Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 4: Going fishing in the sea, catching a white-scaled fish!

Not far away, several sailors hurried past carrying a bloody corpse.

"Hey...what's going on? Something happened to Old Liu too?"

"Last night, another demonic fish boarded the boat. Old Liu called for help and alarmed the demonic fish. He was seriously injured by the attack and died this morning."

"Where's the monster fish?"

"Escaped. When the second officer arrived, there was no trace. However, such nocturnal monster fish should not appear during the day. Otherwise, it would be really disturbing."

"The second officer has given an order to strengthen patrols and put good men on guard duty overnight. It should be safer."

Several old sailors were talking about Piao Lai. It was obvious that the attack last night had frightened them.

"The difficulty of practicing the "Blue Scale Technique" is beyond my expectations. With such progress, once you encounter the demon fish, I'm afraid there will be no chance of resistance."


Bai Xuan also had a sense of urgency in his heart.

Although he had some faint energy and blood condensation during the "Blue Scale Technique" practice in the past few days, it was still not good enough.

"We still have to go to the sea to catch the white-scaled fish."


Beside the side of the boat, Bai Xuan untied the rope and dropped the Yan boat into the water.

Now his strength far exceeds that of his peers, not only the power of trawling, but also his strength has grown rapidly with the practice of "Blue Scale Technique".

The power of dragging a net is like one's own potential, and "Green Scales Kung Fu" is a horizontal training method that can best stimulate potential. In just five days, one's strength has increased by three points.

Now he could lift the swallow boat with one hand, but he did not do so in broad daylight.

Bai Xuan climbed down the rope ladder and boarded the Yanzhou.


He stood on the swallow boat and looked up. The water flowing back and forth and the waves blooming were all detected by his own eyes. It was difficult for anything to be hidden in the water and attack.

"Sure enough, with Wanghai, it's not that dangerous."

Bai Xuan was determined.

The Yan boat is not big, as big as a awning boat. There are fishing rods, harpoons, fish baskets and a thin net in the cabin.

Bai Xuan was clumsy at first, but after rowing the oar for a while, he gradually mastered it.

"If you point to the ability of 'steering', then it is probably like using your arms to control the boat. You can control the boat with just one step of your foot. Unfortunately, there is no extra Taoist thought for the time being."

"Fortunately, this small boat does not require many technical means to operate. It is enough to be able to paddle and not capsize."

The sea was calm, with only layers of thin waves crashing across the boat, making a monotonous sound on the boat.

Bai Xuan looked down into the water, watching the changes in the surrounding water.


He stretched out his arms, dropped the fishing net, lifted it up after a moment, and dragged it up step by step.

The net is empty.

"It turns out to be the Air Force."

Bai Xuan was not discouraged.

Just now he saw traces of a school of fish under the water, so he lowered the net to try out the effect firsthand. However, although he had the ability to trawl and had an eye for the sea, he had never fished alone by himself. When he went down with the net, he was startled. All the fish were gone.

"Come again."

For a whole morning, Bai Xuan followed the ocean current and let the boat drift away. After a long time, he collected the fish in the net.

"Be stronger this time and the whole army will not be wiped out."

There were only two small fish left in the net, and they were jumping around. Bai Xuan released them and continued to lower the net.

"Continue in the afternoon."

After returning to the boat for lunch, Bai Xuan put down his boat again and went into the sea to fish.

This time he was much more skilled. Within a moment, he started to raise the net. When his hand sank, the entire Yanzhou shook slightly.

"It shouldn't be a demon fish."

Bai Xuan was very cautious.

He could now tell from the traces of the demonic fish's water flow that it was about to escape through fifty meters of water.

"It should be...a swallowtail fish."

When the fishing net came up, it was indeed extremely full, with hundreds of small fish writhing in it, trying to break free from the constraints of the fishing net.

"It's indeed a swallowtail."

Bai Xuan divides the catch all day long and recognizes clearly that this kind of swallowtail fish has an average taste, is not beautiful, and is not very valuable.

This net proves that his ability to read the sea can indeed accurately identify schools of fish in the vast sea!

"Go ahead."

Bai Xuan also released the bunch of swallowtail fish back into the sea.

There is no shortage of these fish and shrimps on the boat. The only thing he needs is the white-scaled fish.

"This water flow trail is suitable for cruising seven species of fish, including the white-scaled fish. It stands to reason that as long as you set a net in this water, you can catch the white-scaled fish sooner or later."

Bai Xuan took his time and continued fishing.

This time, Bai Xuan lowered seven nets in a row. Each net was fully loaded and he released them all until the sky gradually darkened and it was close to dusk.

Right now.

Not far away, there was another swallow boat, also approaching slowly.

"It seems you didn't catch the white-scaled fish either."

The two young men on the boat were both contemporaries of Bai Xuan, and both had sad faces at the moment.

They thought that after learning the secret of Yan Zhou, they would be able to make a fortune, but after one day, they came back in vain.

In their opinion...renting a Yan boat to go fishing is a waste of copper. One hundred coppers at a time, half a day's wages are gone, and the work is in vain.

"It will be counted as tuition."

Bai Xuan spoke.

"That's easy to say, but we are exhausted... let's go."

The two teenagers rowed the swallow boat, obviously not in the mood to continue fishing, and hurriedly returned to the boat.

"No wonder."

Bai Xuan shook his head.

He has the power of the sea, but fishing is so difficult, and it is even more difficult for these young people to reach the sky.

"It is said that the demon fish usually moves at night. If we can't catch it in this net, we can only give up."

Bai Xuan was not anxious.

If we can't catch it on the first day, we can continue on the second day.

Caution, calmness, patience... If we don't have money, we have to make up for it with these qualities.

Bai Xuan's eyes were still fixed on the fishing net, not slacking off.

The net was about to be pulled up, and at this moment, Bai Xuan's eyes suddenly focused.

A silver light suddenly rushed out of the net, and at a very fast speed, it rushed out among a pile of black-whiskered shrimps, and was about to rush out of the net!


At this moment, Bai Xuan's arms suddenly exerted force, and the power burst out, pulling the whole fishing net out of the water!

"Get up!"

Bai Xuan's force was not reckless. The ability of "trawling" was not only brute force, but also skills. Bai Xuan pulled it, shook it violently, and rolled it up, and rolled up the fishing net with fish and shrimps layer by layer. In just a moment, it was collected on the boat.

Bai Xuan's actions were the first time he used his full strength. He instinctively used the "Green Scale Skill" that he had not yet mastered, and sweat dripped down his back.

He peeled off the fishing net layer by layer, released the black shrimp, and suddenly stretched out his hand and caught a silver light that suddenly rushed out from the black shrimp stream!

In Bai Xuan's palm, a small fish with snow-white scales was struggling, trying to break free and swim away.

This small fish is very powerful, and ordinary people may break free if they hold it in their hands. The scales are even harder, snow-white like silver, and as cold as metal.

Bai Xuan had never seen such a strange fish in his previous life. No wonder the "Green Scale Skill" uses this fish to increase the progress of cultivation.

"This day's hard work has not been in vain!"

Bai Xuan was in a good mood at the moment. He carefully took out a small pottery jar from his arms and poured the small fish and two parts of sea water into it.

This pottery jar was taken from Uncle Li. It is airtight. As long as a little sea water is poured into it, the white-scaled fish will survive for several days.

White-scaled fish, got it!

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