Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 561: : Energy Hill, achieved!

   The void world.

   The silver giant rose above Lin Dong's head, and accompanied by it, there was also a silver chalky woman with the same image as Yun Youyou, who was also unattainable.

   In the sky above the heads of the two giants, a dazzling star array is rapidly formed, the light in it is as blazing as the sun, and waves of pulses flicker, reflecting the entire world of nothingness. But above Lin Dong and Yun Youyou's head, there is a cluster of dazzling starlight that is condensed in substance, like the nucleus of the Milky Way, slowly rotating clockwise. The dazzling star array is spraying chalky energy, while the Milky Way's core is absorbing. Through such a mysterious and wonderful cycle, Lin Dong and Yun's yin and yang energy is purified and sublimated in it at the same time.

   The cathode turns positive and the anode turns positive.

   The transformation of the two energies in the entire world of nothingness has created a brand new and subtle change.

   began to change from the most rooted part of the world, from nothingness to an energy posture. Try to have only two energies, yin and yang, and the two energies are still produced by Lin Dong and Yun Youyou, but it has indeed begun to evolve...

   Lin Dong and Yun Youyou, who are immersed in cultivation, are completely unaware of the changes in the surrounding things, and their minds are roaming and swimming in the vortex of energy.

   Lin Dong felt that his will burst into an unprecedented flame.

   Very masculine!

Yun Youyou, on the other hand, found that a kind of soft water that seemed to be innate in her will, gentle and gentle, neither icy nor bitterly cold, nor turbulent, not even the ancient well is not as quiet as still water. . This kind of soft water is exactly the opposite of the flames. It is neither violent nor silent, but it is impossible for any energy to change its existence and attributes.

  It is born a kind of pure energy of femininity.

When this soft water was conducted into Lin Dong's body, Lin Dong felt that the whole person was greatly supplemented, as if a bowl of brown sugar water came when the **** was overwhelming, and as if a bucket of ice water was poured on the hot summer weather, and the body and mind instantly Extremely refreshing.

   Flames encountered this soft water.

   There is no offset.

  , on the contrary, magically transformed into a kind of ice that can freeze everything in the world.

   Yun You You, there is no pain of burning at all for the masculine flames that Lin Dong burst out.

She discovered that this kind of flame that burned everything, although fierce, but under the fusion of soft water, turned into a fire that ignited her life more brightly, allowing her soul to be purified again and again in the flames, time and time again. sublimation. This kind of sublimation is different from the previous sword qi sublimation, it is a process that is completed in an instant, this is a long and continuous sublimation that only cultivates. Not only now, with the combined double repair of the two, the future sublimation will always exist, and it will become stronger and more beautiful!

   Yun Youyou didn't know, this was actually the effect of his true celestial body in double repairs.

   If you change to someone else, the effect of double repair is also there.

   But it is absolutely impossible to be so harmonious.

   can't be so wonderful.

   Even, this is the beginning of double repair, or the initial state. If she waits for her realm to increase, her benefit to Lin Dong will be immeasurable!

  The ice and fire energy behind Lin Dong erupted to the two poles kilometers away. In the sky, thousands of lightsabers pierced and fired back and forth, and gradually condensed into Lin Dong's new form of ice and fire wings after the sublimation of sword energy and the combined double|repair.

   Green Dragon Suzaku, White Tiger and Xuanwu, the Four Sacred Beasts guard one side.

   The two are at the same mind.


   gaze and concentrate, when the four lips meet, the yin and yang energy in the void world vibrates again.

   Like a shock wave spreading across the sky, a bright and colorful halo appeared outside of Lin Dong and Yun Youyou, mellowly covering the two of them.

   I don’t know how much time has passed, maybe a year has passed, maybe more. In this extremely beautiful and self-contained secret repair process, let alone the void world has no concept of time, even if there is, time is not an obstacle to the sublimation of the two. After the support of the power of the holy beast, it turned into a rainbow light and fell into the body of the silver giant. The silver giant became taller and instantly turned into an indomitable position. Behind it, a slowly rotating star wheel was born, and the four holy beasts were among them one after another, leaving only the center area empty, waiting for more advanced life forms to settle in.

   The silver giant naturally stretched out his hand, wanting to drag her into a very short silver chalk woman at this moment.

   But just now.

   Yun Youyou made a posture of reversing the universe.

   She turned her whole body upside down, face down, legs up, Nayanggang entrance, and before Lin Dong made an invitation, she took the initiative to give him a lover's way of cultivation as an encouragement. When Lin Dong responded, he received soft water energy to his lips. The entire world of nothingness changed color instantly, and it seemed to be dim. The reversal of the universe completely changed everything that was previously shaped. However, this reversal was another form of the existence of the law.

   The golden lotus stand began to expand gradually.

   expanded from a small lotus platform to a giant one kilometer in diameter. At its center, a colorful phoenix was born in the light.

   circling around Yunyouyou's body, and on top of Lin Dong's head, inside the star core, there is also a golden dragon probing his head, drilling out and chasing the colorful phoenix. One dragon and one phoenix walked back and forth, each time they turned, the brilliance of the void world increased by one point.

   When they turn nine.

   When Yun Youyou and Lin Dong were in the body respectively.

   trillions of rays of light submerged the entire world of nothingness in the sea of ​​light, and from the deepest part of the sea of ​​light, a magical goddess was born that could not be formed by the words of the world.

   She has been born with a strange appearance.

   Three eyes and six arms.

  The eyebrows seem to be closed but not closed, and they seem to be opened but not opened, and there are thousands of brilliance and magic.

Six arms dance naturally, one chalky hand up, five fingers stretched out to support the lotus; one chalky hand down, three fingers like a half-hand holding a 珞luo; another chalky hand and half-hands outwards, palms softly accept the pearl; another chalky hand Tuck the arms inward, half-hug to hold the bottle. Finally, the hands of the arms are joined together and the martial law is imprinted on the chest.

   When this magical goddess was born in the world of nothingness, everything turned into a fairyland.

   The silver chalk woman held by the silver giant turned into billions of starlight shattered, and was indescribably classified into the body of the miraculous goddess, adding a round of blooming star marks to her brows and her eyebrows. The magical goddess drifted in an instant and appeared behind Yun Youyou, replacing the silver chalky lady before, becoming her new guardian goddess.

   Wait for a circle of stars to unfold behind the Miaofa Tiannv.

   The five energy hills created by the silver giant instantly broke through the 100-meter deadlock, and suddenly climbed upwards at an incredible speed.

  The eyebrows of the goddess of Miaofa Tianmu were half-opened, and the five rays of divine light sprayed out thinly, sinking into the five energy hills.

   Five energy hills are generated immediately.

   gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

   The five elements of the heavenly law are natural, and they are mutually reinforced and rotate freely.

  The demon refining pagoda and the endless map of mountains and seas in the void world also echoed in the veins, while absorbing the energy of the dragon, tiger, and Taiyue five elements condensed by Lin Dong, while expanding and expanding itself. The demon-refining pagoda becomes even larger, and the endless map of mountains and seas continues to extend outward. In the bath of pure energy, this infinite possible extension extends the people, endless...

   Falling Star House.

   When Cheng Mingge was at the moment when his sweet smile had not disappeared.

   Lin Dong and Yun Youyou have returned. There is no concept of time in the void world. How much time has passed through it, on Cheng Mingge's side, is just a change in the blink of an eye. Of course, Cheng Mingge immediately noticed that both Lin Dong and Yun Youyou were very different from before. It was not a change in appearance, but an improvement in personal temperament and cultivation level. Lin Dong looked at the stars, and Cheng Mingge looked at him, feeling as if he saw a giant standing in front of him, "unfamiliar" almost unable to recognize him.

   And Yun Youyou also has an improvement that makes it difficult for Cheng Mingge to look up.

   The most amazing thing is in the center of her eyebrows.

   also has an ‘eye’ looming loomingly. This third eye is so beautiful and wonderful, no matter how the world’s words describe it, it’s impossible to describe its beauty.

   "On your forehead..." Cheng Mingge pointed to Yunyou's eyebrows with envy.

"I don't know how it grows, it seems to grow all at once. I haven't learned how to close it yet, so let's do it for the time being!" Yun Youyou is not surprised, she knows that she has an extra eye on the center of her eyebrows. An eye can not only see things like ordinary eyes, but also see some mysterious existences that are invisible to the naked eye through it. At the same time, she doesn't think there is anything wrong with having one eye longer. In fact, this is a manifestation of the realm of cultivation, and is an important feature of the incarnation of the magical goddess in her body. Others just want to grow but can't grow it!

   "I will teach you how to use it slowly, now you take a break!" Lin Dong knows that Yun Youyou must be tired now. In order to help herself, in order to urge her, she is seriously overdrawn, and now she urgently needs a rest.

   "Don't worry for a while, I'll still wait for you to come back here!" Yun Youyou smiled at Lin Dong.

   "Yoyou, then we are going!" Cheng Mingge hurriedly gave her a hug.

   As long as you can sustain it mentally.

  You can stay in the void for as long as you want.

   In order not to let the tired Yun Youyou get a rest as soon as possible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She decided to accompany Lin Dong to practice exercises immediately, and it’s not too late to say something if she has any doubts!

   The void world.

   When Cheng Mingge entered and felt the latest height of the energy hill created by Lin Dong and Yun Youyou, he was shocked! This height is two hundred meters beyond her imagination. The realm of the mound of energy has not only been achieved, but also achieved. Cheng Mingge knows that once Yun Youyou and Lin Dong start double repairs, they can definitely break through the 100-meter deadlock and gain a lot. But the original maximum estimate in her mind was 120 meters... It was extremely difficult to increase by one millimeter. This Yunyouyou helped Lin Dong rush to a height of two meters through a double | repair.

   After watching Cheng Mingge, the first feeling I felt was a little desperate.

   Such a competitor is really terrifying!

   Yunyouyou is not a comparable existence at all, let alone chasing her, it would be extremely difficult to look at the end!

   "I, I will help you dash up to two hundred and ten meters!" Cheng Mingge mustered up the courage. Since he can't help Lin Dong increase the height of 100 meters at a time, then take a step back and help him increase by ten meters. If you work hard at this height, you should be able to achieve it.

"Don't worry, it's enough for you to be yourself!" Lin Dong gave her a hug as a comfort. Although it can't be compared with Yun Youyou, who has the true treasure of Tianling, Cheng Mingge also has extremely high potential compared to others. People, she also has a great advantage in assisting double repairs. Moreover, the height of two hundred meters is because it took Yun Youyou for an unknown amount of time, perhaps a hundred years, plus the metaplasia of the magical goddess, to slowly grow up, and it is not an overnight effort.

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