"Thank you girl, I have my own way" Li Wuxian replied, using the mana of his right hand, put it on the horse's hoof, and slowly treated the wound

"Giggle" Seeing Li Wuxian's movements, the woman behind him suddenly chuckled, "Childe should follow me, this spell has long been useless, this sand contains the power of gold and stone, if Childe continues to be treated, it will be fine at that time, and it will be more serious the next day."

Hearing this, Li Wuxian didn't move much, but the little white horse took back the horse's hooves

, and didn't let Li Wuxian touch it, tears fell from his eyes, and he began to roll on the ground, which immediately caused the girl behind him to laugh Seeing this, Li Wuxie's face was gloomy, this horse had a good posture to discuss with the girl, Li Wuxian didn't want to touch a woman anymore, his own life was wrapped in so many marriage lines, and if he didn't get it, there would be another woman

"No, no, my little white horse is not the same as someone else's" Li Wuxian said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and with his other hand summoned the Zhuxian Sword and placed

it on the neck of the little white horse, "You can do it, right?" Li Wuxian smiled and said, "Hiss---" The killing machine on the neck came, and the little white horse stood up instantly, the horse's face rubbed on Li Wuxie's face, and the first two hooves fell down, allowing Li Wuxian to stand up, looking like a dog


this, Li Wuxian patted the head of the little white horse and rode up, but the girl didn't do it, "Why are you like this, you see that he is bleeding, you still ride up, you abuse the horse" The girl pointed at Li Wuxian and said angrily, "The girl is in charge of a lot, it seems that she is the master of this caravan?" Li Wuxian smiled, this little girl is quite lenient

Hearing this, the girl's body trembled with anger, and stamped her feet, "You, you, you are unreasonable, wait until it can't walk, you can walk" The girl pointed to the little white horse, and then walked into the sedan chair

to see this, the sword in Li Wuxie's hand has been lying on the neck of the little white horse, the cold killing intent came, the little white horse ran wildly, it was faster than those old horses who walk in

the desert on weekdays, and in the golden desert, a white horse, a beautiful young man, riding a horse, carrying a sword, like a landscape painting

"You will regret it, hum" The girl sat in the sedan chair and said, a girl who was a little older than her next to her comforted

, smiled and smiled There are two extremes of night and day in the desert, one is hot and wants to die, the other is cold and wants to die, when the caravan is stationed in a forest, the little white horse trembling and leaning on Li Wuxian's side, the caravan horse is still covered by a fire and a mattress, and there is nothing between it and Li Wuxie,

"You will lose my people" Li Wuxian covered his face and said, he is famous in Chang'an City, and when he arrives in this desert

, because of this batch of little white horses, he has lost a lot of people "hiss---" The little white horse shivered, and kept moving closer

to Li Wuxie's arms, Li Wuxian pushed the horse's face to the side because out of the border, and there was no Heavenly Son of Dragon Qi to suppress it here, Li Wuxie's mana returned to its previous state, naturally it would not be like a mortal, and he had to rely on the fire to keep warm, but he couldn't stand the little white horse was an ordinary horse

Okay, okay, I'll serve you, Li Wuxian shook his head and said, took out a bundle of dry firewood from the ring, the mana in his hand operated

, and lit the fire, the fire was not a mortal fire, but when the cultivator made alchemy, the spiritual fire used did not disappear for three moments, the little white horse pressed himself to the ground, absorbing the coolness of the sand, the spiritual fire was too hot, it couldn't stand it, the scar on the hoof was healed by Li Wuxian at this time, although it no longer bleed, but the pain was still there, the little white horse lay on the ground and rolled the corners of his mouth with a very painful expression

"You, you, that's it" Li Wuxian shook his head and said, then closed his eyes and began to cultivate, in the desert, that is, the center of heaven and earth, the aura is more than several times more than Chang'an City, it is many times, cultivating here will help the growth of the law sapling Li Wuxian

is the body of the earth fetal membrane, so once he cultivates, he can attract the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth to converge, and after a while, the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth slowly surrounds Li Wuxie, forming a tide of spiritual energy, which slowly rises above Li Wuxie's head and slowly

falls"Hey, eat" At this time, the girl who was angry with Li Wuxian during the day threw over a steamed bun and hit Li Wuxie's head, instantly breaking the original

aura tide, Li Wuxian withdrew from cultivation Because Li Wuxian was sitting far away, the people in the raised fire caravan were only regarded as normal fires, plus Li Wuxian didn't talk to people much, so no one looked at him, and they naturally couldn't feel the aura tide

The steamed bun that fell in his arms, exuding heat, also had the slightest body fragrance on the girl's body, Li Wuxian took the steamed bun and looked at it, the formation of the aura tide is not easy, it requires people to put all their energy, and it was smashed by this girl's steamed bun, Li Wuxian couldn't come back to his senses for a while

, "Oh, for you, remember to bring it back to me after eating" Just when Li Wuxian recovered his spirits, the girl jumped over and brought over a small basin, in which a large piece of roasted lamb chops was placed, exuding aroma

Li Wuxian glanced at the lamb chops in the basin, and put the steamed buns in the book in it, "Thank you, I'm not hungry, take it back" Li Wuxian said coldly, since escaping the woman's pursuit that day, Li Wuxian secretly swore that he could no longer have contact with a strange woman

"You, why are you like this, I brought it to you, why don't you eat it?" Hearing this, the girl sat directly beside Li Wuxian and asked, grabbing the lamb chops in front of Li Wuxie's eyes with one hand, "I personally roasted it delicious, can you eat a little?"

Li Wuxian glanced at the lamb chops and skimmed the girl, "I'm not hungry, you can eat it yourself" Li Wuxian turned around and said, under the slight backlash of the aura tide, Li Wuxie's mood was extremely bad

Hearing this, the girl's face wrinkled, and anger instantly arose on her little face, and she tore off a piece of mutton and stuffed it directly into Li Wuxie's mouth, "I roasted it very fragrantly

, you give it to me" "Woo" Li Wuxian didn't expect this border woman to be so open, a pair of jade hands grabbed a piece of mutton and stuffed it into her mouth, Li Wuxian instinctively took a bite, but bit the girl's hand

, "Ah, you bit me" The girl withdrew her hand and said, looked at the flesh on her fingers that were bitten open by

Li Wuxie, tears rolled in her eyes, put the bleeding fingers in her mouth to block the blood, and looked at Li Wuxian with tears in her beautiful eyes, "I didn't mean to, you have to ......" Li Wuxian was about to explain, seeing the girl looking at herself resentfully, the tears in her eyes fell without money, and the sobbing began to sound slowly,

"Not good" A thought rose in Li Wuxie's heart

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