The oasis is very close from a distance, Huixin carried Li Wuxian for a long time, and it was only in the evening that he walked to the place, Li Wuxie's body struggled, lying on the ground, stretching his limbs freely, and was carried by Huixin for almost a whole day, but his body was a little unbearable Huixin

also took out a water bag out of nowhere, put it in the lake and took a bag and put it up, and then took a branch, put it on the ground, twisted it, caged it together, and lit a fire

"The Taoist friend on the tree didn't hurry down quickly, are you waiting for the poor monk to eat and eat before appearing?" Huixin shouted at a big tree not far away, and a figure suddenly jumped down from the tree

Li Wuxian heard this, and quickly opened his eyes and looked over, he was carried by Huixin for a day, but he forgot to guard against others, but his vigilance was relaxed The

figure walked over in an instant, holding a sugar cane in his hand, took a bite, and came to Li Wuxie's side, "I haven't seen you for a long time, Brother Wuxie, but do you remember me Liang Yangbo?" The figure slowly appeared in Li Wuxie's eyes, but it was

Liang Yangbo of Yuqing "It turned out to be Brother Liang, of course I didn't forget, I left in a hurry that day, but I forgot to say hello" After Li Wuxian saw Liang Yangbo, he stood up and said, when he left Yuqing City, he forgot to say hello "It's okay, it's

okay, I was also very excited to see Brother Wuxian today" Liang Yangbo laughed, and split the long sugarcane in his hand into three sections, Huixin, Li Wuxian took one section alone

"Daoyou is late, but the little monk came early, I don't know if you fell asleep on the tree?" I forgot the hour" Huixin smiled, pointing at the saliva on the corner of

Liang Yangbo's mouth and following Huixin's fingers, Liang Yangbo wiped the corners of his mouth, smiled embarrassedly, and then his face became serious, "Since it's all due, let's talk about what the plan is?"

So a monk, a monk, a monk, all looked at Li Wuxie, Li Wuxian should almost be a Taoist priest, but never named after a Taoist, although the old Taoist priest is called the old Taoist, but he has never said that he is a

Taoist priest, so Shangqing gives others the feeling, has always been unable to touch what the other party is doing, other sects still have some foundations or something, to clear the old Taoist priest left Li Wuxian some inheritance, there is a lot of heritage left in the ring

What is the specific Shangqing, the old Taoist priest has not said, and Li Wuxian has not asked, anyway, it is the human race

, "You are here to help me capture the Xuanyuan Sword fragment?" Li Wuxian asked, apart from this reason, he couldn't think of what these two people were doing when they found him

"That's okay, now the situation is very clear, once the lord of Xuanfu returns to heaven, the three princes will compete for the throne, at least for a while, Tiger Roar has been merged with Longteng, Fengming is naturally impossible to do against Longteng, so as long as Xuanyuan Sword fragment is captured, Longteng will completely stand firm, and the reason why we help is only because of interests" Liang Yangbo said, directly tearing the window paper

Huixin on the side looked at Liang Yangbo, his face was a little unnatural, he said so much in broad daylight, and when he arrived at Liang Yangbo, it directly became empty words

Li Wuxian looked at Huixin, looking like you just said it a long time ago, you can talk nonsense with me

Liang Yangbo's words are obviously straightforward, the four kingdoms were originally relative, Long Teng suppressed the other three countries, and now the tiger roar is merged, and Long Teng has completely become the most powerful country of the human race, as long as Feng Ming is annexed, Xuan Fu, the human race will be unified

and the reason why the two Dao Buddha families are here is that they need to preach and gather the power of faith, and there are only a few immortals, and the power of faith has become a god, and it has become something that Dao Buddha and the major forces want to fight for

Buddhism has the Buddha realm, commonly known as the West Heaven, as long as the power of faith is enough, you can enter it, immortal, immortal, but once the Buddha realm collapses, the Taoist Taoist who should be finished or finished has

the heavenly realm, commonly known as the heavenly court, that is, the formation after the gods were sealed and the gods were sealed

As long as Long Xuan starts fighting in the second year, it only takes less than three years to annex the remaining two countries, so as to achieve the goal of unifying the human race, create a dynasty, and summon the god list from the endless void, opening up the heavenly realm

is easier said than done, and how much faith and incense needs to be consumed, countless, so the Buddhists sent disciples to help, hoping that the dynasty will be established in the future, and Long Xuan can let them promote Taoism and collect incense beliefs

Taoists also need to contribute, otherwise, when they become gods in the future, if they have no credit and hard work, Long Xuan will not give them a quota

"I have a fragment of the Xuanyuan Sword, and I can freely enter and exit the Xuanyuan Border, but you two follow me, I'm not sure if I can do it" Li Wuxian took out the Xuanyuan Sword fragment and said, exuding a faint golden light, causing a hint of covetousness in the eyes of the two people next to him, "Then you have to take it well, don't

be stolen by some fake compassionate people" Liang Yangbo said with a smile, looked at the same Huixin, and patted Li Wuxie's shoulder

, "Yes, Master Li Shizhu should be optimistic, don't be taken away by some hypocrites who seem to be friends, but are actually villains" Huixin said lightly, and also sneered back, not to be outdone

, "You two don't quarrel, it's better to think about how to enter Xuanfu, even if you go in, Xuannu Imperial City must be heavily guarded" Li Wuxian looked at the two people who were almost fighting, and shook his head

"Don't worry, the car has its own road in front of the mountain, rest for a night tonight, and it's not too late to do it tomorrow" Liang Yangbo smiled, took out three huge sweet potatoes, sat by the fire and took the test, although he didn't deal with it, but he still had to get by on the face, after all, he didn't look up and saw

him "Yes, rest for a night first, and go to Loulan City tomorrow, maybe there will be a clue" Huixin smiled, folded his hands, and recited the Buddhist scriptures, Liang Yangbo who heard it on the side glanced at his lips, something

In the middle of the night, what Li Wuxian was worried about still happened, the two of them chanted the scriptures and meditated, which was originally good, but the power of the law and the Dao heart of the two of them fought fiercely for some reason, and the Taoist Buddha fought with each other

"You are a dead bald donkey, and your mouth doesn't stop in the middle of the night, you are simply looking for a fight" Liang Yangbo said angrily, and he didn't know when a flying sword appeared in his hand, and he was about to slash towards Huixin

"Hmph, if I say that my mouth doesn't stop, it is comparable to some people's bad mouths" Eating the little monk hit the auspicious dragon palm, Huixin was also angry, and there was a dragon roar in his hand, and he hit Liang Yangbo, only for a moment, the two fought together, exuding a terrifying atmosphere

, only to see that the two of them took out their strongest means and killed each other, but they did not spare their hands

"Dead bald donkey, hypocrite...... "It is not a loss to be arrogant, fighting, and the verbal attack is also extremely powerful, just like two shrews scolding the street, and Li Wuxian who watched it was also drunk

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