Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 553: : Prepare, deal with the scum of cultivation!

   With the judgment that they can live another ten or eight years, the Zhang family immediately calmed down.

  From old to young, I am full of joy.

   But Lin Dong is in trouble.

   Many filial sons ran over all the way, requesting Lin Dong to help their father take a look, even if it was just a glance. Lin Dong was very speechless. In order to solve the trouble in one go, he used the breath of life to judge the lifespan and taught it to old men such as Li Qingsong and Shen Changming, so that they could look at it on their own behalf, and finally gave it to Dean Qu and Dean Xia. A list of life data evaluations was created, allowing the Institute to scientifically certify based on the evaluation data.

   Although these two methods are not absolutely accurate, they are only approximate data, but in general they are not much different.

   It was hard to settle the matter of seeing a doctor.

   The treatment of the disease passed quickly.

   It's just that Dongshan and Yanjing have added a group of old men who are diligent in farming. There is no way, now it's time to catch up. Who doesn't want to live a few more years?

   Lin Dong came out after practicing this day, wondering if he could find some time to bring Ye Qianru into Luoxingju, Cheng Mingge and Yu Tongtong came back from outside. The squad leader smiled and reported to Lin Dong the latest situation of the Sky Knights. Finally, he smiled at Lin Dong and asked, "Do you know who the son of the Zhang family is?"

   "Found it?" Lin Dong heard that Zhang's family had been punished some time ago. Fortunately, Zhang Xianhua didn't cuckold and let him escape.

"After the joint efforts of the Zhang family, the Xie family, the Huang family and the Li family, etc., the joint forces of the Chalk clan, Zhang Xianhua's son was finally found!" Cheng Mingge nodded, "The whole thing is like this. Zhang Shengshi was originally from Miao Xinge. The son was also the son of Miao Xinge’s first wife. Because the Miao family had an antagonism with the Zhang family, Miao Xinge and Zhang Xianhua had a hatred of taking their wives, so they felt revenge. Miao Xinge bought a nurse, My son was changed to Zhang Xianhua, who later laughed at us, Zhang Shengshi!"

"Miao Xinge got Zhang Xianhua's son. He was afraid that his own rearing would reveal flaws. So when he changed his position, he was replaced by the Xie family who had failed to change the position and was about to leave Yanjing, and he took the Xie family's son!" Yu Tongtong replenishes cooperatively.

   "And then?" Lin Dong thought this was complicated enough.

"After changing the son of the Xie family, Miao Xinge did not raise it himself, but gave it to his ex-wife’s parents, who was his original father-in-law. His father-in-law is in the magic city, separated from Yanjing. I'm not afraid that others will know." Cheng Mingge continued to explain what happened.

   "The son of the Xie family was abducted, and Miao Xinge was doing the trick?" Lin Dong asked again.

"Yes!" Cheng Mingge nodded: "The Xie family mistakenly raised Zhang Xianhua's son for several years. Miao Xinge discovered that the child was more and more like Zhang Xianhua, afraid that the Xie family would doubt it, and that the Xie family would let Zhang Xianhua take his son back to Beijing. The family saw the suspicion, so they set up a bureau to take away Zhang Xianhua’s son who was transferred to the Xie family. The Xie family always thought it was their political opponents. After investigating it for many years, there was no clue. They could never think of it. This is a good thing Miao Xinge did! Miao Xinge not only held Zhang Xianhua’s son straight, but also used the means of remarrying to marry the exchanged young nurse, and then let his ex-wife go abroad, completely covering the truth of the whole matter. If it weren’t for you to tell the truth, then Zhang Shengshi, his son of Miao Xinge, no, Miao Shengshi will become the heir of the Zhang family and inherit everything from the Zhang family!"

   "It's a great idea!" Lin Dong couldn't help but praised: "Miao Xinge almost succeeded. It seems that I am a bit unreliable. I have broken through his plan of winning position that he has painstakingly arranged for many years!"

   "This is God's will. If Zhang Shengshi was not so arrogant, he would not instantly turn from Xiaohouye to a beggar!" Cheng Mingge was very happy.

   "Let me say that Miao Xinge has done a lot of bad things, this is retribution!" Yu Tongtong gave a grin.

   "Who is the son that Zhang Xianhua was taken away?" Lin Dong was suddenly a little curious.

   "Don't worry, it will be announced right away!" Yu Tongtong insisted on appetizing.

"Miao Xinge has already been arrested. It turned out that none of the people involved in the incident ran away. His ex-wife abroad was extradited back. I really thought it would be okay to offend the Zhang family? This is not a political|criminal crime, and Yingjiang will not be because of this. This kind of thing is cheeky to shelter an unimportant businessman! Miao Xinge has not recruited yet, but his ex-wife took the initiative to confess everything in order to save Zhang Shengshi’s life. Zhang Xianhua took Zhang Shengshi’s life as a condition, and got his son’s money. Information and address. It turned out that Zhang Xianhua’s son was taken to a very remote country and given to a poor family. The adoptive parents were very old and the family was poor. There were several sisters and sisters. Life was extremely difficult. Because of the lack of a son, so Adopted the real'Zhang Shengshi'! Speaking of which, this real'Zhang Shengshi' has so little to do with us!" Cheng Mingge said before and after the matter.

   "Does it have anything to do with us?" Lin Dongwei was surprised.

"Yes, the real Zhang Shengshi, of course, is not called by this name in his adoptive parents' house, but is called Gu Mancang! That Gu Mancang grew up, because he felt that it was difficult to study in the poor country, and there was no way out without reading, so he applied for it. After graduating from a normal university, he returned to teach in his elementary school in the mountainous area. We hoped that the star also donated money to him, built a school building for them, donated a lot of books and stationery, and gave them back to their teachers. Over the bonus! Gu Mancang wrote us a thank-you letter and submitted a volunteer application for the Sky Knights’ Hope Star, so he can barely count it as a member of our team, but we are still in the probation period and haven’t given him it yet. Reply!" Cheng Mingge said that sometimes the world is really small. Turning around, it turns out that they are all horrible people.

   "I think Miao Xinge was lucky if he didn't kill him!" Lin Dong thought this kid was very fate.

"Miao Xinge's original intention was to make Zhang Xianhua's son suffer for a lifetime, but his own son occupied the other party's resources and enjoyment, and he was poisoning with his heart! Besides, he was afraid of his subordinates' misfortune, and not everyone was willing to take a murder case. A child is completely different from a murder, let alone the child brought out by the Xie family? In a word, Miao Xinge was unable to start, and secondly, he wanted to make this Gu Mancang tragedy for a lifetime. How could he think of the scene of being overturned today?" Tongtong felt that if there was no comeback, then Gu Mancang would really be a tragedy for a lifetime, and Miao Shengshi, who was parasitic in the Zhang family, would take over everything in the Zhang family.

"When the Zhang family found Gu Mancang, the family cried a lot, because Gu Mancang was still in his thirties and he looked like migrant workers all over his body. The best clothes turned out to be the windbreakers we gave him by the Star of Hope! You don't know. , The girl led by the Star of Hope, how proud she was when she took a selfie with her scarf!" Cheng Mingge was very happy.

   "This kid has come with all his hardships!" Qianjun interrupted abruptly.

"No, although Gu Mancang recognized Zhang Xianhua's family, but refused to leave there, he even felt that his elderly adoptive parents were closer to each other. Even though his mother had cried and fainted for several times, Gu Mancang decided to stay in the mountains and continue teaching." Cheng Mingge gave a thumbs up and praised Gu Mancang for his backbone.

"I think it's not good to go back. I'm used to staying in the country. How can I go to the upper class like Yanjing? It's not a good thing for Master Xiaohou! Besides, Gu Mancang is really a bit spine. People's ideal is to teach and educate. People, otherwise they could stay in school, or even find a job in the city at the worst, why bother to go back? Before we hope star donated money, they didn’t have a good house and textbooks in their entire school. The solution is to write a book for one person, let alone clothes and stationery!" Yu Tongtong thinks it is better not to return to Yanjing with Zhang's family, otherwise, it is just a sparrow in a golden cage.

   "If you don't want to go back to Zhang's family to enjoy and continue teaching, you can approve him to join the Star of Hope, otherwise, forget it!" Lin Dong decided to add fire, Zhang's family does not lack grandchildren, but he lacks the power of faith!

   If a hard-core teacher becomes a member of the Star of Hope, how many students can he teach?

   There is no future for being a little Hou Ye who is waiting to die.

   Let's continue to be a teacher!

   Yu Tongtong stretched out his hand and slapped Lin Dong lightly: "You really hurt! Did Gu Mancang provoke you? Is it Zhang Shengshi who scolded you? What does this have to do with Gu Mancang!"

   Lin Dong knows she misunderstood, but it’s okay, the power of faith can’t be straightforward, misunderstanding is misunderstanding!

Cheng Mingge was on Lin Dong’s side: “Going back to Zhang’s family is looking for death. Gu Mancang does not have the strength to take over the Zhang family. I think, if Miao Shengshi was the eldest grandson at the time, and Zhang Xianhua was strong, he would have to train him, maybe he. Let Zhang Xianjun’s son slap over! Zhang Xianjun’s silent son is mature and steady, and he is the little Hou who has real talents and learners, okay? It’s just that the time has not come, and the father has not left yet, so it’s not easy to get into trouble. Now that Miao Shengshi has fallen, it is even more unlikely that the Gu Mancang who succeeded him will be in position. He returned to Zhang’s house, but he had no good results except asking for trouble! On the contrary ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now he decides to stay. Zhang Xianhua and his wife, as well as Zhang Xianjun and his son, must be compensated in every possible way. It is his second uncle Zhang Xiansheng and his wife. In order to please us, they might treat him differently, especially after Mu Mancang agreed with Gu Mancang and he joined the Star of Hope. in this way!"

   "It makes sense, I really shouldn't go back!" Qianjun agreed.

"The internal struggle of the Zhang family, let's just leave it alone. This kind of thing is happening every day, so what do we outsiders worry about them!" Lin Dong paused and said, "You are getting ready these days. I will take Ye Qianru in to practice. After I came out, I went to the door to find the trouble of the Five Ding Shenlong Immortal Gate! Although the Gus are different, I doubt that the Gu from the junior high school was the work of their disciples."

   "Yes!" Qianjun knew that it was finally his turn to dispatch, and his heart was excited.

   "Do you want to tell Wenhui in advance?" Cheng Mingge asked.

   "Don't do it for now, lest she inadvertently expose her flaws when she comes into contact with outsiders!" Lin Dong shook his head. The person who can get the gu, may be an acquaintance, or a woman next to Wenhui who can be close to her daughter.

   "Five Ding Shenlong Fairy Gate, I have no impression, why don't I ask Senior Sister!" Yun Youyou is not interested in anything else, but she is more enthusiastic about dealing with the scum of cultivation.


   Double 11 is coming soon, everyone, happy Shou Shou's Day!

   Tonight group, let's bubble up!

  ********* (To be continued. "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update team@茗芗梦荟")

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