On the day the Dixuanjie Alliance was formed.

The eighteen overlord-level forces each opened up two to three space passages connecting the lower realms, and sent the Allied Forces of the Transformation God Realm into the nine fallen Small Thousand Realms to start a counterattack.

These nine small thousand realms that have fallen are Xuanmu, Xuanhuo, Xuanyang, Xuanlei, Purple Star, Jinyuan, Diyuan, Tianli, and Hongyue.

Among them, because Xuantian Sect had already built a space passage to the Xuanmu Realm, and had previously sent its disciples into the Xuanmu Realm for support.

Therefore, currently only the Xuanmu Realm is in the best situation, but it is not optimistic either.

After the coalition forces from the Dixuan Realm entered the Nine Small and Thousand Realms, they did not expand blindly.

After blocking the first wave of the Green Demon Clan's offensive, they began to establish formations and build a base, relying on the formation to resist the Green Demon Clan's early attack.

Then prepare to take the base as the center and slowly yearn for expansion.

After all, most of the nine small and large thousand realms have been transformed into demon realms, and most of the remaining ones have also been transformed.

If you rashly go deep into the depths of these small thousand realms, the strong men of the God Transformation Realm in the Earthly Mysterious Realm may not necessarily be the opponents of the Green Demon Clan.

Now we can only rely on the formation, fight steadily, and slowly figure it out.

Overlord-level forces also have ways to transform the demonic realm into the spiritual realm.

It's just that under the interference of the Green Demon Clan, we can't use the method of overnight success, and can only choose to transform silently over a long period of time.

In Qingxuan Blessed Land.

Although the current mobilization of the underground coalition forces has nothing to do with him, he has been silently paying attention to the trends of the war.

When the nest is overturned, how can there be any eggs?

If the Earthly Mysterious Realm is really defeated, then even if he has eternal life, it will still be of no avail.

Not long after the Allied Forces of the Underworld Realm entered the lower realm, Ye Qingxuan's disciple token suddenly began to vibrate.

Ye Qingxuan took a look and saw that it was a message from Bai Zichun, the former steward of the Fujian Academy:

"Qingxuan, now all your blessings this term are under my jurisdiction. From today onwards, all efforts will be made to cultivate the Pure Spirit Tree in the Blessed Land. Your original sect tasks are temporarily exempted."

"For a first-level pure spirit tree, the Earth Mysterious World Alliance will purchase it with 9 contribution points."

As for the purchase price of the Pure Spirit Tree above the first level, Bai Zichun did not say anything since Ye Qingxuanming is currently only a first-level blessing cultivator.

Although the Pure Spirit Tree has the effect of purifying spiritual energy, a single first-level Pure Spirit Tree does not actually have much effect, so the market price is very low, which is basically the price offered by the Earth Mysterious World Alliance.

Only the spiritual purifying trees above the third level can truly have a considerable spiritual purifying effect on their own.

Obviously, the Xuantian Sect asked the Buddhist disciples within the sect to plant the Pure Spirit Tree in order to transplant it into the area already occupied by the lower realm in order to subtly purify the demonic energy.

However, these are for the entire Earth Mysterious World, and were naturally purchased by the Earth Mysterious World Alliance with resources.

In the Dixuan Realm Alliance, each sect allocated a portion of its resources according to its respective sect's strength and foundation as the operating expenses of the Dixuan Realm Alliance.

The contribution points of the Earth Mysterious World Alliance are the only currency to exchange these resources.

Only those who contributed to the war between the two worlds have the opportunity to obtain this currency.

Although Fujiu cannot directly participate in the war, the Pure Spirit Tree planted can also help in this protracted war.

So this time, the Jingling Tree was purchased with contribution points from the Earth Mysterious World Alliance, not Xuantian Sect’s contribution points.

When Ye Qingxuan saw the news from Bai Zichun, he understood the thoughts of the higher-ups in the Dixuan Realm, so he responded directly without refusing:

"Yes, in charge of things, the disciple will do his best."

Although Xuantian Sect did not stipulate a quantity, Ye Qingxuan was prepared to do his part without exposing himself.

After receiving Ye Qingxuan's reply, Bai Zichun sent another message to remind:

"All the spiritual veins in the nine small and large thousand realms that fell below have been contaminated by the origin of the Blue Demon Realm. If the spiritual veins are not destroyed, it is impossible for the demonic energy to be purified with the intervention of the Green Demon Clan."

“Therefore, the higher-ups of the Earthly Mysterious World are planning to destroy the spiritual veins in this part of the lower realm every time they capture an area, and take out the source of the spiritual veins and bring them to the Earthly Mysterious World for purification.

At that time, these sources of spiritual veins will be placed in the alliance's inventory and can be redeemed using alliance contribution points. "

Before the demon realm is completely transformed into the spiritual realm, even if the source of the spiritual veins is purified, it will still be contaminated by the origin of the demon realm.

In addition, there are very few human beings in the nine small thousand worlds that have fallen. Therefore, after discussing with the top officials of the Earthly Xuan Realm, they simply destroyed the spiritual veins and extracted the source of the spiritual veins.

It is foreseeable that after this long war is over, it will be impossible for any more spiritual energy to be born in these nine large and small thousand realms in a short time.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes flashed when he saw the last message sent by Bai Zichun, and he replied gratefully:

"Disciple Ye Qingxuan, thank you steward for your advice."

If enough sources of spiritual veins can be obtained and directly integrated into the Qingxuan Cave Heavenly Paradise, it will definitely speed up the growth of the Qingxuan Cave Heavenly Paradise.

Ye Qingxuan had not prepared to use such a method to improve the Cave Heaven Paradise before, mainly because he had no trouble-free source of spiritual veins.

As for secretly digging into the spiritual veins of the Earthly Mysterious Realm and advancing to his own Paradise of Cave Heaven?

All I can say is don’t take the rules of the world for a fool.

Although the world at the level of the Middle Thousand World has not yet condensed the way of heaven, it already has complete world rules.

Do you destroy the world for your own selfish desires, tap into the world's spiritual veins, and advance to your own paradise?

Then in the later stage, when others cultivate blessed land and break through, they can be free from thunder tribulation, but when you cultivate cave heaven blessed land, you may suffer the punishment of death.

Moreover, before the cave heaven blessed land is separated from the world, it is equivalent to the world's subordinate world.

The world's management authority over the cave heaven blessed land is no worse than yours.

So let's not talk about the rules set by the major overlord-level forces. Digging up the spirit veins to improve the cave heaven blessed land will encounter the pursuit of the overlord-level forces.

You can't pass the world rule alone.

After causing devastating damage to the world, you still want to break through smoothly and ascend with the cave heaven blessed land? Don't dream in vain.

Even Ye Qingxuan's Qingxuan cave heaven blessed land now absorbs the source transformed by chaotic energy every day, and a portion will be passively divided by the Dixuan world.

This is equivalent to the protection fee collected by the Dixuan world. Otherwise, why is the cave heaven blessed land protected by the Dixuan world? Why is Ye Qingxuan free from thunder tribulation?

In the end, if Ye Qingxuan died, the control of the cave paradise would be completely taken over by the world where he was, and turned into the foundation of that world.

And if Ye Qingxuan went to the end and wanted to ascend with the cave paradise, he would need to find a way to repay the cause and effect of the earthly world.

Unless your strength far exceeds the world, why can you wreak havoc in a world with perfect rules and finally ascend successfully?

Do you really think that the world will wait until you are strong enough to counterattack and wipe you out?

So now that he can have a legitimate source of spiritual veins to improve his Qingxuan cave paradise openly, Ye Qingxuan is still very excited.

After finishing the communication with Bai Zichun, Ye Qingxuan immediately sent a message to Zhu Dafu:

"Zhu Dafu, starting today, Tianfu Store will purchase a large number of pure spirit trees of various levels."

After Zhu Dafu received Ye Qingxuan's message, although he did not know the reason for the time being, he never asked about Ye Qingxuan's affairs.

So after Zhu Dafu replied to Ye Qingxuan's message, he did it directly.

Ye Qingxuan did not expect that Tianfu Store could really purchase many pure spirit trees.

Because after the news spread, pure spirit trees would become hot commodities and could not be purchased easily.

He asked Zhu Dafu to purchase pure spirit trees mainly to provide a reasonable explanation for the source of the many pure spirit trees in his Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Earth Blessed Land.

After all, his Tianfu Store did not care about the source of the purchased goods. When the time came, it would be reasonable to bring the pure spirit trees in his cave heaven and earth to Tianfu Store for a tour.

Ye Qingxuan has always planted the three spiritual plants that are of great help to the cave heaven and earth, namely, the gathering spirit grass, the pure spirit tree, and the earth spirit flower, and the planting area is not small.

Now in Ye Qingxuan's blessed land, there are no first, second, and third-level pure spirit trees, but there are nearly a thousand fourth-level pure spirit trees.

The reason why there are no first, second, and third-level pure spirit trees is that after the pure spirit trees planted before were promoted to the fourth level, Ye Qingxuan did not plant any new pure spirit trees.

However, now that the Dixuan Realm Alliance has the task of acquiring the Pure Spirit Tree, Ye Qingxuan is ready to start cultivating the Pure Spirit Tree on a large scale.

Just when Ye Qingxuan decided to cultivate the Pure Spirit Tree on a large scale.

In the battlefield outside the domain.

The long-sealed gate of the Green Demon Realm suddenly opened, and hundreds of Green Demons of the Tribulation Realm and Mahayana Realm emerged from it.

These Green Demons are preparing to catch the Dixuan Realm off guard and rashly start a war in the battlefield outside the domain.

They intend to use the aftermath of the war of high-level cultivators to kill some of the Dixuan Realm cultivators of the intermediate realm who are training in the battlefield outside the domain.

However, what awaits the Green Demon Clan is a terrifying formation and a large number of human cultivators of the Tribulation Realm and Mahayana Realm.

After the changes in the lower realm, how could the people of the Dixuan Realm do nothing?

The Dixuan Realm cultivators who were in the battlefield outside the domain before had long been secretly withdrawn by the Dixuan Realm's high-level officials.

And this time, they are preparing to teach the Green Demon Realm a lesson and recover some disadvantages.

As soon as the two sides met, there was no extra words, and they attacked each other fiercely.

That terrifying formation, under the bombardment of more than 20 Mahayana cultivators, only had time to wipe out more than a dozen Green Demons in the Tribulation Realm before it completely collapsed.

For a time, the terrifying elemental mysteries of the deep in the extraterritorial battlefield began to wreak havoc.

The battlefield began to be gradually divided, slowly spread, and finally spread throughout the entire extraterritorial battlefield.

In the entire extraterritorial battlefield, there are now only hundreds of cultivators in the Tribulation Realm and Mahayana Realm fighting in chaos.

This battle was so fierce that even the entire extraterritorial battlefield began to shake slightly.

All the monsters and creatures that existed before instantly fell in the aftermath of the battle, and the entire extraterritorial battlefield was swept by the terrifying energy tide.

If the extraterritorial battlefield had not integrated the world origins of the Dixuan Realm and the Green Demon Realm, it would probably have been torn apart by now.

Moreover, both sides tacitly did not use the magic weapons of the immortal level.

Because once the power of the immortal weapon is used, the battle fluctuations that erupt will definitely exceed the upper limit of the Mahayana realm.

A single extraterritorial battlefield cannot sustain for too long under the collision of forces that exceed the limit of the Mahayana realm.

The destruction of the extraterritorial battlefield is not something that the high-level monks of the two realms want to see for the time being.

Therefore, without the intervention of the immortal weapon level, this battle between the high-level cultivators of the two realms is destined to last for a long time.

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