Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 83 The Swallow Sea has grown stronger, and its vitality has doubled!

Chapter 84 The Swallowing Sea has grown stronger, and its vitality and blood have doubled!

Bai Xuan was the first to choose to say it. Many of the slaves below blinked, feeling a little confused for a moment.

Sail your own boat to a nearby island?

With their current strength, they are afraid that they will collapse before they arrive, and most of them are not professional sailors, and there are even some young girls who are even more weak!

Another option sounds more reliable!


The many slaves who had just been rescued below were naturally noisy, talking to each other, and there was some confusion for a while.

"Tell me the result after half a day!"

Bai Xuan didn't wait, turned around and left, returning to the captain's room.

Captain's cabin.

"This Xiaofeng pace chart can condense Qi and blood to form a wind-breaking energy, so that the air will no longer interfere with one's own speed."

Bai Xuan unfolded the Sao Feng pace chart and was sorting out his experience from the previous battle.

For example, the White Lotus Sect's picture of the goddess represents a strategic method, which can create fog and fire thousands of arrows, making it very powerful on the battlefield.

And this Saofeng pace chart represents the ultimate speed. Firstly, the speed is increased, and secondly, without the interference of the air, Bai Xuan's dodges and instant attacks have increased by almost 50%!

Don't underestimate this 50%.

King Yin also has strong body skills, and his speed can barely keep up with Bai Xuan. Now that it has increased by 50%, if Bai Xuan attacks again, he will not even have room to dodge.

In an instant, it will be exploded.

"I don't know how terrifying my uncle Bai'ehou's speed is when he explodes with all his strength."

Bai Xuan knew that Bai'ehou's strength was also at the level of a perfect master. Even if his energy and blood were aging, he could explode instantly and return to his peak state in a short period of time.

If such a speed breaks out, it will be very terrifying, and Bai Xuan may not be able to keep up for the time being!

"However, Sao Feng's pace chart is not without flaws."

Bai Xuan has experienced it himself, so he naturally knows...

"The condensed tiger stripes can certainly greatly increase the speed, but it also loses the protection of Qi and blood throughout the body."

"Trading defense for absolute speed!"

Bai Xuan knew that this method would be extremely terrifying in a one-on-one battle. Once the speed was high, he would not be able to react at all and would have the potential to crush someone.

But in a group battle.

The shortcomings of Xiaofeng's pace chart will appear.

"The green scales of the Four Seas Qingxiao Jiao Diagram are quite powerful in defense. If they can be combined with the Sao Feng Step Diagram, it will be perfect."

The introductory skill of the Four Seas Qing Xiao Jiao Phase Diagram is the Qing Scale Skill, which is based on green scales and has strong defensive power. At the second level of Qi and blood, it can resist ordinary sword attacks.

However, at the ordinary blood refining level, it would naturally take a lot of energy to condense these two visualization diagrams and divine forms at the same time, making it almost impossible to achieve.

"However, I have the Great Bronze Skin. Even if I don't add blue scales, my defense is extremely formidable. I can use part of my energy and blood to increase my speed and use the Howling Wind Steps!"

Bai Xuan was very happy in his heart, "Just keep the energy and blood of the green dragon claws for attack."

This is a martial art of pure killing and destruction, but it is suitable for Bai Xuan. At this moment, he is sorting it out, and his mind is gradually taking shape!

Boom, boom, boom!

"Come in."

Bai Xuan said, the captain's room door was pushed open, Bai Rongxuan entered, leading two people, an old man and a young man.

"Thank you Captain for saving us."

When the old man entered the door, he bowed his head and bowed.

"We poor people just discussed it and decided to join the Swallowing Sea and wait until the next island before making a decision! In any case, Captain Bai's life-saving grace will be unforgettable. As long as there is a chance, we will repay it!"

"That's fine."

Bai Xuan was not surprised.


He ordered the young sailor, who hurriedly stepped forward, "Take ten first-class sailors, lead them to fishermen, familiarize them with their work, and temporarily designate them as trainee sailors."

"Yes, Captain!"

Bai Rongxuan said solemnly.

After he left.

"The spirit is not bad...but unfortunately, the strength is still a little bit behind."

Bai Xuan thought in his mind, "It's time to teach them some Qi and blood martial arts."

Teaching others is also a way to verify what you have learned in martial arts.

Bai Xuan has now learned the Four Seas Qing Xiao Jiao Phase Diagram and Xiao Feng's Step Diagram. He still has some difficulties in understanding many martial arts passes. Instead of working behind closed doors, he might as well teach them, and maybe he will gain something!

Half day time.

Several large ships set sail again. Bai Rongxuan took sixty hard-working men with maritime experience, raised their sails, and joined the sailors of the Swallowing Sea. Among them were five or six young pirates with blood-free hands, and Wearing shackles and working reluctantly.

The remaining people can only do odd jobs. Fortunately, there is no shortage of odd jobs on the Tunhai. On the contrary, the catch is easy to come by!

Just a few days.

Many poor people have integrated into the Swallowing Sea and gradually become familiar with the work. After all, most fishing boats are actually the same. The only thing that surprises them is the extremely high income of the Swallowing Sea, which is extremely terrifying!

A large number of different species of fish can be obtained almost every day, not only deep-sea squid, but now there are seven or eight fish of various kinds every day, which is simply inexhaustible!

As for the ordinary catch, it is basically endless. Once you put it in the net, you can catch it easily and the warehouse will be full in no time.

"It's so scary. Could it be that this boat is blessed by the sea god and can catch endless wealth and food as long as the net is lowered at will?"

These slaves were confused. How did they know that Bai Xuan now looked at the sea perfectly and watched the Qi? Wherever the ship went, candles illuminated it for hundreds of miles, so it was natural that he would not miss any strange fish.

If other people come, they will not be able to see the pattern of the fish school and will only lose the opportunity in vain.


early morning.

"I called you here today to teach you the true martial arts of the Bai family, the "Blue Scale Kung Fu"!"

Bai Xuan looked down.

In the past few days, he finally freed up his hands to teach the young people who were new to the ship how to practice the "Green Scale Technique".

There are all Bai family sailors here, but not only are there those young people who have not yet learned the Blue Scale Skill, their eyes are filled with great desire, there are also those young sailors who have already started, and they are all listening below, their eyes are in Also very eager!

"The real key of Qinglin Gong is to use nineteen fists to stimulate all the energy and blood in the whole body, condense it in the skin, and gain powerful strength..."

Bai Xuan spoke eloquently, speaking plainly, and demonstrated everything with every gesture.

For him, he had used the Jiyuan Body Training Technique to re-train the Green Scale Skill several times, almost reaching its limit. He could naturally teach these novices from a high position.

"So that's it!"

Some young sailors may look troubled and confused, or they may suddenly realize something and be happy.

They have an understanding of Qinglin Gong, and when they see Bai Xuan explain it, they naturally have various insights in their hearts, which makes them difficult to control themselves.

Those teenagers didn't have that much understanding. They were just trying hard to fight with each other, trying to stimulate the most basic energy and blood of Qinglin Gong.

The more experienced a sailor is, the more he can feel that Bai Xuan's understanding of Qinglin Gong is extremely terrifying. Often just a few casual words can enlighten them, and they can see a long way in the martial arts!

A few days passed.

"First-class sailors who already have Qi and Blood skills can pay attention to their steps while practicing the Blue Scale Skill."

Bai Xuan spoke above.

He had sorted out Xiao Feng's steps in the past few days and had a vague understanding, but he took out his hand and taught the use of the combination of Qinglin Gong and steps, which has magical effects in martial arts!

Below, most of the first-class sailors were listening to the scriptures, but there were also a few sailors who were fascinated by it!

Half a month passed.

On the deck, more than twenty first-class sailors are practicing boxing. The day's fishing has ended, and the deep-sea giant squid has filled the cabin. Now there are more than a hundred more to work on the Swallowing Sea. As newcomers become proficient, their efficiency will naturally increase again.

Nowadays, the first-class sailors on the Tunhai are supplied with two kilograms of exotic fish every day, and their energy and blood are full.

At this moment, among the twenty or so first-class sailors who were all punching together, one of them punched repeatedly, and his energy and blood were filled with a bang. The energy and blood condensed under the skin, and faint green scales emerged!

"Second Qi and Blood!"

Many sailors around stopped, and there was a sensation for a while, and they exclaimed, "Brother Xuan, you have made a breakthrough!"

"I finally broke through!"

Bai Rongxuan was also overjoyed.

He is twenty-one years old this year. It has been five years since he started to learn Qinglin Gong and he has reached the second level of Qi and Blood. It is a matter of course!

"With this breakthrough, I am qualified to become a ship's officer."

Bai Rongxuan was very happy in his heart, "I still have to keep working hard. The captain has been kind to me. If I continue to practice hard, I will not only repay my kindness to the captain, but also fulfill my responsibility to the Swallowing Sea."

A sailor will often be promoted on the same ship for half his life, and he will almost feel like half of his family. Naturally, he will take his ship very seriously!

Below deck.

"Brother Rongxuan broke through the second level of Qi and Blood so quickly?"

More than a dozen teenagers were also practicing hard. Seeing this scene, they all felt envious, gritted their teeth and kept practicing.

Nowadays, the many sailors on this ship, as well as the slaves who were absorbed, are gradually integrating into each other, gradually developing feelings for the Swallowing Sea, and gradually forming a whole!

On the other side, in the cabin.

"These days, I have to take five hundred pounds of squid every day, and my qi and blood should be improved."

Bai Xuan stood in front of the huge glazed window in the captain's cabin, clenching his left fist slightly.

With a bang, the entire arm turned into green dragon-like scales, but there were cloud-like waves of energy and blood surrounding it, representing a strong buffering defense. At this moment, the green scales were still growing, and even It extends towards the left chest!

On each of these scales, there are extremely terrifying deep lines, flowing like runes on the green scales!


The stream of Qi and blood in Bai Xuan's body has now doubled in size, and is running with great excitement.

"Originally, I could only condense the green dragon's claws, but now my entire arm can be transformed into the form of a green dragon."

Bai Xuan could feel that the defense on his left arm had increased several times, and its power was even more indestructible. It was like a terrifying divine weapon that he could not predict in his own mind!

The runes on the scales represent a kind of water, which can turn energy and blood into turbulent waves, overcome hardness with softness, and defend against all powerful attacks!

"Qi and blood are like a river, about ten times as strong as a stream... Now I have twice as much qi and blood, so I am not very far away from having qi and blood like a river."

Bai Xuan felt very relaxed.

He has the Iron Stomach and Golden Bowels, and the amount of fish he eats every day is almost ten times that of an ordinary warrior. With mercury blood transporting nutrients, he continuously digests and accumulates qi and blood, which is simply a thousand miles a day.

Since the breakthrough, in just one or two months, it is difficult for an ordinary half-step master to reach within a year.

"After sailing for a few days, we have also reached the sea area of ​​the Pero fleet."

Bai Xuan put away the green dragon claws, "It's time to attack them. Kill them at will. Take their heads and you can exchange them for five Tai Sui alchemy pills!"

He stood in front of the captain's room and looked at the vast sea outside, but suddenly his eyes condensed.


He had a perfect view of the sea, so he could naturally see that among the many strange airs in the sea, there was a huge qi and blood, cruising, and the position of the qi and blood brain had a deep black breath, as if it was condensed by countless qi and blood!

"This is..."

Bai Xuan's eyes were surprised, "Giant Whale!"

He would naturally not admit his mistake. This breath was so huge that it could not be other creatures. It must be a giant whale in the vast sea!

Today's number is 14,000. The author has done his best. I will continue to reach 10,000 tomorrow.

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