The next morning, after Li Wuxian woke up, he saw the two of them sitting there talking and laughing, looking like two brothers, thinking about the desert before, almost beating each other to death, and feeling that these two people are really actors, they can really act

, "Brother Wuxian woke up, hurry up and eat some food, let's set off today, I have bought all the maps, one for each person" Liang Yangbo smiled, took out two maps and handed them to Li Wuxian and Huixin

"The little monk also got the dry food, this is my Mahayana Buddhism's eight treasure glazed crisp, made of hundreds of precious herbs and food after my Buddhism can be refined for ten years, a bite can make people not eat or drink for ten days, the two Taoist friends put it away" Huixin took out a large piece of flesh with some pain, like a very wife's cake, broken into three halves, but enough for a month's amount"

Eh, even so, I also have bleeding in the poor way, this is the pill that I Yuqing researched, and after taking it, I can avoid the suppression of the Son of Heaven Dragon Qi, but with only one blow, the second time it will be suppressed by the Son of Heaven Dragon Qi, and it will lose its effect" Liang Yang Bodao took out two pills and came out

Seeing this, Li Wuxian was a little embarrassed and said the true situation of the woman on the portrait

The three of them looked at each other, laughing one after another, in the eyes that laughed and were about to shed tears, but there was anger, if Liang Yangbo hadn't taken the initiative to buy the map and share it, I was afraid that Li Wuxian would have pitted the two of them, on the contrary, their elixir and dry food also gave Li Wuxian a boost

, "If there are really no eternal friends, only eternal interests" The three of them said secretly, laughed dryly, and walked out of the city

On the way to Xuan Nu, there are many monsters, Xuan Nu is not often open to the public, so the people inside do not often go out, there are more demon beasts on the way, the three of them walked for a long time, and encountered at least ten waves of demon beast sneak attacks, a beast tide, making the three of them disgraced

"I said, why don't you let me kill these fur and armor people?

Li Wuxie and Huixin suggested not to expose their strength, so when the three of them saw the demon beast, they all avoided leaving, but it made Liang Yangbo feel disliked, obviously he had the strength to solve it with a snap of his fingers, why should he endure

this, Huixin gave the will not to kill, Li Wuxian was worried that there were secret agents and the like in this road, if the three of them were mortals, there would be a trace of threat in their mortal identities, if they were cultivators, no one knew what would happen in the end, so it was better to be careful

"According to the map, tomorrow will be to the Xuannu border, we will be separated again tomorrow, the monk and I will go to find the woman, Wuxian will find a way to enter Xuannu directly, I will wait in the imperial city to meet and "Liang Yangbo said, pointing to the map, the three of them saw this, glanced at each other, and each saw a trace of trust in the eyes of the other

If it fails this time, Li Wuxian will die, and the two of them will definitely not live, Xuan Nu is not a place as big as Longteng, it is not difficult to find the two of them, as long as one of the three of them leaks secrets, then the other two are basically not far from death

and are speechless all night, the three of them sleep with obsession in their hearts, and the fire was ignited by Liang Yangbo through special means, and it burned all night without extinguishing

Li Wuxian meditated on the spot, restrained his breath, and slowly withdrew the subtle Dao rhyme and mana fluctuations emitted by his body, until he was completely like a mortal person, Li Wuxian ate Liang Yangbo's Breath Pill, and suddenly there was no longer a trace of mana fluctuations coming out of his body, and Liang Yangbo, who was no different from a mortal

, also took the Breath Pill, and slowly contained his own mana fluctuations, sometimes it was this trace of mana fluctuations, but it could harm a person

The little monk sat in place, his throat slowly lit up with golden light, and then spit out a Buddhist bead, hanging on a string of Buddhist beads around his neck, the breath around his body instantly dimmed

, and the mortal people and the three of them rested all night, and when they woke up the next day, they were afraid to see the weak breath on each other's body, and after each other's business for a while, the three of them scattered Liang

Yang Bo Huixin and the two went to find the land god, and Li Wuxian went to the border checkpoint

After walking for a long time, I finally came to the border

line of Xuannu, at this time, the gate of the city gate was wide open, and there were officers and soldiers checking the mortals who came and went one by one, and there were bows and crossbows and artillery on the city wall, and Li Wuxian was queuing up for cultivators, so he stepped forward and lined up in a long line, the people of Xuannu Ancient Country should not like how to trade, and there were not many people, except for a gorgeous sedan chair behind Li Wuxie, there were only a few rural villagers in front

Soon it was Li Wuxie's turn, the soldier walked to Li Wuxie's side, and looked at Li Wuxie's decoration, "You are not a local, say, where are you from?" or I will kill you" The soldier roared, pulled out the saber on his waist

and heard the sound, and the people around him looked at Li Wuxie, took out the weapon in his hand, and looked at Li Wuxian coldly

Li Wuxian looked at the soldier with a confused face at this time, why did Li Wuxian understand what he said, glanced at the soldier's expression, Li Wuxian calculated that he would speak for a while

"Naturally, I'm not a local, I'm an outsider, I've come to visit the Xuannu Ancient Country, what's the problem?" Li Wuxian pretended to be harmless to humans and animals, looked at the soldier, but scolded angrily in his heart, "I forgot that the Xuannu Ancient Chinese is different from Longteng

" As a result, he saw that the group of soldiers looked at Li Wuxian with a confused expression, "Don't understand, what is this person saying?......" A group of humanitarians, even the people who walked into the city before looked at it one after another

The soldier pointed at Li Wuxie and said something, anyway, Li Wuxian didn't understand, judging from his body movements, it seemed that he was asking Li Wuxie what his specific identity was,

because of the language barrier, Li Wuxian spent a long time at the city gate, and finally saw the soldier say something to the city tower with an angry face, only to see the bow and crossbow on the city tower pointing towards Li Wuxian one by one

, "This group of people want to kill me?" Li Wuxian said secretly, glanced at the bow and crossbow on the city tower, and dodged into the city, instead of carrying a bow and arrow into the city, it was better to go directly into

this group of soldiers blinked, and found that after finding that Li Wuxian could not be found, the soldiers who stopped Li Wuxian before took out a stone and said something, no longer moved, and slowly checked the remaining people

After entering the Xuannu border, Li Wuxian was dumbfounded, although the map is well marked, but he doesn't recognize the way, Li Wuxian can resist the sword, but he will definitely be stopped, after all, this is not Longteng

, it is Xuannu, and Li Wuxie's enemy Ghost Wang Shan thought about it here, glanced at the Tianji Changhe, and a measuring tape appeared in Li Wuxie's hand, which is a tool used for measurement, and it was given to Li Wuxian by the murderous water, and it may be useful when it is said to be in a desperate situation

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