"What a strange body, the speed is so fast" Li Wuxian said in surprise, Lin Qingxiang on the ground aimed at the sky for a long time, but never shot an arrow, it seems that he can't touch

the silver light, and the next second it will fall there "Next position, Heng Shuxing" Li Wuxie's blood pupil was running and captured the spatial fluctuations around the silver light, and the similar spatial fluctuations that happened to come from the surrounding Heng Shuxing seemed to be there

Hearing this, Lin Qingxiang calculated a breath, and shot an arrow, containing a little blood power, the speed was faster and more violent than before, as if he wanted to shoot down the stars with an arrow

, but he saw the silver light in the sky, and instantly changed a position, but he really went to the place that Li Wuxian said, seeing this, Li Wuxian stood up, and the Zhuxian Sword in his hand slowly came out, and the Zhuxian Sword Qi was running, if the silver light could not be blocked, he could still make a quick move here

Bang, bang, stab, boom, there were sounds in the sky, and then in the direction of Heng Shuxing, a burst of dust suddenly set off, and a silver light fell from under the moonlight, directly falling beside Li Wuxian, and then I saw a figure rush into Li Wuxian's arms, and the

familiar breath came, "Daddy, are you back?" Nian Xie cried, holding Li Wuxian to death, as if the hug was loose, Li Wuxian would disappear

Lin Qingxiang on the side saw Nian Xie, his face also changed, Nian Xie looked too beautiful, not like the beauty of a person, even if he stood in place, it also gave people a feeling of charm in the world, and people couldn't help but fall in love with it

, "Okay, okay, I'm not that tall now, you're about to cut me off" Li Wuxian patted Nian Xie's head, but saw that the latter was taller than himself, and immediately withdrew his hand a little embarrassed, but saw Nian Xie lower his head and let Li Wuxian pat his head

Seeing this, Li Wuxian smiled embarrassedly, touched his nose and took Nian Xie's hand and walked into the princess's mansion

, "Have you eaten, I brought you your uncle's big elbow" Li Wuxian asked, took out the lunch box

in the ring, and put it on the table in the stone pavilion, "Didn't Daddy not let me eat meat? I haven't eaten it in half a year" Nian Xie saw the elbow and swallowed his saliva, but he still said very honestly, expressing that he really hadn't eaten meat in the past half a year, "It's

okay in the future"

Li Wuxian took out the big elbow and said, took a pair of chopsticks and handed it to Nian Xie, "Thank you, Daddy" Nian Xie said happily, took a bite of elbow meat with chopsticks and ate it, his face showed the first time he ate such a delicious thing, which made people feel distressed

, "With your current strength, I am not by your side and keep an eye on you all the time, it is only a matter of time before you open meat, it is better to let you eat it directly" Li Wuxian said with a smile, in the past six months, he has been working step by step and obtained what he should have obtained, but he has also oppressed himself for a long time

Hearing this, Nian Xie's little face was stunned, he lowered his head and stopped eating, he was silent, one hand grabbed the corner of his clothes, as if he was struggling with something

, "Why don't you let your child eat meat?" You see how thin she is, I found that she has no strength to make a move just now, it turns out that you, the father, are not allowed to eat meat" Lin Qingxiang was originally sitting on the side drinking tea, but when she heard Li Wuxie's words, she glanced at Nian Xie, and suddenly said angrily, "Who are

you?" Li Wuxian wanted to say something, but when he saw Nian Xie, he was instantly furious, with indifference on his little face, and the flying sword in his hand was directly across Lin Qingxiang's neck, looking like if you don't apologize, then give me death

, "Hey, I'm talking for you, why did it become my fault" Lin Qingxiang said with a confused face, and she helped Nian Xie speak, but she was annoyed by others, "

Hmph, I don't need you to talk to me, Daddy doesn't want me to eat meat, it must be for my good, you bad woman definitely don't understand, right, Daddy?" Nian Xie took back the sword, grabbed Li Wuxie's hand and asked, beautiful eyes looked forward

to it, with a hint of Xiyi glanced at Lin Qingxiang, Li Wuxian smiled embarrassedly, and took a handkerchief to wipe Nian Xie's hand, the hand stained with grease clean, "Don't let you eat meat, it's naturally for your good, can I still harm you?"

Hearing this, Nian Xie snorted coldly, and glanced at Lin Qingxiang, as if to say, look, my father must be for my good look, causing the latter to cover his face and sigh, what kind of girl is this?

"Okay, okay, let's eat quickly, it's going to be cold later, this New Year's Pass, I won't go anywhere, I'll stay with you at home" Li Wuxian smiled gently, pushed the plate with his elbow resting over, and watched

Nian Xie eat "I don't know if it's good or bad to raise you, but when I saw you for the first time, I knew that you couldn't die in front of me" Li Wuxian said secretly, looking at Nian Xie who was eating fragrantly, and poured him a glass of water

Seeing Li Wuxian pouring water for himself, Nian Xie smiled slightly, drank the water, and then ate the big elbow on the plate, but that smile made

Li Wuxian and Lin Qingxiang on the side stunned for a moment, "What a strong charm power, worthy of being the daughter of the nine-tailed sky fox" Li Wuxian said secretly, inadvertently wiping the cold sweat with

a handkerchief, "What a beautiful little granddaughter, my son's vision is good" Lin Qingxiang said secretly, the more she looked at it, the more she liked it, and couldn't help but take out a handkerchief and wipe her mouth for Nian Xie" Eat slowly, it's not enough for grandma to buy it for you" Lin Qingxiang said

Hearing this, Li Wuxian's face turned dark, he stood up and walked into the house, he hadn't lived for so long, he probably had to clean up, but when the oil lamp was lit, Li Wuxian was stunned for a moment, the house was clean, not even a trace of dust was contaminated, and there were faint water marks on the table, which seemed to have just been

cleanedOn the bed in the bedroom, there is a rag doll that Jinwan gave to Nian Xie, and there is a trace of familiar fragrance wafting in the whole bedroom, it should be the smell of Nian Xie, it seems that this little girl has been living in Li Wuxie's house since

Li Wuxian left, and laughed, Li Wuxian walked out, and saw Lin Qingxiang, who was chatting happily with Nian Xie, a trace of relief flashed on his face, but then he was suppressed by Li Wuxian and walked out of the princess's mansion

Naturally, it is impossible for him to grab a place to live with his daughter, and it is not appropriate to clean the room so late, it is better to let those two women live together, Li Wuxian goes to another place, such a big Chang'an City, how can there be no Li Wuxian's residence

Xuannu Palace, on the throne, Shi Niang sat arrogantly and coldly on the throne, on the two golden chairs beside her, the second princess and the third princess sat on it, and the big man knelt on one knee, and dozens of people knelt on the ground behind him

"The plan failed, Li Wuxian rebelled against the congenital, I didn't know, I thought I had picked up a child, and the second sister recognized it as a godson, and then, Li Wuxian suddenly made a move, hijacked the second sister, threatened us, and in desperation, I had to come back and ask the mother to punish" The big man said

Hearing this, Shi Niang opened her eyes and glanced at the group below. The emperor thinks he knows, no wonder you wait, I will take action in person, and I may not be able to catch him, you can wait for nothing, retreat, I will not send you a task in ten years, take a good rest

" "Thank you Niangniang" Dahan said, got up and retreated, and everyone behind him followed Dahan to leave

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