"Why hasn't Senior Sister woken up yet?" Li Wuxian stood beside Wu Wenxin and watched for a long time, and found that Wu Wenxin had no sign of waking up at all, and he kept sleeping after he was drunk, and he slept until night Li Wuxian didn't know if she came alone, if she was alone, it was okay to say, if she still had companions, wouldn't it make people worry

, "Isn't it just that you drank some wine, let her continue to sleep, waking up is also a hindrance" Hua Yuyue muttered, of course she knew what Li Wuxian was thinking, but she didn't want to share a bed with her and the Seventh Princess

, "Do you want to boil some sobering soup?" Li Wuxian asked, but the two women turned their heads with a cold snort, and pouted one by one, of course the woman would boil this kind of soup, but it depended on whether she was willing to boil it

Li Wuxian naturally doesn't know how to boil sobering soup, except for cooking, he can barely eat, and the other Li Wuxian is only slightly involved, and he is not proficient, after all, he is less than twenty years old, and he is not as good as Hua Yuyue, and the seventh princess is only nineteen, and Li Wuxian himself is eighteen years old, and the youngest one is

"If you don't boil, don't boil, hum what" Li Wuxian muttered in a low voice, looked at Wu Wenxin who was still sleeping and covered the quilt for him, Wu Wenxin Lu Yunxuan took care of himself in the secret realm back then, and today Li Wuxian naturally couldn't help but do something

for Wu Wenxin "It's so late, go to sleep, don't wait" Li Wuxian originally proposed to wait until Wu Wenxin woke up before saying anything else, but the two girls waited for a long time, Wu Wenxin didn't wake up, and suddenly Hua Yuyue's temper came up, and dragged the seventh princess to Li Wuxie's house

When the girl who was not out of the pavilion was sleeping, there was a man in the house, and the bad reputation was spread, Li Wuxian looked at Wu Wenxin worriedly, and followed the two girls away

Zhu Xian sword qi was all used to repair the four swords of Zhu Xian, Li Wuxian lacked the sword qi to suppress the sea of spirit at all times, and those hidden smiles in the past were soothing a lot, and when it was replaced by other times, Li Wuxian and the four swords of Zhu Xian were intact, and when the sword qi suppressed the sea of spirit, it was so easy to talk from there, and standing there made people tremble

"Alas, you wait for me, I'll say it first, although we sleep together, but we don't do anything, woo woo woo......." Li Wuxian followed the two girls into his house, and then began to make rules, but unfortunately as soon as he took off his coat, he was hugged and kissed by Hua Yuyue

This night seems to be very chaotic, and the voice does not disappear until almost dawn

When Li Wuxian woke up, holding two warm bodies in his arms, thinking about the absurdity of last night, Li Wuxian wanted to cry, the cultivation generally did not let his Yuanyang be released so early, but Li Wuxian couldn't hold his body for

the first time and was suppressed by Jin Yao, at that time Li Wuxian was just a rookie in the foundation realm, Jin Yao defeated Li Wuxian effortlessly, and successfully became Li Wuxian's woman, Yu Ji made a bow, and the overlord was also frightened

The woman I met later, the one who was not more powerful than Li Wuxian I don't know how many times, Zhou Xiaoyue, Lu Yunxuan, which one is not several times more powerful than

Li Wuxian Check the dantian, Li Wuxian now has five different women's yin qi in his body, which is fused with his own yang qi, but it is his own body, Li Wuxie's yang qi is quite enough, and he can reach a balance with the woman's yin qi for the time being, if it can't be reached, it will pollute the golden pill, causing complications such as internal instability

Only after the monk arrives at the Yuan Shen, can the body not have to worry about this, Li Wuxian originally had a lot of yin energy, and later under the fusion of the law of fallen immortals

, Li Wuxie's appearance has changed completely, and it has become a bit of a woman's feminine feeling, and now there is a more yin qi of the seven princesses in the body, and suddenly that feeling of a woman's femininity is getting stronger and stronger, if other cultivators think about it, it is not a big deal, but when it comes to Li Wuxie, it is a little embarrassing

." Xianggong is so good-looking, the slave family can't help it, and some are addicted to it" Hua Yuyue didn't know when she woke up, touched

Li Wuxie's face and said that Li Wuxie's face turned dark, why don't you say that I am handsome? What does it mean to be good-looking? Suddenly, Li Wuxie's face is difficult to look at, good-looking is to describe a woman, and now this word can be used on himself, this can be "

Where is this? Is there anyone?" Wu Wenxin's voice sounded, and it was as crisp as a lark in the early morning

"Senior Sister Wu, this is the Princess's Mansion, I'll come out to see you right away" Li Wuxian saw that the seventh princess Hua Yuyue had woken up, so he hurriedly got dressed and walked out, and only Wu Wenxin woke up, which could bring a little comfort to

Li Wuxie, "Ah, Senior Brother Li, how did your appearance change so ......" Wu Wenxin saw Li Wuxie suddenly run out, his originally very happy face, and when he saw Li Wuxie's face that looked like a woman, he was speechless for a while

Hearing this, Li Wuxian hit the sky, if it weren't for Hua Yuyue having to pull herself, it wouldn't have caused a big change in her appearance, which originally represented the yin law of the fallen immortals who had transformed her body, and now she had a surplus of yin qi in her body, and her whole person's appearance began to change to the female side

"Don't be sad, the way you are walking on the street now, only men will see that you are a woman, those little girls and young ladies and the like don't know how happy they are to see you......" The three girls stood beside Li Wuxian and persuaded him, after Li Wuxian looked in the mirror, he began to eat all kinds of ginseng and deer antler velvet and other great supplements like crazy, but unfortunately it was useless, sitting alone in the yard, covering his eyes and not wanting to speak

Reflecting the water in the water tank and looking at his appearance, a head of black hair floated behind him at will, the whole face lost its former handsomeness, and became delicate that only a woman can have, the original whole face has not changed, but it has lost the handsomeness that a man should have, and the feminine feeling that

has become a woman's beard has disappeared, although the eyes are still blood-red, but no matter how you look at it, it has a bit of the characteristics of an anime character, the skin is as white and flawless as milk, except for still standing to go to the toilet, Li Wuxian has almost completely become a woman

"What a good thing you did" Li Wuxian pointed to his face and shouted, if it weren't for Hua Yuyue, he wouldn't have absorbed

so much yin qi so quickly, here is a note, before the woman broke her body, the yin qi was thousands of times that after she broke her body, "Ann, now you look so good-looking, whether you go out, whether it is a man or a woman, they will like you very much when they see you" Hua Yuyue patted Li Wuxie's chest, and suddenly grabbed a hand "Oops, I forgot that you are a man" Hua Yuyue stuck out her tongue at Li Wuxie and ran out, causing Li Wuxian to be furious and chased out of the princess's mansion

, all the way, whether it was a man or a woman, she was stunned for a moment when she saw Li Wuxie's appearance, "What a beautiful son, shouldn't it be a woman dressed as a man?"

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