Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 268: Using Formations to Replace People

After making a plan for the Starlight Cave Heaven Secret Realm.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the Star Mountain under his feet, and did not use the magic weapon spirit of the Star Mountain to shrink the Star Mountain and put it into his Dantian.

As the treasure of the cave heaven that opened up the cave heaven, the Star Mountain cannot leave the Starlight Cave Heaven Secret Realm for too long.

Moreover, Ye Qingxuan cannot use the Star Mountain easily.

Every time the Star Mountain is used, the Starlight Cave Heaven Secret Realm will be unstable.

Although the secret realm has been taken over by the Earth Profound Realm, it is still an independent space.

The great laws and elemental mysteries of the Earth Profound Realm are not interoperable with the secret realm.

As a secret realm evolved from the dead cave heaven opened up by the great power of the Cave Void Realm, the Starlight Cave Heaven Secret Realm has no potential for autonomous growth.

The elemental mysteries contained in it are very limited and are not enough to support the long-term existence of a cave heaven secret realm in the void.

As the treasure of the cave heaven, the main function of the Star Mountain is to suppress and stabilize the Starlight Cave Heaven Secret Realm.

If the Star Mountain is used more often, the Cave Heaven Secret Realm will face the crisis of collapse.

So, this time in the Starlight Cave Heaven Secret Realm, Ye Qingxuan seemed to have obtained two spiritual treasures.

But the spiritual treasure that can really be taken out of the Starlight Cave Heaven Secret Realm and used at will.

In fact, there is only one thing, the Starlight Palace.

It's a pity that after the Cave Heaven Dojo was taken over by the Dixuan Realm and became a secret realm.

Even if Ye Qingxuan completely refined the Star Mountain, he could not obtain all the authority of the Starlight Cave Heaven Secret Realm and call upon the power of heaven and earth in the Starlight Cave Heaven Secret Realm.

However, the Star Mountain is not without other functions.

After it absorbed a large amount of star spirit light and was promoted to a medium-grade spiritual treasure, it can already produce star spirit light continuously.

The star spirit light in the mountains of the Starlight Cave Heaven Secret Realm and the star spirit light floating in the Starlight Mountains outside.

In fact, they all come from the Star Mountain.

With the Star Mountain, Ye Qingxuan can speed up the training of his middle and low-level cultivators.

However, for Ye Qingxuan himself,

This Xingchen Mountain will not be of much use.

Looking at the first mid-grade spiritual treasure he got under his feet, Ye Qingxuan shook his head slightly with regret.

Raising his feet, Ye Qingxuan was about to leave the Starlight Cave Secret Realm.

But suddenly his face changed slightly and his body paused.

The next moment, Ye Qingxuan took a step and came to the sky above the lake where the unicorn dragon was imprisoned in the inner area of ​​the secret realm.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

At this time, in the lake.

More than a dozen sixth-level unicorn dragons took off into the air.

Led by the sixth-level peak unicorn dragon, they were frantically attacking the sixth-level top-grade formation covering this area.

Under the attack of these unicorn dragons, the formation pattern of this sixth-level top-grade formation began to collapse at a very fast speed.

Once these sixth-level unicorn dragons escaped.

Led by the sixth-level peak unicorn dragon, Ye Qingxuan really couldn't do anything to them in the short term.

By then, these freed unicorns will surely greatly delay Ye Qingxuan's plan to develop the secret realm of the Starlight Cave.

After seeing the situation in the lake, Ye Qingxuan knew that he could not delay any longer.

With a flip of his palm, the main body of the Starlight Palace suddenly appeared in Ye Qingxuan's hand.

Then Ye Qingxuan threw it.

After the Starlight Palace left Ye Qingxuan's palm, it began to float above the lake and continued to expand.

A repressive force containing starlight continuously emanated from the Starlight Palace and fell into the lake below.

As a palace-type spiritual treasure, the two main abilities of the Starlight Palace are defense and repression.

Under the repression of the Starlight Palace, the group of unicorns in the lake slowed down their attack.

But this is not enough.

Ye Qingxuan has not completely refined the Starlight Palace yet, and his clone is only at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm.

The power of the Starlight Palace that can be activated is very limited, and it is not enough to completely suppress this group of sixth-level unicorns.


Feeling the power suppressing him, the leading unicorn roared.

The deep blue spiritual power emanating from his body became more brilliant, and he instantly broke free from the star's suppressing power.

He launched a fierce attack on the lake's formation barrier again.


The attack hit the formation barrier, and a huge collision sound broke out.

The colorless barrier fluctuated, and another formation pattern collapsed.

Looking at the leading unicorn, Ye Qingxuan's eyes flashed coldly.

As his figure flashed, Ye Qingxuan took out a large number of sixth-level formation plates and prepared to arrange a sixth-level top-grade formation.

When his clone returned to Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Blessed Land before, he did not only take 400 sixth-level top-grade talismans.

His original body also specially refined a batch of sixth-level top-grade formation plates and gave them to his clone.

The purpose was to deal with this possible emergency.

The basic formation pattern on the formation plate had been engraved by Ye Qingxuan's original body a long time ago.

Inside the array disk, there are also top-grade spirit stones that Ye Qingxuan has already stored in it, which are the energy source for the array to operate.

In just a moment.

Ye Qingxuan has arranged all the array disks and began to pinch the spell to reorganize the array patterns on the array disks and form a sixth-level top-grade array.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

As the array patterns on the various array disks were reorganized according to Ye Qingxuan's wishes.

The array disks began to resonate, emitting energy rays and connecting with other array disks one by one.

After all the array disks were connected to each other, Ye Qingxuan said in a low voice:


Under Ye Qingxuan's control, a sixth-order high-grade formation was instantly deployed.

The moment the formation is successfully deployed, it begins to operate automatically.

It continuously absorbs the surrounding spiritual energy, gathers it into a powerful force, and instills it in the Starlight Palace.

With the blessing of this power, the Starlight Palace suddenly burst out with bright starlight.

The secrets of the stars contained in it are looming, and the suppressive power of the stars it exudes has been upgraded by several levels.

Obviously, Ye Qingxuan's move was to use the sixth-level high-grade formation to activate the Starlight Palace on his own behalf.

Although he has not completely refined the Starlight Palace, he cannot use the secret rules of the Starlight Palace.

But with the help of the sixth-level high-grade formation, even if it cannot fully activate the secret rules of the Starlight Palace.

You can still activate part of the power of the Starlight Palace.

Faced with the suppressive power of the stars that suddenly increased by several levels.

In the lake, the nine-headed one-horned dragon at the early stage of the sixth level lost its resistance and fell into the lake.

Only the leader of the sixth-order peak one-horned dragon, one late-level sixth-order one-horned dragon, and three mid-level sixth-order one-horned dragons were left.

There is still enough energy left to float in the air, barely holding on.

Even so, the three-headed mid-sixth-order one-horned dragon can still remain in the air.

However, the attack and the strategic barrier have lost their threatening power.

Only the leader, the sixth-order peak one-horned dragon, and the other one who has reached the late sixth-order cultivation level, can still unleash attacks that can damage the formation barrier.

However, the attack frequency of the two has also become slower.

Seeing that he could not suppress the group of one-horned dragons in one fell swoop, Ye Qingxuan was not disappointed.

Currently, he has no way to fully unleash the full power of the Starlight Palace.

This result was also expected by Ye Qingxuan.

Faced with this situation, he had a backup plan.

Ye Qingxuan once again took out a batch of sixth-order high-grade formation disks and began to arrange the formation disks around the lake.

This time, the sixth-level high-grade formation deployed by Ye Qingxuan covered a much larger area and took a longer time.

However, after activating part of the power of the Starlight Palace, it mitigated the attack of the one-horned dragon.

Ye Qingxuan now has enough time to arrange all this.

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