Longevity Immortal Fate: Begins with Dao Companion

157. Black School Mountain Range! Rich Rewards!


With a burst of white light.

Gu Changsheng and Huo Qinghan broke through the space and emerged.

Taking a moment to catch their breath, Gu Changsheng finally had time to survey their surroundings.

The teleportation symbol had instantly transported them here. It seemed quick, but the process was like being tossed around in a whirlwind. If they had eaten anything before, they would have vomited.

Looking around, they found themselves in a vast mountain range.

"Where are we?" Gu Changsheng furrowed his brow and took out a map.

Soon, he determined their location.

After being teleported hundreds of kilometers away, they had left the city and arrived in one of the dangerous areas of the Wu Kingdom--

The Black Blood Mountains!

At night, this mountain range would appear black and red under the moonlight, hence its name.

Because it was on the edge of the Wu Kingdom and very remote, it became a no man's land. Initially, resources were scarce here, but rumors said that a powerful creature had fallen here, causing the resources in this mountain range to skyrocket. This attracted countless cultivators to come here.

However, there were a large number of demons in this mountain range, and there were even rumors of Gold Core level demon beasts. The Wu Kingdom had not specifically developed this area.

As a result, the number of demon beasts here continued to increase, gradually turning it into a dangerous area of the Wu Kingdom.

"This is not a good place." Gu Changsheng shook his head.

To put it bluntly, they had left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's lair.

"What should we do?" Huo Qinghan asked.

Gu Changsheng looked at the mountain range they were teleported to and helplessly shook his head. "What else can we do? It's late at night, the time when the demon beasts are rampant. We can't take the risk of going out. Let's find a place to hide and wait out the night."

They had heard of the reputation of the Black Blood Mountains.

Gu Changsheng didn't dare to take the risk with Huo Qinghan, even though their current strength was formidable. They could even fight against mid-stage Foundation Building cultivators. But--

If they were unlucky and encountered a peak Foundation Building demon beast, they wouldn't be able to escape.

He didn't have another teleportation symbol.

"Alright, I'll listen to my husband." Huo Qinghan sweetly smiled.

She smiled and held Gu Changsheng's hand, completely unafraid of the Black Blood Mountains.

As long as Gu Changsheng was there, she had an inexplicable sense of security.

After surveying the surroundings, Gu Changsheng pointed to a small mountain in front of them. "Let's go there and dig a cave."


The two of them walked to the front of the small mountain range, nodded at each other, took out their weapons, and started digging into the mountain.

At this late hour, the demon beasts were energetic. If they used spells to blast the mountain, it would easily attract them.

So they began the arduous task of digging the mountain.

However, the mountain was extremely fragile in front of their Law Weapons. In less than ten minutes, a several-meter-deep pit was dug out.

Gu Changsheng and Huo Qinghan entered the pit. Gu Changsheng picked up some rocks and blocked the entrance of the cave. He also set up a simple formation so that ordinary demon beasts couldn't enter or detect it.

"Phew, finally done." Gu Changsheng let out a long sigh of relief.

Although they hadn't returned to the Huo family yet, they were already much safer now.

"This trip to the market was really not easy."

Thinking back on the time spent at the market, Gu Changsheng felt a bit nostalgic.

Originally, he thought he was going to meet Huo Qinghan to talk about love, but who would have expected to encounter that annoying Bai Luofei!

This woman brought them so much pressure. If it weren't for Goldfinger's help, their fate would have been uncertain.

"Husband, luckily you were there, otherwise I would have died at the market," Huo Qinghan shook her head.

"The kindness you've shown me, I can never repay in this lifetime."

Gu Changsheng looked at Huo Qinghan and smiled slightly, "It can be repaid, starting now."

Huo Qinghan was momentarily stunned, but then understood.

She leaned in close to Gu Changsheng and smirked.

Gu Changsheng felt a bit embarrassed by her smile.

Huo Qinghan appeared cold on the surface, but in reality, she was as passionate as fire.

She always took the initiative more than Gu Changsheng...

"Hey, husband, do you think someone will come?" Huo Qinghan suddenly asked.

Gu Changsheng shook his head, "No, they won't."

"That's good."

Huo Qinghan nodded.

And then...

She pushed Gu Changsheng down.

Little did she know that Gu Changsheng was prepared. In that instant, he rolled over like a carp and pinned Huo Qinghan down.

"This time, it's my turn!" Gu Changsheng declared.

Huo Qinghan closed her eyes and smiled, "Alright, husband~"


Two hours later.

Gu Changsheng and Huo Qinghan were covered in sweat. They had just finished a physically and mentally exhausting exercise.

[You have successfully dual-cultivated with your wife, Huo Qinghan, and received rewards - +100 in Gold, Wood, Water, and Fire Spiritual Roots, +100 in Talisman Master and Refiner, and obtained the results of Huo Qinghan's one-day cultivation, 100 Low-Grade Spirit Stones.]

Gu Changsheng nodded in satisfaction after seeing Goldfinger's rewards.

They were originally in the middle of dual cultivation, but it was interrupted by that annoying woman, Bai Luofei, and they didn't see any rewards.

Finally, they received rewards.

To directly increase Spiritual Roots by +100, as well as Talisman Master and Refiner, and the one-day cultivation results of Huo Qinghan, these were the achievements of a Foundation Building cultivator - even though it didn't benefit him temporarily, once he reached Foundation Building, he wouldn't need to cultivate anymore as someone would be cultivating for him.

And there were also 100 Low-Grade Spirit Stones, which was a pretty good amount.

Ten times would be 1,000, a hundred times would be 10,000!

A thousand times would be 100,000!

He wanted to go to the Great Ji Dynasty, and this travel expense could be covered by himself!

[Your wife, Huo Qinghan, has reached a liking level of 100 towards you, and you have received all the rewards - 10,000 Low-Grade Spirit Stones, 200 Mid-Grade Spirit Stones, 1 High-Grade Spirit Stone, Wind Slashing Sword Technique, Teleportation Talisman x1, and an opportunity.]

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