"Go" Killing Heart Water said hoarsely, full of sadness, I don't know what I did inside, everyone who watched was clueless, the bride Zi Miao Teacher was covered with a red hijab at this time, and everyone couldn't see the joy and anger, and they followed the killing water towards the outside

of the school After everyone left, an old man with a cane appeared in the courtyard of Teacher Miao, with a childish face, stroked the long beard on his chin, and shook his head, "Idiot, idiot".

At this time, an old woman appeared in the courtyard, it was the teacher of the righteous path, seeing the crane-haired and child-faced old man, his face suddenly changed greatly, and the staff in his hand directly hit the past

, "I killed you a negative man" "......" married the bride, and the team began to walk slowly towards the largest restaurant in Chang'an City, Li Wuxie, Du Xiao, Gouzi, the three of them have been on guard around, in case there is an unforeseen situation

, "Killing heart, you killed my daughter a hundred years ago, today I will avenge

it" In the sky above Chang'an City, a black shadow directly attacked the bride's palanquin, looking at its

breath realm, it was undoubtedly transformed "Killing heart water, you stole my spirit fruit thousands of years ago, today I came to steal your bride" At this time, a black shadow came, and the breath realm was comparable to the catastrophe "Killing

heart water, killing heart water, killing heart water....... Not long after, there have been dozens of figures coming, afraid to report their reasons for robbing the marriage, there are so many reasons, it is not the same, the monks before and after three thousand years are basically covered

by you to rob me to kill someone's relatives, destined to drink my cup of wine, killing heart water saw the figure coming towards the sedan chair behind him, his hands gently shook to the sky, and two red swords appeared in both hands

"Xingwen, your master will be taken care of by you, do your best" Killing heart water said, taking off to meet the people coming, not long after has been fighting with those

people, the spark of sword friction came to see the killing heart water is located in the crowd, the double sword waved, like a butterfly, dancing, the people around, can not get close to its body, the killing heart water is firmly blocked outside

The two long swords in the hand for some reason, whenever they are about to split with other people's weapons, the other party's face has a trace of disgust, it is an expression of disgust for dirty things

This is the first time Li Wuxian has seen the natal magic weapon of the killing heart, the monk has to condense his natal magic weapon when he reaches the realm of tribulation, different from the natal flying sword and so on, even if those things are gone, the monk is just spitting blood, and the injured natal magic

weapon is the most suitable magic weapon for the monk in heaven and earth

The reason why the old Taoist priest died was because Shangqing did not practice magic weapons, the flesh body crossed the catastrophe, the flesh became an immortal, and he did not rely on those so-called foreign objects, the only difference between Li Wuxian

was that he had the four swords of Zhu Xian, which can be called a magic weapon "You have a kind of don't use your two swords, see how long you can hold under my hands" The monk of the realm of robbery roared, but at this time, he saw that the things in his hand already had a few openings, and the opening that was split by the double sword of the killing heart

water "I am stupid and don't use it" Murderous laughed and said, each hand showed a different sword move, one attack and one defense, and he was at ease in the group battle

Seeing this, the man's face was gloomy, and something similar to a modern firecracker appeared

in his hand, throwing it into the sky, and a palm in his hand slammed into the sky, bang, a bang, a beautiful flower appeared in the sky Seeing this, Li Wuxian, Du Xiao, looked around

I saw that in the original crowd, one or two people slowly walked out, looking at the sedan chair coldly, afraid of carrying weapons in their hands

Seeing this, Li Wuxian did not stop, Zhu Xian Sword in his hand, and killed everyone in the past, knowing what the other party was here to do, then strike first, those people didn't expect Li Wuxian to be so simple, and brag first if he said yes? Why don't you say it?

The people who didn't react for a while were directly mixed up by

Li Wuxie, and then reacted, surrounded Li Wuxie, and wanted to kill Li Wuxie with one move, and me, Du Xiao said, the free body method was running, the long fan in his hand was opened

, and everyone was killed to find death, seeing Li Wuxian Du Xiao, as soon as he came up, he was tense, where could this group of people stand it, they fought one after another, and after a while, everyone fought together, and Li Wuxian repelled one person after another under the sword

of the immortal Du Xiao's body method is very fast, few attacks in this group of people fall on the body, but Du Xiao's kung fu point, knocked down a few

Sanssouci Valley has no fixed cultivation method, in addition to the exercises that must be practiced, other martial arts, spells, are all irrelevant, so the combat power of the people in Sanssouci Valley is strong, some are weak, but they are not easy to gnaw

bones Li Wuxian dodged, dodged the flying darts, and the Zhuxian Sword floated towards the man, and was dodged by him, and then another sword qi fell on

Li Wuxie's back, arousing Li Wuxie's law to protect himself from killing, which is very difficult for Li Wuxie's Shangqing exercises, at least half of Li Wuxie's strength can't be brought into play, and what Shangqing teaches is that the sword is killed

Killing chickens with a knife is still not good, at such a moment, Li Wuxian has suffered a lot of black hands, and the other party does not kill him, just wants Li Wuxian to lose his combat effectiveness, Du Xiao's body is very fast, they can't catch up, even if they catch up, they can't stand Du Xiao's point, so everyone finds

Li Wuxian and comes to "stab, bang, boom" and several attacks fell, Li Wuxian mixed up the people in front, and suffered a spell in the back, and a dagger, and a thunderous explosion

"If you really can't underestimate the people of the world" Li Wuxian said secretly, under the operation of the blood pupil of Tongtian, he found a flaw and mixed up a person, on the surface, it seems that it is easier to knock a person out than to kill a person, but it is not easy to do

Li Wuxian fought for a long time, and after some were knocked unconscious, they could still wake up, which was simply to restrain Li Wuxie's hands and feet

Du Xiao was also tied to his ankles by an unknown rope at this time, and he couldn't break free, and the long fan fought with more than a dozen people, and he was also sweating profusely

, "Bold, dare to rob my master" At this time, a woman on the dog's side came with two crooked daggers, and the dog was suddenly furious, and the black light flashed on the bracelet, and the weapon given to him by the murderous water appeared

because it was too heavy, and the dog's strength was okay, and the first sword was actually hit, but it was held by the woman's two scimitars, and then pushed back

"Even you, a weak chicken, dare to obstruct this girl, can't you find death?" the woman said, the two daggers were like crazy rabbits, frantically slashing towards

the dog, fortunately, there was a magic talisman given by Du Xiao before, and the dog dodged one by one, and the two daggers kept waving, and they didn't pose a big threat to it, Li Wuxie, Du Xiao saw this, and then he breathed a sigh of relief

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