"It's this woman who doesn't let me wait to rest, it's an unforgivable sin, three young heroes, quickly subdue

it, I'll give someone a horse, give five hundred taels of silver, as a reward" A martial artist said angrily, it seems that he is worth a lot, "I also pay, this woman is really naughty, or give her a lesson, let her remember" Another person said, took out a bag of silver in his hand, and put it on the eaves, they have money, but they don't have the strength, so they are angry in their hearts, and they can't send it

Li Wuxian and the three of them looked very powerful, and they didn't mind spending some money to let

the thief Qin heart be beaten, although it was not good to beat the woman, but it was uncomfortable not to beat them, "Wait for you to stand down, this woman is very powerful, and the three of us may not be able to suppress each other" Long Qi glanced at the thief Qin Xin with a playful face, and said to the group of people behind him, the spear in his hand changed its position from time to time, looking for the best time to shoot,

"Then thank you to a few young heroes" Seeing this, those people also knew that they didn't have the strength to pretend to be this big garlic, so they retreated and left, but they didn't find that in the inn where they lived, it was unusually quiet Seeing this

group of people leaving, the thief pouted, sat directly on the ground, and a golden token appeared in his hand, "Long Xuan's Son of Heaven Imperial Decree is here, wait for the three to salute quickly" Thief Qinxin sneered, pointing to the token in his hand

Seeing this, the three people who were originally tense suddenly seemed to be deflated, glanced at the thief Qinxin hatefully, put away their weapons and "have seen the emperor" The three of them said, with depression in their words, the dragon spirit of the Son of Heaven on the token cannot be faked, what can the three of them say Li

Wuxian was so angry that he smashed the bricks under his feet, and the dog kicked the stone lion on the eaves of the broken house, Long Qi's face was also unusually ugly, and he was on the way back to Chang'an City, he was not sure that it was calculated in advance by this woman, and he made a wedding dress for him

Everyone is not stupid, even if the dog sees the token, he also knows that the identity of the thief Qinxin is not ordinary, holding Long Xuan's secret order in his hand, and what he did is naturally explained by Long Xuan, the three of them, I am afraid that they were pulled on the boat by someone who calculated in advance

, "Don't be angry, Chang'an City is full of heroes, why did you choose the three of you, take this as a test, maybe in the future, you can win the princess because of the addition of an official to the knighthood, and go to the pinnacle of life?"

With the same expression as a fool, looking at Li Wuxian and the three of them, Long Qi looked

at Thief Qinxin with an ugly face, "You already know my identity?" Hearing this, Thief Qinxin pouted, "What's the big deal about your identity, you can find out with a snack, but except for the two of them, you are the only one who has been counted by me, at most they will be counted as special factors, hahaha

" "You woman, such a style, that person will like you in the future?" Long Qi said angrily, but he also sat on the eaves helplessly, wiping the mud off his face

, "The three of you are still a group of children, you can't bear this calculation, do you think I deceived you? or do you think I am bullying you with my cultivation?"

Thief Qin Xin said, took a bite of the apple and swallowed, "Long Xuan asked me to lead the three of you to the Great Wall, and set off after the New Year, he raised troops in the interior of the Terran Race, you guard the backyard for him, so as not to have traitors and spies in the Terran Race

" Thief Qin Xin kicked the unconvinced dog and said, "I will live in the palace temporarily, and we will set off after the New Year, take advantage of this less than three months, and say goodbye to your family" Thief Qin Xin said, cutting through the void and disappearing, leaving the three people who were confused

"Why don't we go take a bath and talk about anything else?" The dog glanced at the mud on his body, and when he heard this, the other two nodded in fear, put away their weapons and followed the dog to the bathhouse

This night is anticlimactic, inexplicably going to the Great Wall, it is not a good place, there will be monsters attacking at any time, and from time to time there will be one or two beast tides, which is simply cruel

In the bathhouse, the boss looked at the three men who looked like beggars with a bewildered expression, and an older child, if it weren't for the dog holding a gold ingot in his hand, the boss probably wouldn't let

the three of them come in Li Wuxian Because of his height, he was specially carried over by the store A doll-type small wooden barrel, the three of them soaked in the bath, and began to chat."

After I left the palace, I took a maid to travel in other places, a lot of things happened this year, my era strong man Bai Qi's Dao fruit, inherited everything that belonged to my predecessors, this Great Wall I must go" Long Qi Zhengse Dao, revealing a sword mark on his chest "

This is my warning to myself, I was not very sensible in the early years, and I did a lot of angry things, and now I am repentant, I want to go to the Great Wall, protect the human race" Long Qi said solemnly, the blood and qi generated around his body were pervasive, Li Wuxian could feel that there was more powerful power in Long Qi's body, but he couldn't burst out

, "I, I have to go and discuss with my master and my mother, I heard that the place on the Great Wall is easy to die, I haven't married a daughter-in-law yet, if I die, who will take care of my mother for me?"

"You haven't dealt with the dark rainbow rain yet, didn't you confess that day?" Li Wuxian was eating a bunch of grapes in his hand, and looked at it, it was such a good opportunity, the dog was not stupid, it couldn't be done?

Long Qi was also curious to look at it, men would be more curious about this kind of thing

Seeing the two of them looking at him, the dog's face turned red. After I woke up, I saw him lying next

to me, I woke her up, she said she wanted to rest in my house, then there is only one bed in my house, I finally sent her home, she didn't come to me for the past two days, I was also anxious, I thought about looking for her, I didn't expect to encounter this" The dog smiled, he didn't feel that Li Wuxian and the two of them, looking at his eyes, full of pity, "In the future, if she wants to live in your house, then buy an extra bed, maybe it will be useful" Li Wuxian thought for a while

Long Qi on the side shook his head and didn't speak, the dog's ability to be single by strength is estimated to be similar to the killing water, and what he said when he confessed was moving, it really got to the point, it made people anxious

"I understand, what's the use of buying another bed, I suddenly thought of something better" The dog patted his head and said, stood up from the hot spring, splashed a lot of water droplets

, and heard the words, Long Qi, Li Wuxie, looked at the dog one after another, "What's a good way?"

Hehe, buy a bed in the house, men and women don't kiss, it's better to let her go to sleep, I'll go find an inn outside," said the dog, feeling how good his idea was

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