Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 172 Beast Tide, Population

Dongji Territory.

Qingguang City, a medium-sized city in the border area of ​​Xingluozhou, is currently under attack by a group of monsters.

In Dongji Territory, human cultivators regard monsters as cultivation resources, and most monsters feed on humans.

There is almost no water or fire between the two.

Therefore, in Dongji Territory, it is very common for human cultivators to launch a siege and hunting of monster tribes, or for monsters to launch a beast tide against human cities.

Not only that, because there are no rules to restrain them.

Mutual attacks between human forces in Dongji Territory also occur from time to time.

Therefore, if you want to gain a foothold in Dongji Territory, in addition to guarding against the attacks of monsters, you also need to guard against the prying of other human forces.

In this case, strong strength is indispensable.

Like the city lord of Qingguang City, Zhou Qingguang, is a cultivator in the middle stage of the Jindan realm.

Zhou Qingguang, dressed in a refined manner, looks gentle and refined.

At this moment, facing the surging monster tide.

Zhou Qingguang was standing in the air, personally presiding over the fourth-level city defense formation of Qingguang City, and looking at the depths behind the monster tide with a worried look.

There, Zhou Qingguang felt several auras stronger than his.

If the monsters hidden in the dark attacked.

Even with the help of the fourth-level city defense formation, Zhou Qingguang was not sure that he could block the attacks of those monsters while resisting the attacks of tens of thousands of monsters.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qingguang looked at the three purple mansion cultivators below and ordered:

"Heifeng, Qingyu, Xueyu, you lead the guard team to speed up the speed of clearing the attacking monsters."

"Yes, City Lord!"

Zhou Qingguang's move was to try to weaken the power of the beast tide before the fourth-level monsters attacked.

Now the monsters that were driven to launch the first wave of attacks on Qingguang City are mostly first- and second-level monsters.

With the strength of the Qingguang City Guard, it is not difficult to clear these monsters.

But this will consume a lot of their spiritual power, which is not conducive to the later stage of fighting.

However, at this point, facing the endless tide of beasts, Zhou Qingguang has no other way.

Heifeng, Qingyu, and Xueyu are all guard leaders of Qingguang City, commanding three monk guard teams of Qingguang City respectively.

The three people who were ready to go, responded without hesitation after hearing Zhou Qingguang's order.

They began to lead their own guard teams, relying on the city defense formation, to clear out the monsters that have begun to attack Qingguang City.

Seeing the guard team of Qingguang City move.

Other monks in the city who are not under the command of Qingguang City also started to act tacitly and launched attacks on the monsters outside the city wall.

How can the eggs be intact when the nest is destroyed?

These monks who were temporarily trapped in Qingguang City by the beast tide are not stupid. They know that they are now on the same rope with Qingguang City.

Without hurting themselves, they are also very happy to attack the monsters outside the city.

The rumbling sound resounded throughout the sky in an instant, and various magic spells emitted dazzling brilliance, fiercely bombarding the monster group.

In an instant, it caused great damage to the monster group.


The bloody stimulation made these monsters attacking the city more violent.

Various energy attacks, or monster claws and fangs, fell fiercely into the barrier condensed by the city defense formation.

The barrier of the city defense formation continued to stir up waves of violent waves.

In Qingguang City.

Feeling the movement outside the city, many ordinary people in the city were praying worriedly.

Pray that Qingguang City can survive this disaster, and pray that they and their loved ones can survive smoothly.

In the East Extreme Region, conflicts between monsters and humans occur from time to time.

If ordinary people want to survive, they can only rely on the command of immortal cultivators.

It cannot be said that there are no cities or villages composed of ordinary people in the East Extreme Region, but they are very rare.

Some of these cities or villages are mostly far away from the gathering places of monsters and are in places with scarce spiritual energy.

Therefore, the ordinary people in the East Extreme Region are basically under the rule of cultivators.

Their living environment and way of life depend entirely on the rules or moods set by the rulers.

Although the foundation of the power of immortal cultivators comes from the ordinary people.

Most forces will not be too harsh on the ordinary people living under their command.

But among the immortal cultivators, there will inevitably be some scum or moody lunatics.

Inevitably, some ordinary people will live in dire straits for their entire lives, or even for generations.

Therefore, for ordinary people, it is also an extremely lucky thing to find a stable city to rely on.

As the lord of Qingguang City, Zhou Qingguang is not harsh on the rules set by ordinary people in the city.

So now that Qingguang City is in crisis, these ordinary people living in the city naturally hope that Qingguang City can survive safely.

Only when they are given hope to survive in normal times, will they pray for Qingguang City to survive the disaster when they encounter danger.

"Grandpa, don't be afraid. When Yinyin grows up and can practice, Yinyin will protect grandpa."

In a bungalow in Qingguang City, a little girl about seven or eight years old was lying in her grandfather's arms to comfort her grandfather.

With her head tilted, her two big eyes stared at the cultivator flying above the city, without feeling any fear at all.

Her grandfather just stroked her little head gently without saying anything.

His eyes looking outside the city revealed deep worry in the turbidity.


Three sharp and piercing beast roars came from outside the city:

"Moo!" "Howl!" "Cry!"

After many cultivators in Qingguang City cleared the siege beasts and consumed a lot of spiritual power.

Two fourth-level late-stage monsters and one fourth-level peak monster, carrying a large number of third-level monsters, suddenly descended outside Qingguang City.

They suddenly launched a fierce attack on the barrier of the city defense formation.

The two fourth-level late-stage monsters were a giant cow and a wolf.

The fourth-level peak monster was a huge bird.

"Not good!"

Facing three fourth-level monsters that far exceeded his own cultivation, plus thousands of first, second, and third-level monsters attacking together, Zhou Qingguang's face changed drastically.

Subconsciously, he poured a large amount of spiritual power into the city defense formation to increase its power.

Bang! Bang! Bang.

Crack! Crack! Crack.

With the dull bombardment, cracks began to appear on the city defense barrier of Qingguang City, and gradually spread to the surroundings.


The city defense formation encountered an attack far beyond its own defense. Zhou Qingguang, who had been in charge of the city defense formation, was directly counterattacked and groaned.

After calming down the surging blood in his body.

Zhou Qingguang looked at the two fourth-stage late-stage and one fourth-stage peak monsters outside the city unwillingly, and said bitterly:

"Is my hard work going to be destroyed?"

Looking at the millions of ordinary people in the city behind him who had no cultivation, Zhou Qingguang gritted his teeth and secretly sent a voice order:

"Heifeng, Qingyu, Xueyu, lead the guards and prepare to break through!"

He still had a great revenge to avenge, so he could only apologize to the residents in the city who depended on him.

Hearing this, Qingyu felt a little bit reluctant and couldn't help but say:

"City Lord, but are they people in the city?"

"Give up, we can't protect them."

The only response to Qingyu was Zhou Qingguang's cold order.

This is indeed the case. If they stay, they can only be buried with everyone in Qingguang City.

"Qingyu, listen to the city lord! We are powerless."

Heifeng on the side couldn't help but persuade Qingyu.

Only Xueyu remained silent and didn't express any opinion.

There is no right or wrong in this matter. Staying is just a fearless sacrifice. Moreover, the people in the city have very few ties with these cultivators.

Ordinary emotions can no longer influence the hearts of cultivators and affect their final decision.

Perhaps this choice is not in line with humanitarianism, but it is the most rational choice when things cannot be done.

In the end, Qingyu could only grit her teeth and look at the residents in the city with a guilty look.

Crack! Crack!

Seeing that the cracks on the barrier are getting bigger and bigger, Zhou Qingguang shouted:

"Let's go!"

Immediately, Zhou Qingguang, Heifeng, Qingyu, Xueyu and a small number of members of the guard team fled to the other side of Qingguang City.

Although there are also groups of monsters in that direction, most of them are low-level monsters.

The probability of success is much greater if they break through from there.

When Zhou Qingguang fled, most of the other cultivators in Qingguang City also followed him cleverly.

As for the remaining majority of the Qingguang City guards, and other and a few monks, they did not choose to flee immediately.

They were all born and raised in Qingguang City. These guards were not very old, and they still had concerns in the city that they could not abandon.

So they did not flee immediately, but returned to their homes, ready to take their families with them.

At this time, the ordinary people in the city saw the monks fleeing in the sky and fell into despair.

The monks could flee, but where could they flee?

Many people, facing the threat of death, began to cry out for help:

"No! Don't go, City Lord, please take me with you!"

"Erlang, Erlang, I am your distant aunt, save me, take me with you!"

"City Lord, please, take my daughter with you! City Lord"

There are also many people who have lost hope and began to curse unscrupulously:

"Zhou Qingguang, you will not die well!"

"Die! Die! Why can't I have spiritual roots? Why?"

"Hehehe, Zhou Qingguang, you can't escape, I'm waiting for you below!"

For a while, all kinds of human beings and all kinds of sentient beings were fully displayed.

Facing the danger of death, the dark side hidden in the hearts of many people was completely stimulated.


With a crisp loud noise, bits of starlight fragments began to fall above Qingguang City.

Amid the hustle and bustle of Qingguang City, the barrier of the city defense formation lost the host of Zhou Qingguang.

Facing the continuous attacks of the monsters, he only held on for a moment before he completely collapsed.

"Grandpa, I'm scared, woo woo woo!"

The little girl who had comforted her grandpa before couldn't hold back at this moment.

She buried her little face in her grandpa's arms and cried in fear.

"Yinyin, don't be afraid, grandpa is here!"

The old man's face was also full of tears. His son and daughter-in-law died early, and his granddaughter Yinyin was his only concern.

Could it be that this time, the two of them, the grandfather and grandson, would die together in the mouth of the monster?

Thinking of this, the old man hugged his granddaughter Yinyin tightly.

Reluctantly, he struggled to stand up, closed the door, and looked for everything in the room to strengthen his door.

Even if there is no hope, he will fight until the end for his granddaughter.

"Moo, howl, howl, howl!"

As the city defense formation was shattered, the roars of various beasts rose and fell.

The beasts excitedly stepped through the walls of Qingguang City, preparing to go deep into Qingguang City, massacre the humans in this city, and have a feast.

All kinds of screams in Qingguang City resounded through the sky.

At the critical moment, a light but powerful message sounded:


Suddenly, the phantom of a glazed pagoda appeared above Qingguang City, directly suppressing the herd of beasts who were planning to go on a killing spree.

Upon noticing this change, Qingguang City fell silent for an instant, and the eyes of the people in the city rekindled the light of hope.

The little girl, who had her head buried in her grandfather's arms, raised her head and looked at her grandfather, sobbing and choking, and said doubtfully:

"Grandpa, why am I not dead yet?"


His grandfather quickly covered the little girl's mouth and looked warily at the sky above Qingguang City.

at this time.

Ye Qingxuan's figure transformed into Gui Xuanzi has appeared on Qingguang City, looking at the beasts below with cold eyes:

"A bunch of evil beasts, seeking death!"

When he pinched the spell in his hand, the boundary-suppressing tower warmed in his dantian automatically flew out and enlarged, overlapping with the phantom of the glazed pagoda in the void.

The power suppressing the monster beast group suddenly surged.

Monsters below the fourth level died suddenly under the surge of boundary-suppressing power.

"Moo!" "Howl!" "Beep!"

The three fourth-level monsters kept roaring under the suppression. The ferocious bird was already lying on the ground, struggling continuously.

The fourth-order energy slowly fluctuated and gathered, and the three fourth-order monsters tried to gather energy to fight back.

But Ye Qingxuan used the power of suppressing the boundary to dissipate the energy they had just condensed.


Without saying anything, Ye Qingxuan took out a flying sword again.

The flying sword cut through the sky under the control of spiritual thoughts, turning into a stream of light and piercing the bodies of three fourth-order monsters.


The three fourth-level monsters that were still struggling suddenly fell down, causing a cloud of dust.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Ye Qingxuan had just killed all the monsters. Zhou Qingguang, who had escaped before, noticed the changes in Qingguang City and returned with the members of the escort team.

Looking at the corpses of monsters and beasts all over the ground, Zhou Qingguang cautiously came not far in front of Ye Qingxuan, with a smile on his face, and said respectfully:

"Junior Zhou Qingguang, thank you senior for your help!"

Hearing this, Ye Qingxuan glanced at Zhou Qingguang and said playfully:

"You don't need to thank me. Since I saved the city and its people, then this city and its people will naturally come under my command from now on."


The smile on Zhou Qingguang's face froze, and he hesitated slightly.

"What? Do you have any objections?"

Ye Qingxuan glanced at Zhou Qingguang coldly, and Zhou Qingguang was frightened and hurriedly lowered his head and said:

"The juniors don't dare, the juniors don't dare, it all depends on the seniors' orders!"

Although he said this, Zhou Qingguang felt depressed in his heart.

He was unwilling to submit to others, so he ran to the city on the border of Xingluo State in order to avoid the forces in the core area of ​​Xingluo State.

Unexpectedly, the city was developing well, but suddenly it encountered a wave of beasts, and the city was in danger of destruction.

Later, a senior unexpectedly appeared to save the situation, but he didn't expect that this senior would like his city.

Faced with this result, although Zhou Qingguang was a little unwilling, he did not feel any complaints in his heart.

After all, he was the one who chose to abandon the entire city in the first place.

"This might be good!"

Zhou Qingguang looked at the reborn residents of Qingguang City below, his eyes were a little dim, and he seemed to be relieved in his heart.

Ye Qingxuan ignored Zhou Qingguang's expression change.

Standing in the sky above Qingguang City, spiritual power was circulating and he said loudly:

"I, Kame Xuanzi, from today onwards, this city and the people in it will come under my command."

"If you don't want to, you can leave the city within three days."

The Dixuan Realm is different from the Xuanmu Realm. If you want to build a city in the Dixuan Realm for a long time, the population is indispensable.

Therefore, what Ye Qingxuan is interested in is not the city itself, but the population in the city.

Ye Qingxuan wants the people in this city.

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