The hustle and bustle on the side of Wanbao Pavilion didn't last long before the soldiers responsible for city defense came and dispersed the two groups of people here.

With the city in such a mess every day, the city lord was very dissatisfied with Wanbao Pavilion.

Of course, he also knew that the second elder was behind all this, but without evidence, he could only use various means to appease the situation.

After watching the commotion here, Lu Yu finally entered the Treasure Pavilion.

When Li Qingqing saw Lu Yu bringing another beautiful woman, her attitude was similar to Li Guang's at the beginning.

"You're here."

Her attitude was neither warm nor cold, as if she was treating an ordinary customer.

Lu Yu smiled lightly and saw through her thoughts at a glance.

"This is Huang Feng, a transformed spirit beast called the Fire Feather Bird. She has awakened the bloodline of the phoenix and is a master at the Nascent Soul stage."


After this introduction, Li Qingqing was directly stunned.

She looked at Huang Feng from top to bottom for a while, then exclaimed.

"People can't judge by appearances. Miss Huang is actually a master at the Nascent Soul stage."

Although she exclaimed at Huang Feng's strength, in reality, she was marveling at the fact that Lu Yu had once again met such an extraordinary woman.

Being powerful was one thing, but she also possessed the bloodline of a phoenix!

And wasn't he in need of a large amount of fresh phoenix blood for refining the Phoenix Blood Nourishing Pill? She was like a walking blood bank!

Feeling Li Qingqing's enthusiastic gaze, Huang Feng couldn't hold back anymore.

She smiled gently at Li Qingqing and elegantly sat next to Lu Yu.

"Cough, you said you obtained phoenix blood, right?"

To ease the awkwardness, Lu Yu quickly changed the topic.

As he mentioned it, Li Qingqing remembered his purpose.

"That's right, I was lucky this time. I just released the acquisition information and someone came to deliver it. Take a look, this is a bird-like spirit beast called the Flame Chicken, which has a bit of phoenix bloodline."

As she spoke, Li Qingqing handed a small porcelain bottle to Lu Yu.

He took the bottle and smelled it. The fresh blood of the Flame Chicken had some flame attributes, and when opened, a wave of heat rushed out.

However, the smell of the blood was a bit unpleasant.

"What is this thing? It smells terrible... Does this diluted bloodline even deserve to be related to a phoenix?"

Huang Feng, sitting next to Lu Yu, wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows slightly when she smelled it.

Obviously, she didn't like this smell.

With her judgment as a Nascent Soul stage spirit beast awakened with phoenix bloodline, Lu Yu was very sure that the blood of the Flame Chicken might be usable, but the effect would definitely be mediocre.

"Let's try using this for now. Maybe we can refine something out of it," Lu Yu shook his head lightly.

The phoenix bloodline was not easy to obtain, so this Flame Chicken with a diluted phoenix bloodline might be a good choice.

The Flame Chicken, a type of spirit beast, was not rare. Generally, Flame Chickens at the Gold Core stage would activate a bit of phoenix bloodline.

It was just right for current use.

"Alright, follow me. The quiet room is ready for you," Li Qingqing said as she stood up and led Lu Yu to the quiet room.

To her surprise, Huang Feng actually followed him obediently, as if she were a little alchemy apprentice.


"Don't mind her, she's just a glutton. She likes to wait by my side and eat hot food while watching me refine pills," Lu Yu explained helplessly, and Huang Feng even nodded in agreement.

Looking at her greedy appearance, Li Qingqing felt relieved.

"Well, let me know if you need anything."

There are still many things that need to be resolved at the Treasure Pavilion, so she cannot accompany him in alchemy all the time.

Before leaving, she handed over all the prepared materials to Lu Yu, making it convenient for him to use them at any time.

With everything ready, Lu Yu began alchemy.

This is not the first time Huang Feng has accompanied him in alchemy, but this time she seemed very quiet.

Perhaps she felt the power of the phoenix bloodline in the alchemy furnace, a power that made her eager for the upcoming pill...

"If you want to go out and play, go by yourself. If not, I can ask Li Guang to accompany you. It will probably take more than a day to refine the pill here..."

"No need, I'll wait."

Joking aside, just the smell of the pill at the beginning was already extraordinary. She didn't want to miss the first pill to come out of the furnace.

Lu Yu had nothing to say about her choice, and fortunately, she didn't cause any trouble, so he let her be.

In this way, he focused on handling the materials and preparing the pill.

Originally, he thought it would take about a day to refine the pill.

But unexpectedly, the refining of the Phoenix Blood Nourishing Heart Pill was even more complicated than he had imagined!

It truly deserved to be the high-grade treasure that Li Wanshan had kept hidden. During the refining process, he had to constantly control the temperature of the alchemy furnace and continuously add a certain auxiliary material.

All of this resulted in an exceptionally long refining time.

Even Li Qingqing came to check on him several times, but two whole days passed and the pill still hadn't come out of the furnace!

Even Huang Feng, who had waited for such a long time, was starting to get impatient.

"When will it be ready? I can almost smell it. It smells so good..."

Huang Feng murmured softly while sticking her little nose next to the alchemy furnace.

The fragrance of the medicine wafting out was truly irresistible to her. She couldn't resist this scent.

After two days of refining, Lu Yu's spirit was also much worse than before.

But he still forced himself to stay focused and prepared for the final push.

"Don't worry, the medicine has already started to cool down. It will probably take another half a day to condense into pills. Also, don't get too close, be careful not to burn your nose..."

Lu Yu reminded her as he watched her small nose rubbing against the alchemy furnace.

Unfortunately, she was originally a Fire Feather Bird, and this level of temperature couldn't harm her at all. It even made her feel comfortable.

"I'm hungry... Give me some Spirit-Boosting Pills."

"You really are a glutton!"

Lu Yu was truly speechless.

This spiritual beast of hers doesn't eat Spirit-Boosting Pills, she only likes to eat pills. And now, her taste has become picky, only eating Spirit-Boosting Pills!

He had refined dozens of these Spirit-Boosting Pills in the trial space, and now they were quickly running out at a rate of two pills per day.

Sometimes, Lu Yu even thought about knocking her out and taking her blood, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make a profit at all.

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, the liquid in the alchemy furnace finally condensed into pills.

"It's done!"

Feeling the state of the alchemy furnace, Lu Yu was overjoyed, then quickly controlled the fire and prepared to take out the pills.

As soon as he said this, Huang Feng, who had just been dozing off, instantly became alert, her eyes wide open, staring at the lid of the alchemy furnace.

When the pills in the alchemy furnace took shape, Lu Yu took a deep breath.


He lifted the alchemy furnace abruptly.

Suddenly, a strange medicinal fragrance rushed over.

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