"What do you think is good for you and me if you are so entangled with me?" It's better to let go earlier" Li Wuxian dragged his leg again, Xuan Qingyao still didn't come down, and

looked like he was completely dependent on Li Wuxie, "You are seen by others like this, you will be misunderstood, you are a woman who has not been out of the cabinet, how can you be so shameless, let me go" Li Wuxian said angrily, he knew that he should have thrown him away directly, but now that he has completely followed, he can't get rid of

it "You are friends with me, just friends, my family is still very rich, it will definitely help you to be friends with me, you just promise, if you don't agree, I will grow on your legs" Xuan Qingyao closed her eyes and dragged Li Wuxie's legs, but she didn't have the cheekiness

"You woman, you are really crazy, there are some things that must not be forced, let go of me, even if I am friends with you now, you will definitely hate me in the future, and even treat me as an enemy" Li Wuxian said

Xuan Qingyao didn't let go, he didn't know how high this woman's specific strength was, in case he used his mana and accidentally injured her, it would

still be a problem "No, even if you are my enemy, I still want to be friends with

you, I identify you" Xuan Qingyao walked three miles again, Li Wuxian really couldn't walk, he looked at Xuan Qingyao who was still holding his thigh, his face was a little ugly,

"Okay, okay, you are powerful, you let go, I don't run, you let go quickly"

Hearing this, Xuan Qingyao's face was overjoyed, she stood up, and grabbed Li Wuxie's arm, "You must be very tired from walking all the way, I'll take you to eat

" "That's not because of you" Li Wuxian took a breath and said, he knew that he should have chosen to run farther in the first place, but now that he has bumped into this woman, Li Wuxian has not arrived home

It is true that a person who cultivates the Tao pays attention to not touching cause and effect, and does not eat the fireworks of the world, marrying a daughter-in-law means that the cause and effect of their family is very likely to involve themselves in the future, and they will be involved in everything, and they will be troubled by these cause and effect things all day long, how can they cultivate the Tao with peace of mind?

The composition of cause and effect is very simple, find someone on the side of the road to slap it, and then spit on the other party, and then the other party hates you 100%, and then a fight arises, and the final result is that if you win or lose, there will be people who are unhappy, even if this hatred is remembered, this is cause and effect

, it seems that it is nothing, and it

is all involved Li Wuxian is now involved in six marriage lines, which means that there is cause and effect with the six families, the Longteng Royal Family, Miaoxian Tower, Yuqing, the Eldest Sun Family, Tianmeng, these forces are all entangled with

Li Wuxie, and it is unknown whether they are good or bad, "Okay, be friends, it's normal for me to invite you to dinner, let's go" Xuan Qingyao said while tugging on Li Wuxie's sleeve, walking towards a place

"I'm going to the Xuannu Imperial Capital, and now I don't know if the route is right, can you help me take a look at the right way?" Li Wuxian was dragged by his other hand and took out the map, and the things written on it slowly Xuannu Wen, Li Wuxie couldn't understand

the Xuannu Wen, "Oh, go right, go another 30,000 miles ahead, it will be the Xuannu Imperial Capital, and another 300 miles will be the closest city to the Xuannu Imperial Capital, and when the time comes, you and I will buy a fast horse, and it will take less than three days to reach the Xuannu Imperial Capital." Xuan Qingyao pointed to the city not far away, three hundred miles is far for mortals, but for cultivators, it is not far

"Well, then let's go" Li Wuxian said, a dodge walked forward fifty meters, and Xuan Qingyao did the same behind him, following behind Li Wuxie

In the past six months, Li Wuxian has benefited a lot in Tianlong Academy, it can be said that

he has become a big master from a small sprout, and he has become a big master, originally Li Wuxian was in a strong foundation and extraordinary background, coupled with the teaching of great powers such as killing hearts, the strength is naturally going up a thousand miles a day Du Xiao and others fought with Li Wuxian for an hour before leaving, and finally Li Wuxian won with one move, Du Xiao, Qinglin, Wu Wenxin, Li Youzheng, all four of them repelled, although it was not a life-and-death battle, but it also indirectly proved the strength

It can be seen from Xuan Qingyao, who is wearing a rough breath behind her again, that her strength is almost the same as Li Wuxie's strength a few years ago, it seems to be very powerful, but it is actually very rubbish, but this scorer

"Your strength is so low, how did you pass through the desert Loulan?" Li Wuxian saw Xuan Qingyao behind him and followed again, and immediately asked curiously, it's too strange, Xuan Qingyao has such strength, to put it bluntly, he can't surrender when he encounters a demon beast in the desert, how did he cross the entire desert

"This, this is a private matter that belongs to my family, I, I can't reveal it" Xuan Qingyao saw Li Wuxian asking herself, lowered her head and said, clasping the hand at the corner of her clothes, showing that she was not very calm in her heart

Seeing this Xuan Qingyao's appearance, Li Wuxian didn't ask anymore, he probably knew what it was, there are always people in the world who like to eat at both ends, to put it bluntly, they are two or five boys, being a spy here, being a spy there, and not having their own bottom line


all the way, when he walked to the gate of this city, Xuan Qingyao stood in front of Li Wuxian in a flash, "I didn't tell you, are you angry?" "I'm not angry, I just feel that some people in this world are very annoying to me" Li Wuxian thought for a while, turned his head and walked towards the door, Xuan Nu's soldiers obviously did not have the professional ethics of Long Teng, Li Wuxian walked straight in, he didn't even look at it, it seems that he is still used to a good life, and he has no intention of killing at all

In the major cities of Longteng, the guards at the four gates are bloody and serious, and they will arrest you at the slightest suspicion, and they will not let go until their identity is fully confirmed, on the contrary, the angry ones are too easy to deal with

, "What are you doing in the city?" The guard asked, sitting on a chair with Erlang's legs crossed, holding a brush in his hand, as if recording something

, "Yamano villager, come to the city to have a look, see the world" Li Wuxian said indifferently, and then saw that the guard waved his hand, and let him enter the city

If it is in Longteng, I am afraid that he will have to be surrounded by the guards and tortured carefully, it is different in Xuan Nu, the guards are so lax, it is not good to recruit thieves, I am afraid that these guards will not be able to catch up

Li Wuxian glanced back at Xuan Qingyao, and slowly walked into the city, or said that there is a gap between countries, after Li Wuxian came in, he saw the scene in the city, compared to Long Teng, it was more than three times worse, and there was garbage on the road or something that was randomly poured on the ground Xuan

Qingyao followed behind Li Wuxie, seeing this scene, her face was also a little ugly, after all, this is her home, of course she feels uncomfortable when she becomes like this, if Li Wuxian knows the identity of her Xuanfu Princess, what should she think


The author has something to say:

Two hundred and seventy chapters, for some reasons recently, I can't read it normally, but click on my personal homepage, I shared it, sorry everyone

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