Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 759: : Water of Lingtai

Even if Xiaomanhua's mother-in-law sits on the ground, she can't help but why did Lin Dong want that five-element reincarnation monument!

Besides, Lin Dong really does not lack the power of faith.

One thousand and five is one thousand and five.

Ask for others.

The Five Elements Reincarnation Monument is just the beginning, and there will be more places to ask for Xiaomanhua's mother in the future.

"Xiao Lin Dong, don't hurt you, mother-in-law doesn't want much. Moreover, she not only teaches you the skills of absorbing the five-element reincarnation monument, but also gives you a baby!" Xiaomanhua's mother-in-law knows the best business skills. She has always traded with Lin Dong. It's buy one get one free. Lin Dong bought a certain genius for a big price, and she gave a small gift as compensation. Although the value is not necessarily high, it can satisfy Lin Dong's desire to take advantage of it.

"What baby?" Lin Dong was really distracted by her. It is useful to take out anything from Xiaomanhua's grandmother, for example, the Little Demon Flower that was given last time is very powerful.

"A small bottle of Lingtai water!" Granny Xiaomanhua threw the gift into Lin Dong's hands first.

"Huh? The Water of Lingtai?" Lin Dong hadn't heard of this kind of treasure.

"High-end goods, it's normal for the little friends to have never heard of it." Granny Xiaomanhua said that Lin Dong was too ignorant.

"What's the use of it?" Lin Dong is very practical, nothing, no matter how advanced it is, it is a cloud. In a word, it must be useful to himself!

"It's very easy to use! Do you often meet unfamiliar monks, and you don't know whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, or encounter a strong enemy, and are troubled by not being able to find the opponent's weakness and body? All these problems no longer exist! As long as you use it to polish the spiritual platform, the enemy will be exposed to you immediately. The greater the gap between your skill and the opponent, the more flaws you can see. If your skill is better than it High. You can even know its body and natural enemies! Even if you encounter an enemy far more powerful than you, you can still use it to remember the enemy's traces, and then you can cultivate and take revenge slowly!" As expected, none of the treasures that Granny Xiaomanhua brought out were rubbish, they were all treasures.

"Is it right to identify the enemy?" Wurong Novel Network does not skip words. Lin Dong feels good. You can use this thing at any time.

"It's not as simple as identifying the enemy, and it has many functions! I can't finish it for a while, mother-in-law's time is precious, you take it back and slowly explore!" Xiaomanhua's mother-in-law waved her hand, indicating that Lin Dong had explored the specific function by herself, and did not personally do it. Surprise?

"Thank you, mother-in-law!" Lin Dong had the water from the Lingtai platform, and he readily took out 15% of the power of faith.

"I have recorded all the absorption of the Five Elements Reincarnation Tablet and the driving method in it. Xiaolindong, slowly comprehend it yourself!" Granny Xiaomanhua lightly flicked her finger, and a ball of colored light projected into Lin Dong's eyebrows. . In an instant, Lin Dong felt that he knew a lot of secrets, but only touched the surface, the higher part, like a mountain, unattainable, and he needed a lot of time to conquer.

"I have to comprehend again..." Lin Dong sighed secretly. Fortunately, I have a world of nothingness, and I need as much time as possible. Otherwise, it is really lack of skills.

"Children should work harder!" Mother-in-law Xiaomanhua got the power of faith and went back to absorb it happily.

Lin Dong gave a respectful gift.

Waiting for her to return.

He ran to the underground river for the first time.

One is to take Yun Youyou home, and the other is to test the water of the Lingtai that has just been handed over.

Don't let Granny Manhua fool her. You know, her old man has the title of No. 1 liar in the world of comprehension.

Yun Youyou studied carefully before cutting the seal set by the Taoist Dragon. Lin Dong came over, she just turned her head and smiled, but she was not distracted. Lin Dong was a little curious, and couldn't find it out by herself. Could she have a new discovery?

Waited for a long time.

Yun Youyou broke his mind from the seal.

Perhaps I saw Lin Dong's doubts. Yun Youyou explained with a smile: "I just gave it a try. It is the best that can do it, and I am mentally prepared for it. I was trying my luck this time, and I wanted to go back. Later, because I was in harmony with the goddess of Miaofa She seemed to have a strong sense of this kind of seal, so I stopped and waited."

"What did she find?" Lin Dong was a little surprised when he heard it. It was too difficult to crack this seal, even if a little progress was a good thing.

"I can't tell you. When you are practicing, you will understand after you follow it." Yun Youyou doesn't want to call the magical goddess out of the outside world. She rarely reveals the magical goddess in the Falling Stars, and mainly summons the void world. , Especially when cultivating with Lin Dong, the goddess of Miao Fa is a minor and protector.

"Okay!" Lin Dong is not in a hurry, as long as there is progress.

"Why are you here? It seems that someone has a birthday at home!" Yun Youyou can't remember whose birthday it is, but knows it's the case.

"Birthday party has been over long ago. Today is the birthday of the cow, and the birthday gift squad leader gave it on your behalf! I will first come to pick you up, and second, I will test this!" Lin Dong changed the water of the spirit platform.

The shining water of the Lingtai exudes a wonderful light in the gloom.

Yun Youyou didn't know this was given by Xiaomanhua's mother-in-law.

I thought it was a potion refined by Lin Dongxin, and asked curiously: "What is the effect?"

Lin Dong couldn't answer at all, so he waved his hand and explained: "I just started, and I don't know the specific power, but I should be able to see the monster... not to drink it, nor to drip it on the eyes, this must cast a heaven-opening spell! "

If it wasn't for Xiaomanhua's mother-in-law to tell Lin Dong how to use it when she gave the water of the spirit platform, maybe he would pour it into his mouth.

Or drip in the eyes.

in fact.

Using the water of Lingtai is not a conventional method.

Instead, it uses a technique to open the sky's eye to draw the water of the spirit platform, so that the ability of the sky's eye can be instantly enhanced to the enemy's insight.

Lin Dong doesn't need a mantra to open the Third Eye by himself, but if he wants to bring Yunyouyou, he must perform the mantra, and Yunyouyou himself must agree, otherwise he can't share the effect of the water of the spirit platform.

"Open!" Lin Dongjian pointed.

Yun Youyou felt that his Tianmu instantly felt warm and melted.

The most mysterious thing is that it seems that a spiritual platform has really appeared in the Tianmu.

There is an ancient mirror on the spiritual platform, which rotates continuously, and at first the speed is very fast, turning people dazzlingly, but with the gain of the water function of the spiritual platform. The turning of the ancient mirror slowed down, and it got bigger and bigger, and finally the scene inside could be seen clearly. The first is self-respect, and then he sees himself standing with Lin Dong.

Immediately following the movement of my own thoughts, the scenery in the ancient mirror of the Lingtai gradually expanded, and finally expanded to a full field of vision environment within a kilometer range.

Within a kilometer.

Everything. It's all in sight.

Whether it is the swimming fish in the water or the flying insects in the air, or the monsters at the bottom of the riverbed, or even the powerful monsters that have transformed into mountains, rocks and sand to confuse the outside world, they all have an insight into the eyes.

Where the monster's body and inner alchemy are, the storage point of the monster's energy in their body, the process of absorbing aura to transform the monster's body, their future evolutionary trends and their own weaknesses, individual talents and special abilities, and even the potential that has not been developed. Wait a minute, all appeared in the ancient mirror of Lin Dong and Yun Youyou's Lingtai. Although the monsters in the dark river have low skill, and the difference between Lin Dong's skill is huge, but to be able to gain insight into the eyes of such things, the effect of the water of the spirit platform is also a shocking existence!


Absolute baby!

Even if the Five Elements Reincarnation Stele cannot be absorbed in the future, just this small bottle of water from the Lingtai is worth 15% of the power of faith.

"Where did you get it, good stuff!" Yun Youyou was full of praise. She may not appreciate other functions, but she can see through the enemy. And the effect of knowing everything about the enemy to the heart is really impossible to say. Besides, this thing is not necessarily used on the enemy, but so many genetic creatures cultivated around the big house, or the old tortoises, white geese, and little pitiful creatures with spiritual power, they can all be used!

"Secret!" Lin Dong smiled.

He wouldn't tell me about Xiaoman Huapo, this is nothing to do with death!

Cheng Mingge said before, don't be in front of a woman. Speaking of another one, although Yun Youyou is different from ordinary girls, it is a woman's nature to be jealous! Isn’t there a saying? There may be women who don’t eat, but none of them are not jealous!

Granny Xiaomanhua is different from ordinary people.

Yun Youyou knows. It doesn’t necessarily care.

But Lin Dong was unwilling to do such troublesome things. God knows what the consequences would be if he said it, especially Yun Youyou said it. Then Cheng Mingge would say it? To let more people know, if the little round face knows that there is such a peculiar existence as Manhua, she might cry and ask the chief brother to show it to her!

"You have many secrets!" Yun Youyou knows that Lin Dong has many secrets, but he doesn't tell them, and she never goes into them.

Nobody's place.

For example, in the depths of the underground river.

She could allow him to hold his hands, and the two slowly flew across the river.

Outside, she with a tender face did not have such benefits, and apart from cultivating in the void world, it is rare for two people to have such a two-person world.

Above the quiet river.

Two people hold hands.

Tacitly consistent.

Light as a swallow flies through the sky.

The monsters at the bottom of the river also dive consciously, and don't hit the happy moments of casually appearing to disturb the owner.

Back in the Dark River House, Cheng Mingge and Qian Jun were waiting, and Ye Qianru, the Sea Witch, was still in the distance.

"Find some time, I will take you down to experience! Wait until we come back from the scum of cultivation!" Lin Dong feels that it is not enough to always hang on to his appetite. Qianjun and Ye Qianru must be given a motivation. The real monsters inside have been subdued, the danger has been greatly reduced, and the underground river has opened up, mainly to give them a right to fair competition. Otherwise, every time they only go with Yun Youyou, they can only wait and see, Qianjun Ye Qianru will definitely feel that her efforts will not be recognized if she doesn't say it in her heart.

"Senior sister has been away for so many days, and there is no news at all. I am a little worried!" Cheng Mingge knew that senior sister was working hard, but after waiting for a long time, she was afraid that Lin Dong would be impatient.

"Why don't the two of us go over to see the situation?" Ye Qianru took the opportunity to walk over and made a request to Lin Dong.

"You are not the people of the sect~www.wuxiaspot.com~, aren't you going to add chaos?" Wurong Novel. Lin Dong refused.

"Let's go and see first! Maybe the elder sister needs help! One more manpower, sometimes one more help!" Qianjun also moved slightly, hoping that he could help Lin Dong. Yun Youyou needs to accompany him to do minor studies. The two of them are not so urgent. They just took advantage of the time when the senior sister was running around, and went to see what could help.

"Wait for the call, otherwise you don't know how to go there to find a senior sister!" Lin Dong still disagrees on the surface, but seeing Qian Jun and Ye Qian want to help, it is not easy to discourage their enthusiasm.

"Let them go, I'll call Senior Sister!" Yun Youyou felt that Qian Jun and Ye Qianru needed experience.

It's nothing to challenge on the competitive field.

Experience outside.

In fact, it is even more dangerous.

If they can practice well outside, they might have a leap in the growth of their mood and skill in the future! (To be continued.)

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