Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a month has passed since the Dongxuan auction ended.

In the main hall on Wanling Mountain.

Floating was a purple talisman and a simple long qin.

Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly, waved his hand, and the talisman and Changqin landed in front of the cultivator of the Transformation Realm wearing a purple-gold mask not far away.

"This is the sixth-level top-level attack talisman you want, and the top-level spiritual weapon Changqin."

After sizing up the talisman and Changqin in front of him, and confirming that there was no problem, the man put away the talisman and Changqin.

Looking at Ye Qingxuan, he chuckled:

"What? Aren't you curious about my origin and name?"

Hearing this, Ye Qingxuan's face showed no trace of emotion:

"We in Dongxuan City have never had the habit of exploring the origins of our customers."

"The disputes in the outside world have nothing to do with Dongxuan City. As long as they are customers who come to Dongxuan City to do business, our city lord welcomes them."

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's words, the man laughed and said:

"Hahaha, interesting. Dongxuan City is good. I will come again."

After saying that, he also turned around and left without any intention of telling his origin or name.

Wait until the powerful man wearing a purple gold mask leaves.

Ye Qingxuan's external incarnation slowly appeared and put away the sixth-level battle puppets that looked the same as him in the hall.

There was a look of thought in his eyes.

He really doesn't care about the identity and origin of his customers.

As long as the disputes between the major forces or monks in Xingluo State did not affect Dongxuan City, Ye Qingxuan could simply ignore them.

But the premise is that the customers coming and going will not cause potential danger to Dongxuan City.

With Ye Qingxuan's current strength, there was no way he could completely ignore all the forces in Xingluo State.

This is also the reason why he added the sixth-level top-grade talisman and top-grade spiritual weapon customization quota as auction items after learning that the Huashen realm participated in the Dongxuan auction.

Only the outside forces can't figure out the specific strength of Dongxuan City and become fearful of Dongxuan City.

Only then did Ye Qingxuan have enough time to develop and manage Dongxuan City.

Until he can ignore the dangers brought by all the forces in Xingluo State.

Only then could Ye Qingxuan truly let go and expand the power and business scope of Dongxuan City.

Before that.

Ye Qingxuan is not planning to expand Dongxuan City, so as not to arouse the fear of other forces.

The current size of Dongxuan City, coupled with the monks who are attracted one after another.

It was enough for Ye Qingxuan to obtain huge profits and acquire various spiritual mines in Xingluo State.

Three months later.

Bai Qing'an, who returned from Zhenbao Pavilion, entered Dongxuan City in a dusty journey and went straight to Wanling Mountain.

"Have you collected all the spiritual minerals?"

Seeing Bai Qing'an entering the main hall, Ye Qingxuan got straight to the point.

Bai Qingan suppressed his inner excitement and nodded.

Handed a storage ring to Ye Qingxuan:

"This is a spiritual mine worth 1.1 million high-grade spiritual stones. Each type of spiritual mineral is only one square in size."

Ye Qingxuan took the storage ring and his spiritual consciousness poured into it.

The next moment, a satisfied smile appeared on his face:


Then he took out a jade bottle and threw it to Bai Qingan.

"This is the Enlightenment Pill you want."

Bai Qingan took the Enlightenment Pill with excitement on his face.

After confirming it is correct.

"Thank you City Lord!"

After saying that, Bai Qingan turned around and was about to leave.

But Ye Qingxuan suddenly stopped Bai Qingan with words:

"Wait a minute, don't leave in a hurry."

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's words, Bai Qing'an was a little confused and said:

"City Lord, is there anything else you can do?"

Ye Qingxuan threw away the storage ring in his hand and chuckled:

"Dongxuan City will acquire spiritual minerals for a long time in the future. Any spiritual minerals that have not been collected by Dongxuan City will be purchased by this city owner at a premium of 20%."

Hearing this, Bai Qingan's face lit up with joy.

When it comes to business channels, Zhenbao Pavilion is second among Xingluo State, and no one dares to compete for first place.

Was about to agree.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingxuan changed the subject:

"However, I only want 10 square meters of the spiritual mines that have not been included in Dongxuan City."

"Dongxuan City can purchase other spiritual mines above the fourth level in unlimited quantities at market prices."

Let Qingxuan Cave Tianfudi smelt and analyze it. One square of spiritual ore is enough.

The remaining 9 parties are just Ye Qingxuan's motivation to collect spiritual minerals for the opponent.

After all, the profit of Yi Fang Ling Mine is too small, so Bai Qingan may not necessarily do his best to help him acquire it.

After hearing Ye Qingxuan's words, the joy on Bai Qingan's face subsided slightly.

After pondering for a moment, Bai Qing'an agreed to Ye Qingxuan's request:

"Yes, I am willing to replace Zhenbao Pavilion and reach a permanent cooperation with Dongxuan City."

Zhenbao Pavilion is a business-oriented force.

As long as it can bring benefits, Bai Qingan still has the right to decide on this matter.

Seeing Bai Qingan agree, Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly and nodded:

"That's good."

After saying that, Ye Qingxuan seemed to remember something again and immediately asked:

"By the way, do you know where there are Hunling Stones and Hunling Trees?"

The mixed spirit stone, the mixed spirit tree, and the mixed spirit fruit produced by the mixed spirit tree are also one of Ye Qingxuan's goals.

Mixed spirit stones can increase the level of natal magic weapons or pseudo-natal magic weapons, and reduce the time for monks to accumulate knowledge.

You can also temper the best spiritual treasures and forcibly upgrade the best spiritual treasures to the level of immortal weapons, turning them into pseudo-immortal weapons without the laws of immortality.

Although there are not many cultivators who have the capital to sacrifice their own magic weapon or pseudo-life magic weapon, or have the best spiritual treasure.

But this does not affect the value of the Hunling Stone itself.

The Hunling Tree can be used as a refining material, and the Hunling Fruit can warm the cultivator's body and permanently improve the cultivator's physical strength and meridian toughness.

So if the Hunling Stone Mine and Hunling Tree can be found.

The benefits obtained by Ye Qingxuan will definitely skyrocket.

At that time, Ye Qingxuan may be able to use this to find a channel to obtain spiritual crystals outside Xuantian Sect.

Ye Qingxuan wants to enter the market above the sixth level in the future.

Spiritual crystals are an indispensable monetary resource.

After the God Transformation Realm, it is the seventh level of the Void Realm.

Although Ye Qingxuan is still a little far away from the Void Realm, he must make preparations in advance.

"Hunling Stone? Hunling Tree?"

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's question, Bai Qingan thought for a moment before slowly saying:

"I have heard of these two kinds of natural treasures."

"But their origin is not in Xingluozhou, but in Linyuanzhou, which is the border between Dongji Domain and Tianyuan."


Ye Qingxuan frowned.

"I know, you go down first!"

Looking at Bai Qingan's leaving figure, Ye Qingxuan sighed in his heart:

"It seems that there is no way to get Hunling Stone and Hunling Tree in the short term."

Being adjacent to Tianyuan, Linyuanzhou must be at the edge of Dongji Domain.

In the short term, it is impossible for Ye Qingxuan to go to the distant Linyuanzhou.

Tianyuan is between energy and matter.

It is a special space caused by various energy turbulences generated when the world crystal wall transforms chaotic energy.

It is also the most marginal area of ​​the world.

Tianyuan cannot be entered without Dongxu Realm.

Once a cultivator below Dongxu Realm enters Tianyuan, he will be eroded by Tianyuan and fall instantly.

Wherever the world crystal wall transforms chaotic energy, there will inevitably be a sky abyss.

There is also a sky abyss in the sky of the Earth Profound Realm.

It’s just that the sky abyss in the sky is too far away from the main body of the Earth Profound Realm, so most cultivators cannot perceive it.

Most of the world seems to exist in the form of a continent.

In fact, from the outside of the world, the whole formed by the world crystal wall is actually a sphere.

And the core area of ​​the world, the main body of the world, is basically hemispherical.

A complete world can be divided into:

The void outside the boundary is a special boundary formed by the law of the great way in the world.

Then there is the world crystal wall, the real protective layer of the world.

The world crystal wall is also the world to open up a chaotic channel and guide the chaotic energy outside the void outside the boundary.

The main venue for transforming various mild energies or the origin of the world.

Behind the world crystal wall is a layer of sky abyss space.

Inside the sky abyss space is a hemispherical sky and a hemispherical land.

The cross section of the hemispherical land is the continent and sea where creatures live.

Below the cross section, there are various precipitated substances.

Below the substances, there are various elements that are gradually energized and semi-energy forms.

At the bottom, there is an invisible abyss.

All these combined together form a complete world.

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