Long live, the patriarch is taking concubines again!

131 One After Another, A Hundred-Year Agreement, The First Show Of Fame

Li Su is in a good mood.

Hei Lin is petite and looks like a Loli, the experience he brings is truly unique.

However, Li Su can't let Mo Lin bear a baby for her yet.

Because Mo Lin's true dragon blood has not been completed yet.

The Jiao Clan has dispatched a large number of strong men, looking for some Jiaos who have returned to their ancestors.

However, it is not so easy to find.

Time counteractually is not the most important factor, the most important factor,


If you are lucky, you may bump into one when you go out.

Luck is also very important.

Some opportunities, without good luck, are not easy to get.

This is also the reason why the Immortal Ascension Conference in the northern border was held.

Although some cultivator Spiritual Roots are not very good, but the other party's luck is good, they can also grow up. Such people, the luck will always be good.

Recruiting the other party into the fairy gate is still very beneficial to the fairy gate.

On this day, Li Su sent Molin to Beihai.

This avatar Loli is surprisingly shy in front of Li Su, and rarely speaks to Li Su.

When she made the most noise, it was when Li Su..

"Mo Lin, take these Medicine Pills, I specially made this Dragon Scale Soft Armor for you, after you wear it on your body, activate it before turning into a dragon, and after turning into a dragon, you can also have a very good defense.

Li Su took out a silver-white soft armor that looked very beautiful.

The technology content of this soft armor is not low.

This is a top-grade treasure.

For Huashen, low-grade and middle-grade treasures are the most convenient.

However, it's okay to go a little higher, as long as you have the ability to refine it.

Molin's high-grade treasure was custom-made by Ji Su for her.

What's great about it is that not only can it be worn in her dragon-human form, but after she transforms into a dragon, it will also change with her body.

Turning into a "610" scale armor worn on the body, the color will also change, turning into jet black.

When this Magic Treasures was the most powerful, it was after she transformed into a dragon.

This is Li Su's thought after seeing the armored blue dragon beast.

If that blue dragon beast hadn't been armored back then, even if this guy was very alert, he wouldn't have tried to escape at all.

Li Su then tailor-made such an armor for Lin.

Defensive Magic Treasures, like this kind of armor worn on the body, have extremely high requirements on materials.

The advantage of this kind of armor is that even without injecting any energy, it still has a very high defense.

Of course, the materials needed for this type of armor are too rare, and Li Su also made it out of some rare materials found by Curry in Haiqicang.

Seeing that Li Su actually tailor-made such a beautiful armor for her, Mo Lin, the deity of transformation, was also touched in the heart of Loli.

She silently put away the armor.

After taking a deep look at Li Su, Mo Lin turned into a black dragon and entered the North Sea.

She still has to replenish the blood of the real dragon.

"Engong, these are the things you need, I sent people to search around, and finally found these.

A few days later, Qi sent some Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

Even though he married Mo Lin to Li Su, Mo Qi didn't make a big fuss because of it, he still called Li Su "Gong Gong",

Li Su's kindness to the Beihai Sea Clan is indeed extremely great.

After Li Su put away these things, he took out some Magic Treasures.

This is made by Li Su for the Sea Clan's God Transformation and some late stage powerhouses in Nascent Soul.

Mo Qi didn't expect to create so many Magic Treasures quietly.

"Senior, please hand over these things to them."

Li Su said.

"Engong, these Magic Treasures are too precious, we in Beihai will definitely give Engong enough rewards, and for the things that Engong needs, I will let them turn Beihai upside down, and I will definitely furnish them.

Mo Qi was very excited.

Sea people are not good at refining weapons, nor are they good at pill refining.

Now, Li Su has created so many high-quality treasures for the powerful Sea Clan.

For the Sea Clan, this kindness is even greater.

It's not hard to imagine how excited the Sea Clan powerhouses would be after he brought back these Magic Treasures!

Mo Qi left with many Magic Treasures.

After settling this matter, Li Su was free for the time being.

A few days later, Li Su Ying had a visitor.

"Little friend Li Su."

This visitor is none other than Tianluozong Sect Leader.

He didn't come alone, he also brought a beautiful nun with him.

"Little friend, this is Luo Yuxin, the daughter of my late Little Brother. She was also a genius in our eastern region. She has third rank Spiritual Roots. Even the Yuanzong wanted to recruit her into the sect."

After the Tianluo Sect Leader greeted Li Su, he talked about the business of this trip.

third rank Spiritual Roots!

Li Su couldn't help but take another look at this female cultivator named Luo Yuxin.

The third rank Spiritual Roots, also the Heavenly Spiritual Roots, is an authentic genius.

Although it is incomparable with Youyue and Sect Leader, it still surpasses 99.9% of cultivators.

"Since Yuxin saw Xiaoyou last time, she has never forgotten her. If Xiaoyou also likes Yuxin, Luo will make the decision and let her marry Xiaoyou as a concubine. What do you think?"

After a brief introduction by Tianluo Sect Leader, he went straight to the topic.

As the Sect Leader of the second rank Immortal Sect, a powerful Void Refiner, Tianluo Sect Leader speaks quite directly, without so many detours.

Of course, direct does not mean that there is no city government, but this way of communication is obviously more efficient.

On the side, Luo Yuxin's face was already red to the neck.

Li Su glanced at her and was about to speak when a servant came to inform her.

Another guest came.

"Haha, Tianluo Sect Leader, I didn't expect you to move so quickly."

Laughter sounded.

The head of Xuantian Academy also came.

Soon, not only he came, but also the Dieyun Peak Master and the Beast Sect Leader.

After these immortal sects participated in Li Su's wedding with a big team last time, they wanted to make a good relationship first and leave a good impression on Li Su.

Now that Li Su's wedding was over and they were not so busy, they all chose this opportunity to come to the door to win over Li Su, wanting to draw Li Su into the fairy gate of own.

They must have secretly sent someone to watch each other.

Once a fairy gate moves first, other fairy gates will follow immediately to avoid being preempted by any fairy gate.

The Tianluo Sect Leader saw that the people from the other immortal sects had come, so he was not in vain.

"I don't have many others in Tianluozong, but there are quite a few female cultivators with good qualifications. Little friend Li Su has a dragon style and outstanding charm. All the female cultivators in my Tianluozong are very satisfied with Li Su. As long as Li Su Su Xiaoyou is willing to join my Tianluo Sect, and all disciples above the fourth rank Spiritual Roots of my Tianluo Sect can marry Xiaoyou as a concubine.

"When the little friend grows up, we can all give it to Xiaoxiao."

Tianluo Sect Leader simply picked it up and said.

Li Su is fond of taking concubines, which provides a good direction for those who are interested in befriending Li Su.

In the northern border, there are still many cultivating families who are counting on Li Su to give their daughters as love.

It's just that Li Su's requirements are now even higher.

If the aptitude is not enough, then it is possible to be extraordinarily outstanding in appearance and character.

Jisu, some extremely dazzling mortal women, would occasionally accept ten of them.

Therefore, the method adopted by Tianluo Sect Leader is to do what it likes.

He is also very clear that if this method is not adopted, even if Tianluozong still has an early stage of refining emptiness, there is no way to compare with Guiyuanzong.

Gui Yuanzong is a first rank fairy sect, how can the background be compared with the second rank four sects?

If he didn't use Ye Luzi, he wouldn't have the slightest chance of winning.

"Tianluo Sect Leader is really willing. Although we Xuantian Academy does not have many female disciples, we have the largest collection in the Canglan Realm. In our library, we even have some classics from the ancient Canglan Realm. The writing is different from now, and not many people can understand it."

"Not only that, but the number of cheat books on formation, pill refining, and refining that we have collected is comparable to Sacred Land."

"Li Su, even if you don't want to join our Xuantian Academy, it doesn't matter. With the Xuantian Token, you can enter our Xuantian Academy to browse these secret books at will.

The head of Xuantian Academy also spoke.

He seemed quite organized and generous.

It is estimated that his intention is that even if there is no way to get Li Su to join Xuantian Academy, he must make friends with him.

A genius like Li Su could only be seen in Sacred Land in the past, and it is not difficult to become the holy son of Sacred Land.

Li Su's current potential is much stronger than that of Sacred Land's son.

Li Su is now equivalent to a self-made billionaire who has grown to this point entirely on his own.

I don't know how much stronger than the Holy Child who quickly piled up top-level resources in Sacred Land.

Following the opening of the head of Xuantian Academy and the head of the Wanshou Sect, that rather coquettish woman also spoke.

"Friend Li Dao, Chu Xi came here this time mainly to form a good relationship with the fellow daoist. To be honest, we have a spirit turtle that has lived for tens of thousands of years in our Ten Thousand Beast Sect. This spirit turtle was born a month ago. He spit out people's words, saying that a fellow daoist has the talent to become a fairy.

The head of the Myriad Beast Sect said.

The capital of immortality

These four words made the three Lianxu feel a little dazed.

"Master Chu, did the spirit turtle finally speak?"

The head of Xuantian Academy asked.

The head of the Wanshou Sect nodded and said, "It's absolutely true."

"it is good!"

The master of Xuantian Academy couldn't help but shouted hello, and looked at Li Su more earnestly.

"Li Su, you are the daughter of Nabihai. You must know Gui Yuanzong very well. I have been in the northern border for more than a month. If you are unwilling to leave the northern border, we can give you the status of Inner Sect Elders , on behalf of the northern border."

"When the master is out of the customs, I will personally report to the master. As long as you are willing, the master can also accept you as a direct disciple. We return to Yuanzong, and we can also use the standard of treating the son of Sacred Land to give you the best treatment."

Peak Lord Dieyun also spoke.

She didn't talk empty words or big words, but spoke out the bargaining chips that Gui Yuanzong could take out.

Inner Sect Elders, direct disciples of the sect master, and the standards for treating the holy son of Sacred Land.

Moreover, if Li Su doesn't want to leave the northern border, he doesn't have to leave the northern border.

As soon as these conditions were fulfilled, Tianluo Sect Leader's eyes sank.

This time, Gui Yuanzong showed his sincerity.

This is what he is most afraid of.

A first rank fairy gate doesn't need to go wild, just show the greatest sincerity, and the lethality is incomparably great.

After speaking, Die Yunfeng looked at Li Su.

The final choice is in the hands of Li Su.

"Li Su, you don't have to give us an answer now. Even if you refuse, we will not take revenge on you. Our four immortal sects are the strongest immortal sects in the Canglan Realm, and they are also members of the Canglan Realm. Face, it’s not enough to do such a thing.”

Peak Master Dieyun glanced over the other three sect masters, and said again.

"Exactly, I am a cultivator, how can I do the work of a Devil Cultivator."

The head of Xuantian Academy Ying Hedao.

"Haha, little friend Li Su, even if you join Guiyuanzong, my niece is still willing to marry you."

Tianluo Sect Leader also smiled heartily and said.

Li Su pondered for a while, and finally spoke.

"Thanks to the love of several seniors.

The first sentence is thank you.

These three Lianxu and Chu Xi, the head of the Myriad Beast Sect, were not baptized by many novels and TV shows like Li Su before his time travel.

Otherwise, you will know that there is often a turning point behind this sentence.

"However, Li has no plans to join other fairy sects for the time being."

Sure enough, the photo came.

This answer did not go beyond the expectations of the three sect masters and Peak Master Dieyun.

They have already made such a plan.

"I believe some of you have also seen that my master and I are still facing a little trouble. In the next hundred years, I will not have any plans to leave the northern border or join other immortal sects.

"How about this, let's take a hundred years as an appointment, and see after a hundred years, how about it?"

Li Su said again.


This is also Li Su's plan, he will not join other fairy sects.

Not to mention the first rank immortal sect like Gui Yuanzong, even the Sacred Land... Li Su is not willing.

Even if one day his Spiritual Roots really rises to the first rank, he might not be willing to join Sacred Land.

How free would that be.

The reason for mentioning a hundred years is to stabilize these immortal sects first, not to cut off their hopes, and not to do everything wrong.

Avoid extraneous branches.

He doesn't know much about these fairy gates yet.

With his current strength, he doesn't have much advantage in the face of these immortal sects.

Therefore, Su proposed a hundred-year agreement.

In a hundred years, Li Su's strength will probably undergo earth-shaking changes from what it is now.

"A hundred years is not a long time. Okay, little friend Li Su, we will wait for you for a hundred years. During these hundred years, if you need any help, you can inspire Tian Luo Ling."

Tianluo Sect Leader was the first to express his opinion.

A hundred years is indeed not a long time for a Void Refiner who theoretically has an infinite lifespan.

Several other people also expressed their opinions one after another.

At this point, the wooing of Li Su by several great immortal sects in the Canglan Realm came to an end.

Tianluo Sect Leader still insists on marrying Luo Yuxin to Li Su.

Li Su saw that Luo Yuxin seemed to be so willing, so he didn't refuse.

So, the three-month festival was held again.

This time, it was Li Su Ying who married Luo Yuxin from third rank Spiritual Roots.

This wedding was also extraordinarily grand, this was the marriage of the disciples of the second rank Immortal Sect, and Tianluozong also made the scene very large in order to show their strength in 3.8.

Immortal sects in other realms also sent people to participate.

Luo Yuxin really admires Li Su very much. Her current strength, in the Nascent Soul late stage, has not yet broken through to become a god.

Her preferred plan is that after marrying Li Su for a period of time, she can go to Tianluobao to practice.

In this way, when Li Su went to Tianluozong to see her, he could also know more about Tianluozong.

Maybe he will agree with Tian Luozong even more.

However, Luo Yuxin soon discovered that her plan was completely messed up.

Because after marrying Li Su, Luo Yuxin followed in the footsteps of Li Su's concubines, and began to keep giving birth to babies.

Her baby Spiritual Roots is not bad, the first one has fourth rank Spiritual Roots.

But after giving birth, it didn't take long before Li Su's cultivation gave birth to a second child, then a third child and a fourth child.

Luo Yuxin, the proud girl from the second rank fairy gate, was a little bit broken.

However, after she gave birth to one baby after another for Li Su, she became more and more attached to Li Su, and even revealed a lot of Tian Luozong's secrets.

Sure enough, the girl was not allowed to stay.

In the past few years, the head has been in Closed Door Training, Li Su has continued to take concubines in an orderly manner, and there are many Foundation Establishment nuns in Shuiyuemen.

A few years later, Li Su's name has spread throughout the other four realms.

This time, no one thought it was a rumor or an anecdote.

Especially this time when Tian Luozong sent Luo Yuxin to marry, it completely confirmed Li Su's news.

"I didn't expect Li Su's deeds to be true!"

"Yeah, there is such a miraculous God Transformation Power in the northern border, is it about to rise again?"


In the fairy city of Zhongzhou, there are many cultivators who discuss Jisu.

His name began to spread in other realms as well.

PS: The three chapters are completed, ask for a monthly pass.

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