Long live, the patriarch is taking concubines again!

164 Taoyao Suspected To Be A Reincarnated Immortal, The Peak Of Void Refining

"Husband, what's the matter?"

Tao Yao noticed the doubt on Li Su's face and asked.

"It's okay, Taoyao, I'll take another look."

Li Su continued to examine Taoyao's body more carefully.

After checking for half a day, Li Su confirmed it.

Tao Yao's bone age was indeed locked.

Locking bone age is equivalent to locking age.

No, no, there is a soul.

Bone age is the age of the body, but the soul also has age.

The age of the soul and the body are basically synchronized.

Often a little longer than the body, for ordinary people, there is actually no difference.

Because once the body of an ordinary person dies, the soul will dissipate quickly without a container.

However, it is difficult to measure the age of the soul.

In addition, clavicle age is almost impossible to operate in Sacred Land, so when all immortal sects recruit disciples, they only need to measure bone age.

"Taoyao, how old are you this year?"

Li Su asked.

"Husband, I should be 85 years old this year."

Tao Yao said.

85 years old.

But Taoyao's bone age gave Li Su the feeling that she was only eighteen years old.

"Taoyao, wait a minute."

Li Su went out at night, went to Feixianzong, and brought a Magic Treasures for bone age measurement.

This Magic Treasures is just a Magical Item, Li Su didn't need it, so he didn't prepare it at home.

Li Su gave Tao Yao a test.

"Sure enough, he is eighteen."

Li Su thought.

Tao Yao's bone age is really only eighteen years old.

And Taoyao has lived for 85 years.

This bone age seems to be really locked.

"Taoyao, don't resist, let me check your soul.

Li Su said.

Taoyao nodded her head, she had extra trust in Li Su.

Compared to Li Su, her spirit is too weak.

Li Su was very careful, and didn't dare to use too much soul power, otherwise, he might hurt Taoyao.

With his current strength, there is no problem at all.

The age of the soul is difficult to measure and difficult to check.

Not to mention, some soul-enhancing Medicine Pills can also interfere with this check.

However, after Li Suzai felt it carefully, he made a discovery.

Taoyao's soul age may also be locked.

Invisibly, there seems to be a lock.

Lock Taoyao's age at 18 forever.

Therefore, when Li Su met Taoyao, Taoyao was actually nearly thirty years old, but she looked abnormally young.

Young and voluptuous.

Coupled with her special temperament, Li Su was attracted to her.


Strictly speaking, it was Tao Yao who fell in love with Li Su first.

Moreover, after carefully recalling the scene of meeting Taoyao for the first time, Li Su discovered a special place.

Taoyao's temperament is so outstanding, and she is also a mortal, and there are many immortal cultivators in Lucheng.

But the other immortal cultivators didn't seem to notice her, or, if they noticed, they subconsciously ignored her.

What Li Su can be sure of is that Taoyao didn't have the ability to use magic spells on him.

Tao Yao is indeed a mortal without any cultivation base.

Moreover, Li Su did not detect Spiritual Roots on her body.

Li Su has no secrets about her inside and out, including her soul.

Under such circumstances, she shouldn't have any problems.

For Li Su, there should be no attempt.

If there is an attempt, for example, she is hidden by a very powerful Power, then what is her purpose for doing this?

Both body and soul trust Li Su unconditionally and unreservedly, so that Ji Su, the late stage of refinement, can't detect any abnormalities.

If she is really a Power, then with this strength, wouldn't killing Li Su be as easy as killing an ant?

Is she worthy of own body?

What's more, her love for Li Su has always been felt.

Therefore, even though he found an abnormality in Taoyao, Li Su still chose to believe in Taoyao.

Believe that she will not have any bad intentions for herself.

After setting the tone, the next step is to think about a question.

Why is this happening to Taoyao.

Her body and soul are locked at the age of 18.

In other words, no matter how many years it takes, her body and soul will not change or age.

I just don't know if her lifespan will change.

For example, if you hadn't met Li Su, the lifespan of a mortal would be only a few decades.

Now met Li Su, her life span is thousands of years.

If the lifespan no longer increases, after several thousand years, will she run out of lifespan and disappear into thin air.

"In theory, even her age is locked, and her body and soul are always at the age of 18, so even if she only has a few decades to live, she shouldn't die."

Li Su thought.

What will happen specifically, he doesn't know.

"Lock bone age? It's impossible, even Sacred Land may not be able to do it.

A few days later, in the western region, the voice of the Xuantian Academy department rang out.

In order to find out about Taoyao's situation, Li Su came here to ask the head of Lu.

Headmaster Lu used to be a disciple of Sacred Land Wentian Xuegong, so he was well-informed.

Naturally, Li Su didn't ask him why he was expelled from Tianxue Palace, what if he got poked at someone else?

Wentian Xuegong should belong to those who have a very wide understanding of various aspects of knowledge, which can be seen from the collection of the head of Lu.

This is the "learned" Sacred Land in Immortal World.

Li Su went to Tianluozong to ask again, and Yinluo Sect Leader also felt that it could not be done.

Finally, Li Su thought about it and returned to the Li Mansion.

"Holy Maiden, Li Su is here~"

In Zixue Holy Maiden Immortal Cave, the voice of the girl in green rang out.

Zixue Holy Maiden, who had been waiting in Li's residence for decades, opened her eyes, and when she heard Li Su coming, a gleam of light appeared in her eyes, which seemed to have been frozen for thousands of years.

After so many years, Li Su has never taken the initiative to come to her.

Did Li Su change his mind?

"Holy Maiden."

Li Su appeared in Immortal Cave.

Zixue Holy Maiden soon found out why Li Su came.

"Clavicle age is difficult, and it is almost impossible to lock the age of the soul. I haven't heard of it in Wentian Academy.

Zixue Holy Maiden said truthfully.

"So, thank you for the chart.

"No problem."

Li Su Li opened.

Seeing that Li Su left so quickly, Zixue Holy Maiden was a little disappointed that Li Su actually asked such a harmless question.

If you ask about the Tianxue Palace, it means that Li Su has something on his mind.

But no.

In the following time, Li Su also observed Taoyao more.

After several years, Li Su discovered that Taoyao did not have any abnormality.

She is like a young woman who is innocent and always maintains a good attitude. She reads, reads, works and paints every day.

Or practice the piano.

Her favorite is drawing Li Su.

Her room is full of Hakka portraits of Ji Su.

From time to time, she also composes a song for Li Su together with Fairy Qin.

This kind of Taoyao also made Li Su feel fond of her.

However, her body is a mortal body and cannot be like Ji Su's other Dai An.

Li Su is still very gentle every time.

It's been a long time, and Taoyao can't afford it.

"Could it be that Taoyao is the reincarnation of a true immortal?"

On this day, looking at Taoyao who was painting, Li Su thought.

From the body to the soul, the age is locked, and this method cannot be achieved by Sacred Land.

Who else can do it?

We can only think about it at a higher level, such as the level of "immortal".

According to the head of the sect, there is a high probability that the immortal reincarnation will fail. Of the 10 immortal reincarnations recorded by the Dongfang family, only two succeeded.

Another eight times, those immortals did not awaken their memory, and then their whole life passed like this.

The immortal would probably die because of this.

So, is it possible to be a reincarnated immortal without awakening memory one day?

But the fact that Taoyao's age is locked at 18 has always baffled Li Su.

Other immortals failed when they failed to reincarnate, and did not cause any waves afterwards.

Why is Taoyao's age locked.

Moreover, if it is locked at the age of 12, Li Su can figure it out.

Because after the immortal is reincarnated, the maximum age for awakening memory is 12 years old, after 12 years old, it will never be awakened.

Locking at the age of 12 is equivalent to giving this reincarnated immortal endless time to awaken his memory.

I am afraid that there are very few immortals who can do such a handwriting.

Otherwise, why did so many celestial beings fail in reincarnation?

But now, Taoyao's age is locked at 18 years old.

This makes even Li Su's brain circuit burn a little CPU.

"In other words, Tao Yao was extremely powerful before her reincarnation, so she was able to plan ahead and lock her own age.

"And because she was too powerful before reincarnation, the maximum time for her to awaken her memory was when she was 18 years old?"

Li Su thought suddenly.

There is this possibility.

It is impossible for immortals and gods to have the same strength.

There must be strengths and weaknesses.

For the reincarnation of other immortals, 12 years old is the time for the final awakening of memory.

What if Tao Yao was terrifyingly strong before reincarnation?

Then does she have the means to awaken her memory before the age of 18?

Moreover, she also locked her own age, giving herself more time to awaken her memory!

"That's a possibility."

Li Su thought.

If Tao Yao is really the reincarnation of an immortal, then the possibility of this possibility is the greatest.

Thinking of this, looking at Tao Yao who was sleeping soundly in his arms, Li Su gently hugged her into his arms.

Either way.

As long as Taoyao is sincere to her, her problems are Ji Su's business.

However, it is not yet possible to verify.

Wait and see if there are any changes later.

The years are still very peaceful.

Over the past few years, the northern border has gradually prospered.

After Li Su sorted out the mountains and rivers and the spiritual veins of the northern border and several other borders, the concentration of Spiritual Qi in the border is also constantly rising.

Gradually leveled with other realms.

Of course, it is still difficult to catch up with Zhongzhou. Zhongzhou is the place with the strongest spiritual Qi in the Canglan world.

"500 years old."

On this day, Li Su's age came to 500 years old.

A grand birthday party has started again.

And on the day when Li Su is 500 years old, Tian brings good news to Ji Su again.

She's in Nascent Soul.

In fact, Li Tian was able to arrive a long time ago. She deliberately suppressed the progress and broke through on Li Su's 500th birthday to celebrate her father's birthday.

The current Li Tian is only a hundred and ten years old.

She is only first rank Spiritual Roots.

Not like fairy Spiritual Roots

Same, centenarian Nascent Soul.

But as Li Su's daughter, she is not much slower than Xian Spiritual Roots.

One hundred and ten Nascent Soul!

It also made the immortal cultivators in the Canglan Realm amazed one by one.

The Li family has a daughter who has just grown up.

However, this girl who has grown into a big girl is still very clingy to Li Su, she likes to nest next to Li Su when there are no outsiders around.

"Sister, you are amazing!"

The sisters Li Die and Li Tian have a very good relationship.

Li Die has also grown into a slim girl.

Like Li Tian, ​​she is also very experienced.

Li Die, who is a Holy Spiritual Roots, is much faster than Li Tian in terms of cultivation speed.

Adding the bonus that Li Su got from the rewards, Li Die's speed to Nascent Soul will probably be very fast.

Of course, it doesn't work because of it.

Easily unstable.

Therefore, Li Su's request to Li Die is to walk steadily every step of the way.

We must lay a solid foundation.

Otherwise, just seeking speed is prone to problems.

Especially for geniuses, if you blindly pursue speed, your foundation will easily become unstable. At least, you will encounter bottlenecks, and at worst, you will encounter Hearts Demon.

Even if everything goes well, when you grow up in the future, you will regret it very much.

Will affect the upper limit of growth.

Like some Sacred Land or Daxianmen, there are some geniuses who are abolished in this way.

It's not that they don't know this truth.

But, there is not a word called youthful and frivolous.

There are also some fairy gates that like to hold some competitions and the like to promote exchanges.

Including in the Xianmeng, from time to time there are rivals.

It's just that Li Su has never been in contact with them. In fact, talents like Tian Tian seldom participate.

One very important reason is that there are some comparisons between geniuses and geniuses.

If some young geniuses want to compare their speed with others, they will become restless and blindly seek speed, then it will have a counterproductive effect.

Competitions such as Qi refining, Foundation Establishment, and even Gold Core Nascent Soul competitions, in the eyes of the real strong, are like children's play house, and they can't decide anything at all.

Temporary speed, victory or defeat is not important at all.

But how many geniuses can really see the long-term?

If everyone can calm down and take steady steps step by step, then there won't be so many geniuses in this world who die halfway.

Cultivating immortals is not about competing for merits, the most important thing is being able to become an immortal in the end.

Of course, for some geniuses, it is still necessary to communicate in some games occasionally, but the mentality is better.

Don't think that if you win one or two games, you will be invincible.

Not only Li Tian's strength has greatly improved, Li Su's Spiritual Roots descendants also have more Gold Cores emerging.

Even those with poor qualifications, Li Su's descendants have a longer lifespan. Coupled with Li Su's Medicine Pill and better resources, some descendants can survive with time

to Gold Core.

Of course, if the qualifications are not enough, it will be a little difficult to go up.

Among Li Su's descendants, some good pill refining tools also appeared. Li Su also opened up a special place on Mangcang Mountain, and established a special pill refining room.

Ordinary descendants, Li Su naturally wouldn't personally refine weapons for them, there was no need for that.

But for the excellent offspring, Magic Treasures Li Su will create them himself.

Occasionally, some offspring with outstanding performance will also be rewarded by Jisu.

Now, whichever offspring can get the Magic Treasures rewarded by Li Su will arouse the envy of other offspring in the family.

Shortly after turning 500 years old, Li Su's Cultivation Base got another bud break.

In one fell swoop, he broke through to the peak of refining the void.

"Peak of Void Refining."

For Li Su, who is at the peak of Void Refining, even a simple opening of the primordial spirit can cause the surrounding world to tremble.

Although Zijin Primordial Spirit requires much more Cultivation Base than ordinary Primordial Spirits, as Li Su becomes stronger and stronger, Zijin Primordial Spirit becomes more and more terrifying.


Li Su glanced over the system panel.

This time, after reaching the peak of refining the virtual, it will be easy to talk about later.

Because the number of descendants of the Li family will reach one million again in a few years.

At the same time, the offspring of Li Su's Spiritual Roots will also break the thousand mark again.

There will be two waves of big rewards.

After these two waves of big rewards, plus the Cultivation Base obtained in the middle, after reaching the peak, Li Su sensed a bottleneck, but it should be no problem to push Li Su to the perfection of Cultivation Base.

During the refining period, he encountered a total of three bottlenecks, twice a day.

But it's all good for him.

Even if Li Su goes to breakthrough by himself, it can be done with a little time.

This bottleneck is not as scary and difficult as peak master Dieyun's bottleneck.

Of course, this is also for Li Su, if it is for others, then this bottleneck will delay the other party for a long time.

"Integrated Union can be expected."

Li Su showed anticipation.

According to this rhythm, it will not take many years to get to Integrated Union.

For him, the Integrated Union can be said to be close at hand.

PS: Ask for monthly tickets, 10 monthly tickets plus 1 change.

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