Thinking of this, Ah Chen's eyes showed something strange...

"who are you?"

The old man didn't say much, just stretched out his hand and shook the bottle.

Seeing this, Ah Chen turned his head, "Girl, give me ten taels of silver."

Feng Chuge stepped forward, looked at the sloppy-clothed old man, and frowned slightly.

Doesn't this man look like a potter?

Where is such a coincidence?

"Little careful he is a liar..."

Ah Chen slightly lowered his eyes, "It should not be a liar."

Seeing Achen's insistence, Feng Chuge shook his head lightly, no matter what, it's only ten taels of silver.

You can't hurt a child's fragile and young heart for ten taels of silver...

There is some truth to it, she will tell him slowly in the future.

"Zi Lan, take ten taels of silver."

Zilan was a little unhappy at first, but she also decided that the old man was a liar.

It is better to give money to this liar than to someone who is really in trouble.

But now that the young lady has spoken, she can only take out the money...

Ah Chen handed the silver to the old man, a few gleams of light flashed in the old man's eyes, and then he smiled. "Take one tablet every full moon night for three months, and you will see results."

After saying that, the old man put the silver in his arms, turned around, and continued to stumble away...

Ah Chen took the medicine bottle, looked at the bottle shining with white light, narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering what he was thinking.

Feng Chuge took the bottle from one side.

Opening the bottle cap, she lightly smelled the medicine inside, and there was something abnormal in the fundus of her eyes.

This actually very similar to the medicine that Ah Chen asked her to refine.

If you talk about the difference, it's just that there are other medicines that she can't tell...

She looked at the old man walking away with some astonishment.

At this moment, the old man had already passed the corner, and he completely disappeared.

"He's not a liar." A Chen folded his arms around his chest, without any other expression on his face, he just said coolly.

Feng Chuge hooked his lips, and handed the medicine to Ah Chen.

"Xiao Chenchen, tell my sister, what exactly does this medicine do? And he said Xiaoyaohuichunsan... what is that?"

She always felt that there was something wrong with Ah Chen, but she couldn't say where it was.

Just now, it seems that it was after the old man said something about Xiaoyaohuichunsan that Ah Chen decided to buy this antidote.

Ah Chen didn't say much, just put the medicine into his bosom. "You'll know later..."

After finishing speaking, Ah Chen glanced at Feng Chuge again. "Woman, go back... I'm hungry, and I'm still waiting for you to cook!!"

"Didn't you eat a lot at the banquet just now?" Feng Chuge asked with his eyes twitching.

"But I'm just hungry."

"Okay, it just so happens that Biluo just found a new cook yesterday..."

Before Feng Chuge could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Achen. "I'm going to eat what you made..."

"..." Feng Chuge staggered. "I don't cook well."

Ah Chen suddenly raised his head, looked at Feng Chuge with a pair of big eyes, and there was some pity in his eyes——

"Feng Chuge... Do you have the heart to see your little Chenchen hungry? Do you have the heart to see your little Chenchen pale and thin? Do you have the heart to see..."

"Stop!!" Feng Chuge stopped him.

"What I do is..." Feng Chuge pulled his lips helplessly.

Ah Chen's innocent little eyes are what he can't bear the most...

It's shameful to be cute! !

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