Ye Qingxuan followed the method of the earthly immortal inheritance.

He integrated all his consciousness into the essence of spirit through his immortal soul, and then spread it to his whole body from the essence of spirit.

With the immortal soul in control of the overall situation, everything was completed very smoothly.

In just half a quarter of an hour, Ye Qingxuan completed this step.

After the consciousness was integrated into the essence of spirit, Ye Qingxuan completely controlled his own body and spiritual power, and even the immortal soul was completely under his control.

It was no longer like before, when he needed to pour his consciousness into the immortal soul every time to use a little power of the immortal soul.

With consciousness flowing in the body, Ye Qingxuan could easily observe his own human body microcosm, which exuded various elements of light, interweaving and flowing with each other.

He did not need to cast spells to mobilize his spiritual power, which was completely under his control.

Even if the spiritual power left his body, with the existence of consciousness, it could be maintained alone in the outside world for a long time.

In addition, the detection range of the divine consciousness has been expanded tenfold. Originally, it could only be sensed with the divine consciousness, but now it can not only sense, but also see with one's own eyes.

It's like his divine consciousness has grown a pair of eyes out of thin air!

Now he has a feeling of using his own divine consciousness and spiritual power as if it were his own arm.

Feeling this special state, Ye Qingxuan chuckled:

"It feels good!"

In this way, his comprehension will rise to another level, and the time for practicing spells and magical powers will be greatly reduced.

After integrating consciousness into the essence of spirit, energy and spirit, Ye Qingxuan began to enter a short retreat.

It will take another three months for the cave to be opened up and formed, and he will naturally not waste these three months.

The lowest level of magical power seeds also need the golden elixir realm to condense, but there are still many spells in the earthly immortal inheritance, and he can practice some spells first to make a transition.

So, in the next three months, Ye Qingxuan was either meditating and practicing, or practicing spells.

The spiritual power of the Qi Refining Realm and the Foundation Building Realm is limited, and they can only practice elementary spells for the time being, but the power of the elementary spells they cast is very different!

In addition to meditation and practice, Ye Qingxuan also planted a lot of spiritual plants in Qingxuan Blessed Land in his spare time, including a lot of spiritual medicines.

Spiritual medicines belong to spiritual plants, but spiritual plants are not just spiritual medicines.

Although these spiritual plants are not of much help to Ye Qingxuan in a short period of time, they can provide a lot of help for the growth of the blessed land in the early stage.

As the master of the blessed land, Ye Qingxuan can clearly sense that as these spiritual plants grow, the blessed land is constantly analyzing the subtle fragments of the elemental laws contained in these spiritual plants and perfecting itself!

Perhaps because of the existence of the immortal soul, Ye Qingxuan is very sensitive to the senses between heaven and earth. He can feel the progress of the blessed land almost every day.

In this way, meditation, practice, practice spells, and cultivate spiritual plants, Ye Qingxuan's life rhythm is in order, and time passes quickly.

In a blink of an eye, it is three months later.

On this day, Ye Qingxuan, who was meditating and practicing, suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes!

"Dongtian, it's done!"

The next moment, a source of origin that was even larger than the source of origin feedback from Qingxuan Blessed Land broke through the air and appeared in Ye Qingxuan's body.

Without the need for spiritual root refining, this source of power directly began to actively assimilate with Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power, improving Ye Qingxuan's cultivation at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Qingxuan, who had experienced it once, did not panic. He controlled everything in himself very calmly and smoothly cooperated with this cave heaven source of power to improve his cultivation.

Late stage of foundation building!

Peak of foundation building!

Finally, after absorbing this cave heaven source of power, Ye Qingxuan successfully broke through to the peak of foundation building, only one step away from purple mansion.

The purple mansion realm needs to open up the mud pill space to strengthen the soul origin of the cultivator.

Ye Qingxuan condensed the immortal soul, and the mud pill space in his mind had already been opened up.

Therefore, the bottleneck of the Purple Mansion Realm is easy for Ye Qingxuan to break. Even if the power of the origin is exhausted now, Ye Qingxuan can easily break through.

With a thought, the bottleneck that originally belonged to the Purple Mansion Realm collapsed, and Ye Qingxuan's realm instantly entered the Purple Mansion Realm.

It was just that without the power of the origin of the cave heaven, Ye Qingxuan spent a lot of time absorbing and exhaling spiritual energy to stabilize the cultivation of the early stage of the Purple Mansion Realm.

Fortunately, Ye Qingxuan is now in the Qingxuan Blessed Land and has not caused much impact on the outside world.

Many years of dormancy, a purple mansion!

Even with Ye Qingxuan's temperament, he couldn't help showing excitement in his eyes.

After the successful opening of the cave heaven, with the help of the special connection between Ye Qingxuan and the Eternal Turtle, a space channel appeared in the depths of the Qingxuan Blessed Land.

After the space channel, the origins of the cave heaven and blessed land began to blend, and the energy between each other began to flow and complement each other. The blessed land that was originally only in the late stage of the first level instantly advanced to the peak of the first level.

Seeing this, Ye Qingxuan did not stop, stepped into the space channel and left the Qingxuan Blessed Land.

Through the space channel in the blessed land, Ye Qingxuan came to a bright space, which was the newly opened cave heaven.

There was a gentle light ball above the space, shining on everything. The light ball above was actually the origin of the cave heaven.

Like the blessed land, the cave heaven was only at the peak of the first level.

In order for the cave heaven blessed land to advance, in addition to sufficient energy, it also needed to analyze enough elemental law fragments and perfect itself.

This is also the reason why the level of the cave heaven blessed land is now limited to the peak of the first level!

"This cave heaven, let's call it Qingxuan Cave Heaven!"

Anyway, the blessed land is also named after him, let’s just go with Dongtian, it will be easier to remember!

Standing in the Qingxuan Cave, Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes slightly and began to sense the state of the cave.

And it was exactly what he had expected!

Because of the special characteristics of the Eternal Turtle, he can fully control the Cave Heaven Paradise and enjoy the benefits brought by the Cave Heaven Paradise. He is also free from the causal restrictions of the Cave Heaven Paradise and transcends the Dongtian Paradise!

At present, his natal clone Eternal Turtle has initially integrated with Dongtian, but if he wants to fully integrate into Dongtian, he probably has to wait until Dongtian Paradise merges into one and advances to the Small Thousand World.

But even if it is only the initial fusion, Qingxuan Dongtian already has the characteristics of eternal turtle invulnerability.

To put it simply, from now on, Ye Qingxuan's cave can ignore attacks from others.

This characteristic surprised Ye Qingxuan. It meant that as long as his body remained in Qingxuan Cave, he would be basically safe.

The cave is currently only ten miles in diameter, which is about the same size as the Blessed Land. It is basically dominated by plains for the time being. There is a small hill in the center, and between the hills there is a spiritual spring that is constantly bubbling spiritual water.

The level of spiritual energy in the cave has just reached the second level, but as it merges with the blessed land and the cave is continuously transforming chaotic energy, the intensity of the spiritual energy is still rising.

Moreover, after the intersection of Dongtian Paradise and Ye Qingxuan's perception, the limitations of the Paradise itself were greatly reduced.

The growth of spiritual plants mainly relies on the energy nutrients in the earth!

The reason why those blessed lands cannot plant spiritual plants higher than their own level is because the source of the blessed lands absorbs the void energy in the inner space, and the rate of transformation and growth of the original energy in the earth is too slow.

Therefore, once the spiritual plant exceeds the level of the blessed land, it will seriously affect the development of the blessed land, and even directly absorb the original growth of the blessed land.

But the way of the Earth Immortal is different. The origins of the Cave Heaven and Paradise can blend with each other. With the Cave Heaven continuously transforming chaotic energy to nourish all things, the combination of the first-level Cave Heaven and Paradise can cultivate up to the third-level spiritual plants.

In this way, Dongtian Paradise's help to Ye Qingxuan will be greatly increased.

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