very confident in Lin Dong, but not enough for herself. (To be continued. "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update team@茗芗梦荟" If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is the author's greatest motivation.)

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