Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 95 The Hundred-Year Deadline Has Ended

In the following time, Ye Qingxuan basically completely faded his existence.

He lived in the blessed land and no longer cared about the outside world.

Except for a few friends and managers he made before he became a Fuxiu, basically few people knew about Ye Qingxuan's existence.

However, a few Fuxiu who had left contact marks in the Fuxiu Academy before,

sometimes sent messages to harass Ye Qingxuan, complaining about their own blessed land and trying to find out Ye Qingxuan's current situation.

But Ye Qingxuan did not reply to them. He did not have a deep relationship with them. Once he replied, there would definitely be a lot of harassment in the future.

So Ye Qingxuan did not choose to reply to these people's messages at the beginning.

He is now living a very comfortable life, but he does not want to hear the sufferings of other Fuxiu.

Among his friends, Bai Wenyang still works in Baibao Pavilion, and occasionally comes to see him and have tea and chat with him.

Baibao Pavilion is a star-level store, and its scale is far larger than that of large stores, so the turmoil caused by Ye Qingxuan's Tianfu store did not have much impact on Baibao Pavilion.

However, Bai Wenyang occasionally talked about Tianfu Shop during his chat with Ye Qingxuan, and lamented its terrifying growth rate.

Although Baibao Pavilion did not care about Tianfu Shop, the middle and lower levels like Bai Wenyang paid great attention to it.

However, Bai Wenyang did not know that Tianfu Shop was Ye Qingxuan's industry.

Every time Ye Qingxuan heard Bai Wenyang bragging about his Tianfu Shop, he would just laugh it off, and did not cause any ripples in his calm state of mind.

In addition to Bai Wenyang, Hong Miaomiao and Bai Qingyun, who had not seen each other for a long time, also came to see Ye Qingxuan once.

Today, Hong Miaomiao and Bai Qingyun are both in the Purple Mansion Realm, and have officially become Taoist partners. They often take on sect missions that require going out and travel around the outside world.

So the couple did not spend much time in Xuantian Sect.

When they came to see Ye Qingxuan, Hong Miaomiao and Bai Qingyun were afraid that Ye Qingxuan would be bored after becoming a Fu cultivator, so they specially prepared a gift for him.

The two didn't know that Ye Qingxuan had raised a group of spiritual beasts, so they wanted Ye Qingxuan to raise some living creatures to relieve his boredom.

But in Ye Qingxuan's opinion, the gifts given to him by Hong Miaomiao and Bai Qingyun were more like to satisfy his cravings.

Because the gifts they brought were eight-treasure chickens, fragrant pigs, and spiritual rabbits.

Eight-treasure chickens, fragrant pigs, and spiritual rabbits are all semi-spiritual beasts. They are not intelligent, but can automatically absorb spiritual energy and integrate into the body. They are rare delicacies in the world of cultivation.

Hong Miaomiao and Bai Qingyun brought six eight-treasure chickens, fragrant pigs, and spiritual rabbits, which are now raised by Ye Qingxuan in Qingxuan Blessed Land.

In addition, Ye Qingxiao came to him the most frequently.

Every time he came, he would bring Ye Qingxuan a large amount of first- and second-level demonic energy origins, and at the same time, he would take away a lot of Ye Qingxuan's nuclear explosion pills and meditation tea.

Now, the original third-level meditation tea tree has successfully transformed into a fourth-level meditation tea tree during Ye Qingxuan's years of cultivation.

Not only does the effect of meditation increase greatly, but it can also allow people to enter the state of enlightenment for a short time.

This effect is not very useful for Ye Qingxuan, because his enlightenment has far exceeded the limit of his own realm under the influence of the immortal soul.

But for other purple mansion cultivators and even golden elixir cultivators, the enlightenment state entered by drinking the fourth-level meditation tea is very effective.

The only drawback at present is that the duration is too short, which can only last for about ten minutes.

However, Ye Qingxuan has great expectations for the meditation tea tree. If it can continue to transform, the enlightenment effect and duration will continue to improve.

Maybe it will play a significant role for him in the future.

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan is particularly attentive to the cultivation of the meditation tea, and even the primary source energy purified by the demonic energy source brought by Ye Qingxiao every time is instilled into the meditation tea tree.

Now the growth of the meditation tea tree is very gratifying, and even the yield has increased a lot.

As for the remaining primary source energy, Ye Qingxuan did not use it to cultivate the twenty-three spiritual medicine seeds, but directly infused it into the Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Blessed Land to accelerate the growth of the cave heaven and blessed land.

Although the amount is not much, and it is only primary source energy, it is better than nothing. Over time, it will help the cave heaven and blessed land a lot.

For the seventh-level spiritual plants, white lotus, purple bamboo, and armored vine are enough.

The current cave heaven and blessed land is too low in rank, and it is not cost-effective to waste resources on cultivating seventh-level spiritual medicines.

When the rank of Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Blessed Land is raised, cultivating seventh-level spiritual medicines can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Apart from these, basically nothing else will disturb Ye Qingxuan's cultivation.

During the time when Ye Qingxuan was cultivating, the Earth Profound Realm has been in peace.

The clearing of the battlefield outside the domain was also going very smoothly, and the birth rate of various monsters derived from the origin of the Green Demon Realm has been getting slower and slower.

It seems that everything is moving in a better and better direction.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed since Ye Qingxuan became a Fu cultivator.

Since the turmoil of Tianfu Store and Nuclear Explosion Pill subsided, Ye Qingxuan has been practicing in seclusion for more than eighty years.

After more than eighty years of seclusion, although Ye Qingxuan's cultivation has not yet broken through to the peak of the Purple Mansion, there is only a short distance left.

The cultivation speed of the three-series spiritual roots is still too slow.

If it is in the Ye family, the upper limit of the three-series spiritual root talent of ordinary cultivators is basically the Purple Mansion Realm, and there is no hope of Golden Pill.

This is also the reason why Ye Qingxuan has not been able to reach the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm after more than eighty years of seclusion.

And since Ye Qingxiao had the nuclear explosion pill provided by Ye Qingxuan, he had obtained a large amount of third-level demonic energy origin in the extraterritorial battlefield.

In addition, Ye Qingxiao's talent had been upgraded to the six-series spiritual root, and his cultivation speed had greatly increased.

Therefore, Ye Qingxiao's cultivation had long surpassed Ye Qingxuan's secret cultivation, and he was now a cultivator in the middle stage of the golden elixir.

In the past eighty years, Ye Zhaoyang, the ancestor of the Ye family, had already completed the sect mission and returned to Xuantian Sect.

Unfortunately, although Ye Zhaoyang's cultivation had made some breakthroughs, he did not break through to the spirit transformation realm as he wished, and even suffered severe injuries.

Ye Zhaoyang's situation was not told to him by Ye Zhaoyang after he contacted Ye Qingxuan, but by Ye Qingxuan through Ye Qingxiao.

Perhaps, Ye Zhaoyang had long forgotten the existence of Ye Qingxuan, a younger generation of Fu Xiu.

So after Ye Zhaoyang returned, he did not contact Ye Qingxuan.

According to Ye Qingxiao, the sect mission that Ye Zhaoyang received was to clear the outer area of ​​the extraterritorial battlefield and practice in the outer area of ​​the extraterritorial battlefield.

But after the Green Demon Clan retreated, the danger of the outer battlefield was greatly reduced, and Ye Zhaoyang's task became to clear the monsters in the inner ring of the outer battlefield.

Ye Zhaoyang's injuries were also left in the inner ring of the outer battlefield.

Although the Green Demon Clan has retreated now, the various battle aftermaths, energy, and even mystical rules left in the inner ring are much more than those in the outer ring of the outer battlefield.

Ye Zhaoyang accidentally stimulated the remaining energy during the exploration and was seriously injured.

After returning to Xuantian Sect, Ye Zhaoyang summoned Ye Qingxiao to explain some situations.

Then he began to retreat to recover from his injuries, and he couldn't come out again in a short time.

Apart from these, during the period when Ye Qingxuan was practicing, nothing else happened.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was not practicing in the blessed land.

Instead, he was drinking tea in the stone pavilion, with a slightly melancholy look in his eyes.

More than eighty years have passed, and Ye Qingxuan's appearance has not changed at all, but there is a gentle and elegant book fragrance on his body, which gives people a very comfortable sense.

The reason why Ye Qingxuan was melancholy at this time was that the hundred-year deadline had come.

According to the original contract, it was time to hand over the first batch of blessed land resources to the Ye family.

Ye Qingxuan was not reluctant to give the resources to the Ye family, but he didn't know how to explain the source of these resources to Ye Yuhong.

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