Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 141: Cultivation Improvement

Demon World No. 9, in the cracks of a certain mountain range.

Ye Qingxuan's explorer clone has been inside for three full months.

Ever since he hid in this crack and the Green Demon Clan at the God Transformation Realm left, Ye Qingxuan has never left this crack to act rashly for the sake of safety.

Three months passed, and seeing that the Green Demon of the God Transformation Realm did not appear again, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but mutter:

"It's been so long, should I leave?"

The other party's level is so different from his, that even if he had to hide it, he wouldn't be able to notice it.

Glancing at the mountains beyond the crack, Ye Qingxuan hesitated for a moment before exiting the crack and escaping to the outside of the mountains.

However, Ye Qingxuan felt that the other party would not waste three months on him.

If a powerful man in the realm of gods is willing to stay with him for three months, Ye Qingxuan will admit it himself, and at worst, he will break this clone.

After Ye Qingxuan emerged from the crack, he flew away.

After finding a remote cave outside the mountain range, Ye Qingxuan took out the formation disk that had returned to the Earth Mysterious Realm. After activating the formation disk, he carefully observed the movements around him.

It takes a lot of time to activate the space array, and the resulting space fluctuations are very obvious to the powerful people in the transformation stage at close range.

Therefore, to activate the space formation disk and connect the space channel back to the Earthly Mysterious Realm, it is necessary to stay as far away from the Green Demon Clan as possible in the God Transformation Realm.

After the temporary space passage was formed, Ye Qingxuan did not stay any longer and allowed his explorer clone to return to the underground world.

But this time, the explorer clone does not need to go through the gate of another clone, the mysterious businessman, to return to Qingxuan Cave Heavenly Paradise.

After leaving Star Wars City, Ye Qingxuan's explorer clone found an uninhabited mountain forest, passed through the boundary gate, and returned to the blessed land of Qingxuan Cave.

At the same time, in Qingxuan Cave, there was a paradise.

Ye Qingxuan's main consciousness has also returned to his original body, waiting for his explorer clone to return to the Paradise of Cave.

This experience was very exciting for Ye Qingxuan, who had been living in the Xuantian Sect. It could be regarded as a tonic to his daily practice.

After waiting for a moment, a light door in the Qingxuan Cave Sky lit up slightly, and Ye Qingxuan's explorer clone had entered the Qingxuan Cave Sky.

Defeat his explorer clone again.

Ye Qingxuan held the storage bag containing his harvest from more than eight years in the No. 9 Demon World. Thinking of the corpse of the Yin Puppet King that he had not had time to collect in the end, he shook his head and sighed:

"It's a pity that the corpse of the Green Demon Clan in the Nascent Soul Realm and the source of the fifth-level demonic veins are there."

Not counting the fifth-level source of demonic veins, the body of the Yin Puppet King alone was comparable to all his gains this time.

Fortunately, although his harvest this time was in terms of the number of Green Demons he hunted, it was not as large as last time in the No. 3 Demon World.

But the quality of the strong men from the Green Demon Tribe that they hunted was not comparable to the last time.

This time, he hunted six Green Demons in the Golden Core Realm alone.

Among them, there are five Green Demons in the Golden Core Realm, all of whom were harvested from the Yin Puppet Tribe.

Unfortunately, it won’t be so easy to achieve such a big gain next time.

Among the space passages opened by Xuantian Sect, there are only two small thousand realms, No. 3 Demon Realm and No. 9 Demon Realm, leading to the Demon Realm.

But now his explorer clone has been blacklisted in two demonic worlds.

The next time you want to take action in these two demon worlds, it will be easy for the strong men of the Green Demon Clan to catch the energy fluctuations, and the degree of danger will greatly increase.

Although his clones can be reunited after being disbanded.

But this can only remove some trace marks that may be marked. After the clone is re-condensed, it cannot change the most essential root.

The changes in Ye Qingxuan's clone's appearance and Qi movement were all made through the magical seeds of the minor magical power: Yi Shape and the minor magical power: Qitian.

After all, the magical power seeds are not real magical powers, and there is no way to achieve essential changes for the time being.

Therefore, even after Ye Qingxuan's explorer clone was reunited, he still could not escape the fact that he was blacklisted by the two demon worlds and captured his true energy.

As a result, his explorer clone's movements in the two demonic realms will be greatly restricted.

Every time you take action, you will encounter the risk of being surrounded and suppressed; if you are not careful, you may fall directly and your harvest will be in vain.

Regarding this, he had no way to change this situation until his small magical power was truly cultivated.

After his explorer clone regrouped, Ye Qingxuan handed the trump card he had prepared long ago to his explorer clone.

Then through the world gate of his other clone, the mysterious merchant, he teleported the explorer clone out of Qingxuan Cave.

Let your explorer clone go to the No. 9 Demonic World again.

After all, the energy level of the No. 9 Demon Realm World is higher than that of the No. 3 Demon Realm World, and the quality of the Green Demon Tribe encountered is also better.

Therefore, although the risk of going to Demon Realm No. 9 will increase, the rewards of going to Demon Realm No. 9 may be a little greater than Demon Realm No. 3.

This time, Ye Qingxuan's main consciousness did not descend into his explorer clone.

He has already experienced the adventurous life in the Demon Realm.

Compared to this adventurous life, Ye Qingxuan still prefers his life of silent cultivation in the paradise of Qingxuan Cave.

Go explore other worlds and experience them occasionally.

Besides, when the realm is too low, going to other worlds is just a passive beating.

Ye Qingxuan still prefers to travel to other worlds and become a hidden boss after his realm has been improved.

He is not used to being abused.

After sending his explorer clone away, Ye Qingxuan took his harvest of more than eight years in the No. 9 Demon Realm World and walked to the depths of Qingxuan Cave Heaven.

Still according to the previous distribution plan.

The corpses of the Qingmo clan below the Jindan realm, various messy Demon Realm materials, magic stones, and the source of magic veins.

Ye Qingxuan threw himself into the purification formation of the fifth-level cave heaven and blessed land, refining the source energy to speed up the growth of Qingxuan Cave Heaven and blessed land.

The remaining six Qingmo corpses in the Jindan realm have different degrees of incompleteness and realms.

One is in the late Jindan realm, one is in the middle Jindan realm, and four are in the early Jindan realm.

This time, Ye Qingxuan did not extract the cultivation source of the Qingmo clan.

He had seen the appearance of the cultivation source last time, so there was no need to extract the cultivation source this time.

He is not for sale. The effect of sacrificing the cultivation essence in the body of the Green Demon Clan is almost the same as sacrificing them separately.

The outside world separates the Green Demon Clan corpses from the cultivation essence mainly to sell them at a higher price.

At the auction, the price will naturally be different if it is auctioned twice or once.

For the seller, if there is no shortage of sales, the profit will be greater if it is auctioned twice separately.

After Ye Qingxuan sacrificed the six remaining Golden Core Realm Green Demon Clan corpses.

A golden light enveloped Ye Qingxuan again, and an essence far exceeding the last time was infused into Ye Qingxuan's body, and his cultivation began to rise rapidly.

Half a cup of tea passed, and Ye Qingxuan's cultivation slowly stabilized. His cultivation took another big step forward, but he did not break through to the peak of the Golden Core Realm.

Ye Qingxuan was not disappointed, this result was within his expectations.

Among the six Golden Core Realm Green Demon Clan, four were only in the early Golden Core Realm, and the essence obtained after the sacrifice would be greatly discounted, so the actual feedback of the essence obtained was not much.

According to the sacrifice experience summarized by the outside world.

Ye Qingxuan had just stepped into the late Jindan realm, and he needed to sacrifice ten complete late Jindan Qingmos to improve his cultivation to the peak of the Jindan realm.

So it was within Ye Qingxuan's expectations that he did not break through this time.

If calculated by percentage, he has already walked about 30% of the way from the late Jindan realm to the peak of the Jindan realm, and there is about 70% left to go.

This last 70% of the distance, according to his current Jindan with the assistance of the world map, is comparable to the cultivation speed of the four-element spiritual root talents.

If he relies on his own cultivation, it may take more than 200 years to break through to the peak of the Jindan realm.

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