"Dog, this time you have a very heavy task, you must remember, if you can't beat it, just run, I don't have to worry about the Valley's magic talisman, but the first in the world, don't fall into his name" Du Xiao handed a pile of rune paper

to Gouzi, and gave Gouzi a pill, which means that he wants Gouzi to participate in this battle to grab relatives, improve his vision, and let him see more powerhouses of the same level, it seems that he has the intention to cultivate him

"Dog, take it, this is my Shangqing's Nine Turns Heavenly Sword Talisman, after throwing it out, the foundation building realm will definitely not be able to bear it, but the other party must be the foundation building up realm, the rune paper in your hand can cause damage to it, but it will not kill him, with Du Xiao's Shenxing talisman, you can do more than self-preservation" Li Wuxian also took out a pile of rune paper and said

Of course, there are more powerful runes, but they are not very suitable for dogs, after all, they are only mortals, in case this accidentally harms the lives of others, Du Xiao has the support of Sanssouci Valley behind him, and Long Xuan, Miaoxian, Shangqing, and the tripartite support behind Li Wuxie, I am not afraid

that those people will pick the soft persimmon of the dog and pinch it "If you want to become a strong man, you must have the courage of a strong man, this sword is for you, don't fall into his reputation" Killing heart water appeared behind the dog at some point, and a sword with four blades appeared in his hand

The dog turned around and saw the black sword in the hand of the killer, but it had four blades

, and he was stunned for a while, "This is a sword that I condensed with the body of thousands of demon beasts when I was in the devil, and I wanted to hand it over to my apprentice, but I don't have an apprentice now, this sword is now, yours" The killer said seriously, and threw the sword in his hand to

the dog "Master" After the dog took the sword, he instantly knelt on the ground, the sword was very heavy, and the dog took it and smashed the ground out of a small pit" My dog Xingwen, today I am willing to enter the Demon Dao, worship the killing heart water as a teacher, and hope that the master will accept the disciple" The dog knelt on the ground and kowtowed to say

that the killing heart water that had originally turned his back when he heard the words, his body paused, and he turned his head back and turned around, "Do you know what you will suffer in the future if you worship me as a teacher?"

"Tianlong Academy opened, my mother let me enter the house, learn its truth, and cultivate its body, but I know that I am still a garbage, I want to become stronger, so that those who look down on me can open their eyes and see, my dog Xingwen is not garbage

" The dog shouted A black lotus phantom appeared in his eyes, and then slowly disappeared, and when he saw the black lotus, he immediately grabbed the dog's collar and pulled it up" The

people of my demon path do not kneel to the sky or the ground, only kneel to their parents, today you kneel to me, I will accept you as an apprentice, and in the future, I dare to rely on my strength to do anything wrong, and I will not spare you for the teacher" "Obey the teacher's orders" The dog roared, only to find that all the people around him had disappeared, and only a few people in the courtyard

remained, "Then go and meet those who are stronger than you today, use your strength to defeat them for me, don't fall into the reputation of my demon way" Murderous Heart Water slowly put the dog on the ground and walked out of the gate wearing a happy robe

"Congratulations" Du Xiao saw that the killing heart water was gone, and took the dog's hand, the killing heart water as a great god of the demon road generation, is also a strong group, the dog can be regarded as a backer this time

The dog saw Li Wuxian and the two congratulated themselves, touched his head embarrassedly, picked up the black sword on the ground, and saw that the sword turned into a black streamer after touching the dog's fingers, drilled into the dog's wrist, and turned into a bracelet to stay in his hand

What are the three of you doing, don't hurry up and come out, delay the auspicious time, but it's not good, a teacher outside the door shouted, the three of them just cleaned up their appearance and walked out, Li Wuxian changed into the clothes that Feng Wu made for himself before, Du Xiao also carefully dressed up The

dog is a little fat, but the person is also handsome, after the three of them walked out, they immediately attracted the attention of the demon students, and in an instant, seventy or eighty pairs of beautiful eyes looked over, so frightened that the three of them almost wanted to go back

The Demon Dao is the four veins of disciples

, the most women, but also the most beautiful, Buddhism and Taoism are all for everyone, but women rarely practice meditation, the righteous way feels that women are too good-looking will affect the heart of the Tao, so they don't have much to accept the good-looking Confucianism and Taoism are extremely rigid, and they don't accept women when they die, there is no way, they only come to the Demon Dao, so the other three Dao are in addition to the Buddha Dao, and the remaining two Dao are considered to have become single dog concentration camps

"Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother is good" The sound of silver bells sounded, Li Wuxian dog Du Xiao and the three of them walked in the middle, and suddenly felt pressured, too many students are also bad, at least for the seniors It is a torment The

team to welcome the relatives went towards the Tianlong Academy, and the demon students along the way sprinkled with joy candy on both sides, or gold and silver, attracting many people to watch, and the killing heart water sat on the horse in front, dressed in a happy robe, and looked cold, attracting many women in the surrounding attic to watch

What's more, he directly took a handkerchief and threw it towards the killing water, and was stopped by Li Wuxian and the three of them, the three of them rode a horse around the killing water, this time the killing heart water wedding, specially wrapped up the largest restaurant in Chang'an City, anyway

, the killing heart water is rich At this time, Long Xuan and the others, I am afraid that they are already waiting in the restaurant, and the killing heart water has to go to the Tianlong Academy to welcome the relatives at this time, and then they can go to the restaurant, and the halfway way to the hotel is when they are robbed

At that time, I am afraid that there are a lot of enemies who kill the heart of the enemy waiting, there are regulations in the world of cultivating immortals, on the day of the monk's wedding, if

there is a hatred, you can go to rob the relatives, grab it, it is considered revenge, the reputation of the robbed monk is also lost, if you can't grab it, you need to drink a glass of wine at the banquet, smile and enmity, and since then there is no cause and effect

Li Wuxian walked in the forefront, blocking the direct gaze for the killing heart

This is afraid that there will be women robbing men on the road, after all, this kind of thing has happened once, a monk in the realm of transformation marries, and a female senior in the Demon Road Tribulation period fell in love with the monk on the way, and directly snatched the groom away, which became a good story, but the groom's family was disgraced

The dog was on the left, blocking the face of the left side of the killing water, and Du Xiao blocked the appearance of the right side of the killing water, just by virtue of the face of the killing water, it was not good that someone really robbed people

"Stop, hand over the groom" The greeting procession walked, and a woman stood up, carrying a slender long sword behind her back, and the woman herself was also stunning, dressed in a jet black dress, looking at Li Wuxian with a hint of obsession in her eyes

, "The girl is here to rob people?" Li Wuxian asked, this woman gave him a very bad feeling, but he couldn't say it

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