Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 613: : Wishful Realm?

  In the sense of Yunyouyou, a circular three-dimensional space with a range of about fifty meters.

  All the energy fluctuations, all are clearly before the eyes.

   breeze, sound.

   Any movement.

   are all presented in the special space where the screen is closed, and they can be sensed and manipulated by Yunyouyou's thoughts. At this moment, she found that she was as light as a feather, the original sense of control of the mecha disappeared without a trace, and there was only the nature as a whole between human and mecha.

   "It turns out that this is the real human-machine oneness!" Yun Youyou manipulated the mecha, bounced in the sky, and danced with great stretch.

   Each rotation represents a perfect switch between attack and defense.

   Raise your hands and feet to show your power.

   But there is no breath.

   Like a shadow, dancing quietly in the dark.

   Qianjun and Ye Qianru below have their eyes rounded, flying? The White Star Mecha can actually fly in the sky? Yun Youyou is not gliding in the air, but is really flying, and soars at will, up and down, front and back, left and right, all unhappy. The heavy mechas were spinning round and round in the sky, fluttering like feathers. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that a tens of tons of mecha could achieve such a flying posture.

"What's the matter? Did you add spiritual knowledge to the core of the mecha? The extinction barrier of the white star rhinoceros can hide the exploration of the law, so you added the spiritual knowledge when refining the mecha?" Cheng Mingge thought so. .

"No." Lin Dong hurriedly waved his hand: "The Breathless Barrier may isolate energy fluctuations and may form an energy field, making it easier to manipulate the power of mind, but it is absolutely impossible to isolate the law. That's fine, the law cannot be isolated. And even if it can be isolated, the law will be regarded as an unknown object and drive the opponent out of the arena. I did not refine spiritual sense on the white star mecha, but according to the characteristics of the white star rhinoceros, according to its special attributes, add Created a mind force space field. It cannot be realized on other spirit trees, but on the white star rhinoceros wood, I can refine a mind force energy field, let it merge with the breathless barrier, and achieve it in the energy field without restraint. , Where the power of mind comes, up and down the world, the realm of wishful thinking that comes and goes freely!"

   "In other words, in this mind energy field, even flying is all right?" Qianjun asked excitedly.

   "Not only flying, any combat posture can be achieved." Lin Dong nodded.

   "Can we also manipulate it?" Ye Qianru asked.

"Of course, when you get down, you can go up for a test drive, and when you get up, you will understand what the real Wishful Realm is. With the White Star Mecha, we will have hope for the next challenge. Of course, you usually practice , But also use the second-generation mecha, because the second-generation mecha is difficult to control, use it to train, the mind control improves faster. We use the best for combat, and the hardest for practice, a combination of the two "Lin Dong paused, then said: "If Tongtong or Xiaoyuanlian can come here for training in the future, it will be the same."

   "It seems that the original Breathless Barrier has a larger range, but how did it shrink so much after being refined into a mecha?" Cheng Mingge found a problem.

"After all, the White Star Rhinoceros Bark was originally a whole, and the scope of the Breathless Barrier is of course larger. In fact, after refining the trunk into a mecha, the barrier is only one-third of the current one. I added a mind energy field and combined the two Two into one, it has become such a big one. In the future, my skill has improved, and this can be improved, and it can only be done now." Lin Dong waved his hand with a little regret.

   He can expand the range of the freely exerted mind force energy field even more easily even to 500 meters.

   But that way.

  As the carrier, the white star mecha must possess spiritual consciousness.

   is not a magic weapon, just a refining mecha can not carry such a huge energy field.

  The arena cannot allow the spiritual sense to use force. Lin Dong can only do this at present, and that's it. It was achieved by comprehending the intermediate secrets of ancient organs. If you change to the previous elementary level, don't even think about it!

   After the cloud came down, Qianjun and Ye Qianru went up for a test drive one by one.

   In the end, even Cheng Mingge came in interest.

   Test drive finished.

   Everyone came to a conclusion.

   If you use the White Star Mecha to fight, then just two White Star Mechas can challenge thirty-two puppets.

"Is there any material? Why don't we build more white star mechas? Let's go up and fight together, take care of each other and cooperate with each other on the battlefield. Wouldn't it be better?" Yun Youyou felt Qianjun and Ye Qian were driving on. For the White Star Mech, then the strength can catch up with the combat power of the second-generation mecha that I had previously driven, and even surpassed it. Even Cheng Mingge, a confused genius who does not understand combat but is good at string puppets, has the White Star Machine. First, you can easily protect yourself on the battlefield.

"The materials are still there. Why do you only make two White Star Mechas? The reason is that I thought about it. Before the puppets that are particularly difficult appear, the two of us driving the White Star Mechas are enough to cope, and we can easily escape without hitting them. We try to use the least amount of material and the least effort to pass the biggest challenge. I think the predecessors’ intention is to guide us forward in this way. In addition, there is another point, I think if we pass the “wood” of the five elements , There must be four challenges with different attributes, such as'gold','water','fire', and'earth'. I don't know what the next challenge method will be, and what is the object of the challenge, so we still have to stay The next part of the material, flexible use! The puppets are big, we can fight on wheels, and take turns when we are tired. This is also our experience mechanism. If we really can’t beat them, we will refine a few more white star mechas at that time. Not later, don't worry about this, it needs to be refined quickly, but once the shape is finalized, it is difficult to change it." Lin Dong explained.

   "Yes, Wood thinks very carefully." Cheng Mingge nodded and expressed support.

   "The other is okay, it's just that when the switch is in battle, the law will not allow us to engage in such small actions." Yun Youyou agreed with Lin Dong, but there was still a little doubt.

   "Let's go, let's try it now!" Lin Dong simply took everyone to test it. Based on many previous observations, Lin Dong felt that there was no problem that Switch A would be expelled by the law in combat. Before, Yun Youyou drove a two-person mecha to meet him, and Cheng Mingge also took the action of taking the damaged mecha back to the channel. The opposite of the arena was just as if there was one more person participating in the battle, and another puppet puppet came up to fight. When Cheng Mingge clicked, the puppet puppet that came up immediately retreated.

  From this, it can be proved that there is no limit to the number of people in the arena, and substitutions are not prevented.

   arrived at the arena.

   Yunyouyou first played for ten minutes.

   came back again and exchanged Qianjun, but the other side returned 16 specially strengthened puppets and replaced them with two ordinary puppets.

   This is exactly the number of challenges of Qianjun. Driving the second-generation mecha, she did not participate in the subsequent battles, and her record was still in the second wave by default. After Qianjun controlled the White Star Mecha and quickly smashed two ordinary-level puppets, he sent out the third wave, four puppets.

   defeated four puppets, and sent eight puppets to the other side.

   Qiangun was excited, but not tired, wanted to continue fighting.

   Lin Dong called her back.

   Replaced with Ye Qianru, who had been waiting for a long time and was eager to try.

   Ye Qianru's record is also the second wave, and the eight puppets retreat without looking back...

   After Ye Qianru's challenge was over, Lin Dong prevented them from continuing to challenge, even if neither Qianjun nor Ye Qianru felt tired at all, Lin Dong let them come back.

"It doesn't make much sense to defeat the first few waves. What we are winning now is the excellent performance of the White Star Mecha. Against the three-headed and six-armed, our advantage is no longer. We still have to come back. Now you have to continue training, not only use the White Star in turns. Mechas, to become more familiar with it, and to train with the second-generation mechas to improve the string puppets and mind field. That is the most important. We have no problem with these two items, so no matter what opponent we are facing, We can all pass it perfectly!" Lin Dong asked everyone not to rush, the arena is the best training organization, don't rely on the powerful crush of the white star mecha, such exercise is of little significance.

   "Yes, we train first, and lay the foundation is the kingly way." Yun Youyou put down the white star mecha and drove back to the original second-generation mecha.

   "Will we usually reach the realm of Ruyi?" Cheng Mingge stayed behind and asked Lin Dong quietly.

   "It is theoretically possible..." Lin Dong drew a picture and gave her a detailed explanation.

   He drew a small circle on the paper.

   Draw another big circle including the small circle.

   The former is used as the range of activities of the second-generation mecha, and the latter is used as the combat range of the mecha.

Cheng Mingge understood: "What you mean is that if the mind force field we control can reach the size of the former, it is the manipulation of man-machine integration, and reach the size of the big circle behind, we can achieve the wishful thinking of the special space field of the white star mecha. Realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ right?"

"Smart!" Lin Dong nodded: "With your current cultivation progress, it is a bit difficult to achieve such a huge mental force field. It is fine for a short time. A few seconds, ten seconds or even a minute, you may be able to maintain. But for a long time, you have to maintain the Wishful Realm to fight, then the requirements for you are a little bit. But there is another way, for example, you don’t need to maintain the mind force field for a long time, you only need to improve the technique of the string puppet again. , Increase the thought force thread to 108 or more, and then let them diverge and extend in all directions, and nourish a thought force thread field similar to an energy field. In this case, it should also be possible to reach the state of wishfulness."

   "Really? Then I will try!" Cheng Mingge was not sure about other techniques, but she was full of confidence in the technique of string puppets.

   One hundred and eight thought force silk threads are terrifying to others, but to her.

   Really is not too much.

  The only difficulty is that it extends in all directions and maintains it for a long time.

"Wood, I will be successful, and I can also help you, even if I don't fight hard, but I can create a big and big thought force silk field, so that everyone can fly freely and fight easily in it!" Cheng Mingge Full of vitality, he raised his small fist.

   Cheng Mingge's impractical idea was greatly praised by Yun Youyou.

   Lin Dong finds it difficult to achieve.

   However, he did not dampen the enthusiasm of the squad leader.

   Anyway, the best can be achieved. Even if it fails, Cheng Mingge's efforts will not be wasted, and her mind will definitely increase.

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