【Make wife happy five times, advanced spiritual root quality +50 (12/5000000)】

He quickly got up and walked into the meditation room.

Cross-legged, meditating.

His own accumulation of the five spiritual roots was much slower compared to others.

The reason behind this was that Ling'er had a mortal physique and couldn't handle too much cultivation.

But fortunately, Ling'er had been with him the longest and had the highest happiness index, so each time they cultivated together, there was a significant increase.

Moreover, with the help of Lu Yu's willingness to spare no expense in buying spiritual food and teaching her various exercises like the Five Animal Frolics and the Fifth Set of Radio Calisthenics, her overall health improved.

He also frequently bought her Longevity Pills, although the effectiveness of the pills decreased with each consumption until they eventually became ineffective.

However, spiritual roots were the foundation of Lu Yu's pursuit of immortality, including the advancement of his own cultivation level and the speed of gathering spiritual energy.

The speed of gathering spiritual energy also affected the speed of refining spiritual beast pills, creating a nested relationship.

Of course, the contribution of the Wind Spiritual Root was also considerable.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yu gradually suppressed his distractions and began to practice the ancestral Longevity Technique.

A gentle breeze stirred the spiritual mist on the floor of the meditation room, gradually forming a blue ribbon the thickness of a finger, which entered Lu Yu's body.

At that moment, Lu Yu discovered that his speed of gathering spiritual energy had increased, and the bottleneck that had hindered his cultivation level seemed to have disappeared.

He could feel that as long as he diligently accumulated spiritual power, he could easily break through the seventh level of Qi Refining.

After a while, Lu Yu opened his eyes, flipped his palm, and took out a high-grade Gathering Pill from his storage ring.

With the absorption of spiritual energy from both inside and outside, he could clearly feel that he was about to reach the threshold of the seventh level of Qi Refining.

This immersive cultivation lasted for several days.

Only when the Gathering Pill was almost depleted did Lu Yu open his eyes again and get up.

A look of joy and surprise appeared on his face. The speed of cultivating the advanced spiritual root was astonishing even to himself.

After freshening up, Lu Yu went to the Qingyun Pill Shop and purchased a lot of high-grade Gathering Pills before returning to the meditation room.

Just as Lu Yu was full of confidence and about to break through to the seventh level of Qi Refining...

Deep in the Holy Spirit Mountain, a simple and ancient pagoda was buried in a large pit.


Inside the pagoda, the stone door leading to the seventh level was finally shattered by a group of cultivators working together.

Spiritual light flashed, and the cultivators rushed into the seventh level.

"It's the Thunder Spirit Pearl!"

In the center of the seventh level, thunder and lightning suddenly flashed, converging on a palm-sized purple sphere.

On top of that sphere, there were also miniature dark clouds.

"And... there's also the Thunder Tribulation Cloud."

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be the Thunder Spirit Pearl that can change one's spiritual root, and it even has a companion tribulation cloud. As long as we seize it, we can form a Nascent Soul in a hundred years!"

"Step aside, anyone who dares to compete with me will die!"

In an instant, the demonic Shura Sect, the transcendent Yue Ling Sect, the witchcraft sect, and the Holy Spirit Mountain's Nascent Soul elders all had bloodshot eyes as they unleashed powerful treasures and rushed towards the Thunder Spirit Pearl.

There was a rumor in this realm that every ten thousand years, a spiritual pearl would descend, capable of changing a cultivator's spiritual root.

Not only were there gold, wood, water, fire, and earth spiritual roots, but also wind, thunder, ice, darkness, and other rare spiritual roots. There were even Yin-Yang and super-spiritual roots.

The most obvious sign was the appearance of strange phenomena, nurturing for several years, and giving birth to divine signs.

The companion divine sign of the Thunder Spirit Pearl was the Tribulation Cloud. It was said that there had also been instances of Wood Spirit Pearls, Dark Spirit Pearls, and so on.


Another month passed.

Inside the immortal mansion's meditation room.

Waves of abundant spiritual energy surged in the air.

Lu Yu, who had been in seclusion for more than thirty days, suddenly opened his eyes. In his eyes, a yin-yang disc appeared and then transformed into five colors, corresponding to the five spiritual roots.

Feeling the surging spiritual energy in his body and the pain caused by his meridians being stretched, Lu Yu frowned slightly.

Then, his face turned slightly red, and a ripple of spiritual power appeared out of thin air, spreading out in all directions.


"I've broken through to the seventh level of Qi Refining!"

Lu Yu's face showed ecstatic joy. If he remembered correctly, it had only been a little over two years since his last breakthrough.

He was now an advanced Qi Refining cultivator, taking a step towards Foundation Building.

He stood up and almost danced with excitement.

Breaking through the seventh level of Qi Refining was easier than the sixth level.

This was mostly due to the advancement of his spiritual roots.

Having lived two lives and experienced more than thirty years of hardships, he thought he had a miserable fate, abandoned by the heavens.

But who could have imagined that in less than ten years, he would be able to ascend five levels and aim straight for Foundation Building?

The stark contrast to his past experiences made Lu Yu feel like he was dreaming.

Today, he must celebrate properly!

With that in mind, Lu Yu walked out of his quiet room.

He glanced at the small hall, where three wives with different expressions were sitting.

Ling'er and Wanwan both had joyful expressions and approached Lu Yu to embrace him.

And Bai Lanshan waiting outside the quiet room was unexpected for Lu Yu.

But she still bowed and said, "Congratulations, husband, on getting closer to immortality."

Lu Yu smiled slightly.

"Ling'er, Wanwan, Lanshan, today we must celebrate properly."

Before long, the three women blushed and looked at the table full of food, playfully complaining.

"Husband, I didn't expect that your idea of celebration would be a feast." Ling'er put a piece of spiritual meat into her mouth, her eyes filled with affection, occasionally adding food to Lu Yu's plate.

Wanwan laughed and said, "Feasting is just to let sister rest and regain her strength. The real show might be later."

Upon hearing this, Bai Lanshan trembled, but she continued to eat the spiritual grains gracefully.

She knew that tonight would be another long and arduous battle.

While eating, Lu Yu suddenly smiled and said, "Ling'er, later you should take Wanwan and Lanshan to apply some rouge."

Upon hearing this, Ling'er blushed and said, "Husband, do you mean like before, applying it downwards?"

Wanwan and Bai Lanshan immediately understood the deeper meaning and lowered their heads, focusing on eating.

Lu Yu nodded generously.

Tonight, they would do whatever they pleased.

After a long time, the immortal mansion shook, with rocks and sand falling, followed by endless pleas for mercy.

It wasn't until the next day, when the sky was slightly bright, that Lu Yu was satisfied and got up to dress, heading to the quiet room to refine spirit beast pills.

After a few days, news came from Jiang Yuru, asking Lu Yu to immediately go to the Qingyun Pill Shop.

Lu Yu thought that there should also be a sound transmission jade slip between him and Jiang Yuru.

With that in mind, Lu Yu quickly packed up and hurried to the Qingyun Pill Shop.

As soon as Lu Yu arrived at the entrance of the Qingyun Pill Shop, his face showed surprise.

Although there were quite a few cultivators coming and going in the market today, there was a "closed" sign hanging at the entrance of the Qingyun Pill Shop.

Inside the pill shop, Jiang Yuru and a group of pill boys stood quietly by the door.

Even the Foundation Building cultivators responsible for evaluating Lu Yu's guest alchemy were sitting solemnly inside the door.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu naturally knew that they were waiting for an extremely important cultivator.

It might even be a Nascent Soul cultivator sent by the main sect.

After bowing and greeting everyone in the pill shop, Lu Yu stood beside Ye Daotong.

After waiting for a while, a deep and powerful voice came from outside the door, "Fellow Daoists, sorry to keep you waiting."

Immediately, everyone in the pill shop stood up and bowed towards the door.

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