"The third prince, when you open this note, you must have repented, the old minister knows that he can't persuade

you, and he is willing to be killed by you, but the human race is subject to the slope of the demon race, you are the prince with a mission, and you will save my human race and the following address in the fire and water, recording a place that the old minister found back then, the Dao Fruit of the strong man in the prehistoric era, the name is white, and I hope that the three princes will take the little girl to find the Dao Fruit, and the human race will be in trouble in the future, and it can help

The old man was killed by the three princes, and he didn't regret it, he just asked the three princes to inherit the power of this fruit, protect my human race, minister, Ma Yingbao's pen note was

read by the girl, and turned into a streamer into the forehead of the three princes and the girl, this must be a means left by Ma Tianshi, to prevent the three princes from being unfavorable to the girl after knowing "

I'm sorry Ma Tianshi, since I have nothing, I want to find the Dao Fruit, are you willing to come with me?"

The concubine is willing, and hopes that the three princes will be contained" The girl saluted and said

, "There will be no three princes in the future, only Long Qi" Long Qi patted the girl's shoulder, his eyes were unwavering, and he walked out of the palace, accompanied by the girl behind him, from then on, in the ancient kingdom of Longteng, there was no third prince who said, "Innocent, the three princes are out of

the city, do you want to do it halfway?" Hua Yuyue came to the courtyard and gestured with her hand to her neck

"Slow, I'll take a look at the heavenly machine" Li Wuxian said slowly, looking at the river of heavenly machines in the sky, and quickly calculating in his hands, but found that the entire human luck was sheltering the three princes, and suddenly stopped his fingers and waved his hand

, "Don't go, you can't die" The human luck can also be felt, the demon clan's luck is getting stronger and stronger now, so the third prince went to take the Dao fruit of Baiqi, and the human luck must be to protect his safety and find the inheritance

, "Then let him go, he can do it to you before" When Hua Yuyue heard this, she immediately stopped doing it, sat on the stone bench and ate a pastry in one bite

, "It's okay, in front of the Terrans, these are not big deals" Li Wuxian said lightly, the Terrans are the key place, and some other personal grievances can be put aside, after all, once the Terrans are defeated this time, they will really be blind

In the world of great controversy, all kinds of opportunities have appeared, and in the world of great controversy, there will be immortals in the end, helping people to ascend to immortals, so that is the day when the race war begins, in order to compete for immortals, everything has to compete for

some of the strong people who existed in the ancient era, it will be reversed from time and space, and when the strong people of several eras get together, the demon race, the human race, start the battle, it can be said that the blood is flowing into a river, and the lives are ruined

But Li Wuxian felt that this time the world of the great battle will be the last and most dangerous one, whether

the human race can win or not, it is really hard to say that in the race war, there are so many variables, it is unpredictable, when the time comes, the river of heavenly machine, the river of fate, the river of time and space, the three major rivers are chaotic, it can be said that

the Tianlong Academy of the human race is in a mess of porridge is established to deal with this matter, but it is a pity that it has become a competition field for the major forces of the human race, and it is also helpless

In the world of great controversy, if the human race wants to be stable, Long Teng must annex the other three kingdoms and create a dynasty within three years, otherwise close to today's scattered sand, Li Wuxian can't see the hope

at all, rest early, and have classes tomorrow, Li Wuxian patted Hua Yuyue's jade hand, got up and went back to the house, Du Xiao also sighed, and went back to the house, as long as he is a cultivator, looking up at the heavenly machine, he can feel a trace of depression

"Xianggong is here, Xianggong is here, hurry up and make room" When Jin Yao saw Li Wuxian coming in, she quickly pushed the Seventh Princess aside, revealing the middle place, and let Li Wuxian sleep on it

, "Where did Jin Wan go? Didn't Jin Wan fall asleep in the past?" Li Wuxian looked at the two girls on the bed, and found that his little daughter was missing, and immediately said suspiciously

, "Oh, I know that I am looking for my daughter, Wan'er was taken away by Sister Wu, and there is no Wan'er here tonight, don't you think it's good?"

"It's not good, it's not good at all" Li Wuxian heard this, his face changed suddenly, and he was about to stand up and walk away, but he was pressed by Jin Yao, "Don't move, wait for Sister Huiyue to come back, you have to serve the three of us well, otherwise you will go outside to steal the man

" Jin Yao's voice was frightened Li Wuxian was stunned, "Okay, okay, I don't move, you guys are gentle on me, I ran away today, woo woo......" Li Wuxian wanted to say something, but was gagged by Jin Yao

When Hua Yuyue walked into the door, she saw Jin Yao and the Seventh Princess panting and looking at her, her face immediately turned red, and then she skipped a lot of words here

, "Innocent, how do I feel that you are very weak, is it my delusion?" Du Xiao looked at Li Wuxie, who was almost walking against the wall, and asked curiously

, "No, I'm fine, I just lost some life essence, let's go to class, what are so many things" A trace of nervousness flashed in Li Wuxie's eyes, and he walked away quickly

Behind him, Wu Wenxin seemed to think of something, with a hint of shyness in his eyes, Qinglin glanced at Du Xiao, looked at himself again, and immediately kicked Du Xiao "No seed" Qinglin scolded and said

at the gate of Tianlong Academy, at this time, a lot of people came early, Li Wuxian and the four people arrived, and they were immediately pulled up by one person and flew up, for fear that they would be kicked down by Qin Wujian like yesterday

It's just that this time everyone has learned to be smart, and those cultivators led a mortal to fly

up one by one, and there were no more, no less, all of them were brought up When Qin Wujian walked out of the school gate, when he saw the scene in front of him, his face suddenly softened a little, but he still said very seriously, "You have learned to be smart this time, I won't say anything, and let me see the same thing as the day before yesterday in the future, then I can only let you run one more lap."

Okay, don't talk superfluous nonsense, today is the day when you really step

into this academy, once you step in, it means that you have completely drawn an end to your previous life" "Because in the next year, you have to learn so much, so profound, you can't imagine it, okay, everyone signs this agreement, you can enroll" Qin Wujian waved his sleeves

and a piece of agreement paper appeared in front of everyone, and four big characters came into view, Sunflower Treasure Book, I bah, it is a contract of life and death

"Sign this agreement, you will enjoy the best teacher teaching of the human race, the most resource inclination, the most powerful exercises, and the most powerful background, but during the academy, if there is an accident or death, the academy will compensate you, but people cannot be resurrected after death, this needs to be judged by yourselves, let's start, an hour of consideration time" Qin Wujian said, and then entered the inner door of the academy

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