Longevity Begins with the Master of Weapon Refining

Chapter 3 Five Elements Beast Form Skill

But does he regret it?

No regrets!

In a situation where you will die if you don't fight, why should you care about the fate of others?

In the six years since he was driven out of the Taoist temple and wandered around, has he done less of this? In troubled times, life is cheap, not as good as grass.


Pushing the door open, he walked into the shop, checked the small mechanism arranged in the house to confirm that no one had been there, and then entered the small courtyard from the back door.

In front of this courtyard is the blacksmith shop, and in the back is the residence.

In between the two is a narrow courtyard paved with bluestone, and there is a jujube tree growing, where Gu Qing usually practices martial arts.

It was late at night, and he tidied up a little and fell asleep.

The loss of life is not without side effects.

Fatigue, exhaustion, and energy and spirit all declined to varying degrees.

The next day.

After a good rest, Gu Qing steamed a tray of big white steamed buns, cut a bowl of bacon and pickles, and had a simple breakfast.

It looks ordinary, but it is already a high-quality grain that only the rich families in Qishan County can eat.

A day's plan begins in the morning, and learning martial arts in the morning is the most effective.

Five-element beast-like skills.

Based on the five beasts' appearances, bears, tigers, deer, apes, and cranes, a set of martial arts that imitates their breathing methods can be divided into five sets.

Bears strengthen the body, tigers nourish strength, deer train legs and feet, apes strengthen bones, and cranes lighten the whole body.

Nourish the human body with the mysterious vitality of the five beasts.

Gu Qing has been practicing this skill for two years, and he has only recently felt a breakthrough, which shows that his talent in this area is not outstanding, but only average.

A set of movements is done in one go.

Half an hour later, the sweat on his body evaporated into white mist, adding a few touches of otherworldly artistic conception. It is enough to practice the skills appropriately, but too much is as bad as too little, which will hurt the body.

Having had a serious period of deficiency, Gu Qing especially cherishes his body and pays great attention to nourishment.

After breakfast, he took out the medicinal materials purchased yesterday.

Deer antler, bear gall, tiger whip, ape heart grass, crane red stone, grind into powder, mix in different proportions and pour into boiling water, wait until the water turns yellow and black, add a few buckets of cold water, then take off clothes and soak in.

This is the medicinal bath recipe attached to the Five Elements Beast Phase, which has the effect of enhancing qi and blood, strengthening bones and strength, and recovering body strain.

"Breakthrough is today!"

Sitting cross-legged in the bathtub, surrounded by mist and steam, under the fierce force inside and outside, Gu Qing clearly felt that a group of air flow was generated three inches below the lower abdomen.

This is the omen of the breakthrough of the second realm of martial arts, the blood moving realm, and it is not the first time he has felt it.

According to the martial arts common sense obtained from Fengming Army.

After the warrior has trained his body to the extreme, his essence is flourishing and qi and blood are generated.

Then he can break through from the body-building realm to the blood moving realm, and then go up to the third realm of martial arts, the internal qi realm.

The internal qi can be released one foot outward, hurting people from a distance.

Flying over the eaves and walking on the walls, crossing the river on water is nothing.

When he reached the fourth realm of martial arts, his internal energy formed a continuous circulation of the heavens, and he could be called a martial arts master. He was named the master realm, and he could defeat ten thousand enemies with one person.

He was also the peak of martial arts in the twelve states of Yan State.

The martial arts realm was different from the realm information on Gu Qing's panel, and he was not very clear about the specific mysteries.

However, the time for a breakthrough had indeed come.

"Beast phase, break!"

With a bang, the roar of a bear and a tiger sounded in Gu Qing's body, and the bathtub suddenly exploded, and the visible red air flow climbed on Gu Qing's body surface.

The body was as hot as a furnace!

The blood and qi generated three inches below the navel penetrated the whole body, and for a while, the muscles and drums sounded together, and the sounds of the five beasts were endless.

"It's done!"

There are three dantians in the human body, symbolizing the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit.

The place between the eyebrows is the upper dantian, which is also called Zifu, Niwan, and Shenque. All the names are correct, and it is the place where the spirit is hidden.

The middle dantian is between the two breasts on the chest, which is also the place where the qi is stored.

It is composed of the fresh air inhaled by the lungs from nature and the water and grain essence generated by the spleen and stomach from food and drink, which are combined with each other.

The generation of Zongqi is directly related to the rise and fall of the body's qi. The place where Zongqi accumulates in the chest is called "Qi Hai" in "Lingshu Wuwei", also known as Tanzhong.

The above two have little to do with Gu Qing. The main training of warriors is the lower Dantian, the place where essence is stored!

Warriors believe that the lower Dantian has the closest relationship with human life activities. It is the ancestor of life, the source of vitality, the basis of the five internal organs, the root of the twelve meridians, the meeting of yin and yang, the door of breathing, and the place where water and fire meet!

It is the hub of the rise and fall of internal qi.

Gu Qing also believes that the secret of improving Tianshou starts from the lower Dantian.

"Since the breakthrough is successful, then we have to try whether the upper limit of Tianshou has been raised."

At present, he has a total of 52 instrument points, which can be exchanged for about four years and three months of Tianshou, which is not enough for verification.

However, there are other changes in the panel.

[Gu Qing]

[Age: 20, Lifespan: 100]

[Realm: Ninth Grade·Marrow Cleansing and Blood Reproduction]

[Skills: Five Elements Beast Formation Skill·Second Level+]

[Martial Arts: Tiger Power Spear·Third Level (Perfect)+]

[Skills: Metal and Stone Instrument Dao·Hundred Refining Techniques (Introduction)+]

[Instrument Dao Points: 52]

“Marrow Cleansing and Blood Reproduction? It is somewhat similar to the Secret of Blood Moving.”

The ninth grade realm given by the panel has not changed, but the suffix has been changed, which seems to be some kind of angle that goes straight to the root.

Ninth Grade·Nourish Strength and Strengthen Bones, Ninth Grade·Marrow Cleansing and Blood Reproduction.

I don’t know if there are more steps to be completed.

After cleaning up the mess on the ground, with the power of Qi and blood, Gu Qing's strength increased greatly, and his spirit was full of energy, and his spirit was much relaxed.

In this case, practicing the Hundred Refining Technique will be even more effective.

To complete the Blood Moving Realm, the most important thing is to take supplements.

This involves money.

It is difficult to buy wild medicine with his financial resources, and the channel is also a problem.

After thinking about it, he still needs to work hard on forging.

Swords and weapons can no longer satisfy his appetite. Only the high returns brought by contraband such as armor and crossbows can bring him a higher status.

"When I served the bandits, I learned how to forge armor. If we further cooperate with the Xiang army, the other party may not be able to produce medicine."

"Such excellent products for practicing martial arts should be supplied to Fengming Mansion. This is their way to rise, so we have to start with the local rich families."

There are many rich families in Qishan County, but there is only one local snake at the level of landlords and gentry.

"Zhao family."

It is said that the ancestors made their fortune by collecting herbs. There are a large number of mountain people working for them in the depths of Qishan. The fur and herbal medicine stores they run are open in many rich counties in Fengming Prefecture.

When the bandits seized the city, the whole family hid in the mountains and forests and disappeared. They returned again after the government took back the county, and accumulated a lot of herbs and furs.

This is also the reason why Gu Qing can buy wild beasts in the mountains at Zhao's herbal medicine shop.

"For old ginseng and deer antlers, we still have to establish cooperation with them."

How to start this?

When Gu Qing was worried, there was a knock on the door.

"Brother Qing."

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