Manager De is good, leading Li Wuxian Du Xiao to eat, another person holding a piece of jade watermelon and holding a spoon, eating while walking, walking in the palace, and began to slowly walk towards a crowded place, originally Li Wuxian and the two went to the wrong place

There are many palace maids and eunuchs along the way, seeing the three of them, they are afraid to show an envious expression, when they see President De, they have knelt on one knee on the ground and saluted, which shows the high status of Manager De

Even in front of some guards, the head of the house has also been given a lot of courtesy, and no one dares to be disrespectful to them

, "These guards, palace maids, and little eunuchs are basically brought into the palace by me personally, I am afraid that they are orphans and children of ordinary families, the family has no money, the family can't afford to support it, the family doesn't want it, and I have adopted it back from our family" The head of the house pointed to the surrounding guards.

If the bones are good, they will be trained to be guards, and those with poor bones will be allowed to choose what to do, although they are clean in the palace, but they can eat enough, and it is difficult to say outside the palace" Manager De shook his head and said

, "Then why do you want to purify your body?

Hearing this, Li Wuxian was also puzzled, holding the watermelon and taking a spoon to take a bite, and looked at Manager De, this question was also Li Wuxie's curiosity

I saw that Manager De looked at the two of them as if you were a fool, and then one of them flicked it on the head, "This kind of uninformed question, don't say more in the palace in the future, it will be bad if you hear it"

forehead, and was hit on the head, although it didn't hurt, but the two still looked like they wanted to ask, which caused Manager De to smile helplessly

"If you are the emperor and you have more than 3,000 daughters-in-law, but there are so many men in the family, and these more than 3,000 daughters-in-law, if there are a few who do not abide by women's morals, what will happen to you?

Hearing this, Li Wuxian Du Xiao glanced at each other, and honestly ate the jade watermelon in his arms, this kind of thing Li Wuxian has seen once, Long Xuan's second prince is not his own, it is the Tiger Roar King's, because of this, Long Xuan insulted the Tiger Roar King's daughter

"Alas, men, always because women fight around, don't want our family, don't fight for anything, eat and drink every day, just be happy" Manager De took a big bite of watermelon and said, recalling the past in his eyes

Li Wuxian and the two behind him, afraid of being silent, honestly eating watermelon, Mr. De is an old eunuch, of course he will not have any interest in women, but others are different

and walked for a long time, and finally ate the watermelon in his arms, Mr. De casually put the watermelon skin on the ground, wiped the corners of his mouth, and led Li Wuxian to find Long Xuan

When he saw Long Xuan, Li Wuxian finally understood why Chief De had no interest in power, Long Xuan was sitting on the dragon chair with black eyes at this time, his eyes were full of folds, he didn't know what it was chewing in his mouth, the food next to him was cold, and he didn't move his chopsticks

The whole person looked like he had stayed up all night for a long time, and when he saw Mr. De coming, he just raised his head and took a look, and then looked at the twists and turns in front of him, full of despair, at this time, a small eunuch came with a tray, and there were more than a dozen pieces of folds stacked on it, and suddenly

Long Xuan's eyes almost exploded, "Mingjun, is this the legendary Mingjun?" Li Wuxian said in his heart, at this time, Long Xuan's appearance was like a workaholic who had stayed up for a week

I saw Long Xuan sniffing at the air, "Black leg of mutton, Jiuzi big tonic soup, braised pork, Sixi meatballs, you have eaten so many delicious food, why don't you bring some to me?" Long Xuan looked at Mr. De, his eyes were full of anger, and he smashed the fold in his hand towards Mr

. De and flew over, Mr. De took it very skillfully, opened it and took a look, and then took out a brush from his bosom and wrote something, looking like he was Long Xuan.

Seeing this, Long Xuan walked to the table on the side, eating the cold dishes on the tray, "I am really miserable, I was bullied by the queen during the day, and I was bullied by the queen at night, even a eunuch is more comfortable than me, and I have food and drink every day" Long Xuan complained, eating the cold steamed bun in his hand, maybe he choked, and quickly drank a sip of cold water

, Du Xiao and Li Wuxian, who watched this scene, were full of sighs, "It's better in the ravine, this emperor can't even eat a hot bun." Li Wuxian said in his heart, and Du Xiao was also full of emotion

, "Oh, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be in class at this time?" Long Xuan only thought about Li Wuxie at this time, and the posture of swallowing cold water violently revealed an eclectic, crossed Erlang legs, showing his personality

, "Mr. Qin wants me to tell the emperor that tomorrow is the wedding day of Teacher Killing and Teacher Miao of Tianlong Academy, and it is also the first marriage between the two paths, let the emperor pass early" Li Wuxian said, glanced at the manager of De who was correcting the folds

at this time, he was thinking about something with a brush, shook his head, and crossed it out again

, "Is it? hahaha, there is no need to correct the folds tomorrow" Long Xuan heard this, and immediately laughed, "Tell Uncle Kill for me, I must come over early tomorrow" Long Xuan laughed, his smile was full of a kind of comfort, he would take leave and not go to work tomorrow"

I know, if it's okay, Du Xiao and I will leave first, the emperor eats slowly, and says goodbye" Li Wuxian saw that Long Xuan was so happy, he arched his hand and said goodbye, and if he stayed, who knows what will happen

" Slow, I still have something to do, innocent, you come back, which Du Gongzi also comes, I, I have something to trust" Long Xuan swallowed the steamed bun in his mouth and said, looking at the two people who had already walked

to the door, "Eh, I don't know what else the emperor has to do? Du Xiao saw Li Wuxian give himself a look, as a sworn friend and Taoist friend, he naturally knew what Li Wuxian meant, and hurriedly said

, "Your teacher has a small matter, but the matter I handed over to you is related to many people's lives, come back quickly, stay in the palace tonight to eat, I will feed you to your heart's content" Long Xuan smiled, took out two boxes, and threw them on the ground

, only to see that the box was instantly deformed, changing into a chair and a table, and there was a white piece of paper written on it, and there were four treasures of the study room on it

"This is the mechanism of the ancient Mo family, it has been handed down for several epochs, there is no other use, it is used for writing," Long Xuan explained to Li Wuxie

and the two, and then pointed to the fold placed on the top, "You two take a bunch of them and put them on your desk to modify them, these are some miscellaneous things in the palace, if you think you can approve, you can approve, if you can't, just draw circles" Long Xuan said casually

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