In the stone pavilion outside Qingxuan Blessed Land.

Ye Qingxuan was standing on the edge of the stone pavilion, with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance.

Five years have passed.

The branch city of Dongxuan City has already been established.

Ye Qingxuan's two clones killed a sixth-level monster in Jitian Prefecture and Luotian Prefecture respectively.

Each occupies a sixth-level spiritual vein.

Based on the sixth-level spiritual veins, build a city and lay out a sixth-level top-notch city defense formation.

These two branch cities were named Jitian Dongxuan City and Luotian Dongxuan City respectively by Ye Qingxuan.

Except for the sixth level formation.

Ye Qingxuan also sent two sixth-level puppets to take control of these two major cities.

Because the ordinary residents in Dongxuan City in Xingluo State have not yet reached the limit of accommodation.

In addition, the two major sub-cities have just been established and are not completely stable.

Therefore, the two newly built branch cities did not move in ordinary residents.

After the construction is completed.

Ye Qingxuan selected three thousand monks from the outer areas of Dongxuan City to settle in these two branches.

Then the core members of Dongxuan City, the current five Golden Core Realm Commanders, took turns taking charge of the branch city.

Although the capital of Dongxuan City is only in the Golden Core realm.

But they are in charge of the sixth-level ultimate formation, coupled with the sixth-level puppets, they can easily deal with most problems.

Moreover, a teleportation array leading to Dongxuan City in Xingluo Prefecture was established in the two major branch cities.

Once encountering a difficult problem, Ye Qingxuan can provide support at any time.

However, the distance between Jitian Dongxuan City and Luotian Dongxuan City is too far.

If you want to teleport across a large state, you need to build a seven-level teleportation array.

Ye Qingxuan cannot arrange the seventh-level teleportation array for the time being.

Therefore, the teleportation arrays leading to the two major branch cities were achieved by arranging multiple teleportation arrays as a turnover.

It varies depending on the distance.

Ye Qingxuan deployed five to six top-grade sixth-level teleportation arrays on the way to the branch city.

After the construction of the two major sub-cities.

Ye Qingxuan did not interfere too much.

Instead, he delegated power to his subordinates and allowed them to use Dongxuan City's current business model to develop business in the branch city.

The five major capitals in Dongxuan City were discussed together.

It was decided to open up the situation of Jitian Dongxuan City and Luotian Dongxuan City in their respective states in the form of auction.

The first auction in the two major cities.

The auction items are mainly fourth- and fifth-level treasures of heaven and earth, and three items of the sixth level are used as suppressed objects.

As soon as the information about the Dongxuan City branch auction and the auction items spread.

It instantly attracted the attention of the major forces in Jitian Prefecture and Luotian Prefecture, as well as many casual cultivators.

Under the publicity of the auction lots.

The two major branches of Dongxuan City have officially entered the sight of major forces and casual cultivators in the two major states.

For a while.

A large number of monks were mixed with spies, with emotions such as curiosity, expectation, and surprise.

People from all directions poured into the two major branches of Dongxuan City.

Prepare to branch out into Dongxuan City to find out.

It's just that there is no teleportation array between the big states in the East Extreme Region.

The news is relatively unavailable.

At present, the major forces in Jitian Prefecture and Luotian Prefecture have not yet found out the details of Dongxuan City's branch.

At the opening ceremony of the Dongxuan City branch auction.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, under Ye Qingxuan's instructions.

The Dongxuan City branch directly demonstrated the existence of the sixth-level top-quality city protection formation and the sixth-level puppets.

Ye Qingxuan established branch cities in other major states in the East Extreme Region.

It is for commercial layout and to harvest the resources of other big states.

It's not just to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, or to slap someone in the face.

Appropriately expose some of your trump cards.

It can intimidate the major forces in Jitian State and Luotian State.

The fact was as Ye Qingxuan expected.

After exposing the existence of the sixth-level top-level city protection formation and the sixth-level puppet.

All the major forces were extremely wary, no longer as unscrupulous as when they first entered the branch of Dongxuan City.

The spies they sent also acted in a much more disciplined manner in the Dongxuan City branch.

In this state, the auctions in the two branches of Dongxuan City ended successfully.

Jitian·Dongxuan City and Luotian·Dongxuan City became famous instantly.

In addition, among the two major sub-cities, there is now a functioning market.

After the auction ended, it attracted many casual cultivators from Jitian Prefecture and Luotian Prefecture.

Just like that, Jitian Dongxuan City and Luotian Dongxuan City.

Successfully established in Jitianzhou and Luotianzhou.

It is supported by a large number of mid- and low-level resources that Ye Qingxuan deliberately reserved in the early stage.

These two major sub-cities directly entered a period of rapid commercial development.

In this process, the Fujian-Xuu Alliance under Ye Qingxuan played a considerable supporting role.

Currently, most of the first- and second-level resources consumed by Dongxuan City in Xingluo State and the two major Dongxuan City branches come from the Fujian Alliance.

You know, the blessed land of Fujian is not only about planting spiritual plants.

You can also breed spiritual minerals through the origin of blessed land.

It's just that most Buddhists don't do this in the early stages.

But it can't stand up to the fact that there are so many Fujians in the Fujian Alliance now.

There is always some blessing.

For various reasons, the source in the blessed land will be used to breed spiritual minerals.

Especially by selling spiritual mines to the Fujian Alliance, you can get spiritual stones and accumulated points, which can be exchanged for the source of spiritual veins.

Many Buddhist cultivators who are eager for quick success choose to spend their original energy to cultivate spiritual minerals in their own blessed land.

Moreover, there are very few ways to cultivate blessings, and there may be natural spiritual mines in the blessed land.

Because the initial blessed land is not of high level.

Even if there are spiritual mines, they are only micro spiritual mines, and Xuantian Sect does not care about this kind of mineral veins.

So for lucky Fuxiu, if there are micro spiritual mines in the contracted blessed land.

Then these spiritual mines can also be regarded as one of the resources and wealth of Fuxiu.

Therefore, the current Fuxiu Alliance can not only supply low-level spiritual medicines.

It can also supply low-level spiritual mines.

Like Ye Qingxuan's Qingxuan Dongtian blessed land, although there were no spiritual mines at the beginning.

He did not consume the origin and deliberately give birth to various spiritual mines.

But Ye Qingxuan integrated a lot of spiritual mines into the Dongtian blessed land, allowing the Dongtian blessed land to analyze.

In addition to the subsequent continuous advancement of the Dongtian blessed land.

In the process of advancement and expansion, a lot of spiritual mines were naturally born in the Qingxuan Dongtian blessed land.

However, these spiritual mines are temporarily low-level spiritual mines of level one to three.

For Ye Qingxuan, these spiritual mines are not of much use now.

The commercial forces under his command can already be self-sufficient in resources from level one to level five.

They don't have to mine these low-level spiritual mines in the cave paradise.

So Ye Qingxuan has never counted how many low-level spiritual mines there are in his cave paradise.

With the existence of the Fuxiu Alliance.

Ye Qingxuan no longer needs to worry about the supply of low-level resources.

Five years have passed.

The number of formal Fuxiu in the Fuxiu Alliance has not increased.

But under Zhu Dafu's lobbying and recruitment.

There are nearly ninety more Fuxiu reserve disciples.

It can be said that the new batch of Fuxiu reserve disciples of Fuxiu Academy.

Most of them have been taken in by the Fuxiu Alliance under Ye Qingxuan.

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