Longevity begins with marrying a wife

Chapter 647 How far can we go?

Darkness and nothingness.

Sporadic lights flickered.

That was the light of the palace-type Hunyuan treasure, like a lone boat in the endless ocean, floating and surging with the waves. Under the tidal burst of the energy of the rules of nothingness, the light continued to resist. Every giant who stepped into the third step of the Dao Lord realm could sense that light.

Time was passing.

I don’t know how many Dao Ji had passed.

Until Shen Ping penetrated the second and third stone pillars of the bronze palace, the endless realm that had originally turned into nothingness, under the dispersion of the origin of chaos, gradually began to give birth to new realms, and continents rose from nothingness.

Especially when the rules of nothingness became weaker and weaker, the birth of continents continued like stars, first of all, the top realms covered by the most concentrated origin, and then some Dao fields.

When the last bit of the rules of nothingness completely dissipated.

The eight third-level Dao Lords, including the Lord of Black Blood Palace, Lord of Canghai Island, Lord of Demon Heaven, Lord of Moon God Temple, Lord of Tiansheng Mountain, Lord of Taihao Peak, Lord of Cangjian, and Lord of Tuosha, walked out of the Hunyuan Supreme Treasure one after another, and they looked into the distant void.

There were two rays of light flickering there.

The eight giants all laughed, "It seems that we have two more friends in this Chaos Era!"

"Congratulations, Brother Daoyan."

"Congratulations, Brother Beihai."

The voice containing the origin of the Great Dao spread.

Shen Ping woke up from his comprehension and walked out of Jiehai Peak at the same time.

A moment.

The ten third-step giants who survived the last Chaos Era gathered in a Dao field with a rich origin.

"In the new Chaos Era, we old guys still need to pass down the Dao, derive many Dao arts, and spread a lot of inheritance in these new realms."

Lord of Canghai Island said with a smile.

Shen Ping did not respond, but asked in a deep voice, "Seniors, may I ask how to find the creatures of the previous Chaos Era from the Chaos?"

The Black Blood Palace Master and other giants looked at each other and shook their heads.

The Moon God Palace Master said softly, "Brother Daoyan, every Chaos Calamity is a reincarnation. Even if you remember the true spirits of your relatives, it is meaningless. The true spirits born in the new Chaos Era may be the true spirits of the previous Chaos Era, but you should know that there are no two leaves in the world that are exactly the same."

"Similarly, even if you really find the reincarnation of your relatives' true spirits, what's the use, unless they can become the third realm of the Taoist Master, but when they reach the third realm, they will also be annihilated in the Chaos Calamity."

The Demon Heaven Taoist Master said hoarsely, "Daoyan, I once looked for two Chaos Eras like you, but it was useless. They are no longer here."

Shen Ping was silent.

And the Lord of Canghai Island said, "We old guys may not be here in the next Chaos Calamity. Daoyan, look at it more openly. If you really want to find them back from the Chaos, you can only break through to the Primordial Realm. You also understand that all true spirits are part of the long river of time. Whether it is fate or reincarnation, they all follow the rules."

"If you don't step into the rules, you naturally can't jump out of this cage and break free from the fate of reincarnation."

Shen Ping showed bitterness.

He knew this, but there was still a trace of luck in his heart.

At this time.

The Lord of Tiansheng Mountain looked at the Lord of Beihai Dao, "It's the little friend of Beihai, who is obviously the first step of the Dao Lord, why can he successfully survive this Chaos Calamity? If you are willing to tell it, maybe you can really find your relatives and protect them. In any case, living another Chaos Era is also a kind of companionship and comfort for us old guys."

Shen Ping came back to his senses.


The Lord of Beihai Dao is only the first step, how can he survive the Chaos Calamity.

All the giants looked towards Beihai at once.

The Lord of Beihai said helplessly, "When I opened the Bronze Palace, there were stone lions on both sides of the Bronze Palace. I took the stone lions away, and then somehow I relied on them to survive."

"But this stone lion can only be used once."

He took out the stone lion, and the Dao pattern on it had cracked.

The other giants suddenly realized.

"Little friend Beihai is really lucky. Speaking of which, the last Chaos Calamity broke out early because of you."

Beihai hurriedly said innocently, "I, I don't know either."

The Lord of Canghai Island waved his hand, "Okay, the things of the last Chaos Era are all in the past. It's pretty good that we old guys can have two more newcomers. Usually, there may not be one in several Chaos Eras."

"Let's gather together and work together. The first thing to do is to pass on this method."

Shen Ping made a note of this matter in his heart. If he could find another treasure similar to the stone lion, he should be able to protect his wife, concubines and Taoist partners. Of course, the premise is to find them out of the chaos. Although this is extremely difficult, as long as he is alive, there is hope.

"Brother Canghai, what is the meaning of passing down the Taoist teachings?"

The island owner Canghai explained, "We don't know the details, but we learned from the traces left by a person in the Primordial Realm. The reason why the third-step realm masters can rely on the Primordial Realm Treasure to survive the Chaos Calamity is that there is a glimmer of vitality in the operation of the rules. They hope that we can pass on some inheritance to the creatures in the new Chaos Era so that they can grow faster."

"So the more Taoist teachings are passed down, the more times they will survive the Chaos Calamity in the future. You can understand it as Chaos Merit."

Shen Ping and Beihai suddenly realized.

I see.

No wonder these old guys have established their own forces one by one and occupied dojos. There is another reason for this.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of Master Jiehai, so he asked again.

How did the Lord of Jiehai Peak fall that year?

In the entire endless realm, no one should be able to be hurt. Even if you encounter a strong enemy in the dark void, you cannot be chased by other strong men.

Taoist Master Motian sighed, "Brother Jiehai was not actually being hunted. He encountered the prohibition method left by the Hunyuan Realm in the dark void and injured the true spirit level. At that time, before Brother Jiehai left the main realm, he was still We met a few of us, and we originally planned to work together to help him, but Brother Jiehai was arrogant by nature and didn't bother to let us help, and he didn't want us to see him in such a mess, so he found a remote place."

"It's just that the true spirit has collapsed and cannot be undone."

The Master of Tiansheng Mountain sighed with emotion, "The methods left behind by the Hunyuan Realm are unimaginable. We old guys, including the seniors of all generations, have been chasing after generations of reincarnations, but unfortunately no one can succeed."

Master Beihai couldn't help but ask, "Does the Hunyuan Realm really exist?"

"Of course it exists!"

The other giants said almost in unison, "Although there have been countless ages of chaos without the birth of the Hunyuan Realm, the Hunyuan Realm does exist."

The master of Tahao Peak said, "The Bronze Palace, the Supreme Stone Tablet, and the Golden Bottle Diagram...these are all treasures that emerged from the dark void. The Dao patterns on them, as well as many secret techniques, can only be obtained by the Hunyuan realm."

"It's a pity that it's too mysterious."

The Hidden Sword Master said, "We old guys are still a little short of understanding the origin of the entire avenue. Naturally, we cannot understand these mysteries. And even if we understand it, it is extremely difficult to understand the rules."

Lord Tuosha sighed, "Yes, those who have survived the eight tribulations of chaos have long understood the origin of the entire avenue and are the most promising to become the Hunyuan realm. It's a pity..."

All the giants shook their heads in regret.

Chatted for a while.

They left one after another.

Now that the Era of Chaos has just begun, it is the time when the origin of the avenue is strongest. In addition to leaving a legacy, we must also seize the opportunity to understand the origin of the avenue.

Shen Ping also found a Taoist temple with rich origins, kept the inheritance of Jiehai Peak, and then continued to understand the stone pillar Taoist patterns in the main hall of the Bronze Palace. Although this is someone else's path, if he understands it thoroughly, he may be able to gain insights from it. Enlightenment, and then walk out on your own path of protection.

At the beginning of the Chaos Era, there were no living beings. There were only nascent realms. Even the Chaos Ruins were basically the origin and there was no way to enter. However, as time went by, after thousands of Dao Era gestations, After development.

A large number of treasures of heaven and earth bred from the origin were born, and at the same time, the first generation of creatures were derived. Some were born Taoists, and some had extremely high talents.

There are also rare treasures that open up spiritual wisdom, etc., and there are also Tao channels that give birth to spiritual wisdom.

If they were in the Daoyuan realm, these resources were in urgent need, but as a giant who had reached the third step, Shen Ping didn't like them at all, but he still collected some in case of emergency needs.

In the second Thousand Dao Era, human beings and various strange creatures were born one after another, and each realm began to have dazzling civilizations, and Canghai Island, Black Blood Palace, Tiansheng Mountain, Moon Temple, and Demonic Heavenly Way The power of the five giants spread to other realms at an extremely fast speed.

Those geniuses who are constantly being born, only after stepping out of the realm, do they realize that there are such powerful forces in this endless realm.

Shen Ping is not interested in accepting disciples. He just leaves a legacy. Who can accept the legacy and stand out is their own destiny.

Since these Taoist times.

He constantly understood the patterns of the stone pillars in the Bronze Palace, analyzed and studied them with the talents of the Nine Wonderful Beasts, and traveled throughout the endless realm. Sometimes it would turn into a mountain, and sometimes it would sit on the bottom of the sea for tens of thousands of years.

Although he was not slow in comprehending the stone pillar patterns, he still could not find the tenth person with a special physique.

It’s time to reach the first Ten Thousand Dao Period.

Chaos market opens.

Shen Ping, Bei Hai, and other Dao masters entered the Chaos Ruins one after another and came to the dark void. Compared with the previous Dao era, the dark void at this moment was completely empty, with nothing, not even dark creatures.

Come to the Bronze Hall.

Beihai said, "If this Bronze Palace is left behind by the Hunyuan Realm, then when I opened it, I killed some special dark void creatures, which triggered the Bronze Palace."

"Brother Daoyan, if my guess is good, there are substances containing the essence of rules in those dark void creatures, and they are probably some kind of tokens left by the powerful ones in the Hunyuan Realm."

Shen Ping nodded.

He had already speculated like this again.

After studying the dark void creatures from the Lord of Jiehai Peak, I guess I noticed these.

It’s just that no matter how hard you study the things left behind in the Hunyuan Realm, if you don’t go out of your own way, it will be difficult to come into contact with the rules of the chaotic operation of this endless realm.

However, the Lord of Jiehai Peak started with the dark void creatures, which is actually a new approach. If he adopts the bloodline system, then this is the best way, so after the dark void creatures are conceived, he plans to continue to study. After all, he has a virtual frame. The strange beast bloodline talent given is the most suitable to study.


Shen Ping and Bei Hai stayed in the Bronze Palace for a while, then returned to Chaos Ruins, and explored the depths of Chaos Ruins together. They only got some rare treasures, but nothing else. The most valuable thing in the depths of the entire Chaos Ruins was the Dark Void.

And the closer you get to the depths of Chaos Ruins, the closer you can get to the origin. When you reach a certain point, you can no longer move forward.

Return to the Endless Realm.

At this time.

The brilliant and prosperous civilizations of all realms are constantly evolving, and all kinds of brilliant, wonderful, and endless stories are being staged, as if they have gone through a reincarnation again.

Shen Ping walked and stopped, looking at every civilization and every story from the perspective of an observer. Sometimes he would leave his own perceptions and his own heritage, creating some strong men, who followed his footsteps and created a legendary story.

Time passed slowly.

In a blink of an eye, this Chaos Era has passed 50,000 Dao Ji, and the Endless Realm has once again restored the prosperity of the previous Chaos Era, but this time, Shen Ping, like the giants like Canghai Island Lord and Black Blood Palace Lord, does not care about these Dao Lords at all.

For them.

Only those who can grow to the third-step giant level and live through a Chaos Era are qualified to let them know their names and their past stories.

Unfortunately, in reality, a Chaos Era is basically impossible to appear.

Even Beihai, who has great opportunities and luck, finally entered the third step level in the 70,000th Dao Era.

That day.

The giants including Shen Ping gathered together again to celebrate for the Beihai Dao Lord.

Among the ten giants, the longest-lived one is the Demon Heaven Dao Lord, who has experienced four Chaos Eras. According to the reincarnation of the five giant forces, the Demon Heaven Dao Lord who has been reincarnated from generation to generation can survive five Chaos Eras on average.

So the Demon Heaven Dao Lord has at most two Chaos Eras.

When this matter was mentioned.

The other giants were silent for a while, and the Canghai Island Lord, who had the best relationship with the Demon Heaven Dao Lord, was a little sad. He knew that no one could escape this deadline.

The Demon Heavenly Daoist Master laughed, "After this Chaos Era, I can still live. Besides, if I make some progress in the next Chaos Era, I might be able to hold on longer than you."

The atmosphere became lively again.

The Canghai Daoist Master laughed and scolded, "You old immortal, you should burn yourself quickly. I get annoyed every time I see you."

The Demon Heavenly Daoist Master snorted, "I will definitely live longer than you."

While Shen Ping was drinking the Chaos Era wine, he watched their quarrel and couldn't help laughing. Each of them who survived the Chaos Era had a wonderful story, and it was unknown how far this story could go.

And what about himself.

How far can he go...

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