"What do you think, what should I do?" Long Xuan slowly closed his eyes, and there was a faint murderous intent in his words, with his majestic posture, sitting on the dragon chair, a faint killing intent surrounded the entire hall, as if it was not Long Xuan, who was smiling on weekdays, but a killing god

Kill directly, it's definitely not okay, it's definitely not okay not to let you go to school, after all, if you blow it out, someone has to bear this responsibility, but once you let these rich sons and daughters enter the house, it will be the sorrow of the entire human race

Li Wuxian has frequently calculated the heavenly machine recently, and found that the way of heaven intends to let the demon clan rise, and the general trend is moving closer to the demon clan

The human race is an era every 99,000 years

, and the human race frequently wins the general trend of the world in each era, so it has been able to block the demon race outside the middle region, and there are the Great Wall of various countries to block it, so the demon race has not been able to attack but that is when the general trend of heaven and earth is in the human race, and now the general trend is beginning to approach the demon race, once the demon race has a leader, it can counterattack the human race in an instant, and at that time it does not occupy the general trend of the heaven and earth, and the human race can only hide on the edge of the world with the demon race

This time is a catastrophe, the human race can only be like the last few eras, integrate the human race, create a dynasty, you can have some hope to get through this difficulty, if you don't create it, Li Wuxian himself will not be able to see the hope of the human race

" The emperor must have a way in his heart?" Li Wuxian asked, Long Xuan said that it depends on his own opinion, in fact, he estimated that there was something in his heart, but he was just thinking about whether to do it

"It's worthy of being a concubine, yes, I have an answer, the human race must be unified, the dynasty must also be created, I also have to defeat the demon clan, it's just that I'm tired of the concubine, and I have to do something that people and gods are angry

about" Long Xuan said slowly, looking at Li Wuxie, "The emperor can rest assured, you and I are afraid in my heart for the sake of the human race, some gossip, I won't take it to heart" Li Wuxian took out the dragon guard token and said, using his mana to slowly fly to Long Xuan's dragon chair

"I'm sorry for you, if you need it in the future, even if you tell me, I, there is no reason to supply" Long Xuan held back his tears and took out a token from his sleeve, on that token, there was no dragon qi of the Son of Heaven, but it exuded an unknown aura, and slowly fell into Li Wuxie's hands

"This token is only known to me Long Xuan, and Dezi know, and others don't know it, you won't get the help of the government in the future, you have to bear the consequences of all this yourself"

Long Xuan said slowly, only to see that on the token, three big characters slowly emerged, and Li Wuxie's eyes stared at him for a moment, and he slowly accepted the token

, "This Zhu clan order is made of humane resentment, you can kill people in the future without being contaminated with cause and effect, but there must be my consent, otherwise there will still be cause and effect, and many people will not understand you in the future, you have to be careful" Long Xuan said excitedly, not everyone dares to kill people with the Zhu clan order, this is not one or two, it is a bloodline group

"Wuxian knows, the emperor only needs to take care of the seventh princess for me in the future, and there is nothing else

to worry about" Li Wuxian said, "Don't worry, I will take care of Xiao Qi, I'm sorry for you" Long Xuan held back his tears and waved his hand, Li Wuxian

retreatedZhu clan order, with this token and the holy decree of the Zhu Nine Clans given by Long Xuan, Li Wuxian will not be affected by karma, and the Nine Clans will be punished, even the underworld will not be able to control this matter, up to the Nine Heavens, down to the underworld, no one can take care of it, because this is the authority given by the will of humanity, and it can be wrapped with a strong sentence,

"Maybe there is a better way?

Long Xuan's face regained his calm and said, "If he doesn't want it, I won't give it to him, but he wants it" Long Xuan's eyes flashed a trace of regret, but then he was covered up by himself "People are responsible for their own actions, he can not do it, but if he wants it

, he has to do it" Hearing this, Mr. De's face returned to normal, and he no longer spoke

, "Where have you been?" You didn't finish the chicken soup I made for you, and he drank it all." Hua Yuyue saw Li Wuxian go home, and immediately ran over and asked, pointing to Du Xiao, who was full of food and lying down looking at the leaves

, "I didn't go anywhere, it's just that the emperor told me to have something" Li Wuxian smiled and said, it's not that he doesn't like to laugh, but the experience makes him unable to laugh, looking back on the past few years, Li Wuxie seems to have never met a thing that makes him feel comfortable after laughing for a few years in Shangqing Mountain, and he has laughed like this

Seeing Li Wuxie's somewhat reluctant smile, Hua Yuyue shuddered, "Don't laugh, you barely get up, it's really ugly" Hua Yuyue said, looked at Li Wuxie, looked at Du Xiao again, and ran over to hug Li Wuxie's arm, "It's still my vision is better, it's more handsome than this"

Du Xiao heard this, rolled his eyes, and continued to lie down

There are less than three days left before the opening of Tianlong Academy, Wu Wenxin and Du Xiao obviously have no place to live, plus Li Wuxian is impossible to drive people out, Du Xiao is very lazy, and he doesn't move when he sits on the chair,

Wu Wenxin keeps cooking all kinds of delicious food with the Seventh Princess

Hua Yuyue didn't know how to learn embroidery, but unfortunately her hand was punctured several times, and every time her finger bleed, she quickly put her finger into Li Wuxian's mouth, and Du Xiao, who saw it, changed another place to lie down on the corpse, so as not to be sprinkled with dog food

, this day is still very comfortable, there is a woman sitting next to her, flirting and scolding, and friends are playing at home, looking happy, which makes Li Wuxian feel good

"Ouch" Du Xiao was originally sitting on the recliner and sleeping soundly, only to see a bottle thrown in, hit Du Xiao's head, and suddenly swollen up a big bag, but this time the strength was obviously a lot smaller, not the same as last

time, directly smashed Du Xiao unconscious "Who threw me?" Du Xiao roared, and his originally handsome face was swollen with a big bag on his head at this time, and he immediately pulled Du Xiao's appearance down

. I think it was the woman from the corpse demon cave who saw that you had slept a lot for the past two days, and felt that you were not well, so she brought you medicine" Li Wuxian came over and quipped, looking at Du Xiao's red luanxing in an instant, a trace of black gas flashed in an instant, and he couldn't help but say, "Someone wants to break you up

" "What? Who is so bold, I am a Xiao Gongzi" Du Xiao roared when he heard this, and the pattern drawn with blood on the bottle in his hand did not know what was written

, "I can't test this, maybe someone of you doesn't agree with you being together." Li Wuxie pinched his fingers, but as soon as he was about to pinch the calculation, his hand was instantly straightened, and it was obvious that someone had blocked Li Wuxie's algorithm

In a guest room deep in the palace, the representative of Sanssouci Valley, that is, the woman, was originally meditating quietly, and suddenly snorted coldly


-The author has something to say:

You won't have a good result with him, ahhhhh

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