Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 127: Autonomy of the Land of Blessing

After Ye Qingxuan's main body successfully broke through to the late Jindan realm.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan's external incarnation, who was still on the Tianyuan Commercial Ship, had entered the state of cultivation and began to improve his cultivation.

As Ye Qingxuan's external incarnation, as long as Ye Qingxuan's main body successfully broke through.

The external incarnation Gui Xuanzi can directly consume spirit stones to quickly improve his cultivation.

So within a month after Ye Qingxuan broke through the late Jindan realm.

His external incarnation Gui Xuanzi can basically improve his cultivation to the late Jindan realm.

Ye Qingxuan was not worried about his own external incarnation, and he had no time to take care of his external incarnation now.

Although he had come out of retreat, Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land had just advanced, and he still had a lot to do.

Ye Qingxuan placed the fourth-level wooden puppets he had refined one by one according to the area.

Then he distributed a batch of new spiritual plant seeds, allowing these fourth-level wooden puppets to operate on their own and take care of the spiritual plants in their respective divided areas.

Ye Qingxuan used spirit stones as the energy core of the puppets.

The fourth-level wooden puppets he has refined so far all use top-grade spirit stones as their energy cores.

One top-grade spirit stone can keep a fourth-level wooden puppet running for a month.

After all, wooden puppets are only auxiliary puppets and do not need to fight. In addition, they do not need to be taken care of every day, so the consumption is relatively small.

In addition, Ye Qingxuan has also planted a large area himself.

Now that the territory is large, Ye Qingxuan is ready to expand the planting range of special spirit plants such as spirit gathering grass, spirit purification tree, and earth spirit flower.

As special spirit plants, spirit gathering grass, spirit purification tree, and earth spirit flower can be cultivated and grown as long as there is enough time and energy.

Plant more, maybe there will be other uses in the future.

Moreover, the spirit purification tree can bring him considerable income now, so among the three spirit plants that Ye Qingxuan has expanded, the number of spirit purification trees is the largest.

After the expansion, the number of spirit gathering grass and earth spirit flower has reached 3,000 plants each.

And the number of spirit purification trees has reached 6,000 plants.

Among the six thousand pure spirit trees, Ye Qingxuan intends to sell three thousand of them in exchange for alliance contribution points.

Among the three thousand pure spirit trees to be sold in the future, except for the first-level pure spirit trees used for cover, Ye Qingxuan intends to cultivate the other pure spirit trees to the fifth level before selling them.

A fourth-level pure spirit tree is only worth 90,000 alliance contribution points, but a fifth-level pure spirit tree is worth 900,000 alliance contribution points.

Now in the third-level Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land, the time spent on cultivating a pure spirit tree to the fourth level has been shortened, and it also takes about ten years.

But it only takes about sixty years to cultivate a pure spirit tree to the fifth level.

In this way, it is more cost-effective to plant the pure spirit tree to the fifth level before selling it.

Ye Qingxuan is no longer planning to exchange for the second and third-level spiritual vein sources. He only plans to exchange for spiritual vein sources above the third level in the future.

There is no shortage of second- and third-level spiritual veins in Ye Qingxuan's Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

On the contrary, there is not a single spiritual vein above the third level in his blessed land.

A fourth-level spiritual vein source is worth 100 million alliance contribution points, and a fifth-level spiritual vein source is worth 3 billion alliance contribution points.

So his demand for alliance contribution points is very high now.

3 billion alliance contribution points may seem like a lot, but in fact, when converted into spiritual stones, it is only 300,000 high-quality spiritual stones.

This amount of spiritual stones is just a drop in the bucket for Ye Qingxuan.

Unfortunately, alliance contribution points can be exchanged for spiritual stones, but spiritual stones cannot be exchanged for alliance contribution points, so Ye Qingxuan can only farm honestly now.

After replanting the spiritual plants.

Ye Qingxuan came to the intersection of the origin of Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Blessed Land again.

After another month of inhuman torture, Ye Qingxuan used the original power of the third-level cave heaven and blessed land to reorganize his body and advanced his earth immortal body to the third level.

The third-level earthly immortal body can ignore the Taoist attacks of the Purple Mansion Realm and weaken half of the Taoist attacks of the early Jindan Realm cultivators.

After the earthly immortal body was advanced, Ye Qingxuan's body evolved again, and the evolution progress of the spiritual roots in his body was increased by about a hundred years again.

Now the fourth spiritual root in Ye Qingxuan's body will probably take about three hundred years to condense.

Looking at his earthly immortal body for a moment, Ye Qingxuan sighed:

"I don't know when I can match the earthly immortal body with my cultivation realm?"

Shaking his head, no longer thinking about these, Ye Qingxuan sent a message to the steward Bai Zichun of the Fu Xiuyuan:

"Steward Bai, my disciple's Qingxuan blessed land has been promoted to the second level, and my disciple's cultivation has also broken through to the early stage of the Purple Mansion. Please register it."

When he contracted the blessed land, the initial blessed land was already the late first level.

In addition, he later purchased so many spiritual vein sources, and it is reasonable to announce that the Qingxuan blessed land has been promoted to the second level.

Xuantian Sect gives great autonomy to the blessed land controlled by the disciples of Fuxiu, and will not easily send disciples to explore the blessed land of Fuxiu.

Generally, after Fuxiu reports the advancement of the blessed land, Xuantian Sect will directly approve it.

Because after becoming a second-level Fuxiu, the planting task also becomes a second-level Fuxiu, so basically no Fuxiu will lie about such things.

This kind of fraud is purely damaging to one's own interests.

So after Fu Xiu reports his advancement, Xuan Tian Zong will directly register his level, and while improving Fu Xiu's treatment, it will also improve Fu Xiu's planting task level.

Anyway, no matter what, Xuan Tian Zong will not lose.

Only in three cases will Xuan Tian Zong issue an order to send people to Fu Xiu's blessed land for investigation.

The first case is that Fu Xiu's disciples pass away and their names disappear from the sect's list.

The second case is that Fu Xiu's disciples' blessed land has not been advanced for a long time, which exceeds the average advancement time of Fu Xiu's blessed land.

In this case, Xuan Tian Zong will also send people to Fu Xiu's blessed land for verification.

First, to prevent Fu Xiu from hiding the fact that the blessed land has been advanced, seeking personal gain for himself, and being unwilling to accept the planting task after the blessed land has been advanced.

Second, to investigate the specific situation of the blessed land, relying on Xuan Tian Zong's previous experience, and giving guidance and suggestions.

The third case is that Fu Xiu cannot complete the sect's planting task.

In this case, Xuan Tian Zong will also send people to check the situation of Fu Xiu's blessed land, find out the problem, and give a solution.

After all, the planting task given by Xuantian Sect is not a heavy task for Fu Xiu, who controls the entire blessed land.

If Fu Xiu cannot complete the task under such circumstances, then there must be something wrong, and Xuantian Sect will naturally send people to investigate.

So as long as Ye Qingxuan avoids these three situations, he does not have to worry about the people of Xuantian Sect trespassing into his blessed land.

As long as Xuantian Sect does not investigate his Qingxuan blessed land, his body can stay in seclusion behind the scenes of Xuantian Sect and continue to cultivate.

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