
" Mr. De sighed, turned into a breeze and left, "You have done too much, my patience is limited" Long Xuan said with a gloomy face

, "Is there anything important for Mr. De to come to me?" Li Wuxian saw that Mr. De instantly rushed into the princess's mansion, causing a sensation in the formation, and immediately closed the formation.

You kid, our family is here to bring you good news, the emperor saw that you were assassinated last night, and specially ordered me to take 30,000 guards to find a field for you, oh, look, this token" Manager De shook the token and said, grabbing Li Wuxie's arm with the other hand and about to leave

, "Slow, how to get back to the field, do you want to fight one by one?"

Eh, can you tell me a little more detail?" Li Wuxian was puzzled and said

, "You will know when you arrive, come with me, the guards are already waiting outside Chang'an City" Manager De pulled Li Wuxie, who opened the formation, and hurriedly walked out

of the city gate, only to see the empty city gate in the past, at this time there was a group of neat soldiers and horses, and the blood and qi on the soldiers rose to the sky, like fierce beasts, devouring everything, and scared the surrounding people so much that they didn't dare to look at it

There is a gold-armored general standing in front of the soldiers and horses, majestic, when he saw the arrival of the chief de and Li Wuxian, his eyes stared at the token on the waist of the chief de manager, glanced at it, and then knelt down on one knee

"The commander of the Praetorian Guard Bai Yuzi has seen the chief of the De, the seven horses" The general is exempt from courtesy, I am afraid that it is for the emperor to do things, no need to be polite, or move quickly, the chief de helped up the commander, and the person who can be the commander of the Praetorian Guard in the ancient country of Longteng must be a confidant, it can be seen that this Bai Yuzi is also a henchman of Long Xuan

"Thank you Mr. De, I haven't seen you recently, Mr. De has a good complexion" Bai Yuzi stood up and smiled, changing his previous seriousness

, "Alas, it's just busy, it's all for the emperor's worries, there are many matters in the Dragon Academy recently, but I'm tired, and I don't have the hardships of General Bai's daily patrols" Manager De said with a smile, and there

were soldiers on the war horse for Li Wuxian to bring the war horse to ride, otherwise it would be difficult to walk on the way

I saw that the chief manager of De and the white general looked like brothers, sitting on the war horse, talking hotly, leaving Li Wuxian aside, which immediately aroused Li Wuxie's suspicion, what he was doing here

" Oh, patronizing the old days, I forgot to introduce to the Bai brothers, this is the concubine of the seventh princess, Li Wuxie, is the junior brother of the six gods, and also a young sword immortal" Manager De pointed to Li Wuxie

Well, as soon as I saw the temperament of the seven horses, I knew that they were not mortals, they turned out to be the junior disciples of the six gods, disrespectful and disrespectful

" General Bai said with a serious face when he heard this, "I have seen General Bai, the general is mighty, and I have heard of innocence for a long time, and when I see it today, I am really domineering" Li Wuxian is not a fool, the other party compliments himself so much, of course he has to compliment the other party

"How dare you dare, how can someone Bai be worthy of this domineering word, the concubine laughed" General Bai saw Li Wuxian praising himself like this, and immediately humbly said, but the pride on his face was exposed

, seeing this, Li Wuxian had to touch his nose, "This person is also a person with a good face" Li Wuxian said secretly

, "Okay, since we are all familiar with each other, then I will open the skylight and say something bright" Manager De saw that the atmosphere came up, and immediately said"

The emperor asked me to pull out this Daomen stronghold and vent my anger for the horses, we only need to drive them away and leave the treasure, as for people, we must not wait to kill innocents indiscriminately, so as not to fall into the tongue, which will be unfavorable to the future" Manager De said lightly, looking at Li Wuxie

, "I want to know that it is angry, then what is wrong with this Daomen, after all, we can't just drive them away for nothing?" Li Wuxian said with doubts in his heart

Hearing this, Manager De and General Bai glanced at each other, nodded to each other, and looked at Li Wuxie and said, "You have to know about this sooner or later, if that's the case, I'll say it earlier"

Seeing this, Li Wuxian grabbed the reins and looked at Manager De's face

In these mundane worlds, there are many Taoist temples and temples, and their role is to collect incense, and the incense is slowly transformed into the power of faith, so that people can achieve the goal of becoming gods, so these temples and Taoist temples are basically secretly supported by major forces, silently gathering the power of faith for their ancestors, so as to achieve the goal of becoming a god

"What is the difference between gods and immortals?" Li Wuxian asked curiously, immortals are beyond the reincarnation of a thousand people, they are not bound by cause and effect, they are free, they don't care about heaven and earth, they are reincarnated

, they are immortal, they are immortal, they are immortal, what is the use of gods" God is almost the same as immortals in a sense, but it is not the same, gods are immortal, immortal and immortal, but they must condense the power of faith to strengthen themselves, otherwise the strength will always be like that"

It is also necessary to replace the way of heaven to manage a place between heaven and earth, it may be a river, it may be a big river, it may be a star, or it may be something else, once the place of management is destroyed, then God will also die" explained the manager of virtue

In ancient times, there was a senior master named Jiang Taigong, who created the list of gods, led the world's virtuous and talented people into the list, managed the human world, expelled the demon clan, and the human race was able to survive.

Now the list of gods of the human race is incomplete, and it can only seal the territory of the human race, not other places, and it is necessary to create a dynasty in order to use the luck of the dynasty to summon the list of gods of the human race from the endless void, and seal the gods "said this, the chief manager of De slowed his breath"

Since the Demon War, there have been no immortals in our human race, and there have been no more immortals in the demon race, so the major forces have taken a fancy to the god list, but because the cultivators cannot create a kingdom and a dynasty, they can only make a deal with the dynasty and ask for the god position."

Recently, what the major forces have done has made the emperor angry, so I want to give them a dismount, let them know that there is still a handle in our hands, and let them be honest, that's why they want to pull out that Taoist temple, but it doesn't hurt it in the slightest" Manager De slowly said

Li Wuxie heard it, quieted down, stopped talking, calculated, all calculated, all for the sake of interests, but the ultimate goal is to live, for longevity

" Is it useful for those people to believe in these so-called gods? What is justice?" Li Wuxian was quiet for a long time, and asked again

Only this time, Chief De and General Bai were silent, no longer speaking, and the war horse walked quietly, heading to the Taoist temple, Li Wuxie's question, General De could not answer, and General Bai could not answer

For infinite life, it is too harsh to ask for justice

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