In the Seven Horse Mansion, Li Wuxie and a group of people sat together to eat, but they lacked the joy of the past, even Du Xiao, who usually likes to talk nonsense, also closed his mouth, and was afraid that he would not speak

Li Wuxian glanced at it, silently finished eating, took the handkerchief handed over by the seventh princess, wiped his mouth, walked outside the door, came to the courtyard, took out a piece of white paper, took out the sword of killing immortals and put it in his arms, and wiped it slowly

Evil roared and roared in the depths of the sea of spirits, killing, killing, killing, on the ancient battlefield where Bai Ze's group of giant beasts were located, the earth trembled slightly, Bai Ze opened his eyes and looked at the sky above the sea of spirits, and then slowly closed

his eyes After eating, Du Xiao saw Li Wuxian wipe the sword killing immortal in his hand, took out a stall of wine and put it on the table, and drank it alone, his eyes were moist, as if tears had fallen, but he was wiped out by one of them

The Seventh Princess and Hua Yuyue glanced at the two of them, and the other two women cleaned up the leftovers, leaving a man who drank and a man who wiped his sword, the two of them were afraid that they were handsome and handsome, one eye was full of unwillingness, and the other eye was full of calm

Li Wuxie's body There were bursts of roar, and the essence and blood contained in the secret of the flesh body continued to gush out, fused into Li Wuxie's body, and turned into a series of earth-shattering powers

Tomorrow is the time for class, Li Wuxian is on the way to class, and someone is indispensable to stop him, so he can only fight a bloody way, with a lot of unjust souls and bones, let the world know Li Wuxie's powerful

night shift, Qinglin went back to the house to sleep, Wu Wenxin looked at Li Wuxian and turned his head and left, Hua Yuyue and the Seventh Princess went back to the house to sleep, but Jin Yao did not take the big bed away, Du Xiao was already drunk and fell asleep on the stone table

Only Li Wuxian was alone, gently wiping the sword in his hand, the sword body was constantly rubbed by the white cloth in

Li Wuxie's hand, and it became sharper and sharper, except for Li Wuxie's group of people who didn't sleep this night, many people in the entire Chang'an City couldn't sleep The disciples of all forces couldn't sleep, and they had already come to Li Wuxie's way to Tianlong Academy, waiting for Li Wuxian to take the bait, Long Xuan sat in the palace and watched the hundreds of military attachés in front of him kneeling on one knee, all of them received the news and wanted to protect Li Wuxie

Killing Heart Shui looked at Li Wuxie's appearance of wiping his sword in the sky of Chang'an City, and then looked at the formation of the disciples of all forces, shook his head and returned to the academy, Teacher Miao followed him back

to the mansion This battle is difficult to win, Li Wuxian wants to face the elites of the entire human race, all of whom are proud disciples of their own sects, and they simply recruit the four realms of righteousness, demons, Confucianism and Buddha, plus the people of each realm, one after another

Two fists are invincible with four hands, and the master is killed with random punches, Li Wuxian is afraid that he can't deal with it alone, Long Xuan can shelter the Seventh Princess and Hua Yuyue at most, and more will not be

able to do Miaoxian Tower, Luo Wushuang was pressed by the landlord on the bed and sealed "Don't go, my Miaoxian Lou can't stop the siege of so many forces" Jin Yao didn't know where to go, even if he knew, Jin Yao might not be able to make a move

The time at night is often less, after Du Xiao woke up, he shook his head, still full of alcohol, Wu Wenxin had already gotten up early and sat on the stone chair, and Qinglin rubbed Du Xiao's temples

The Seven Princesses and Hua Yuyue In the early hours of the morning, Long Xuan secretly came over and said hello to Li Wuxie, and sent the two girls to the palace, where Long Xuan was covered, and no one in the world could break through Long Xuan's protection

"Go, go to school" Li Wuxian said lightly, the sword of killing immortals was held in his hand, and he walked out of the gate of the mansion, and the three of Du Xiao closed the door behind him, and followed Li Wuxian towards Tianlong Academy.

The big

disciple of the Fushan faction came to challenge life and death" Hearing this, Li Wuxian looked at the disciple and said to the three people behind him, "You wait for me at the door, I will go

" The three of them looked at Li Wuxian deeply, and ran towards the gate of the school with their mana, and the disciple of the Fushan faction did not stop him when he saw this, and let the three of them leave "Life and death?" Li Wuxian

asked, and looked at the disciple lightly

. Yes, life and death, I am dead, the people in the door, I will not find you because of this matter

" The big disciple of the Fushan Sect said, "Oh, what you said" Li Wuxian laughed and said, and then walked forward slowly, only to see that the big disciple of the Fushan Sect let Li Wuxian walk past him, but he did not stop him, and after Li Wuxian walked three meters, he slowly fell to the ground, and a stream of blood burst out from his neck

, "The big disciple of Snow Valley came to challenge, life and death aside" Another disciple dressed in white came over

, and the weapon in his hand stabbed directly at Li Wuxie, Li Wuxian used his mana to kill the fairy sword and swung it, and the sword qi was attached to it, and immediately cut it in half, "The big disciple of the fairy sword village came to challenge, life and death aside" A sword qi instantly stabbed towards Li Wuxie, Li Wuxian didn't even look at it, the sword qi of the Zhuxian instantly rushed over and smashed it, and the blood was left on the ground, "The big disciple of the Gun Gate came to challenge, life and

death aside" A spear intent slammed over, and was blocked by Li Wuxie's horizontal sword, and then the tip of the sword was pointed at the chest of the big disciple of the gun, devouring his life

, and more and more disciples of the sect died, some died after causing some injuries to Li Wuxie, some died after causing some danger to Li Wuxie, and some died as soon as they appeared

, "The disciples of the Jiangnan Wang family came to challenge, the disciples of the He family in Jiangdong came to challenge, and the disciples of the Hexi Ma family came to challenge

" "Life and death aside".

Three more voices sounded, and I saw three figures rushing out in front of me, standing around Li Wuxian in an instant, locking the breath around Li Wuxie's body, as long as Li Wuxian dared to make a move, there would be two

other people attacking the "Four Spirits of Zhuxian" Li Wuxian wiped the blood on his face, his eyes were already blood-red at this time, and the clothes on his body were already tattered, flowing with blood, there were other people's, some Li Wuxie's

In an instant, four women with national colors and fragrance appeared behind the three of them, each holding a divine sword in their hands, three pops sounded, and the three people slowly lay on the ground with their stomachs and lost their lives, who would have thought that Li Wuxian still had four sword spirit talisman roads that could be turned into human shapes with spiritual wisdom

were still walking, and the blood was still flowing, and the four women around him kept stopping sneak attacks, assassinations, poisons, poisonous gases, and other means, and then Li Wuxian stabbed out with a sword and killed him

Up to now, I don't know how many people have died in Li Wuxie's hands, I only know that Li Wuxie's body is full of viscous blood, ticking and dripping on the bluestone bricks of Chang'an City

to kill people in ten steps, leaving no soul for thousands of miles, these people who were defeated in Li Wuxie's hands, their souls, Dao Yun, cultivation, everything, were devoured by Li Wuxie's immortal devouring technique, and became the nourishment of the law sapling

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