"Emperor, you have been deceived, this person is the seventh horse of Long Teng, the second lackey of Long Xuan" Xuan Nu said coldly, looking at Li Wuxie's eyes, with resentment, but he didn't dare to do it, the Buddha beads in Li Wuxie's hands brought him a great threat "No, Brother Wuxian won't, he

must have been controlled" Xuan Qingyao cried, stood up and wanted to grab Li Wuxie's arm, but was slapped hard by Li Wuxie, his face exuded a hot pain, and blood flowed from the corner of Xuan Qingyao's mouth, and he was injured

, "Brother Wuxie, you must have been controlled, didn't you? You told me you didn't mean to, right?" Xuan Qingyao cried, but unfortunately Li Wuxian just sneered back, and mocked the "stupid woman" Li Wuxian said lightly,

"Hand over the things, otherwise I'm afraid a lot of people will die here today" Li Wuxian no longer bothered to deal with Xuan Qingyao, the mana in his hand was injected into the Buddha beads from time to time, and he looked at the Xuanyuan Country Lord with a gloomy

face, "I thought that the old man's methods were dirty enough, but when I saw you, the old man was ashamed, this Xuanyuan Sword fragment is for you, and the people here are released" Xuannu Country Lord's face was pale, and he slowly took out the hilt of the Xuanyuan Sword from his arms and threw it to Li Wuxie

Seeing the hilt of the Xuanyuan sword, the corners of Li Wuxie's mouth hooked a sneer, and then a dodge came to Xuan Qingyao, who was crying, grabbed his hair and stood up, "Go, take the hilt of the sword, don't you like me?" I'm afraid of poison, you go and get it" Li Wuxian smiled, pretending

to treat Xuan Qingyao with the same smile as he used to treat, Xuan Qingyao glanced at Li Wuxie, and really ran over to take the hilt of the sword, and came to Li Wuxian with both hands

. Brother Wuxie, I brought you the hilt of the sword you wanted, you still have mine in your heart, right?" Xuan Qingyao smiled as hard as he could, but the blood on the corner of his mouth was very desolate

, "Hehe, stupid woman" Li Wuxian took the hilt of the sword, and pushed it away three meters in a flash,

and the Buddha bead in his hand floated high in the air, "In order for me to leave safely, you better lie down first" Li Wuxian smiled fiercely, and the Buddha bead in his hand was thrown towards the crowd, and landed at Xuan Qingyao's feet, about to release light

"It's not good, the emperor" Xuan Nu roared angrily, the dragon qi of the Son of Heaven gathered around him, and he instantly came to Xuan Qingyao's side, pushed it away

, and swallowed the Buddha bead in his stomach Seeing this, Li Wuxie, who was about to watch a good show in the distance, changed his face, and the mana in his body ran wildly towards a place, and the Lord of Xuan Nu swallowed the Buddha bead containing the mana of the Buddhist family and the mana of the fallen immortals, and death was doomed, but the people around him must have survived Li Wuxian

did not run at this time, and he would definitely not be able to run after a while

Huixin, Liang Yangbo, was waiting early on the road that Li Wuxian had to go through, and there were four guards who had passed out by his side, and when he saw Li Wuxian running over, he was still holding two pieces of fragments in his hand, and immediately hurriedly greeted

him and ran away with the pieces, leave me alone, Li Wuxian said angrily, and handed over the two pieces in his arms to each of them, and in an instant, the suppression of the dragon qi of the Son of Heaven fell on him, suppressing Li Wuxie's strength by three points, and as time goes on, there will be more

"You go with the two of us, I will be able to keep you safe" Huixin said, and was about to pull Li Wuxian away, but he let go of his arm "No, I still have something to do, you go first, I'll attract attention" Li Wuxian said angrily, kicked the two of

them Seeing this, Huixin and Liang Yangbo glanced at each other, each took out a ring and threw it to Li Wuxie, and then took a salute and ran in one direction

At this time, there was a loud bang behind Li Wuxie, and then he saw the pressure of the Son of Heaven dragon qi around him, which disappeared in an instant, Li Wuxie's face was overjoyed, and he walked towards the place where the Xuannu Dragon Vein was located, the Xuannu Country Lord was estimated to be dead, and his Heavenly Son Dragon Qi was dissipated, taking advantage of the fact that there was no new monarch in the Xuannu Ancient Kingdom, Li Wuxian was about to hurry

At this time, in the courtyard of Xuannu's family banquet, the lord of Xuannu was lying on the ground spitting blood, and the three princes were arguing about something, Xuan Qingyao sat on the ground stunned, the second princess next to her, the third princess didn't know what to say, it seemed that she was comforting Xuan Qingyao

poof, sting, stabbing, the originally chaotic crowd quieted down, looking at the three princes who were originally controversial, at this time, each holding a weapon, killing the person next to him, with a hideous face, look at it carefully, no one survived

"It's not good, the three princes are dead, I'm angry, what can I do?" Some royal relatives shouted, but more royal relatives

looked at the three princesses with joy for a while, and they all put their eyes on the three princesses, the lord of the Xuan Nu country died, and the three princes fought for power and profit also died, and there were only three princesses left, who got one of them, who had the qualification to win the throne, and for a while this group of people looked at the three princesses

, "You, what are you going to do?" My father and the emperor just died protecting you, do you want to betray?" The second princess glanced at the eyes around her, and said with a blue face

, "Hehe, second princess, my children have also reached the age of changing to a family this year, if the second princess doesn't dislike it, she can marry into my family, let's get married, okay?"

There is also a younger minister who said that he could take a break from the three ladies in his family for the third princess, and for a while the field was chaotic, afraid that each

had a ghost, and he had his own little abacus in his heart, and the Xuan Nu lord who had closed his eyes and died at this time suddenly opened his eyes, tore open a talisman in his hand, and then completely lost his life, and a barrier appeared around him at this time, protecting the three princesses in it, Xuan Qingyao saw this barrier and cried sadly

The talisman flew into the sky, suddenly exploded, and a ghost word floated in the sky, causing all the ministers who were arguing below, and their faces changed drastically

, "The talisman of the Ghost King Mountain, no, the talisman of the Ghost King Mountain" The ministers said in horror Li Wuxian naturally saw this talisman, and when he thought of something, his face suddenly changed greatly, "It's not good, that woman thinks it's coming, I have to hurry" Li Wuxian said, holding the silver light sword in his hand and running towards a courtyard, which is the courtyard where the dragon veins are hidden

This Fu is not stupid, you can basically guess who it is, Ghost King Mountain, Shi Niang, is the woman who led a group of people to destroy Shangqing, and later she accidentally conceived the child of the old Taoist priest, and her mana was unstable, Li Wuxian almost killed him at the beginning,

but unfortunately let him escape later, but if Shi Niang knew that Li Wuxian was also here, she would definitely not let Li Wuxian go

"Princess, I know it's wrong, and I ask the princess to atone for her sins" At this time, those ministers knelt on the ground one by one and kowtowed, the lord of Xuannu is the lord of Ghost King Mountain, Shi Niang's godbrother, if she knows, what they did before, I am afraid that they will kill them to vent their anger

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