She is determined that Feng Chuge and Chi Yuling are all the way.

At this moment, watching the Fengchu song, the look is cold.

Feng Chu sang her, but just raised her lips and smiled, showing a touch of laughter. "The words of the dragon girl are heavy. What is the mountain not relying on the mountain? It is the mutual respect between the elders and the juniors. Not everyone is like a dragon girl."

Since Chi Yutian does not give her a face, she does not need to give Essence a good face.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Fengchu, Chi Yutian’s face was slightly ugly.

She still wants to say something, but Mrs. Lin pulled her.

In the end, Chi Yutian just blinked, "You, give me a wait!"

Standing aside, Feng Chuge raised his eyes and looked at the figure that Chi Yutian left, and the lips always had a faint smile...

Chi Yuling looked at the Fengchu song and the poetry of Chiyu Tianshui. It was also a look of thousands of times. I didn’t know what I was thinking. She chilled a few more words and went to her own seat.

After they all left, they immediately cleared their points.

The emperor sat quietly, sitting on one side.

From the beginning to the end, he ignored the red jade days.

In his heart, now, Chi Yutian can't even compare a stranger.

The behavior of Chi Yutian can no longer excite the half-wave of his heart. Of course, the premise is that he will not harm the Fengchu song.


The people on the field were almost at the same time, and Chi Wanqun finally came over from one place.

On the seat, he smiled and stared at the bottom of the group. "The big guy is giving me the face of the old man, and all of them are coming."

"The patriarch is overjoyed, and it is hard to get out. We must come." Someone should be.

Also, this time, Chiwanqun retired for more than 20 years.

It’s been a long time, and everyone has forgotten that there is a presence of this person.

However, twenty years later, he stepped into the realm of the gods, and the result was overjoyed.

"Ha ha ha." Listening to their words, Chi Wanqun just looked up and laughed. "In fact, let everyone come here today, not only for the sake of the old man, but also to introduce two people to everyone."

Said, Chi Wanqun's sight sweeps everyone, and finally falls on the Fengchu song and the emperor's dust.

"You two, come over first."

Feng Chuge and the Emperor did not think that Chi Wanqun would be so direct, the two looked at each other and went forward.

"This is my great-grandson."

When the words came out, the audience was stunned.

Everyone looked at the imperial dust, and looked at the golden mark of his eyebrows.

Dragon's blood!

This man also has the blood of the dragon!

The news that Chi Yutian brought back the imperial dust was only known to a few people, so everyone was surprised at this moment.

In an instant, the next whisper.

"I didn't expect it to be the blood of the dragon."

"The momentum on this body is better than the momentum of the wind."

“Don't the patriarch want to give him the seat of the heir? Otherwise, how could it be introduced to us so grandly?”

Around, the discussion sounded.

Even if the sound is not big, but Chi Yutian and others have heard it clearly.

Looking at the awe of the eyes of the emperor, Chi Yutian finally felt that his heart was too much.

This is her son!

Her extremely good son!

"Sister, have you seen it? Everyone said that my son is better than your son." Chi Yutian turned his head and looked at Chi Yuling sitting next to her, smiling coldly.

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