The crowd all went from the inside of the city to the outside of the city. Just now Liu Yuru walked against the crowd.

However, this is often due to too much corruption by the government, which leads to conflicts arising from forcing the people to forcibly repair the river. But in these days, Gu Jiusi, whether the river worker's money is distributed, whether it is food and lodging on weekdays, he is all staring at it with all his might. Even if there is a real riot, he will never use the banner of making trouble for Gu Jiusi.

The dog jumped off the wall in a hurry, intending to use this fake riot to assassinate Gu Jiusi.

Liu Yuru wanted to understand the various reasons and measured the situation. Probably guessed the current situation.

She hurried to the gate of the county office with the people. As soon as she arrived at the gate of the county office, she saw that the county office had been surrounded by a group of people dressed in river workers' clothes, and those people rushed to the gate , Liu Yuru led the people to see such a scene, and shouted angrily: "In front of the county yamen, how dare you and other troublemakers dare to be so presumptuous?!"

When there is no mercy, get out of here!"

"Speaking like this, it must be the wife of an official family." Someone in the crowd sneered, and when they said this, everyone was instantly angry, Liu Yuru glanced over, looked at the humane, "Tell your master to come out and speak."

"Master?" The man immediately retorted, "I'm just a commoner who came out to seek justice, where did the master come from, don't spray people with blood!"

"Stop talking nonsense to me," Liu Yuru said coldly, "I know exactly what you're thinking, and if you want to be a traitor, then I'll let you be. But you and Wang Shusheng make it clear. Now, inciting the people to rush into the government is treason."

Liu Yuru raised the corners of her mouth: "This is different from the assassination of the imperial commissioner. He did not dare to instigate the assassination of the imperial commissioner, but he dared to make people rebel, and he was very courageous."

"You spit!"

The man suddenly shouted loudly, Liu Yuru sneered and laughed: "Isn't there a master?"

The man's face froze, Liu Yuru put her hands in front of her and said calmly: "Before I entered the city, people were waiting outside the city, once I gave a signal here, people outside Immediately take the confession written by me and enter the East Capital, I will see if the heads of your Wang family are enough to chop off!"


The man rushed towards Liu Yuru in a hurry, Liu Yuru took a step back, and at the same time stretched out her hand to take out a signal flare, guarding her in front of her, she took the signal flare and shouted: "You go forward again Give it a try!"

The man froze, and Liu Yuru knew that they must have not caught Gu Jiusi.

If they caught Gu Jiusi, they would have no scruples at this moment. There are still their people in Dongdu. People here are dead. They go to Dongdu to operate. Even if they have confessions, they may not be able to reach the sky.

But Gu Jiusi didn't catch it. If Gu Jiusi returned to the Eastern Capital and made a confession, they really couldn't keep it.

Liu Yuru felt a little more at ease, she looked at the man who was staring at the signal flare in front of her, and said lightly: "You think I'll bring people directly back to the city to catch turtles in your urns? Don't think about it. , how can I come back if I don't do a safe and sound plan? I only came back after taking care of the goods. You guys fight back, but don't touch my property. Get out of the way, I'll find Mr. Li!"

No one moved, Liu Yuru smiled: "Why, don't let it?"

Now, you group of scoundrels besieged the government, but I was stabbed in vain. Anyway," Liu Yuru lowered her voice, "My husband didn't catch it, and you dare not kill me. You want to kill me. I, why don't you ask Wang Shusheng if he wants to?"

"I don't understand what Madam is saying."

Liu Yuru didn't gossip with him, and directly said to Mu Nan: "Put the knife to clear the way, and whoever stops you will kill him, go!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the guards beside her all drew their knives, Liu Yuru stood in the middle with her head held high, and strode towards the county office.

She walked very calmly, and seemed to have no fear among the chaotic people holding weapons. This kind of bearing calmed down the surrounding guards, and the group separated the chaotic people and walked to the county yamen After saying his name, Liu Yuru waited at the entrance of the county government office.

Thousands of people outside looked at Liu Yuru and his party, but Liu Yuru's expression remained unchanged.

Li Yuchang heard Liu Yuru coming, and immediately felt a lot at ease, which made people rush to open the gate of the county government.

The concierge knew how many people were around the door. When he opened the door, his hands were shaking. When he opened the door, he saw a woman standing tall. The woman nodded to him, and the concierge suddenly calmed down When he got down, he took a step back and opened the door: "Madam, please."

Liu Yuru responded, and then led the crowd in, nearly a hundred people, and after entering the door, the yard was full.

Luo Zishang and Li Yuchang were both in the county office. When Li Yuchang saw Liu Yuru leading someone in, he stepped forward and said, "Where is Master Gu?"

"Lord Li and talk inside."

Liu Yuru raised her hand and invited Li Yuchang to go in. Li Yuchang glanced outside, hesitated, and followed Liu Yuru into the door.

After entering the room, Li Yuchang hurriedly said, "What does Master Gu say?"

"I didn't see him," Liu Yuru said immediately, "He shouldn't have been caught yet."

"Indeed not," Li Yuchang said immediately, "a young man came to me before and said that Mr. Gu was attacked on the river bank, and he fled, the direction should be to the suburbs The forest is gone."

Hearing this, Liu Yuru was a little worried. There was no one around Gu Jiusi, so he was chased by so many people, and he was afraid that nothing would happen.

Seeing her worried look, Li Yuchang said, "Why are you here?"

"I was there to save him, but I didn't expect to be trapped in the city."

Liu Yuru said, she smiled and said: "But Mr. Li don't have to worry," Liu Yuru soothed him, "Jiusi is outside, he will definitely try to save us."

"He wants to save, but how?"

Li Yuchang was a little worried: "Now Sizhou has been slow to send troops, and they have made such a scene again, obviously they have already planned to do it, and Sizhou doesn't care about us, he alone can How to do?"

"Don't worry," Liu Yuru said calmly, "there is always a way."

Li Yuchang didn't speak, Liu Yuru was so calm, he couldn't lose an inch more than a woman. He sighed and finally said, "You can rest, I'll think of a way."

Liu Yuru responded and thought for a while: "I've brought eighty-nine people, all of whom are top players. Now the county government adds up and down, there should be nearly three of our people. Hundreds of people, even if they attack by force, they can resist for a while. Master Li should take a look at what materials the county government has now. If the worst plan is to be expected, we can hold on for a few days and whether we can break through."

Li Yuchang nodded: "Understood."

Liu Yuru comforted Li Yuchang a few more words, and then went out the door. Shortly after going out, she saw Luo Zishang sitting on the edge of the promenade, quietly looking at Xiaochi not far away.

Liu Yuru paused, thought about it, and finally said, "Lord Luo."

"Boss Liu."

Luo Zishang turned his head and looked at Liu Yuru, he smiled and said, "Boss Liu should be on the dock, why did you enter the city?"

"On orders."

Liu Yuru couldn't believe Luo Zishang, and now she told the Wang family that she entered the city on purpose, so naturally she can't show her vest in front of Luo Zishang. Luo Zishang laughed when he heard this: "Boss Liu has never told me the truth."

Liu Yuru did not answer his words, but said: "Master Luo is also trapped in this city now, what are your plans?"

Luo Zishang heard her words, turned his head, he stared at her quietly, after a long time, he smiled: "You are afraid."

Liu Yuru's expression remained unmoved, as if she had never heard of his words, Luo Zishang raised his hand to support his head, and said lazily and leisurely: "I thought that Boss Liu was invulnerable, but after all, he is just a little boy. girl."

"Master Luo rest well," Liu Yuru saluted directly, "Concubine first."

After speaking, Liu Yuru walked away, Luo Zishang stopped her and said indifferently, "Don't be afraid."

Liu Yuru paused, Luo Zishang's voice was flat: "Gu Jiusi is not arrested, he will find a way outside. We just need to wait. As for this city," he said, Picking up a fallen leaf from the side, he said indifferently, "It doesn't matter if there is still me."

Hearing this, Liu Yuru finally felt relieved, and she only confirmed at this moment that Luo Zishang did not intend to side with the Wang family this time.

She let out a sigh of relief and bowed to Luo Zishang again. Although there was no sound, she expressed her gratitude.

Luo Zishang looked at her lightly, nodded lightly, and said nothing.

Liu Yuru turned around, and led Yin Hongmu Nan back to the bedroom arranged by Li Yuchang.

Sitting in the bedroom, Liu Yuru thought about the situation.

According to Li Yuchang's statement, Gu Jiusi finally went to the outskirts of the city, and the Wang family has not responded yet, so they probably haven't caught anyone yet. Since he has not caught anyone in the suburbs, Gu Jiusi must have run away.

He won't leave her alone. After running, he will go to the pier no matter what. Based on this route and time, he should not enter the city. Then he must not be trapped in the city now.

There is no movement in Sizhou now, but Xingyang used a riot to end their lives so generously. The news that Gu Jiusi went to Sizhou to transfer troops was probably in the hands of the Wang family Now, there must be people from the Wang family in Sizhou. If Gu Jiusi went by himself, he would have thrown himself into the net. With his cleverness, he would definitely not go to Sizhou alone now.

The most probable way left is to go to Dongdu to move rescue troops. He travels fast in the starry night, and it will take two or three days to reach the Eastern Capital. After arriving in the Eastern Capital, he should bring a charismatic backer to Sizhou, and it will take another three or four days to transfer troops from Sizhou.

So she has to stay in this city for at least seven days, so that Gu Jiusi can lead someone to rescue her. Moreover, even if he really waited until seven days later, he brought troops over and made the Wang family anxious, she might become Xingyang's shield, or a funeral object.

When she thought of this, she felt a little uncomfortable. Yin Hong made a bed for her next to her. After she made it, Liu Yuru said to her, "I'll rest for a while."

"I'll get you some porridge in the kitchenette."

Liu Yuru nodded, Yinhong walked out, and after she went out, she took off her shoes, sat on the bed, lowered the curtain, the whole bed suddenly became a closed space, she sat in Inside, he hugged himself and buried his face in his knees.

Actually, Luo Zishang is right.

She had to believe that all people survived, and she had to believe so.

As soon as the gate of Xingyang City was closed, Gu Jiusi heard the bell outside, and he realized it.

He stood on the edge of the pier, and after a while, he heard the people on the boat: "Sir, the boat is leaving, do you want to come with us?"

Gu Jiusi raised his head, and the person on board added: "Boss Liu wanted us to wait for you."

Hearing this, Gu Jiusi felt a sharp pain in his heart.

He took a deep breath and finally said, "You are all from Liutong Trading?"

"Yes." The person who spoke was humane, "I am the shopkeeper here in Xingyang, my name is Xu Feng, you have seen it before."

"I remember."

Gu Jiusi nodded, he thought for a while, and finally said: "I need some money and manpower here, you leave some silver taels for me, if you want to keep, you keep some people, don't want to keep If you leave, just follow Yuru's instructions and leave."

Xu Feng got the word, answered, then gathered the people, counted those who were willing to stay, and gave the money to Gu Jiusi, and then said: "Sir, because the small The eldest son, Xu Luo, is only seventeen years old this year, but he has learned some martial arts and is dexterous, so he is willing to stay by the side of the adults and be driven by the adults."

Gu Jiusi expressed his gratitude, and then asked Xu Luo to order someone and left with him.

He can't stay at the pier for too long, Wang Shusheng will definitely let people come to the pier to search for people, but sooner or later, he has to leave quickly.

Gu Jiusi led Xu Luo towards the surrounding forest, then found a cave in the forest and settled down.

The caravan left him twenty people, all of them young and strong. They were friends with Liu Yuru on weekdays, and they stayed in order to save Liu Yuru. After the group settled down, Gu Jiusi dispatched two of them to split into two paths and head east to find Jiang He.

After the others were sent out, Xu Luo sat beside Gu Jiusi and said with Gu Jiusi, "Sir, what shall we do next?"

"Go to Sizhou first," Gu Jiusi said calmly, "Inquire about the situation in Sizhou, and I will find a few more people."


"As long as I'm not caught, she'll be fine."

Gu Jiusi looked up in the direction of Xingyang: "If I get caught, then something really happened."

Xu Luo didn't quite understand Gu Jiusi's twists and turns, but Liu Yuru always praised Gu Jiusi. Liu Yuru's husband was also his master, so he didn't say much.

Gu Jiusi saw others picking up firewood, Gu Jiusi rested for a while, and said with the others, "You rest here, I will go to Sizhou with Xu Luo to see."

After finishing speaking, Gu Jiusi got on his horse and led Xu Luo towards Sizhou.

When all the changes in Xingyang, inside the Dongdu Palace, Fan Xuan quietly looked at Shen Ming: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"The grass people know."

Shen Ming spoke calmly, he raised his head and looked back at Fan Xuan: "I ask your majesty to send a suitable person to send troops to Yongzhou."

"I gave Gu Jiusi the token," Fan Xuan said calmly, "If he needs to transfer his troops, he can transfer his troops."

"What if people from Sizhou are also bribed?"

Shen Ming asked back: "Or is it too late for Lord Gu's people to go to Sizhou to transfer troops?"

"They dare?!"

"Why not?"

Shen Ming asked calmly, he pointed to Wang Siyuan's confession he had copied, and asked: "Yongzhou has been completely controlled by the local gentry family, and now they know that Wang Siyuan is dead, they will guess When Wang Siyuan has recruited all the people, we will arrest people according to this list, and check the evidence according to the information given by Wang Siyuan.

Yongzhou is at risk, it has already taken three days for the minister to come, and if it is delayed, it will be too late."

"The new dynasty in Daxia was first built," Fan Xuan touched the jade seal beside him, and said slowly, "I can't mess with the law, without you as a sinner, the reason for sending troops after a word. If today I Sending troops to Yongzhou without any basis and evidence, and other states, I am afraid that I will feel uneasy in my heart, and there will be changes in the air."

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty," Jiang He suddenly said, Fan Xuan turned to look over, Jiang He took a step forward, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty has given Jiusi Tiao Sizhou military and horse tokens before, this time It would be better for Wei Chen to lead Lord Xiaoye over together, picket the officials of the two states, and assess the situation of the officials in the two states this year."

Daxia inherits most of Darong's system, including the annual evaluation of officials. The salary of officials in the next year is closely related to promotion and evaluation. With this right, he will be able to hold the jurisdiction over the promotion and salary of a large number of officials in Sizhou next year. Once he arrives in Sizhou, he will directly gain more than half of the friendly troops.

Jiang He saw Fan Xuan thinking about his proposal and didn't speak, Jiang He continued, "By the way, if something goes wrong in Yongzhou, the imperial court can't just sit back and watch, to prevent the chaos from getting too big. If there is trouble in a city, you don't have to make a big deal. After a quick battle, you can immediately help people up again, and it won't have much impact."

"Your quick battle," Fan Xuan thought, "How many people and how long?"

"Five thousand, one day."

Jiang He resolutely opened his mouth, he smiled: "I am not afraid of your Majesty's joke, with the ability of my little nephew, if you have five thousand troops, it will only take a day to take down Xingyang. If you can take down Xingyang in one day , cure Xingyang's old illness, Your Majesty," Jiang He slowly bowed his body, his eyes were meaningful, "The new dynasty was established in the Great Xia Dynasty, this is the real thing, with national prestige."

Hearing this, a cold light suddenly gathered in Fan Xuan's eyes.

"You're right."

Fan Xuan nodded: "Da Xia can't imitate Da Rong."

He also used to be Jiedushi, and he knows only how Darong overturned.

Jiang He did not speak for his sake.

Fan Xuan quickly drew up an order to let Jiang He set off immediately. After Jiang He received the imperial decree, Fan Xuan finally looked at Shen Ming.

"As for you—"

Fan Xuan looked at Shen Ming, frowned, Shen Ming knelt on the ground, he was finally relieved when he got the news that Jiang He was going to Sizhou to manage this matter.

Jiang He went to Sizhou, he gave all the evidence, he did everything he could do, and he couldn't manage the rest.

His road has come to an end, and the rest is a cliff or a long road, it doesn't matter.

He knelt quietly on the ground, and after a long time, Fan Xuan finally said, "Tianjing will be held first, and the Yongzhou case will be handled together with the Yongzhou case."

Hearing this, Shen Ming was stunned, Jiang He hurriedly said, "Thank you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Shen Ming immediately kowtowed.

When Shen Ming and Jiang He left the hall together, Jiang He ordered Ye Shian to prepare for the trip, Shen Ming was carried and sat on the soft sedan chair, Jiang He walked beside him, raised a fan to cover the sun, smiled He said, "Your Majesty has the heart to forgive you, but I'm afraid you won't die."

Shen Ming laughed, looking a little silly.

Jiang He hooked the corners of his mouth: "If you survived, you should cherish it in the future. Find a chance and go to the Ye family to propose marriage."

Shen Ming was stunned for a while, and after a while, he hurriedly said, "I... I'm still far from it."

Jiang He raised his eyebrows, Shen Ming looked at Jiang He, he seemed to endure for a while before finally saying, "Actually, Ye Yun doesn't have me in her heart."

Jiang He was a little surprised, Shen Ming continued, "She...she should you."

These words made Jiang He stunned. After a while, he laughed out loud, but said, "Isn't this normal?"


"Young little girls like me like this," Jiang He opened his fan, covering half of his face, and smiled, bending his beautiful eyes, "That's normal."

Shen Ming didn't say anything, Jiang He's words made him uncomfortable, and after a while, he finally said, "She is a very good girl, she won't be tempted casually. She looks at you in the eyes. , I understand."

"That's why," Jiang He looked at Shen Ming with a bit of nostalgia in his eyes, "You are young people. It's easy for a person to like someone, he is handsome, handsome, gentle, Ability, or her beauty, noble birth, knowledgeable interest... Everyone admires good people, but this kind of admiration is just admiration, just a temporary heartbeat. But if you fully know a person's good or bad, accept him I still like everything, it's too difficult."

"You guys are still young." Jiang He's expression was a little gentle, "She doesn't mean to you at all, and you don't need to be narcissistic and inferior, Shen Ming, the most difficult thing for a person is your sincerity. "

Shen Ming didn't say anything, Jiang He was about to persuade him again, he heard him say: "She likes you a little bit, that's all sincerity. Will she like you in the future? Will she like you?" Others, I don't know. But now she likes you, deep or shallow, it's up to her to judge. You may not like her, but you still hope to respect this feeling. "

"In this world," Shen Ming looked at him with a bright and serious expression, "everyone can intercede with her for me, but you can't. Even though I should be grateful to you, but you do this , she will be sad."

Jiang He did not speak, he looked at the boy, he seemed like a simple knife, without any carving, silent and asking for nothing in return, protecting the little girl named Ye Yun forward.

Everyone said he was stupid and he didn't know the world, but Jiang He clearly felt at this moment how much effort he used to guard that person delicately and gently.

He held the fan in his hand, raised his hand, and bowed respectfully.

"It's me or not," he said seriously, "I beg your pardon."

Shen Ming shook his head: "I can't stand this ceremony."

Jiang He smiled: "You go to Yongzhou, you will grow up a lot."

"With the personnel to worry about," Shen Ming smiled bitterly, "I can't be confused anymore."

After speaking, the two had already walked to the gate of the palace, Ye Shian stopped at the gate with his attendants and horses, and said with Jiang He: "I'll take a few sets of clothes similar to ours from the palace, The official seal and the silver are ready, I have informed them to bring the rest over, if it is urgent, let's set off first, shall we?"

Jiang He nodded, and after they bid farewell to Shen Ming, they drove out of the city on horseback.

Then he heard someone call him: "Shen Ming."

He turned his head and saw Ye Yun standing not far away. She didn't know how long she had been standing, and she looked a little nervous. Shen Ming looked at her quietly. After a while, he suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "Have you made the red bean cake?"

Ye Yun was stunned for a while, and after a while, she also laughed: "Are you a person who can only fish from me?"

"Go back." She said, softening her voice, "I'll go back and make it for you."

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