On the top of Jiehai Peak.

The wind formed by the dark air currents whistled.

Shen Ping was silent for a long time.

After a long time, he sighed faintly, "If I die, please send my wife, concubines and Taoist partners to other higher realms. Jiehai Peak is the Hunyuan Supreme Treasure. I know it has this ability."

Minghuang Yin is the spirit of the Hunyuan Supreme Treasure.

Naturally, he can use some of his power.

It just needs to consume the source of the Hunyuan Supreme Treasure.


"I will help you do it."

Minghuang Yin looked at Shen Ping, "Anyway, you are also half the master of Jiehai Peak, but if you die, Jiehai Peak will inevitably be obtained by other powerful people, and the Xiandao territory will also become a colony of those forces. Similarly, I can't guarantee the safety of your wife, concubines, Taoist partners, and blood relatives."

Shen Ping heard the meaning of Minghuang Yin's words, and it was obvious that he was still persuading him to think twice.

After all, once reincarnated.

There will be no chance to regret.

Moreover, there are too many geniuses in the world of the Yellow Giant Palace, even the reincarnation of the Taoist master. Even if they are affected by the Supreme Stone Tablet, these reincarnations have no advantage at all, but the true soul power of the Taoist master can still make them rise.

At this time.

A token emitting a strange aura of the word "jie" condensed in the palm of Minghuangyin's palm, "This token can cross the endless realm and let you reincarnate directly into the world of the Yellow Giant Palace."

"You still have half an hour."


With the urging.

The entire token exudes an extremely powerful pressure, and soon a vortex channel appears in the mountain hall of Jiehai Peak, but it is not very stable and seems to collapse at any time.

Shen Ping left Jiehai Peak.

Appeared at Daoyan Shengfeng, suspended in the sky.

He overlooked this vast fairyland.

Overlooking a large number of immortals.

Then he came to the place where the descendants of the Shen family bloodline lived, felt the blood connection, and then descended to the lower realm, came to the Taian Abyss, and went to the world of the five continents and four seas of the Jiuzhou Tower, returning to the original place.

He stayed here for a cup of tea.

He returned to Jiehai Peak.

Standing in the palace on the mountainside, his eyes seemed to pass through the layers of palaces, and he saw Wang Yun, Yu Yan, Bai Yuying, Luo Qing, Mu Jin, Yin Honglian, Pei Huoyu, Yingyue, Yu Qingling...

This time he was reincarnated.

He didn't know if there would be a chance to meet again.

Although there was a virtual panel.

But Shen Ping was not sure at all. In that world of supreme influence, no matter if he was weak or grown up, no one dared to guarantee that he could survive.

He heard Minghuangyin say that even the master of Jiehai Peak had died several times in it.

"This is a long and long road of life."

"I only hope that after thousands of reincarnations, the green mountains will still be there."

A sigh fell.

He resolutely turned around and left, his eyes full of determination.


Arrived at the top of the mountain.

The vortex channel has been formed.

Lord Minghuangyin said, "Shen Ping, it's time to go!"


Step into the vortex channel.

The outline of the Jiehai Peak behind him gradually faded.

In an instant.

The vortex channel completely disappeared.

The figure of the Hades became transparent.

And the top of Jiehai Peak returned to calm, as if no one had ever been there.


The vast pressure crushed Shen Ping's true soul power back and forth from inside to outside like a millstone, crushing all the past and the ties of this life.

Whether it was the Taoist master or the emperor.

In this world under the operation rules of the supreme stone tablet, all the powerful true soul power turned into nothingness, becoming clear and transparent, as if it was washed again.

It was not until the supreme rules confirmed that the true soul power was as transparent as a new life that the door of the world opened leisurely, allowing a large number of true spirits to descend into this world.


A loud cry sounded.

It broke through the quiet and deep night and also tore open the sky.

The carriage stopped suddenly.

Then, with a buzzing sound, a light like a formation lit up with the carriage as the center, and in an instant, it condensed into four circular formation barriers, illuminating the surroundings of the carriage.


The black fog was filled, and it seemed that some terrible existence was wriggling in the middle. The fog sometimes twisted into beasts, and sometimes condensed into people, followed by crying and wild beasts roaring.

And the figures around the carriage were alert.

The figure like a mountain paced back and forth in front of the carriage, trying to lift the curtain several times, but was finally stopped by someone.

"Husband, how is the lady?"

"Did she give birth?"

The voice was full of anxiety.

Until the loud crying became louder and louder, the maid with sweat on her forehead walked out of the carriage and said in surprise, "Master Shanjun, Madam, Madam gave birth, congratulations Master Shanjun, it's a son!"

The strong man like a mountain laughed.

The guards who were alert to the black fog around also smiled.

"Where's the Madam? Is she okay?"

"The Madam is fine."

"Can I go in now?"

No one stopped him this time.

The man lifted the curtain and smelled a strong smell of blood. His eyes fell on the pale-faced Madam, then looked at the baby in the cradle, and squatted forward with gentle concern.

Madam Qingyan looked down at her child, her eyes full of maternal love, "Husband, this is our son, please give him a name."

The man had already thought about it, and smiled, "I am Lord Huaishan, protecting the safety of the people in the mountains and swamps. My son will be called Huaiping. I don't ask him to be rich or to take on heavy responsibilities. I just hope he can grow up safely."


"Husband, this is also my wish."

Look at Mrs. Qingyan.

The man hugged her gently and said, "Madam, don't worry, I will definitely protect the child."

At this time.

The formation shook.

The terrifying existence in the black mist kept attacking.

Although the man wanted to see his son a few more times, he also knew that now was not the time, so he immediately drove on.

As the formation light gradually extinguished.

This area was quickly shrouded in black mist.

The carriage traveled for more than half a month.

Finally arrived at Huaishan Mansion.

"Master Huaishan is back!"

As the door of the mansion opens.

The broad streets were crowded with large numbers of people.

"Huaishan Jun!"

They called Huaishan Lord, their voices getting louder and louder.

The mountain-like man looked calm and confident. After entering the mansion, many tribesmen rushed up. When they saw Mrs. Qingyan stepping out of the carriage, all their eyes fell on the baby in her arms.

"He's a young man."

"Great, there is a successor to Huaishan Mansion!"

"The news has reached the imperial court, and I believe an edict will arrive soon."

"Over the years, our Huaishan Mountain has been able to maintain good weather and weather conditions, all thanks to the Lord Huaishan. Now that he has descendants, it means that our Huaishan Mountain lineage will continue for hundreds of years!"

"Yes, the world is unfair, demons are rampant, and evil spirits are everywhere. The Huaishan Lord inherits the mountain, and the incense is flourishing. There is also an imperial edict to protect our Huaishan Mansion. Now that there are children born, as long as they can pass through the ancestral hall and be recognized by the heroic souls of all the Huaishan Lords , I will be able to inherit the position of Tiger King from now on!”

The tribesmen were talking a lot.

Several figures came one after another.


"Third brother, fifth brother..."

Several brothers of Lord Huaishan came forward to congratulate him.

Like the tough-looking fifth brother, he laughed loudly and said, "It is said that the second brother cannot conceive an heir. Now that my sister-in-law has given birth to a bloodline, let's see who dares to gossip behind his back."

Lord Huaishan smiled, he was indeed very happy.

The elder brother with the Chinese character on his face said calmly, "Okay, don't stand outside anymore."


The brothers came to the front lobby.

A maid brought tea.

The eldest brother Huaicheng took a sip of hot tea and said, "Second brother, you were a bit reckless when you left Huaishan Mansion this time. You are the Lord of Huaishan, the Lord of the Imperial Palace. Without you, this huge Huaishan Mansion will not be peaceful. In the past six months, We have encountered more than a dozen cases of demons eating people and being parasitic in our jurisdiction. Fortunately, the few of us are still relatively strong, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. "

The rugged fifth brother couldn't help but said, "Eldest brother, second brother also wanted to get rid of the family bloodline..."

Huaicheng snorted heavily, "Family bloodline is important, but the safety of Huaishan Mansion is more important. There are countless evil things out there coveting my Huaishan Mansion. Second brother, I believe you encountered them on your way back."

Lord Huaishan was silent for a moment, and then said, "Brother, this is my fault, and I am willing to be punished by the clan rules."

Huaicheng said, "The elders of the clan will give you a result for this matter. When I say this, I don't want to punish you. I just want you to understand that the world is unfair today. My ancestors of the Huai family have overcome many difficulties and hardships, and finally succeeded. After opening up this Huaishan Mansion, we must not let any mistakes lead to the ruin of our ancestors."

"Okay, you have just come back and have been tired from driving. Go and rest first. When Ping'er is full moon, go to the ancestral temple and let the heroic souls of your ancestors give you blessings. He is your son and the future of my Huai family. hope.”

After saying that, he stood up and left.

The third brother Huai Ling said, "Second brother, don't take it to heart. The eldest brother has always been like this. He also thinks about our family."

The fifth brother Huai Mang said dissatisfiedly, "As soon as the second brother came back, he was scolded all over his face..."

"Okay, fifth brother, it is true that I did something wrong in this matter. I must be punished if I deserve it. The clan rules cannot be broken. I guess the clan elder will let me face the wall and reflect on my mistakes. After the blessing from the ancestral temple, my child, Take more care of me."

Speaking of children.

A smile appeared on Mr. Huaishan's face, "This little guy is already naughty at just half a month old. I'm afraid he will be as troubled as my fifth brother in the future."

Huai Mang's eyes suddenly lit up, "Really? Haha, I'm just saying, our Huai family should all be the same as me."

The third brother Huai Ling said angrily, "Go away, if I were like you, our Huai family would have been gone long ago."

Several people were talking and laughing.

And this happened later in the house.

The warblers and swallows have made the house full of water.

"Sister-in-law, this is Ping'er. She is so handsome."

"Pfft, you're only half a month old, what can you see!"

"Even though it's only half a month old, this is my second brother's seed, and he will inherit the position of Lord Huaishan in the future!"

"Yes, he will be the backbone of our Huai family in the future."

Listening to the praises.

Mrs. Qingyan kept a smile on her face, but her eyes were tired, and she felt helpless in her heart. The child was only half a month old. After a long journey, she finally returned to the mansion, only to be surrounded by so much smell of rouge and gouache. This is not good. .

Fortunately, these people also knew this and didn't wait any longer.

Left quickly.

The maid Xinxiang couldn't help but said, "Madam, you go and have a rest. You haven't had much rest along the way. I'll cook some food for you."

Mrs. Qingyan nodded and asked casually, "Has Ping'er's nanny made arrangements?"

Maid Xinxiang shook her head, "I don't know. Butler Qian came here just now and didn't mention this matter. I asked about it and he said that he was still selecting those of the right age."


"Okay, ma'am."

"By the way, do you want to make some medicinal porridge for Master Ping'er?"

Qingyan glanced at Xinxiang and frowned, saying, "He is only half a month old and can't eat medicinal porridge at all. Let's talk about it after the blessing of the ancestral temple."

"Yes, madam."

After the maid left.

Qingyan looked at her son who was lying quietly without making a fuss or crying, stretched out her fingers to scratch his face, then stretched her waist, yawned and got up to rest.

And on the bed.

Shen Ping's clear eyes showed a joy that was not in line with his age.

"Sure enough."

"The virtual panel can still keep my memory in this world under the influence of the supreme stone tablet, but it seems that the virtual panel has changed. It can't be opened until now, and I don't know when it can be started."

This way.

He lived a terrified life. Although his true soul power was like that of an infant and did not have the soul power of the emperor in his previous life, he realized how dangerous this world was through the actions of his mother and father in this life, as well as the guards around him.

Monsters, ghosts, evil spirits, everywhere, Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, military and other schools of thought mixed together. Fortunately, Huaishan Jun was quite powerful, otherwise his weak body like a baby would have died on the road.

"No wonder even the Lord of Jiehai Peak fell here several times. If you are unlucky and reincarnate as an ordinary mortal, you will have no power to resist if you encounter a little monster!"

"But in this chaotic world, how can you get in touch with the great way of heaven and earth, the fate that is above the top, cause and effect, and the rules of the supreme stone tablet?"

Just thought for a while.

Shen Ping felt sleepy and fell asleep directly.

There was no way.

The real soul power was too weak.

The moment he reincarnated and entered the gate of the world, the powerful soul power was ground by the rule millstone.

He stayed there for ten consecutive days.

During this period, his father in this life only came twice and seemed very busy.

Then the other aunts and aunts in the house often came over, pinching his face with their little hands. Except for a few who were quite old, the others were pretty and shy, in their prime. One of them was extremely beautiful, outshining all the other beauties.

Even with Shen Ping's experience and vision, he looked at her a few more times.

"In a few days, the ancestral temple will bless you."

"I heard from these aunts and aunts that this is a ritual that every descendant of the Huai family must go through. Only by being recognized by the heroic spirits of the ancestors can you enter the ancestral temple and become a member of the Huai family. These heroic spirits should not be able to see my abnormality. After all, my true soul power is extremely weak, and I am completely a newborn."

"Heroic spirit... a system unique to this world, neither a true spirit nor a pure soul. Even in the Huai family, there are not many heroic spirits who are qualified to enter the ancestral temple after death, but each one has made great contributions to the Huai family."


He opened the virtual box.

It was still blank, as if it was affected by the rules to protect his memory when he was reincarnated.

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