Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 976: : You should watch yourself first!

The second stone wall defense line.

The Cardinal Nero saw Arius, Chino, Ilario and others withdraw safely one by one, and he felt better.

He was really afraid that this evasion plan would cause a series of collapses because of the retreat.

"Let's hold it here for a while!" Hugo offered to ask.

Arius also stayed.

The two ascetic tutors, Amon and Virgil, did not withdraw, and he did not want to go to the rock wall to avoid fighting.

Compared with the ascetic monk who regards death as his companions willing to give up their lives and stay behind, Arius feels that his empty and powerful self has not made much contribution.

Chino and Ilario stepped forward to replace Josiah and David, letting them who were fighting behind take a breath: "Go, we are enough for the monsters in the direction of the canyon!"

Bird and Thomas join the battle group.

They hope that Josiah will get a break as soon as possible, because the next battle will not stop by the expedition team to avoid the battle.

in contrast.

The next battle will be more difficult.

"Damn it, the monsters here are at least ten times more than our sanctuary!" David was really tired. The **** battles he had experienced before were nothing short of pediatrics. Fortunately, he has the tenacity of willpower, and wants to win people's hearts while Bloody Mary is away, so on the surface he is still high morale, and apart from secretly complaining in his heart, he didn't show half depression in front of others.

"The monsters here are not inferior to Death Canyon!" Josiah refers to the Death Canyon where all the insects and beasts have fully evolved after bombing with a hundred cannons, not the one that can be ‘toured’ before the collapse.

"Mr. Wood finally didn't catch up..." Hugo knew that Bloody Mary would not disappear halfway, and she must have brought the news.

Mr. Wood did not come.

It proved that the rear army was also attacked by the monster tide.

As for whether there is such an ugly monster as Devourer, Hugo has no way of knowing. He can only judge that the situation of the rear army is not optimistic, otherwise he would have waited until Mr. Wood led the team to support.

What the Archbishop Nero had in mind was the safety of John the Silver Spoon Wise.

He regrets letting John lead the way for Bloody Mary.

In case there is an accident.

That would be a huge loss that the Legion of Eden, especially its own side, could not bear and could not make up.

They persisted in the monster's attack for nearly ten minutes, waiting for the two Ascetic Mentors, Amon and Virgil.

"Amon!" Archbishop Nero's eyes were gloomy.

Ascetic monks are not his own faction.

But after all, they are in the Legion of Eden.

the most important is.

They never complain, never fight for power, and unlike the hermit gang, the ascetic will never violate the laws of the Legion of Eden, let alone stand in the open and sing the opposite. A group of taciturn and extremely pious companions, a group of trusted companions at all times, just like this, in order to protect the existence of the entire expedition team, calmly gave up their lives...

"This is our destiny, and to our lord is our highest glory!" Amon's expression was calm.

"Death is just a relief!" Virgil also shook his head.

"May the Lord bless every devout believer, illuminate their dark path, guide them in the direction of confusion, and let them enter the sacred and clean land of immortality under the guidance of the holy light!" Archbishop Nero knew this. The two ascetic tutors didn't plan to go back alive.

No wonder they had promised to lead all the disciples into the Holy Land together. It turns out that they decided to liberate themselves on the pilgrimage from the very beginning.

He could not stop the sacrifice of the ascetic monk.

One is that it is precisely because of these ascetics that the entire expedition team gets the greatest protection, and the other is that this is the highest ideal of the ascetics, even if it is deliberately prevented, it will not succeed!


Boom boom boom...

There was a burst of explosions over the first stone wall.

The mind was as firm as Nero, and he couldn't help but bow his head and silently draw a cross to the ascetic monks who sacrificed their lives.

"Up on the rock wall, we need to continue to hold on!" Arius automatically took over Nero's command. He asked everyone to climb the rock wall to avoid the melee, but he and Ilario held on to the last moment.

"Nero!" Kino could not help yelling when he saw Archbishop Nero's second line of defense on the remaining wall, he was usually rivals with Nero, but at this time, he didn't want to see Nero was in danger. The Legion of Eden can have infighting and contention, but it will not be in the underground world.

"No matter what the test, my heart will not be shaken!" The cardinal Nero shook his head at Chino. He quickly adjusted his mentality and personally took Amon and Virgil to the position that the Legion of Eden had prepared for them early. .

Long Rock Canyon.

When Arius and Ilario finally climbed the wall.

The Devourer brought all kinds of monsters, big and small, rushed in like a tide, and easily smashed the second wall that hadn't closed.

Howl howl howl...

A devouring demon roared angrily at the human on the rock wall.

It has a height of seven or eight meters, but it cannot attack human targets that are at least 30 meters above the rock wall, nor can it jump.

It is the spineback demon dogs that are masters of climbing the rock wall. They originally wanted to escape from the Devourer. For some reason, there seemed to be an invisible voice berating them and driving them. In addition to the spineback dog, there are also flowerback spiders and other monsters, as if they received some kind of information command in an instant, and all the waves rushed to the rock walls on both sides, and continued to attack the humans who were avoiding fighting on it.

It's different from hitting the first line of defense just now.

The sloping rock wall gives mankind a great geographical advantage.

Moreover, human beings have found suitable gaps on the rock wall. They occupy a favorable position, are condescending, and have various sharp weapons, and they can easily knock down the climbing monsters.

The only shortcoming of the current human expedition team is that the top expedition team cannot participate in the battle because of the altitude.

However, the expedition team members at the lowest level have made the monsters surging up wildly from the beginning.

"Hold, we have the right place!" Hugo kept waving the steel shield, sweeping down the big and small monsters that climbed up.

"Pay attention to the top of your head, they will detour!" Kino was on the opposite side of the rock wall. He soon discovered that these monsters were intelligent creatures. They had not been attacking below. Many monsters saw the lower attack blocked and immediately detoured. Attack from above, or from any other angle that can be attacked.


The expedition team members who shot arrows down did not pay attention to the top of their heads. They were bitten by the flower-backed spiders and immediately became limp.

Not the same as companionship, flowerback spiders have forcibly dragged their prey away.

While dragging it away, it also builds a net.

Wrap the prey layer by layer.

When dragged to the top of the rock wall, the expedition team was no longer visible, only a huge white spider web sac.

"Poisonous bee!" A venomous bee with a big fist quietly approached. The expedition member who was stinged either went crazy with pain and jumped out of the rock wall automatically, or just bite at his companion like a lunatic, completely irrational.

"Fire, I want more fire!" Chino led the guardian knights to constantly walk through the cracks in the rock wall, and constantly rescue his companions in critical condition, but the distributed terrain restricted his range of activities. Some cracks in the rock wall that they felt were the safest when they started choosing, once encountered an enemy, they couldn't go to ask for help in a short time without enough people to throw the rope to connect them.

The flamethrower played a huge role.

Countless monsters burned under it.

Screaming and falling down the canyon.

Especially spiders, venomous bees and some other insect monsters, they are extremely fire-fearing.

"Those, what are those ghosts?" Under the light, there was a layer of dark cloud-like things quickly laying down. After a while, the gorge was already flooded. People still don't feel weird a little far away. Wait for it to get closer, Bird, Thomas , Josiah and the others discovered that these monsters turned out to be a strange eagle with a face resembling a human skull.

These strange eagles have a wingspan of more than three meters, and their bodies are not much different from giant eagles, except that their feathers have a strange metallic luster.

It's the head.

Although it has a curved sharp mouth.

But it looks inexplicably similar to humans with eagle noses.

If you only look at the skull, you will mistake it for a human face with a belt-bone eagle nose.

"There are too many!" Hugo couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the strange eagle cloud covering half of the Long Rock Canyon. "There are too many such ghosts!"

"At least tens of thousands!" Josiah's eyes were a little desperate: "We are in trouble!"

"I can't see more than ten thousand, maybe twenty thousand. This is over. Except for the leaders of us, the rest of the army may be wiped out!" David's eyes were rolling. If things are really irretrievable, then He will never ruin his life for the sake of his subordinates! As the leader of the future carefully nurtured by the Three Lions faction, he is unwilling to die here, and unconditionally hand over the good future and the scepter that governs the Three Lions faction into the hands of Bloody Mary. Of course, he will never say this kind of careful thinking, even if the last subordinate is dead, he will not stupidly say this fact.

He doesn't believe in everything in the world.

Whether living or dead.

Except for myself.

David believed no one.

"We have a geographical advantage, and we can survive it! Any creatures, when they lose to a certain extent, they will fall apart!" Ilario is the main advocate who proposed to go to the rock wall to avoid battle. He never thought that the situation would evolve into In this way, but for the desperate situation, he did not give up, but chose to stick to the end.

"As long as you persist, we will do our best!" Thomas knew that persistence is the best choice, escape? There is no way to go to heaven and earth at all!

Escape will die faster!

in contrast.

Perseverance can also occupy a little geographical advantage.

Hugo looked at the dark Taniguchi, and sighed slightly: "It would be great if Mr. Wood can lead the team to arrive at this time!"

"It's useless, there are too many monsters in the canyon. There are everywhere in the sky and the ground. Mr. Wood brought people to death, but he didn't think that Lin Dong could reverse the situation.

"You haven't fought side by side with him, you don't know, that is a man who can perform miracles at any time!" Hugo shook his head.

"Unless it is God, there is no solution to this situation!" David was very upset.

He didn't like to hear any information from Lin Dong.

Especially Hugo's blind trust and admiration made him feel unspeakable jealousy.

Hugo stopped arguing with David.

He didn't want to tell David.

At first in purgatory.

There is a dilemma far more desperate than today.

The remnants of mankind are trapped in a small valley without any geographical advantage. The front and back are monsters that are far stronger than humans. The leader of any monster has wisdom far beyond the monsters of the fallen land today. Those monsters even know how to use tactics... ...However, in front of Mr. Wood, they were beaten to the ground like the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves!

This is Mr. Wood!

Hugo knows.

David is extremely hostile to Mr. Wood, but no matter what aspect of his jealousy David comes from, he is not qualified to question Mr. Wood, let alone challenge Mr. Wood. It's just that the proud three lion sect'King David' I didn't realize it!

at this time.

It is five kilometers away from Changyan Canyon.

Lin Dong led the special forces and they rushed all the way, and finally saw Changyan Canyon from a distance.

"God bless, there is still light in the canyon!" John the Silver Spoon Wise Man wept with joy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was really afraid that he would see darkness when he came back.

"There is light, there is hope, let's move on!" Lin Dong glanced at Griffin and them: "Next, let's take a test. The points system is five points for excellent and three points for unqualified. Before the end of the battle, every Capture a different monster and earn one point. If you are seriously injured in the battle, you lose three points, lose combat power or become fainted. Regardless of your previous performance, you will directly deduct five points. A genetic warrior with excellent grades can choose my next one. Gene medicine, unqualified people go back and train for one year on their own!"

"Are ants count as a kind of monster?" Griffon caught a small ant from the upper, and thought.

"What do you mean?" Lin Dong didn't bother to look at him.

"Definitely not!" Griffin immediately crushed the little ant with his fingers, showing his determination righteously with his face: "Lord God, I will help you supervise, no one can use a little animal to fool through! Must be a real monster, I assure you, I will stare at everyone with sharp eyes!"

"Look at yourself first, Mr. Griffin who tried to steal the chicken but still pretends to be a good guy!" Fox couldn't help but complain about this treasure.

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