Time passed day by day, but Wu Neng and his teammates never showed up.

The suspicions and discussions surrounding him gradually developed in the direction of death.

"Weren't they all killed?"

Someone raised this point.

Someone immediately retorted: "Wu Neng is a master of three qi and blood. There are also many two qi and blood among his teammates. They have cooperated all year round and have a tacit understanding. Who can kill them?"

"Monsters can do it!"

"What about Chu Liang?"

"Chu Liang?"

"Forget it, Chu Liang is just one person. Even if he condenses three qi and blood, he can't defeat Wu Neng's entire team."

People recognize Chu Liang's talent, but genius takes time to grow.

Chu Liang was too young after all.

Moreover, he has always been calm and reserved, gentle to others, has a good attitude, and has a good temper. He is not like a butcher who draws his sword and kills when he disagrees.

Time passes, and it’s the beginning of winter in a blink of an eye.

The cold wind howls and the fallen leaves wither.

Winter has always been difficult. The sun above our heads is gray and white, without a trace of warmth, and even people's mood becomes a bit worse.

In the south of the county, there is a gambling house.

Qian Gui walked out of the gambling house cursing.

"You idiot, you dare to show off in front of me, do you think I am blind?"

Qian Gui has been in a bad mood recently.

Although he became an official member of the Tsing Yi Gang, he was not happy at all.

Chu Liang was always a big mountain, weighing on his heart, making him feel anxious and breathless all day long.

When he sold the two problematic treasure-hunting rats to Chu Liang, he never imagined that Chu Liang would become a master of martial arts, and he would also be the most talented young person in the county.

"It's been so long, so Chu Liang should have forgotten it a long time ago, right?"

Qian Gui prayed secretly in his heart.

At first, when he first became a member of the Tsing Yi Gang, he was secretly proud for a long time, thinking that Chu Liang would not dare to attack him.

But now, Chu Liang is a genius favored by both the black market and the martial arts alliance.

Even if such a genius really kills a small person like Qian Gui, the Tsing Yi Gang will not say anything, at most they will protest.

"Hey, why did he grow up so fast?" Qian Gui was very annoyed, "It's only been a few months? Could it be that when I first met him, he was already a warrior? But if he was a warrior, how could he not see it? Is there something wrong with my treasure hunter?"

When he thought of this, Qian Gui suddenly became excited.

His eyes widened in excitement, and he thought of a possibility - is there no problem with the pair of treasure-hunting rats?

If this is the case, Chu Liang's growth rate may be explained.

The road to martial arts is paved with resources, and it is a common perception that warriors are short of money.

But with the help of Treasure Hunter, money is no longer a problem. With enough money, you can purchase various materials in large quantities and pave your way to the commanding heights of martial arts!

"It's impossible. I asked someone to look at it. All those treasure-hunting rats were born with defects. They are no different from ordinary rats. Could it be that I missed two of them?"

The more I think about Qian Gui, the more possible it becomes.

He couldn't help but feel even more annoyed, and even wanted to slap himself twice.

If he had known this, he should have kept those mice and tried to raise them himself.

Maybe the martial arts genius who is now famous in the county is not Chu Liang, but because he is expensive!

"Oh, the opportunity was right in front of me, but I missed it! What a great adventure!"

When he thought of this, Qian Gui immediately beat his chest and felt regretful.


Ordinary people may never encounter it once in their lifetime.

He was also lucky. When he went to dig for medicinal materials in the mountains, he happened to find a litter of mutilated little treasure-hunting rats.

Next to the nest of mutilated little treasure-hunting rats, there were two larger ones.

Both rats were dead. Their bodies were covered in scars and their fur was covered with blood scabs. They had obviously experienced extremely cruel and fierce battles during their lifetimes.

Even after they died, the remaining evil spirit and hostility in their bodies still frightened Qian Gui. He was so frightened that it took him several days before he even dared to approach the nest of little treasure-hunting rats.

"According to the warrior masters, the mountains have not been peaceful recently. Those two big treasure-hunting rats were probably seriously injured in the mountains and then ran out."

Qian Gui recalled the situation at that time, feeling a little regretful and a little scared.

If the two big treasure-hunting rats hadn't died, he would have died.

Today, the mountains and forests outside the county have become increasingly dangerous.

He didn't dare venture into the mountains and forests again.

Where can monster cubs be found so easily? Finding it once is already the greatest opportunity in his life!

"Oh, forget it... forget it, I am lucky to get it, but I will lose my life."

Although Qian Gui is not willing to give in, what can he do?

Everything was his own guess. Maybe there was something wrong with the pair of treasure-hunting rats sold to Chu Liang, or maybe Chu Liang was really an astonishing genius.

"In any case, Chu Liang hasn't come to me yet." Qian Gui thought to himself, "I heard that he is kind to people and has a kind heart. He is not a vicious person. Even if there is really a problem with the pair of treasure hunting rats, he will not kill them. I."

Qian Gui made up his mind that he must keep a low profile in the future.

Whatever you do, you have to avoid Chu Liang and not attract Chu Liang's attention.

The truth was pretty much what he thought.

Chu Liang is now focused on studying body movements and martial arts, and is too lazy to pay attention to the outside world.

He did not go directly to the mountains and forests outside the county to practice. Instead, he stayed in the library for a few days and browsed the life stories of senior masters who were famous for their body skills.

The library is a very quiet place, the sandalwood is ethereal, quiet and pleasant.

Chu Liang was sitting by the wooden window, holding a copy of "Strange People and Strange Things Volume Three" in his hand, looking attentively as he browsed it carefully.

"This book describes that a hundred years ago, there was a master named 'Qingpengzi', who had outstanding movement skills and fast speed. When the movement skills were used to the extreme, he was like the mythical roc, flying like lightning, flying straight into the nine heavens."

"There is also the 'Celestial Immortal Sect' of the Jianghu Demon Sect. This force has a "Flying Immortal Technique". Once it is mastered, it will move like a misty flying fairy, and appear like clouds and smoke in the sky. It is both real and illusory, like a dream or waking up."

"The Celestial Immortal Sect, the name sounds nice, it's actually the Demon Sect."

Chu Liang continued to read and looked down.

Unknowingly, I saw the evening.

He planned to go back in the evening, but his plans couldn't keep up with the change.

Just as he was looking at it, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "Chu Liang, let me ask you, does Wu Neng's disappearance have something to do with you?"

The person who spoke out was Liang Han, the master of law enforcement.

Chu Liang turned his head calmly and asked him: "Wu Neng is missing?"

"Don't pretend to be confused with me!" Liang Leng shouted.

"Oh, is Hall Master Liang planning to take me down again? Is there any evidence this time?"

"I will find the evidence!"

"In this case, there is no evidence."

Chu Liang shrugged and continued: "Please don't disturb me, Hall Master Liang. I am practicing and need to be quiet."

After that, he turned back and continued browsing.

His neither salty nor bland attitude really made Liang Han very angry.

He wanted to ask again, but the owner of the library downstairs suddenly spoke: "Old Liang, the leader of the alliance has ordered that no one should interfere with Chu Liang's practice, and the same goes for you."

"I know, you don't need to tell me!"

Liang Leng made a face, flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked down the second floor.

He returned to the law enforcement hall and issued an order that night to strictly investigate the disappearance of Wu Neng and others.

As soon as this order came out, Wu Neng's name once again became the focus of discussion.

Only then did people finally determine:

"Wu Neng is really missing!"

The last record about them was the night when Liang Han, the leader of the law enforcement hall, and Luo Hong, the leader of the meritorious hall, faced off outside the martial arts hall.

That night, someone saw Wu Neng and others leaving their residence on horseback, walking in a hurry, apparently going out of the city.

After that, there was no more news about them.

Many people mentioned the word "Chu Liang" again.

"Could it be that Chu Liang really did it?"

"Wu Neng and the others have spread so many rumors before. If I were Chu Liang, I would definitely not be able to bear this tone!"

"I heard that someone saw Chu Liang riding out of the city that night, going in the same direction as Wu Neng and others..."

Secretly, it seems that someone is adding fuel to the flames, spreading all kinds of gossip, deliberately making people think about this.

Chu Liang didn't care, there was no evidence anyway.

The person behind it was probably Liang Han.

"Liang Han plans to make this matter bigger and use it as an excuse to deal with me?"

Chu Liang probably guessed what he was thinking.

He shook his head, too lazy to pay attention, and just let Liang Han make trouble as he pleased.

Now he just wants to focus on practicing body and martial arts.

"I have basically learned this "Blood Art", but I haven't found a suitable place to practice it. It's time to try it in the mountains and forests outside the county."

Early the next morning, Chu Liang packed up his things and left the county with two little mice.

The mountains and forests in winter are particularly lonely.

The vegetation is sparse, the fallen leaves are withered and yellow, and all you can see are dead branches and dead leaves.

"Click... click..."

Chu Liang walked into the mountains and stepped on layers of fallen leaves, making a soft sound from the soles of his shoes.

He has gathered four streams of Qi and blood, and can be regarded as the top predator in this mountain forest. There are also two little mice watching around, so there is basically nothing to worry about.

Of course, many years of hunting experience taught Chu Liang that he should never be careless at any time.

In this world, mountains and forests represent the unknown.

And the unknown represents danger.

Some monsters are good at disguise.

They can camouflage themselves to look exactly like the surrounding trees, even if they are very close.

Others are good at lurking at times, hiding quietly among the dead branches and leaves at their feet, waiting for prey to approach before launching a surprise attack.

"Master, there is a wild boar three hundred meters in front of you. Do you want to try your archery skills?" A loud voice sounded.

"No, leave it to the ordinary hunters around the county."

Chu Liang shook his head. He used to be excited when seeing wild boars, but now he couldn't arouse the slightest interest.

He continued deep into the forest at a very fast pace without stopping too much.

Afternoon came in a flash.

Chu Liang had climbed over more than ten hills, entered the deeper mountain area, and came to a valley with gurgling water.

"It's nice here, it's relatively flat. Let's try my skills here."

Chu Liang had a thought and used the blood manipulation technique.


His whole body turned into a phantom, incredibly fast.

In the blink of an eye, he was already a hundred meters away!

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